List of Postings of User Babel Fish

George Carlin on Religion 6-6
Why/when/how did you become an atheist? 24-7
Political Compass Questionaire 41-5
Book Recommendations Please! 1-9
Any Excel experts out there? 1-7 1-8
Evolution of “Theory”? 1-9
Two Questions for Fellow Atheists 1-1 1-3 1-7 1-9 3-4
Fun Quoting RD Out of Context (Humor) 1-1 1-3
Why have we evolved to like sport? 1-4
Homer Simpsons Proves There Is No God 1-1 1-6 1-9 2-8
50 book challenge 2009 79-7 87-3
Alternative names for atheists III 24-4 24-5
Why do you hate the concept of God? 19-4 19-6
Daily Show With Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert Report? Poll! 3-6
Vatican official calls atheist theories 'absurd' 3-2
Would you consider killing yourself or killing someone else? 4-4
Obama on stem cell research 1-10
More Americans say they have no religion 1-1
Chuck Norris claims thousands of right wing cell groups exis 6-7
Anyone Watching Family Guy Tonight? 2-9
Christian Logic at Uncyclopedia (Humor) 1-1
Richard receives the Nierenberg Prize at UCSD 2-7
Religious Right and Obama 1-9
Morality and atheism... 4-3
Freedom of Religion 1-10
Doug Kmiec on The Colbert Report 1-1 1-6 2-9
The Acceptance of Evolution in Europe, America and Japan. 1-3 1-8
How many people used to be Christians? 2-7
Anna Karenina - Tolstoy 1-3
Is it really delusional? 9-7
Rep. Virginia Foxx Called Matthew Shepard Hate Crime "A Hoax 1-2
US Gay Marriage initiatives - State Level (plus Wash DC) 4-3
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 19-9
republicans in 10 6-2
Republicans in Distress: Is the Party Over? 3-8 3-9
In the End the GOP, Not Pelosi Will Lose 1-6 1-8
Dick Cheney's finest hour; while Obama flounders 3-7
Happy Birthday Harvey Milk! 1-2
50 book challenge 2009 (Part 2) 6-10 10-5 19-3 32-3
Re: California Supreme Court Judgement on Prop 8 7-7 7-8
This pic made me laugh 1-1
Re: The Person Below You! (Part 9) 17-10
Michael Jackson Dies at 50 19-10 20-5 20-9
Sarah Palin resignation 11-4 19-5
Facebook causes suicide says catholic archbishop 2-5 3-8
The Person Below You (Part 11) 77-6 91-10
Glenn Beck: "I Was A Dirtbag & Liar But I'm Not Now!" 6-8 7-1
The Big Bang Theory (TV show) 3-7 4-3
FOX News: Obama "Indoctrinating" Kids 5-9 6-3
9.12 tea party 14-3 14-7 14-8 15-8
International Blasphemy Day 30 September 2-4
Pope urges Europe to remember Christian heritage 1-4
In terms of humour, should any subject be out of bounds? 4-2 4-5
Virginia man arrested for nude cup of coffee at home 10-2 10-3 11-9
The letter J - ban it! 8-1
What to do on the internet? 2-8
Riddles 6-7 13-9 14-4 16-4 24-3 24-8 25-6 25-9 26-1
GOP 'Purity' Test: Agree with us 8 out of 10 or else 1-2
Everything Sarah Palin 16-9
Dear God, please confirm what I already believe 1-7
How to choose a religion - flowchart 1-4 1-7
Corrupt-A-Wish #2 1-9 3-5 3-9
William Lane Craig - III 29-2
Tea Partiers Want to Take Over GOP 1-1
Fox most trusted news channel in US, poll shows 15-6
tea parties 6-1