List of Postings of User whippa

Noah's Ark 33-7 40-8
Creationist Museum - Kentucky, USA 28-7
Adolph Hitler preached the Laws of Natural Selection 9-4 9-6
What Evidence would make you believe in God? 39-8 69-6 75-2
Metric USA 30-3 30-4 30-7
How many Aussies are here 33-1 33-2
Harun Yahya: Atlas Of Creation 23-10 39-3 42-7
Are Chiropractors full of S@%t? 40-10 41-3
hell explained by a chemistry student 4-4 4-5
Apocalypse 2012 33-10
Conservapedia Article on Evolution 5-8 6-3
Bill Maher: 28-3
Radiometric Dating 4-1
Creationwiki 3-2
utterly hilarious! 6-1
Norse Design - New research disproves Christian creationism 1-7 1-8
What problems are evolution experts running into today? 3-5
Descent of testicles 28-8
The Hovind Scale 21-10
dinosaurs and man 23-10
Darwin Conspiracy creationist website 5-1 5-9 6-2
arguments AGAINST irreducible complexity 2-3 2-5
Evolution Disproven 42-3
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part II 13-9
Why the theory of evolution is mathematically impossible 88-10 90-6 92-8 93-10
Simple Question regarding Race 5-5 5-7
Rock Solid Proof 4-5
Correlation between Atheism and Depression? 4-7
Theological justification for genocide Part Two 6-4
Religious intervention again! 6-7
evidence please. (just curious) 17-7
No evidence for macroevolution 23-8 24-6
What women want 4-2
"The Skulls that Demolish Darwinism" 7-1
So what do we do about it? 1-8
If Someone Can Answer This... Wow! 1-5 1-10
Aquatic Mammal Evolution 2-5
Doug loves PMs 5-6
The "I'm An Atheist" Trump Card 1-5
What's Wrong With Creationism? 11-1 34-6 37-9 38-4 49-1 54-8 54-9 54-10 58-4 58-5 as a creationist's training ground? 2-5
The Missing link 5-5
Reasoning with a Muslim "intellectual of sorts"... 2-2
Oh no! She is religious 3-1
Why have we evolved to like sport? 2-4 2-5
Debunking creationism in science class. 5-1 5-3 5-5
Creationists whining.... over Spore 6-5
Apple, Dawkins and the Forces of Darkness 2-10
Excessive Genetic Complexity in Early Organisms 3-7
Creationism in Science Class? OK. 1-4 1-7
Human Rights Commission launches review of religious freedom 1-2 1-4 2-1
The age of Earth, etc... and common sense 17-10
Is Evolutionary Theory Dangerous? 11-10 18-2
Who were you in your past life? 1-9
Isn't a "fundamentalist" just a good Christian? 1-4
The Big Fizzle, LHC Assessed By A Local YEC 2-8 5-7
Lizard evolution 1-2
Biblical Paradoxes 1-9
Evolution is nonsense. 16-6
Pictures of thee, Thread Part IV! 40-10
Are you convinced by historical evidence for a human Jesus 8-3
Is faith a virtue? 2-10
Intelligent Design Being taught in Queensland 2-3 3-4 3-6 3-8
Evolution and slavery? 2-7
Evolution Questions??? 1-6
The problem with ``who designed the designer`` 7-2 7-3
Refuting the "Good Samaritan" Argument + 1-8 1-9
Happy birthday earth... 5-4 6-8
Atheist Bus Campaign 10-6 10-9 14-8 17-5
How do I debate a Creationist? 3-2 3-5 3-7
E-mail exchange; number of dead strains disproves evolution? 1-8 2-1
students cry when school told them theyd be studying evoluti 2-6 2-9
Over at 1-4
The Complete Encyclopaedia of the Evidence for God 2-10 3-5 4-3
"Evolution Cruncher" (I feel like science is being raped) 1-5
ERV's created retroviruses?! 1-7
Was the first cell a plant or an animal? 1-6 3-4
'Einstein was an idiot' 3-6 3-8
A Lot of Creationist Woo In Here! 1-6
Against Science 12-2 35-3 35-5 35-6 53-7
My loathing of creationists just hit a new level. 2-8
"There is ZERO scientific proof of Evolution!" 4-4
Find "dead ends" of Darwin Win $32500 2-9
The Robert Byers Challenge 11-9 18-1 22-1
"Species and Kind" 1-6 3-2
The Reptile Thread 54-8
Institute of Creation Research attempting censorship 1-7
eydesignbook 1-5 1-8
The Scientific Miracles Of Qu'ran, Any counter arguments? 1-9 2-2
Daniel Everett: Losing his religion in Brazilian jungle 5-1
It's not religion; it's sound, skeptical science 1-8
teach both sides! 1-3
Traits; complexities; brainwash... 1-4
How were we created? 10-9 11-7 14-4 17-4
AVAILABLE NOW! New God Delusion T-Shirt 4-9 5-3
Standing Up For Reality 3-8
Question about Science & Creationism 1-10
An encounter with "Creationism" 2-1 2-6
"scientific" dissent from Darwinism? 2-4
Aussies: Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial on SBS 1-3 2-2 3-6
Respectable creationist forums? 5-9
The Theory Of Evolution Completely Decimated In Under... 1-10 2-3
"Keep God In Schools" Facebook Group 1-4
evolution of DNA 5-3 7-10
Scientific discoveries already mentioned 1-7 1-9
Religion vs evolution 3-1 3-8
Calilasseia is needed! 2-4
How do you test Creationism or ID? 2-3
New argument against creationism 4-6
TalkOrigins Offline? 1-7 1-8 2-5
Questions,questions..... 2-6
what would a creationist have to do? 3-4
Where did DNA come from? 3-8
Questions from a Jehovah's Witness 22-3 29-8 30-7 31-7
Pygmies and Paradise 2-2
Man,dinos and Creationist propaganda 1-2
Evolution poll reveals most europeans as creationists. 2-3 2-5 2-7
Anyone feel like refuting some more Creationist nonsense? 1-4
Evowiki 2-6
Talkorigins has disappeared? 2-6 2-9 2-10
What O What happened to the dinosaurs 15-2
Ask a 14 year old creationist anything 12-10
free-will, God and atheism (yes this is an argument for God) 85-2
Do scientologists... 5-1
Little help here? Jesus vs Tiberius 23-3
Why is Creationism such a problem for Scientists? 3-4 8-6
would you adam and eve it? 1-6
Alternative Medicine (God's Natural Medicine) 3-10
why are there no trees older than 10,000 years? 3-5
Evolution is a satanic lie! 10-5
Counter arguement using bacteria please help 1-4 2-7
Einstein on God 4-5
The Creationist Car Wash 2-5
How NOT to convert theists? 4-7
How are "kinds" assigned to organisms? 22-1 22-3
Anybody used this one? 1-5 2-4 3-2
Happy New Year (Tax Conviction of Kent Hovind confirmed) 1-3
need help in a debate 2-6 2-9
Junk DNA 2-3 3-3
Proof God Exists 22-5
Answers in Genesis - "Evolution of a Revolution" 1-4
Why do genes reproduce? 8-1 9-7
GutoB, anyone heard of this yet? 1-9
On how glacial meltwater mega- floods correct geology to t 16-7
You gotta check this out.... 1-6
Should we all go get baptized? 1-10
Christian vs Atheist: Evolution 2-6
If there is no God 22-6
Unconditional Love 6-5
Was Jesus real? Once more, but POLITELY this time!!! 9-9 10-1 67-3 67-6
Do Believers come off as brainwashed to you? 6-3
Can you help? 1-10 2-8 3-5
Proving the existance of God to an atheist 1-7
Who was Jesus after we take out the myth? 1-1 1-4
Looking for hard evidences and facts 2-5
The Mystery of the Cattle / Intelligent Divine Design 2-2
Violence and Religion 3-3
Jesus appeared to 500 at once 2-10
Best Bible? 1-5
Islam's PornFest Paradise - What about the women? 2-4
Jesus: Lord, Lunatic or Liar?--Poll 1-6
New: Why do people laugh at creationists? (27) 1-9
Fallacy req'd, Ed's ego seeks elusive xtreme 1-6
Indoctrination of children 1-6 3-3 3-7
Evolution Myths Busted 9-7 10-8 10-9
Poor Darwin's False Religion - Pat Boone 6-6
Christian 'science': Evolution is unbelievable 2-8
Is God 'irreducibly complex'? 2-5
The hoaxing and usurpation of science 3-6 4-7
If Jesus had a brother - then Mary wasn't a virgin 1-8
Evolution Disclaimer Proposed for Miss. Textbooks 1-9
Question about unintelligent design 1-9
National Creation Science Foundation (NCSF) 2-3
Can Someone Help Me Out? 3-8
Fellow Creos! Abrahamic faiths and Science. 2-3 20-6
Human Population if Humans were Immortal 5-4
I just found god... 4-3
"The Problem with Primates" - oh dear 1-9
Getting beyond Jehovah 9-7
Dr. Berlinski: Skeptical of Darwinian Natural Selection 14-10
Creationist claim on the eye and UV light 2-4
Was Jesus real? Once more, but POLITELY this time!!! Pt. II 26-7
Suppressing creationism: a tactical error? 3-6
God talks through the junkyard of DNA 3-2 5-7
The Post-Atheist Era? 3-3
Debunking the Weasel 13-7 13-9
Creationists And Responses 2-6 3-1
Why not teach ID in schools? 5-1
Six Flaws in Evolutionary Theory 1-7 2-2 8-6
Genius Plan To Silence Theists For Good 1-6
Why would Evolution have happened at all? 7-6
Creation Phrases 4-3 4-7
Dawkins to Britons: You are PIG-IGNORANT! 5-5 7-9
Does God Exist? 57-3
I'm a bit confused 2-1 2-3
"The Curmudgeon's Amendment" 2-1 2-7
Great NY Times Articles 1-2
Why not 'creation'. Just 'modified' a bit. 2-10 4-1
Phlogiston and Intelligent Design 1-4
Which bird "kinds" were supposed to be on the ark? 1-3
Explain this... 4-2
Example of new species for creationists 2-1 4-7
Louisiana Passes Science Education Act 1-3
Aisha derail from "Evolution is a religion..." 7-8 8-1 10-2
can you help me with this theory about creation? 1-9
Need help debunking specific prophecies 1-2
Help with Tiktaalik Radius 1-6 1-9
What is the flaw? 2-9
"Steer clear of darwin's poison" 1-7
Evolution and creationism 2-5
Non-evolutionary science 2-3
Evolution of Consciousness 2-3
Should You Shout Down a Creationist with Insults? 2-5
Facebook group on religion vs science 2-1
How Do I Explain Evolution To My Friend? 3-4
The simplest questions, unanswered? 3-7 4-3
Are you sure about my teacher's response to my question? 1-8
What would it take to falsify evolution? 1-6
Blakemore on Christianity (UK) 1-5
Biology Class not fair? 2-8
What is the most frustrating Creationist argument? 3-1
Need a hand with Entropy 3-2
Trilobite Transitional Fossils? 1-7 came from an amoeba, so why... 3-1
evidence for God 5-10
What the hell? 3-3
Ever read a (challenging) christian book? 5-1
Definition of Kinds 3-1
ID refutes monotheism 2-6
Scientology 3-8
How to spot a hidden religious agenda. 2-5 2-10 3-2
I must have orbited the moon without noticing 1-7
intelligent design 6-1 6-2 10-9
Arguing with creationists 1-7
Sanford - Genetic Entropy 2-1 3-6
Americans Favor Teaching "Both Sides" of Evolution 1-6
The search for Noah's ark 2-8
Cormac Murphy O'Connor: atheists not quite human 11-2
I don't understand how atheists don't see design in nature. 46-9
Responses to "It's only a theory" 5-9 6-2
The Logic Of Atheism 36-2 42-10 47-6
Open minded or hard hearted? 71-1
Answers in Genesis Help 30-6
Things that you were surprised to discover were woo 21-5
"Intelligent" Predictions 2-3
The first principle of constructive creationism 62-2
"Absense of Proof Is Not Proof of Absense" 1-2 1-9 2-2
Help for an oral presentation: Intelligent design 1-3
Why 'Darwinism'? 8-8
Evolution, really? 3-8
Legless lizards VS Snakes 5-5
intelligent design is science 3-3 4-2 4-6 16-9 30-8
Classic Byers 2-8
So! You're going into a debate with cretinists... 3-5 3-7
"23 Arguments for Resurrection of Jesus" 3-10
The Great Dinosaur Mistake 3-4
Proof for the existence 1-8 2-1
I didn't know that... 1-4
Helping hand with some creationist material...? 1-10
Another rant a work, will I ever learn! 1-5
Prove to me that humans resulted from evolution. 2-1 2-6
Did Nazareth Exist? The Definitive Discussion 1-8
Natural selection is proven wrong 11-8
Better to believe in God 4-5
ATHEISTS: What do you think of Jesus? 1-9 18-1
More Ray-Ray Comfort Crap (Pat. Pend.) 2-8
MSN Iceman idiocy. 1-9
what the hell is creationism!? 2-2
Question about Positive Mutations 1-7
evidence of intelligence 10-1
the existence of the mind points to the existence of God 4-4
So, you believe in science and evolution? Why? 2-4
I'm going to debate creationists tomorrow. 1-8 1-9
6 days? 1-8 2-8
Force Hovind to give PZ Myers an iPod 1-3 3-2 3-4 3-7 4-4 6-2
The Most Exalted Object 5-8
Sunday Times - Evolution can't explain eye 2-3
Swine Flu and Creationists 3-3
What Would Prove God's Existence? 4-2 5-2
A Liar for Christ 2-4
Is it really delusional? 26-7
ID-ology and fine-tuning 3-8 4-5 7-3 7-5
Self-refutation? 1-6
Creation Museum 'Science' Fair in 2010 1-6
How could creationists explain N1H1? 3-7
Why isn't religion a mental disorder? 8-10
Asked to pray 3-5
Evidence for a Young World pamphlet 1-6
This just in, science and medicine prove a creator 6-2
OK OK OK, lets accept a creator, IDer, whichever... 2-6
Christian Ethics Class Final Exam 2-7
Mormon Post Mortem Baptism of Obama's Deceased Mother!! 3-8
Debating Evolution - Help! 2-9
Proving God is akin to proving love? 1-5
The Top 5 Dumbest Things Creationists Say 1-7 2-1
Dealing with loss. 2-3 3-10
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 20-4
"Toxins in the body" balderdash 1-7
Evolution is a religion of UN-belief in God! 5-8
Responses From Christians Who've Lost a Debate 5-8
Mother Teresa and her "cult of suffering" 1-9 5-8
Evidence supporting the Apostles' Creed 1-2
A little help from a Mathematician or a Geneticist 1-6
A peek inside a Creationist science textbook. 1-5 1-7 2-1
After the Flud 3-1
Didgeriwoo? 1-7
The Fundie Persecution Complex 2-6 3-7
Einstein quotes 1-4
Alcoholic "ghost" 1-2
New Species? Hoax or Real? 1-2 2-6 2-9 3-2
Some parable 6-4
The Atheist Delusion 5-8
Medicines regulator grants 1st licence to homeopathic remedy 1-7
Questions From a Hesitant Neophyte on Evolution 6-5 11-8
Humans only use 10% of their Brain myth??? 2-3
After some info.. Bible reference 1-5
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube PT. II 46-2
Rupert Sheldrake on the Museum of Curiousity, Radio 4 1-5
Natural Genetic Engineering 2-2
Evolution and The law of Biogenesis 1-6 3-3
Funniest claims from the fringe. 4-5
Ireland: 500 women in secret affairs with 'virgin' priests 3-6
10 reasons why evolution is false 2-8
Is it only the genome that is subjected tonatural selection 1-3
Forbidden Archaelogy 1-3
Islam (registered trade mark) 2-6
Things you think might be true but cannot prove 3-10
The fact of evolution 1-10
Just found out my teacher is a creationist 2-7
How much do we know about the evolution of mankind? 2-5 5-5 5-8
The Inverted Retina Does Not Prove Evolution 3-3 3-8 8-7 15-5 15-6 18-2 20-10
is intelligent design dead? 2-10
programming the genetic code 2-9
Probability? 3-3
Evolution is a Myth 2-6
The Devil has won! 5-2 9-9 10-7
Second Law of Thermodynamics strawman 1-6 1-8 2-4
Ozzy education board reminds science teachers 1-8
Need to unmine a quote mine - Help 1-1 1-4
Abiogenesis question: Miller-Urey experiment 1-8 1-10
So much fail. 1-9
Top evolution articles are written by creationists 2-7
Antibiotics Take Toll On Beneficial Microbes In Gut 1-3
Help with an argument. 2-7
“Design of atoms?” derailment 5-3
Didn't Darwin change his mind about all of this? 10-2 12-6
Why are Creationist so long winded? 2-9
Evolution is not really random 3-9
Atheist Converted after visit to the creation museum 2-7
There wasn't enough time !! 2-2
Any non-aggressive reading I can give a creationist? 2-2
Theist responses like this frustrate me... 1-5 2-1
Raised Creationist = being lied to... a lot. 1-6
Discussion with jehovah witnesses... Help me! 1-6 1-10
Index to Creationist Claims 2-2 2-3
How do you deal with a Creotard? 1-6
Supernatural can be scientific too... 2-1
Non-Creationists need to Consider This 7-4
Why I believe in god and why big bang and evolution is false 26-7
PZ gets a warning... 10-2
"We can't understand God" argument 7-4
Can this be really a product of evolution?! 7-8 8-3
Confirmation name??? 1-2 4-2
"A Bulletproof, Airtight Case For Intelligent Design" 10-2 10-9 68-5
Radiometric Dating problems... 1-3
Hovinds theme park - seized 1-7
Creationist Derail From "Holes" In Evolution... 3-3
Question about instincts and mutations 1-5
Purposeless Processes 9-1 9-3 9-5
Irreducible Complexity 2-5
Is there any answer to this question 1-7 2-7
Help with a creationist argument against science. 1-7
What Is the Ultimate Disposition of Macrophages? 1-9
Help with geology / dissecting creationist lies. 2-2
New Member: "The Ultimate Proof of Creation" 11-7
Well, I'm convinced. 5-2
Any leads on who hacked the site this time? 31-4 31-5 35-2 35-3 35-9
Question about God and evolution 2-8 7-3
The best evidence for creation that i've found is 4-6
A new approach... 2-1
Peanut Gallery: DNA/Information "Design" Debate 9-1
The Secret 7-1
Genesis as an outline of how life evolved 11-4 11-5 14-6
Creationist new arguement.. 2-10 4-4
Primordial ooze not possible 14-7 23-10
Homo Erectus doesn't exist? 2-10
My Little Sister Came Home From School With This!!! 2-2 5-8
Attempts to "prove" things about the real world 2-5
Evolution vs Extinction question 13-8 23-7
Evidence to support the existence of God? (derail) 37-8 38-5 39-1 46-6 53-4 100-1
How inaccurate is the bible? 12-4 18-8
Archaeologists discover fiber materials older than creation 2-1 2-2 2-8
Intelligent design a little tongue tied? 1-9
A creationist says: love is a proof that evolution is wrong 1-6
God's Cool Designs! 2-4
Fossils out of Place 3-1 4-5
Creationists to EDIT ORIGIN of SPECIES - THEN Distribute! 4-9 4-10 9-8 10-1
Intelligent design 2-1 4-2 4-10 21-3 24-8 25-8 31-5
Evolution points to a creator 4-6
An Answers In Genesis Science Challenge 1-8
Physics laws show that the original cell is a myth 1-6 4-4 8-7 8-9
AIG: School a battleground? 1-4
Evolution and God- Mutually exclusive? 3-6
Creationist Websites 1-6
Defining Evolution 2-9 3-6
Discussing evolution within species with a creationist 1-10
Recommendations for Hominid Evolution? 1-1 1-4
whale evolution -wells 2-1
What purpose would a vast "evolutionist" conspiracy serve? 1-10
Evidence to support the existence of God? (derail) — II 23-1
VenomFangX... reformed? 1-6
Homosexuality, genetic v. choice 1-6
I'm here to answer, so ask! Wagner, Christian. 5-3 5-10 6-7
X-Men Accurate Depiction of Evolution? 2-6
No Species to Species Transitions! - Ray Comfort 2-3
Evolution And Religion 7-10 12-1 12-10 14-10
ERV'S 3-6 3-7 4-9 5-3
What was the dumbest creationist argument you ever heard? 1-9 4-5 4-6 5-10 6-9 7-5 8-1 15-6
Abiogenesis / Origin of Life [Split from General Science] 2-5 2-6 4-2
I don't understand evolution :-o 13-2 13-9
Humans and Apes are not Related 9-8 10-1 10-8 11-9
science in islam 14-10
Mathematical Probability 8-1 10-1 14-1
Creationist 'Dr' coming to town. Need help 4-5
can anyone recommend an expert about evolution 4-5
It was HOW big? 6-1 6-6
What do you think about Old Earth Creationism? 2-8
Aljazeera seriously misrepresents the 'Ardi' discovery 1-6
Distance of the sun? 4-1
Intelligent design and star dust 1-6
A few questions from a discussion with a creationist 2-4
Latest stupidity from Rapture Ready 3-5
Brisbane Writers Festival 1-4
need advice on responding to creationist arguments 1-6
Intellegent design 6-8
Wow, somebody please crush GodLowDown's "simple logic". 1-2 1-6 2-2
Dinosaurs on the ark 3-5 3-7 4-3
The whole "Darwin changed his mind" thing... 2-1
To the opponent of Evolution: 1-4
Convincing ? 2-8
Radionuclide Decay Denialism Derail From "Alien Life" 7-1
Here is my local creationist problem 2-3
Global Flood -Is There Concrete Evidence? 4-4
How is life formed from non-life? 11-1 13-3 14-5 16-1
Dr. Eugenie Scott whacks whacko Ray-Ray 1-3
Adnan Oktar's Intermediate fossils 1-6
E and π (Pie) 1-6
Is the Big Bang a Reliable Theory 2-7 3-7
Homologous Limbs with different gene complexes 1-10
The first honest creationist 1-3
you evil changeolutionnauts 1-5 1-8
what is the current explanation of the universe 4-4
Evidence of Creationsim 1-4
Help with my converstion about Evolution with my uncle! 1-7
Peanut Butter, The Atheist's Nightmare! 2-4
Science has proved Genesis 1 and that god exists 3-7 11-10 12-5
40 different authors over 1500 years.... 1-2 1-5
AIG "debunks" evolution 1-9
Russell Humphreys starlight model? 4-9 8-1
Transitional fossils 4-7
Dawkin's Lack of Evidence? 2-1 2-3
Important question to me! please leave comments!!!!! 3-10
Fossil evidence of the evolution of insects 9-9
Was Hitler a creationist? 1-10
'Richard Dawkins plagiarizes Ray Comfort's Banana routine.' 2-2 2-5
Facebook Discussion about Evolution 3-10
Bizarre article: 'Analysis: Darwin vs. Genesis...' 1-4
Causation 1-2
Evidence for a Biblical world view 6-5 8-5 8-9
The Myth that there is no debate in the Scientific Community 8-7 9-7 12-8
"Speciation hasn't been observed" 1-5 1-8 2-5
How do I help people who are brainwashed by Creationism 3-9
If God was such a good designer.... 2-5
A weapon older than creation found in Detroit 1-7
Argument with a willfully ignorant creationist 5-5 10-5
bacterial flagellum 7-7
How do you deal with the 'science is a religion' crap? 1-7
A first moment 2-10
need help reffuting AIG 1-2
where are teh transitional fossils???? 2-9
Is Freedom an unrestrained license? 1-3
What would make an evolutionist believe in a creator? 8-5 17-7 17-9 20-1 20-5 20-8 43-9 46-5 48-8 48-9 49-7 64-2 64-3 72-2 74-9 74-10
Evolutionists cant explain this 7-9 8-3 27-9 28-6
science in the bible? 3-2 7-5 7-8 7-9 10-2 26-4 27-1 28-5
Kent Hovind's doctoral dissertation posted on Wikileaks 2-6
The Pyramids don't exist 7-6
You, as an evolutionist, can't explain the Big Bang? 3-5 3-6 3-10
Only God To Talk About 6-8
Do you ever lose your "faith" in your fellow man? 3-5
The Bible has genealogies in the text with intentional gaps 3-8
Marriage 1-8 2-7
When Did Evolution Go from a Theory to a New Religion? 7-10
Grand Canyon 5-6 5-8
Inteligent Design textbook sent to UK schools 1-9 2-1
A designed universe 11-1 11-5 12-1 17-4 24-9 24-10 25-7 37-2 37-9
The "Things don't add up" Argument... 2-1 2-4
Calilasseia honored in Pharyngula creationism contest! 1-10
Were Adam & Eve real? 5-10 10-1
Creationist Carpooling 1-10
A Response to the "Fine Tuning" Argument 5-3
Cosmic Fingerprints. Are there other natural codes? 1-7 1-9 5-2
[22] The infamous canards surrounding "information" 1-6 1-9 2-3 3-7 6-3 9-4
I am what my brain does 9-9 19-2
The ideal example of speciation? 1-5
The Bible is 100% accurate??? Help with debating 30-6 36-4 36-8 36-9 37-3 38-8 40-6
Armed and Ready for a Creationist 15-7
Sumerian Alien Woo 1-1 1-2 1-5
the "it's too unlikely, it's impossible" argument 1-2
No God = No Meaning To Life? 7-7 7-9
Creationists wikipidia 1-9 2-10 3-5
ID and Junk DNA 1-9
Another nail in Creationism's coffin. 2-5
How to Disprove Evolution Using Science 2-8 4-2 19-1 21-2
I want a few awesome arguments against creationism please 3-8
Convincing a creationist that the bible is not 100% accurate 2-1
Texas conservatives now control US science texts 1-10
What is true? 1-5
News: tetrapods walked 18m years earlier 2-5 is a scam 2-4 2-6
Laws of Physics 1-10
Simply Raymo's Bigot Babble 1-9 2-2
A challenge for Dawkins: Where did carbon come from? 2-6 2-8 3-2 4-5
gaping holes in Darwin's theory? 1-7 3-3 3-5 3-7
Creationist on Celebrity Big Brother 3-3
Re: Where are the Aussies (in Aussie)? 1 38-7
My only Christian friend... 1-7 2-2
Pat Robertson says Haiti paying for 'pact to the devil' 5-1
Where did the language of DNA come from? 1-2
ID by computer programming 2-2 4-3
Debating another cosmological theist. 1-2 1-4
Another help with debating please. 3-4
Who is our audience? 1-8
Fossils Disprove Evolution??? 2-2 2-5
how the universe came to be? 2-4
Let us make fun of religion! 3-9
Why Do Muslims & Jews Not "Pig Out" On Pork? 4-2
Darwin: the Prophet of Atheism 1-9 2-10 3-4
Bible Possibly Written Centuries Earlier, Text Suggests 1-6
It is the Y Chromossome the proof that Adam really existed? 4-1
Pray 4 Trig Palin 3-2
Friend Says She's Psychic 1-2
Wasn't Christianity a civilizing force? 1-4 4-1
Atheism 'based on a fear of God' - BBC - nun Wendy Beckett 5-2 5-3
too bloody simple 2-7
Why does god allow natural disasters? - Haiti 6-8 6-10 7-7
Vestigial features 2-4
Evolution of Life on Other Planets 2-5 2-8
Irreducibly complex? 2-6
The Bible is 100% accurate??? Part 2 3-6 3-9 5-2 12-7 13-9 23-8
Meyer - Signature In The Cell Part II 6-3
Peer-Reviewed, Academic Papers on Evolution 1-7
Is god the atomic glue? 1-7
lennox's paradox 5-10 6-1
First major Greatest Show on Earth "flea"...yay. 1-3
Noah's Flood debunked 11-1 14-6 20-2
The ECEC Hypothesis 2-5 3-3
Google Earth Proves islam 2-8
Crystals - increasing information? 1-9
How did life begin? 7-3
Anatomy and Physiology Evolution Question 2-2
A Fundamental Question To All Supernaturalists 2-3
Discovery Institute claiming Illegal censorship of ID 1-8
"Is the similarity in human/chimp DNA evidence for evolution 1-6 1-10
Fundies say the Damndest things 3-8
Non-transitonal Canard 5-4 5-6 5-9 8-10 12-1
Evolution isn't true because computers need programmers! 1-4 9-3 9-6
Creationist response to Stupid Dinosaur Lies 1-4
Hitler was such a Darwinist 1-2 1-5
Darwin the Race Warrior 8-10 17-1 23-7 25-2 28-1 37-8 37-9 37-10 38-6 40-6
Evolution and Computers 2-3
You go get your own dirt! (not very god like) 2-1
Has Evolution Ever Been Observed? 10-9
Allow me to submit Rick’s Law 2-6
Could theism v atheism be an actual evolutionary split? 1-7
Creationists will eventually believe Evolution 10-3
Disputing the evolution of plants? 1-2
Why Evolution Precedes Creation 3-3 3-9 6-3 6-5 7-6 8-5 11-4 14-4
Confusion . . . 9-4 10-5 10-8 11-2 17-10 19-5 19-6 21-5
'Cause Ray KNOWS... 2-5
Top evolution evidence... 1-2
GOD EXISTS! 19-10 20-2 20-4 33-2 44-2 44-7
If evolution and natural selection are not true… 2-2
7 **REALLY** Important questions to consider... 1-4 2-1
GOD EXISTS! Part 2 15-5 20-5 20-6 20-7 22-2 26-2 26-3 26-4 28-2 32-7 33-6 36-6 41-7 42-7 43-8 43-10 50-9
Universe and Thermodynamics 1-2 1-6 2-2
witnessed %100 beneficial mutation with brand new informatio 2-7
Continued discussion on the age of the earth and God 5-3 6-7 6-10 8-7 14-8
DNA code equals intelligence 1-8 2-5
Ken Ham is coming to town... pro-evo pamphets? 3-2
GOD EXISTS! Part 3 1-3 4-7 10-8 10-10
More Skoolin' from Rapture Ready 1-5