List of Postings of User lpdavid

Future: Have humans stopped/slowed/changed evolution? 63-4
Catastrophic Failure of the Financial System 70-4
Too much owned by too few? Capitalist domination nightmare? 39-7 39-10
Socialism 14-4 14-8 15-1 15-2 15-5
Canadian election 28-8 34-6
Are socialist countries wealthier? 24-9 25-1
Murder by HIV Trial 1-7 1-9
India launches scientific mission to the moon 1-9
MARKET CRASH, how much did you lose ? 3-1
How do atheists judge morality? 8-1
How Bad is Socialism anyway? 64-5
US - 1Year in jail for wearing clothes improperly 7-4
Gun Ownership: Assault Weapons, should they be legal? 12-5
All men are equal... 13-3
Would you rather be an astronaut or a celebrity? 2-9
Why do conservatives hate socialism? 12-6 16-8 17-4 17-8 22-8 22-9 27-8 28-4 28-6 29-7 29-9 41-6 41-8 42-9 43-1 45-9 49-7
Why Capitalism Sucks. 1-4 1-8 2-2 2-10 3-5 4-4 5-1 12-4 14-2 15-1 17-1 55-1 55-5
Libertarianism, socialism, and differing views of reality 1-3 2-5 2-7 3-1 3-2 4-10 5-1 5-2 6-2 6-5
Is 'class' now about intelligence? 7-4
How would you improve society? 23-8
Taxes - what do you pay? 2-5 3-4 3-6 3-8
Enough with the monetary system 10-10
How Bad is Socialism anyway? Pt. 3 64-6
Mayotte votes to become fully French 1-3
WTF is the deal with some atheists and antisocialist faith? 2-7
Is there any good secular argument... 1-10 2-7
Does saying "Marriage is between a man and a woman"... 1-6
How much taxation is too much taxation? 2-8
What % of people should go to uni? 1-10 2-2 5-8
Prosecutor: giving the pill to teens aids rape 1-6
Correcting misperceptions about libertarianism 45-4
The Pension problem... 1-2 2-7
Race 7-2
Girl, 10, beheaded by grandfather 1-6 3-1 5-7 9-10 10-2 10-4 10-6 10-8
Do people always choose choice? 1-7
"Swine Flu", H1N1. OPEN DISCUSSION 27-6 27-8 28-2 31-6
The Right to Procreate 9-2
Can the next human evolution be predicted? 3-2 3-6
The Trolly Dilemma (Trollyology) 3-4
which would be worse in your opinion and why? 4-3 4-5
Cloning glory 1-5
Playing the "think of the children" card 1-9
New World Order? Whats so bad with that?? 1-2 2-10
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 19-4
Do you support national ID cards? 1-9 12-5
The opium of the people (I need opium) 6-3
Things From America You Hate 5-2 6-1
Things from Europe you like 1-6 1-8
rate of mutation 1-1 2-8 2-10
Should the government continue to fund science? 2-2
Men on road to extinction 3-3
How long will Blu Ray last as a standard? 5-7
No One Knows Who Speaks For The Republican Party 1-2
Female Water Striders Expose Their Genitalia 1-3
Bill Maher Takes on Obama 2-6
Muslim waitress wins £3000 for ‘looking like a prostitute’ 12-7 14-6 15-9
Man Charged for a Thought Crime 31-8 32-4 32-9
New world reserve currency?? 1-2
Democracy 2-7 2-9
Canada: Conservatives Reclaim Lead in New Poll 1-6 1-9
A Republic- The Makeup of Government 2-5
What is wrong with utilitarianism? 3-5 3-9 4-3 4-6 4-8 5-1
Micro management in social programs 1-1
Giving money to the homeless 5-9
Free Market Fuckwits rejoice - Man sells kidney! 8-2
Baby Licence 4-6
No sex ed; we’re muslims 2-3
Fractional Reserve Banking? 2-6
If we are all animals.. 5-9
30-year-old diplomatic mission to show scientology fake 1-3
Canada: Liberals Slightly Ahead in Poll 6-1 6-4
Does money create happiness? 4-1
Finally! The ultimate question! 2-9
Islamists hunting gays to kill online 7-6
Doctor Demands Tax Penalties For The Obese 2-1
The Perfect Human 2-5
is this image pornographic 9-5
Christopher Hitchens 7-10
two year old joins Mensa 3-8
I feel safer now. 3-7
Ontario files $50 billion suit versus tobacco companies 3-6
When Will Intelligent Leaders Rule? 1-8 1-10
Aside from historical record, why hate communism? 2-4 2-7 3-4 27-1
Should I work at Verizon? 2-2
Would humans be better off with only world language? 1-7
Make Me a Libertarian 2-2
Make Me Not A Libertarian 2-1 2-9
Inequality causes almost every social problem 1-9
George and Laura Bush New Jobs: Motivational Speakers 1-6
How Pro-Choice Are You? 7-5 7-7 8-2 10-3
The target economic growth rate... 1-3
Is Anti-Americanism Simply Intellectually Cool? 1-2
Virginia man arrested for nude cup of coffee at home 2-6
Where have all the Libertarians gone? 12-5 12-9
De Gaulle told Resistance hero to GTFO 2-9
112 year old man weds girl of 17 2-2
Wired article about vaccine paranoia 3-4
POLL: Are You In Favor Of Outsourcing? 1-6
What is your IQ? 6-5
Bishop: Gay Tourists Not Welcome At Vatican 1-4
Less People or More Food - it's a GM thing 3-4
Criticism of Canada 5-6
Death Penalty and Natural Selection 2-5 2-7 3-2 3-4
There exists a huge impediment to the spread of Atheism 5-6
Gun Control Part Zwei (II) 49-5
Right Wing Atheists 2-1
Monetary System 4-4
The next stage in the libby Somalia saga 1-2
Tiger sex church shock - sort of 3-3
McDonald's To Transgender: "We don't hire faggots" 2-10 4-8 5-1 10-3 13-6
More evidence humans are socially cooperative not capitalist 3-1 3-7
2 teacher babes caught having naked romp in HS classroom 2-3
How much does love cost...? 2-2
Can Tiger Woods Be Redeemed? 4-1
Kill Them or Kill Yourself 7-3
Why welfare creates jobs and protects yours! 2-2 2-10
Right to vote in municipal elections for foreigners? 2-7
Feminism - Do atheist men treat women better? 27-9
How Should China & Japan Manage The Massive U.S. Debt? 1-9
Bishop says christians will have to keep god in a box 2-9
Saudi Teen gets Lashes for Cell Phone in School 1-6
Are You Exhausted Running The "Rat Race"? 3-9
Would You torture a baby to end world suffering? Part 1 3-7 3-10 4-8 4-9 17-4 17-8 18-1 18-9 19-1 19-8 20-1 20-6 20-9 20-10 22-8
Infantile Sterilization Lottery 7-4
Why I think Libertarians are delusional. 10-6 10-9
more action less talk 1-6
Is "Excessive" TV Viewing Detrimental To Children? 1-9
What to do with a fast learning kid 1-1 1-5
Republican: Microchips To Be Used as "Mark Of The Beast" 2-4