List of Postings of User Glynis

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 36-1 38-4
Bibles in Hotels 7-9 8-6 10-4 13-3 13-5
Why/when/how did you become an atheist? 24-1
Do Atheists need a symbol? 21-1
Scientology: Scam? Cult? Religion? 44-10
Which is the Greatest threat to Science -the Left or the Rig 2-1 2-4 2-6 2-10
Why is Africa the basket case of the World? 74-1 77-3 79-1 79-2
Speaking out at work - an e-mail story 9-7
Question about Atheism. 7-7
Marriage & baptism 1-5
Atheism- Cons of Atheism? 2-2
What to tell your child about religion and atheism 1-3
Richard Dawkins' Fallacious Central Argument 1-9
You can't handle the TRUTH!.. atheists.. so don't watch! 4-1
How should we treat religion? 3-1
Catastrophic Failure of the Financial System, cont'd 51-2
So I spoke up tonight... 1-8
Censorship of the internet in Australia - time to speak up! 9-6
Just got a "Jesus is the reason for the season" email 2-7
Religion in South Africa 1-1
Obama Skips Church 6-1
Terror in Mumbai 6-3
Disney accused of corrupting children's minds 4-6
Tax exemption of Churches Poll. 9-1 11-4 12-9
How should we run an economy? 7-3 7-6 8-7 10-6
Teacher axed for telling class, "There's no Santa" 10-2 13-7
Climate Change Discussing the Science, Policy & Implications 12-6
Father Christmas trip cancelled! 1-4
Taliban to kill, burn Pakistani girls for attending school 2-5
7/7 Conspiracy 11-4
Israel / Palestine Conflict Pt. 2 9-8 12-6 12-9 17-9 87-2 87-5 88-6 98-7
Countries legitimacy 1-4 1-9
Church resignations reach a new record in Finland 1-6
Why are the jews behind conspiracies? 1-2 1-4 1-6 2-2 4-2 4-6 5-1 5-5
Please show your support for justice by signing this petitio 1-3 1-4 1-10 3-1 4-1 4-4
Do we need "the plebeians are idiots" laws? 1-5
Teen trained to be suicide bomber feels tricked 2-2 2-4
Israel / Palestine Conflict Pt. 3 1-9 2-3 57-10 58-7
Church Offers Prayers For Jobless 3-7 3-8
Zionism = Islamism, or does Zionism equate to Aryanism? 3-3
What are your thoughts on Pallywood? 1-5
Outrage over proposals to boycott Jewish shops 1-2 6-6 6-9
British Government keeping record of all e-mails? 2-6
Illinois House impeaches Gov. Rod Blagojevich 1-2
Atheist comedy a force for good 1-1
Should prostitution be legal? 95-6
Atheism and the British Monarchy 2-8
Your Favorite Political Cartoons 1-4
Anti-choice gets mangled up in Health Care Bill 7-6 8-1 8-7
Organic has no health benefits 10-6 11-2
WorldNetDaily: Jesus prophesied Obama as the anti-Christ 3-5
Father Guilty in Prayer Death 2-5
Flying rabbis 2-4
Extinction of lions & Tigers 23-6 23-9 24-5 24-6 24-8 25-2
South Africa schools contravene law on religious instruction 1-3
The Tory party & fox hunting 5-3
Auschwitz Sign Stolen 3-7
Did you make it this year? 4-2