List of Postings of User Dr. Kwaltz

Jesus Camp : The Movie 80-2
People saying Bless You when a person sneezes 28-5
The Historical Jesus - Did He Exist? 7-1 7-9
Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 76-10
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube 66-5
552+ proofs of God 3-4
Marijuana 88-8
Ghosts: Your Position? 14-8 15-1
Catastrophic Failure of the Financial System 42-8
Is A Genuine Belief In Religion A Form Of Insanity? 4-5
The Virgin of Fatima 16-2
Ron Paul's creationism 2-4
Rapture Ready - amazing! 19-4 27-9 29-3 30-2
Bastoy Prison Norway 1-9
Seven new deadly sins: are you guilty? 9-10 10-1
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain 77-10 100-8
pedophilia or art? 41-5
Fundies Say The Darndest Things/Xtian chat room quotes 33-4
Crucified frog offends 4-7
Germany: Home-Schooling Christian Parents Sentenced to Jail 14-5
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part II 18-10
NephilimFree's Challenge to Atheists and Evolutionists 7-10 15-2
PZ Myers, wafer biscuits, and intolerance ... 86-9
Who is Your Favorite God? 26-5 47-5
True Atheists Do not Exist 30-5
How is Using "Black" Considered Racist? 14-5
"Atheism Has No Morals" 4-5
Rapture to occur in one week! 11-1
I have a way to prove God!!! Pt 2 7-10
Atheists Admit Defeat 7-4
Intolerant Atheists 4-4 7-3
The Myths about the Council of Nicea 10-8 11-7 17-4
Some reasons why god doesn't heal amputees--xians 3-5 9-8
Do theists expect Atheists to fear hell? 3-2
John Edwards admits to having affair 1-9
Atheists getting angrier and more "strident"? 3-9
Heavenly speaking, Richard Dawkins is a fool 4-3
Today I met an ugly American. 9-5
Is atheism a form of spiritual autism? 31-8
Pray for Rain of Biblical Proportions on Obama DNC Speech! 3-2
Christians. Is Heaven impossible? Even for you? 5-4
24hr city-wide curfew? In America? 2-2
Saudi man kills daughter for converting to Christianity 2-2
Democrat Shot in Arkansas 1-2
US whites 'to be minority by 2042' 3-2
Catholic priest facing 30 sex charges 2-5
Who created the creater?... is not effective enough 2-1
Open the debates NOW! 2-2
Should the US change its Presidential election system? 1-2
But there is more evidence for Jesus then Caesar! 11-10 12-3
Worst Creationist Arguments 6-8
Good video - one for Robert Byers! 4-8
Harun Yahya "challenging " Dawkins 3-7
A challenge to the new atheists by an atheist 36-4
Swedish government clamps down on religious schools 6-4 7-9
Spam emails for Jesus! (Christian ad for atheism) 2-5
Gustav.......Katrina II??? Hanna and Ike and....... 3-5
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain Part 2 2-7 6-8 17-9
US Presidential Election 2008 - VP Candidate Sarah Palin 9-7
Christianity is inherently unethical. 5-6
More endangered health by dumb believers 1-3
Questioning Israel 1-8
Atheism: Substitute for religion? Thesis question 2-9 3-4 3-8
Non US people and the US election 2008 6-4
Where is the proof of Jesus? 10-4
Al Qaeda's Warning to Denmark 2-2
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 4 59-2
Is the USA becoming socialist ? 19-7
What causes people to speak in tongues? 4-8
Girl commits suicide over 'Big Bang' fear 3-10
The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus 1-1
Are socialist countries wealthier? 7-10
Chuck Smalkowski case 1-3
Tim says: They would've denied Jesus existed. 22-7
Jesus Appears on ceiling & drywall 1-5
Listen my heathens! 1-8
Moroccan sheik hushed for letting 9-year-olds wed 4-1
EU Politicians Angered By Polish Chemical Castration Plan 1-3
Bill O'Reilly Sees the Light?? 2-4
Muslim sues Tesco over alcohol 1-5
Healthcare a right or privilege? 66-9 69-4 70-8 72-3 76-10
Why does'nt Mr. Dawkins believe in God? 5-4
Test Your Atheism 12-2
Society without God (Living in a secular world) 3-1 3-3
Was Jesus of Nazareth Ever Crucified? 1-4
What made you an atheist? 3-2
Atheism and Libertarianism (now with a poll!) 21-10 22-5
Worst U.S. President Poll! 5-3
The Free Will Defence 2-3
Evangelical teens have more sex 3-9
US - 1Year in jail for wearing clothes improperly 7-6
Atheism isn't making logical sense to me. 8-1 9-7 12-5 30-6
Is the SOUL an illogical concept?? 1-6
Why's America more fundie than other advanced nations? 1-5
Bill Maher "Christians protect Israel so Jews can die" 2-2
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion III 79-1
health care--my already concern 3-2 3-6
Reasons for being in the US army? 11-4 11-6 11-9
Anti-religion agenda among users 1-4
Obama vows change in policy for Cuba 2-9
Historical Accuracy of Bible 1-5 1-8 2-2
Schools not allowing students to mention Obama 1-1 1-3 2-4
Is Obama a natural born citizen? 22-4
Should America bailout Detroit's car builders? 15-10
Why Atheism is Illogical 95-1 98-1 98-7 98-10 102-6
The Blind Scientist 16-5
Do atheists believe in alien life? 25-1 27-5
Where are all the Atheist Charities? - David Quinn, Ireland 3-5
Where do atheists find comfort? 21-8
Is the Vatican shooting itself in the foot....again? 2-7
White atheist family WifeSwap with black fundie family (vid) 4-2
Atheism and astrology 2-3
Why Do We Believe in God's Existence or Non-Existence? 2-5
New teacher-Should I come out or pretend to be religious? 2-3
The Prayer That Vibrated the World! 1-9
If you took away the bible, where would Xtianity be? 2-3
What was jesus? 1-4
Why Reincarnation is a Real Scientific Possibility 1-5 3-2
Questions from a Jehovah's Witness 5-2
teroi ore truth 3-4 4-4
Elisabeth Hasselbeck Disproves Evolution in <8 Minutes 3-10 4-7
The Worlds Most Stupidest Christian Comment 3-8
skeptics bible 1-4
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 5 96-8
First Documented Online Proof of MIRACLES 1-3
Why does Jesus want to send me to hell? 1-6
Sick girl cured by "angel" 2-2
Just a basic fact against Evolution 24-4 24-5
Valkyrie 1-1 2-2 2-3
Does Israel have a “right” to exist? 8-8
Home schooling grows 74% 1-4
Evidence of god has been proven 3-6
Was Jesus real? Once more, but POLITELY this time!!! 18-10 19-4 21-2 21-8 23-7 23-10 25-3 26-5 26-7
The Youtube religious war 2-4
Who was Jesus after we take out the myth? 4-2
Atheists use 9/11 as excuse to attack all religions 2-5
Jesus appeared to 500 at once 2-6
Hitler and Stalin, atheists cause wars too 5-9
Christians bring reinforcements! 2-1
Another Ray Comfort website. Aaarrrggghhh! 2-7
what was your ex-religion(s)? 5-7
It's easier NOT to believe in Jesus, God etc 2-6 2-9
No More Swinging For Briton in Bangkok 1-3
Hubble's 78 billion years... 1-2
Religious people trying to be tolerant still exclude atheism 2-3
Ex-Masturbator t-shirts for teens! 4-7 4-10
Creation Science 101 1-5
Kent Hovind blogging from prison 2-7
Is it important that the universe exists? 1-9
What christians should not eat 1-4
So, Zeus walks into a bar... 3-1
It's time to cash in on Catholic guilt. 1-4
The many proofs of God 2-4
Obama to nation: "We will recover" 3-5
Why do you hate the concept of God? 12-1 13-10
Should we class The Bible as fiction? 28-5 28-8
When atheist forums go bad they look like Pharyngula 10-6
Morality of premarital and casual sex 1-5
Open minded or hard hearted? 42-3
Hello from B'reshit, a creationist Part I 23-7
Are there any members with an IQ below 150? 8-9
Coping With Existence 2-1
Palin Couldn't Find Anybody to Hold Hands and Pray With 1-4
Rapture Ready on the Free Thought slogans 1-9
The "miracle" of the Holy Light 3-2
Are atheist girls easy??? 3-2 6-6 22-4
Jesus Christ's face appears on broken meteorite!!!! 2-4
Darwin Was Confused.... 6-8
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? Part 2 56-7
How Bad is Socialism anyway? Pt. 4 88-3
More Ray-Ray Comfort Crap (Pat. Pend.) 32-10
Hello from B'reshit, a creationist Part II 50-9 51-3 51-8
Moral Question To Atheists 23-3
“Life exists to exist to exist”is an atheism definition? 3-1
RNC Chairman Steele: “Gay Marriage Hurts Small Business” 2-7
Howdy, ya'll. I know God does exist! 44-6 58-7
Thank you god .... for what ? 3-9
What is the worst thing said to you by a believer? 6-6
Funny Pictures Satirizing Religion 1-4
Welcome to Je$usland aka America :) 3-2
Atheist Proof 1-8 Evolution The Most Dangerous of Satan's Lies 2-9
A war between science and religion... 1-2
Should Someone Else Be The World's Cop? 2-7 3-1 3-7 4-6
Israel warns Belarus over Iran ties 1-4 1-9 2-1 3-7
Are transatlantic differences real or imaginary? 1-2
Taxes 3-2 3-8 6-3
The Bouncy-Bouncy Thread 1-5
Open Challenge to All Atheists: Can you Disprove God? 1-4
What are best USA cities to live in for atheists? Why? 3-10
The Devil has won! 4-9
God will pay your bills supernaturally 1-5
Home Schooler “Impersonates” Ken Ham 2-8
Hi - Christian Scientist here.... 37-7
Christian Billboard Compares Atheism to Murder? 5-7
UK petition against creation museum 5-9
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot - Atheists? Part 2 5-5 5-7 5-10
Will your atheism stand the "Last Days Test"? 6-1
Organic Rights 2-7
Guns 'n' god in the US of A 9-7 11-2 15-7 18-7 18-8
More of God's intervention in my life 1-9
Why Does God Hide? 10-6 12-1 17-2 19-4
Alternet: Why Atheists Have to Talk About It 1-2
What would Jesus drive or the new Jesus-car 1-1 1-3 4-2
The Healthcare Debate, 70 Years and Running 1-5
Billy Mays dead 1-8
One single question can destroy atheism 39-9
Trolling Bible Study - Require Concise Arguments 2-8
Hello 1-3
Do you have nagging doubts that God may exist? 1-6
Moon Landing Woo 6-6
"Outer Space" Does not Exist 16-2
Is this a real 'alien' encounter? What do you think? 23-1
Democratic socialism 79-1 80-2 88-8 90-7
How Pervasive is End-Time Prophecy? 2-2
Jesus Sighting 1-4
Gunman kills 2 at Tel Aviv club for gay youths 2-1
Health Care In Europe? Question for Europeans 9-3 11-5 13-3 13-8
Who designed the designer? 10-9
Moron ops mormon Small Town Bikini Ban 2-3
Who's dumber, Sarah Palin or G.W. Bush? 5-4
American far-right loons savage ‘Evil and Orwellian’ NHS 14-9 18-9 20-10
From a Christian.... 14-1 14-3 15-2 21-7 24-1 25-2
How do you deal with christmas? 7-1
How are christians not rational thinkers?? 24-8
Hitler a Christian? 10-10 14-3 16-4 18-7
If God says OK, Michelle Bachmann to run for President 4-7
big bang 6-4
Assault Rifles at Obama Rallies. 10-1 11-2
Arizona Preacher: "Faggots run this country!" 2-6
Flood Killed Babies 4-2
Catholics scared of EU equal rights law 2-3
Americans Usually Get On My Nerves 9-10
Is God protecting Fla. at Gov. Crist's request? 1-4
What's your favorite Drug? 2-1 2-10
The truth about the NHC/UHC. 5-4 7-10 9-9 10-9 15-3 22-10 41-4
Why won't progressives just shut-up & arm themselves already 4-7 6-9
Why People are Religious - The Real Reason 2-3
Another Hateful, Bigoted Preacher 3-7 7-9 9-5 10-7
All this speculation and here is your answer. 6-7
Evidence to support the existence of God? 24-6 29-10 32-3 32-5 37-6 37-10 43-7 45-2 46-1 50-3 62-6 66-1 77-6 78-5 80-2 83-5 89-3
New Forum for Libertarian Atheists **NOT commercial 11-8
Ted Kennedy Dies 3-7 4-4 5-5
Stoned in Argentina 2-2
Just out of curiosity 3-1
"What do you want written on your tombstone?" 15-8
They Were Warned 1-2
Teach the Tea Pot Controversy! 1-1 1-8
Saying Grace at meals 1-4
Smoking Dope 3-9
Utah Governor: Should Be Legal To Discriminate Against Gays 6-10
Is it a croc? A duck? No, it's a catduck! 1-1
Television shows about Ghost Hunters 1-10
ten signs you are an unquestioning Christian 3-9 4-5 10-8 12-4 13-4 14-5 18-1 18-3 18-7
Pope blames atheists for Global Warming 3-9
Where Repubs may be getting their info about Health Reform 1-5 1-8
Anything weird happened after you started reading the bible? 2-6
"Rift Valley Drifters" 1-1
Smith-Cotton High School Tiger Pride Marching Band 1-1 1-5
Democratic Socialism Pt II 1-4 2-3 12-6 12-7 15-8 17-7 27-5 29-1 29-3 32-4 38-6 45-4 46-10 52-4 57-1 58-8 59-3
Abortion and atheism. 15-2 15-10 16-5 19-10
Former Miss USA sues 3-4 3-6 3-9
The Pope's Penis 2-3
God Starts More Wildfires, Reminds To “Say No To homos" 2-10
In God WE Trust? 1-3 1-10
Atheism root of all evil. 3-5 9-3
Japan's new first lady says she rode a UFO to Venus 1-9
Gahhh! Ray-Porn... 2-4
Michelle Bachmann:"Slit Your Wrists" 1-7
Scientific Atheism Completely Disproven 21-2 21-7
FOX News: Obama "Indoctrinating" Kids 3-3 5-10 9-9
Three US states ban teachers’ religious clothing 1-2 1-4 1-7
Why was Jesus born when he was? 1-10
Gay-Marrying Mass. Divorce Rate Falls to Pre-WWII Levels 1-3 1-6
Moon landing was faked admits Armstrong 1-7
One dollar bill? 3-2
National Healthcare is a breeding ground for terrorism 2-3
POLL: The End of America. 2-6 3-10
God is not the only explanation! 1-5
Awww - Raytard says he's gonna make changes... 1-6
The spirituality of atheists 2-7
Obama’s speech to the nation’s school kids 1-2 5-8
I wish I could block the History Channel from my cable 4-1
Evidence to support the existence of God? (derail) 1-2 15-2
I'm a Christian from Blackpool, England...come get some lol 26-10
Joe the heckler calls Obama a liar 1-6
Bizarre Bible Lessons- Part 1 1-2 1-4
ACORN helps set up brothel with underage girls, evade IRS 4-8
Treatment of Alan Turing was “appalling” - PM 1-1
This 9-11, Obama has the bullhorn on terrorism 3-4
The judgment of San Francisco and LA in prophecy 52-9 54-8 58-6 74-4 75-3 79-5 80-2 80-7 83-4
American “meddling”... 32-5 32-10 33-3 33-7 42-8 53-8
So, Just How Socialist Is America? 27-2
Everything Carrie Prejean 4-4 5-2 5-8 8-4 11-3 12-8 13-2 13-4
Christian Here! 32-3 38-1 38-3 40-1 45-3 50-6
Glenn Beck, future president of USA 3-8 7-1 8-2
Chavez tells off Fox news 6-6
What if Stalin was a devout Christian? 4-7 5-9 6-1
International Blasphemy Day 30 September 2-8
A Challenge To Atheism Using Logic 10-2
Roman Polanski arrested on 31-year-old US warrant 11-3
A father calls his atheist son a satanist 7-4
Libertarianism, The Role of Government 14-6 16-8 18-7 23-3 23-10
EVIDENCE FOR GOD - Debunking Dawkins 2-7
Pope urges Europe to remember Christian heritage 1-3
Why so many Liberals on this site? 9-8 19-7 19-9 20-7 21-1 22-9 35-9 38-6 54-6 59-1
Intellectual Property: Patents & Copyrights 25-6 25-8 26-1 27-10 30-4 31-7
Saudi Prince Assasination attempt by Ass-Bomber 3-8
Glenn Beck On Black Gang Fights - Atheists - Obama & god 1-4 2-9
Dawkins is God's Greatest Witness to God's Loving Kindness! 12-5
23 people killed when church collapses 1-3 2-10
Jesus is here 2-2 3-2
Germany mulls realities of first openly gay foreign minister 1-4 2-1 2-3 3-3 3-5 4-1
Cheerleaders Refuse To Remove Bible Verse Signs At Games 1-4
Wingnuts Newsmax calls for military coup 1-7
Health there a more noble cause? 5-2 9-3
Why Would God Need Human Adoration & Worship? 4-1 5-3 7-10
Man says God told him to circumcise 4 children, self 1-6 2-5
Homosexuality, genetic v. choice 2-1
I'm here to answer, so ask! Wagner, Christian. 10-4
Mohammad drawings yet again 1-4 2-8 3-2 3-4 3-9
christians behaving badly 1-2 2-7
2016 Summer Games goes to... Rio de Janeiro 1-1 1-10 2-3
The Next Greatest phpBB's Mod. of All Time ! 1-5
Will America invade other countries again? 3-2 6-10
Praying for a new car 2-10
The Weekly Standard: P.J. O'Rourke says 'We Blew It' 1-5
Catholic investigates inexplicable healing of dying man 1-2
why hasnt texas seceded yet? 2-3
The authors of the Bible were not bronze age goat herders 3-3
Norway 'the best place to live' 1-1 1-5 11-5 14-1 14-4
Nuclear Energy--Political discussion 33-2
The Bible is too "liberal" 3-1 3-3
Jesus Wrote The Constitution 4-10
Gay football team is rejected by muslims 4-1 4-7 5-4 5-6
Former Reagan Official Reconsiders Marxism 1-3
Ben Stein's buddies at it again. 1-4
Barack Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2009 16-2 24-1 24-2 24-10 28-2 29-9 31-8
Disinherited because of my Atheism 2-5
Oklahoma makes abortions public 8-5
Golden Crocoduck voting has begun! 1-8
Segregationist Carrie Prejean To Speak at $50 NJ Hate Fest 3-2 3-4 5-5 8-6 19-4 20-9
Henry Kissinger: hanging or electric chair? 7-8
Islamic Toilet Etiquette 4-8 5-4
Top 10 similarities between the Religious and Liberals 3-4
Obama Reissues Equality Pledges 2-5
Help me! My girlfriend is a creationist believer! 3-4
Craig: God Is A Remarkably Simple Entity! 2-4 11-2
Gun Control 4-5 5-2 7-1 11-8 15-8 16-9 29-1 32-8 32-9 38-8
Chuck Norris: God and guns 1-5
I'll Pray for You 2-2 4-6
Why Does Fox News Channel Have High Ratings? 6-3
Thousands of idiots wait for Knock apparition 2-1
Wall-Street Journal: Reagan should have won Peace prize 2-3
If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting Of Gays,He Would Have.. 1-5
Mormon leader: Gays & Atheists Are Attacking Our Freedoms 1-10
Texas: 1 in 330 Persons A Police Officer 2-8 4-5
North Carolina church to burn ‘Satan’s books’ 3-1 4-6 6-7
Louisiana Judge: No Marriage License for Interracial Couples 6-2
LiberalViewer: Colbert PWNS Glenn Beck 3-3
U.S. Conservatives Want To Edit The Bible! 1-10
I find Atheism is not very liberating 12-6
Another Glorious Smackdown ... 2-6
Goldstone Report to the UN 4-5
Firefox At Risk Due to Sneaky Microsoft Plug-In 3-6
Inequality causes almost every social problem 2-2
Balloon Boy:"I hate gay faggots" "Not Pussified" 3-4
Intellegent design 13-4 13-7 13-9
A Bitter Rift Divides Atheists 1-8
Serious Question for Believers 3-8 3-9
Tea Baggers Second Wave to Begin Oct. 25 7-8
Anti-Transgender Petition Signer Arrested As A Toilet Vouyer 2-2 2-4
Twitter theist/anti-theist war 3-4
Jury consults bible before giving death sentence 2-3 2-6 2-7 3-2
Why Does God Allow This Much Suffering? 5-10
Is Anti-Americanism Simply Intellectually Cool? 1-4 3-5 6-6 7-1 7-8 8-9 11-7 11-10 12-2 12-5 15-9 16-4
Rapture tomorrow? 7-4 9-6
The 2 stooges have insane message to Dawkins 1-4
Swedes marriage homosexual couples in church 1-4
Virginia man arrested for nude cup of coffee at home 2-9
Sen. Al Franken Quotes European Medical Bankruptcies 4-1
Criticism of Israel 9-8
Still apologists after all these years 2-8 2-10
Bill Donohue and the Catholic League offended by Simpsons 2-7
Is socialism sustainable? 2-2 2-7
Interesting email I got today 2-6
Where have all the Libertarians gone? 12-6 12-7 16-4 17-5 27-2 33-9 42-4
Proving God Right Here Right Now 10-10 14-7 23-3 40-3 60-4
Ethical Hunting; Shooting; Guns; Animal Husbandry; etc... 28-7
atheists Aims for Society? 1-10
Wal-Mart and Costco now selling coffins 3-4 3-7
The US remains isolated with its embargo on Cuba. 4-10
Bible Study in the Air Force during Duty Hours 1-10
Wired article about vaccine paranoia 2-1 2-9 3-3
What do you call... 2-4 2-6 3-5
Growing hatred towards religion 1-6
What Atheism brings... 10-3 11-6
Christian registrar to appeal over same-sex ceremonies 3-6 3-8
Prayer ‘healthcare’ 2-8
Does "hell" bother you? 4-2
4 Amish bishops charged in child sex abuse case 1-8
Saudi paedophile to be beheaded and crucified 3-2 7-1
Proving God using reason. 2-9 40-6
Beyonce ‘sex party’ 3-6
The Future of the U.S. 2-3
We're Stirring the Cosmic Soup: A Quick Retort to Atheism 2-5 7-7
Teacher sues over fingerprinting for religious reasons 1-8
Proof that we are all decended from EVE 6000 years ago!!! 2-7
Criticism of the USA 30-6 31-1
Vatican at it again. 2-2
Ray-Ray continues to lower the bar 1-8
Michelle Bachmann for Pres 5-5 5-10 6-3
Religion Is Superior To Science 4-1 5-3 5-9
Obama Bowing To Other Leaders 8-4
Who knew ACORN was so powerful? 1-9 4-2
Arrested for not tipping 3-5 7-7 23-6
There exists a huge impediment to the spread of Atheism 6-2 8-3
Gun Control Part Zwei (II) 17-5 17-9
Rep. Foxx: The GOP passed Civil Rights legislation 1-2
Scientific Theories 1-9
Is Israel the Root of Evil in the Middle East? 5-6
Religion: The Greatest invention – Ever! 4-2
War Tax 2-2
Appalachian Trail Gov. Sanford Faces 37 Ethics Charges 1-2
GOP 'Purity' Test: Agree with us 8 out of 10 or else 1-4 7-1
Apparently, Christians prefer their Jesus dickless 2-5
News Video: Atheist of Florida vs Lakeland Christians 1-6
Holy crap! (No pun intended) 2-4
Religious forces behind Uganda's anti-gay bill 2-6 5-5
Does Europe have Felony laws? 1-4 1-5 2-8 2-10 5-1 6-3
‘War on Christmas’ News 4-3
Jesus 'may have visited England' 3-1
Borders goes bust 1-9
What's Wrong With American Consumerism? 2-8 5-6
Miracle Iron 3-7 3-8
Why roads, military, police, etc. and not healthcare? 2-3
Indonesia minister says immorality causes disasters 2-3
Black Friday 1-8
Has the USA become a Third World country? 4-8 9-4 10-8
Atheism Panics Christian Apologists 31-2 31-4 31-7 31-9 32-7 32-9 33-10 36-7 38-5
Dear God, please confirm what I already believe 1-6
Birther's Obama is British Monkey Ad 2-9
What would make the Christian religion believable? 1-7
You WILL like what I like. 1-4 1-10
What Evidence SHOULD there be? 3-1
Just How Insignificant are We? 1-9
The 2009 Mornington Christmas Gambit 1-1 3-2
An actual Christian on RDF!! 8-4
10 reasons to believe? 3-7
Don't have to read RD's Delusion book 75-4 79-6
Call to Prayer Five Times a Day... 1-8 5-1 6-1 6-7 7-8
Porn Study Fails After Not Finding Any Male Virgin Subjects 3-8
Tiger sex church shock - sort of 3-6
US comedian Robin Williams dubs pope ‘a nazi’ 2-2 2-7
Atheists and shooting 2-9 3-1 4-1 4-4 4-5
McDonald's To Transgender: "We don't hire faggots" 14-8
What would make an evolutionist believe in a creator? 89-1
I think my boss hates me because I am an atheist 3-5
Questioning Atheism 2-10 7-8 8-5 9-8
Wow, I think I just got discriminated against 2-9 3-3 4-9
Another Republican Sex Scandal ... 1-7
chi/ki/prajna/life energy/ 1-6 1-10
FOX Continues its War on Math 1-9
‘European’ is an American insult 5-3 5-6 5-9 6-8 6-10 8-2 9-4
2 teacher babes caught having naked romp in HS classroom 2-5 7-1 7-2
Ignorant Atheists 1-4
Don't Anger God 5 Times ... 2-2 2-8
NC constitutional crisis averted as atheist takes office 3-4 3-7
Teabagger? Uninsured man dies using Bible to heal himself 1-4 3-8
Why Genesis 1 isn't as bad as its rap 2-2
Dinosaurs against creationism 1-1
Militias in America: New Right Wing Extremeists? (Poll) 5-8
The 10 commandments/America founded on Christian principles 2-10
The really relevant meaning of "There are no gods" 1-7
US Health Care Bill 2-1 26-2 26-9 27-2
High speed trains 1-8
Can Atheists Rationally Change Their Mind? 2-5
Hasidic leaders remove bike lanes b/c women biking in shorts 2-4 2-6
The New Atheism has become the Butt of a Joke. 21-4 29-6 30-4 30-5 34-9 37-1
Moral Values & The Purpose of Life 2-3 2-7
Being ostricized for being an atheist... 1-6
How true do you think the Bible is (II)? 1-8
Thousands turned away at free clinics 4-1 4-7
Health Care Reform Unconstitutional? 2-1
The Creeping Germanization of Europe... 1-9 4-5 4-9 5-4 5-5 6-5
Can Tiger Woods Be Redeemed? 3-4 3-10 7-4 7-8 7-10
Scientific method proves order cannot exist w/o intelligence 6-8
Inteligent Design textbook sent to UK schools 2-8
Drowning in ignorance & hypocrisy in the US. 5-4 9-1
Oral Roberts Dies 5-2
Instruction Manual for Life 1-1
Welcome to Technologyville, Dumbfuckistan. 1-4 3-8 4-1 4-2 4-5
Libertarian admits socialized health care rules 26-7 32-1 39-7
Libertarian Socialism 1-3 1-5
Prayer can cure cancer says Oz catholic cardinal 3-2
Jesus-era home found in Nazareth 2-2
This is why I believe. What's your take? 21-1
Misinformer of the Year 2009 – Glenn Beck 3-7 3-9
Newbie to the Forum + Faith 8-10
Thoughts On Wal-Mart 4-1
China Executes Akmal Shaikh. 5-1 27-10
Couple with 14 Children Refuse to Work 2-3
Dutch burkaed muslim mother denied medical treatment for kid 1-9 2-2 3-2 4-2 12-8 12-10 13-2 13-5
Sub Saharan Africa: Next Emerging Economy? 4-7 4-9
Where is the inital Big Bang located in space? 25-5
Just for Fun: Prove the Lunar Landings 21-3
Is Marriage under Attack?? 3-1
Observation about Chris Matthews 1-2
Inverse Correlation between Religion and IQ (Flawed?) 2-3
The forum is stifling any real debate 1-2
Communist Catastrophes 25-5 32-6 33-6 35-2 44-3 44-9 47-8 48-4
Is Western guilt needed in 2010? No. 7-6
Biblical scholar's date for rapture: May 21, 2011 1-9
Tiger Woods Must Become Christian To Be Forgiven 2-8 3-6 4-2 4-4 5-4 6-3
The Best/Least Worst US President Of The Past 50 Years? 3-10
Is The European Union The 10-Horned Beast of Bible Prophecy? 2-4
4 year old boy, at church, killed by stray bullet... 8-10 9-3 12-1
Texas conservatives now control US science texts 6-6
Busting the Bubble of Non-Believers By: Javed I. Chaudry 1-10
Pastor Says Barack Obama is Pure Evil 1-10
Will Full Body Scanners Stop Terrorist Attacks? 1-6 2-7 4-6
How Creationism gets taught in the US 1-3
Woman Sees Jesus In Her Bruise 2-4
Conservatives: a Liberal's Worst Nightmare 10-10 12-10 13-4
...SO MUCH MILITARY TRASH! 1-5 4-6 6-2
Ayn Rand 14-5 17-9 18-6 19-6
Probability calculus for Jesus' Resurrection? 1-10
Do UK MPs have to be natural-born citizens? 2-6
RC bishops argue about miracles in Bosnia 1-2
Australian Humour = Angry Americans? 6-9 7-5 7-8 17-8
Louisiana prison offers ministry degree to inmates. 1-7
'Atheist' Nations Are More Peaceful 1-5
3 cheers for Bob Barker!! 1-2 2-6
The poor dears... Top 10 persecutions of Christians 2-9
To all Atheists... what religion would you convert to? 3-9 5-7 5-9 6-8
I don't make up the goofy stuff, I just report it. 1-3
Only Biblical Literalists May Be Alabama Governor 1-1 2-1 3-5 3-9
Sarah Palin signs on with Fox News 2-10 3-8 7-8
10-minute student attention span 1-3
Scott Roeder: Crime and Trial etc. 2-5 5-5 7-3 7-6 8-7
Every LGBT person in US now on trial, prop 8 hearing 3-4
Mag 7.3 earthquake + aftershocks hit Haiti 1-3 1-6 2-1 2-5 4-1 4-4
7.0 EarthQuake in Haiti is part of gods great plan 5-5 7-10
What Free Market nonsense is leading to... 1-1 1-9 2-2 6-9 11-1
Christians - take the 30-day No-Pray Test 1-6 2-3
Sheep Gives Birth to Human-Faced Lamb in Turkey 2-6
1,000 U.S. Military Bases Overseas: A Costly Global Empire? 2-10 6-4 8-1 8-4
Pope claims atheism has caused global warming 5-2
19yr old pacifist goes to jail...conscientious objection 1-7
Refuting the atheists 5-5
God's at it again! 1-6
This is true .... 2-8
The Sanctity of Marriage - Is Adultery Immoral? 40-1 41-5
The American "solution" to obesity... 1-1 1-7
Paid holiday allowance in the US 43-4 44-5 44-9 47-2 47-3 48-1 49-9 50-2
Are You Exhausted Running The "Rat Race"? 7-5
Communist Catastrophes 2 3-6 4-6
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... any others? 12-10 13-8 15-1
That Super Bowl anti-abortion ad 4-5
If Jesus came tomorrow, how would we know it's really him ? 4-8
Contaminated Holy Water sends 117 Russians to Hospital 1-10
British Social Attitudes survey 2010 (vs USA) - god 4-3
Catholic bishop says Jews exploit holocaust 4-7
"Smug" Scientists/Atheists 2-7
Russia Plans to Ban "Damaging Cults" 2-1 2-4 2-6 3-1 3-5
Amanda Knox: Did She do it? 1-5 2-5 38-3 44-7
The Lord's my shepherd! 1-10 2-9 3-2 4-9
How excited are you about Apple Tablet? 11-5 12-2 14-10
Obama's State of the Union Speech Discussion 3-5
Don’t ask; don’t tell 1-9
Blog: Atheists to attack Mother Teresa via USPS stamps 8-4
You Want Crazy? You Got It 2-3
Antivaxxer movement leader found to have acted unethically 1-1
Chavez Writes Off Haiti’s Oil Debt to Venezuela 1-9 2-2
Teabagging against the free market... 1-1
Former Christian Apologizes for Being Such a Huge Shit Head 1-1 1-7
"Pray to solve crimes, Christian cops urge" (Jane's) 1-8
Iraq Enquiry - Bliar 2-10
10 years and a kabillion $$$$ later...where is he? 2-6 3-1 4-10 5-8
Westboro Church not fans of Lady Gaga 1-9
America-bashing Marxists deserve chance to answer critics 4-4 11-10 16-1 19-10 22-10 25-3 32-1
You must respect my beliefs! 3-9 4-6
We are madder than Hell and we wont take it anymore 2-10 6-6
Fingerprinting in use to check proper church attendance 1-10 2-4 2-8
Segregation in America? 2-1
'God's Numerical Design' or The Bible Code 1-2
tea parties 1-5 6-4 9-1
Sheer Arrogance Of Theists 1-8
There is no Social Contract 3-10 11-5 12-4 13-2 14-1 21-6
Voting against your interests. 1-4 2-6 2-8
I love how Christians think they can do no wrong... 1-4
Where does fact end and faith begins? 2-6
How Much Did Palin Spend Buying Her Own Books? 2-1
Australia bans anonymous online comments 3-1 3-8 4-5 4-9
Polygamy in FLDS - Photos from National Geographic 1-8
Patients not suffering enough when they die - catholics 3-1 4-2
Should I stop charity donations 2-1 2-7 3-1
Why blaim the American government? 1-7 8-10
Sarah Palin's Tea Party Dinner Disaster 1-9
Jon Stewart Goes on Bill O'Reilly, and Rocks Fox. 1-5 2-6
Corporation Says It Will Run for Congress 1-1
To All Americans - MESSAGE FROM THE QUEEN 2-7
Which communist country? 5-9 6-7
Please, I'd like you all to read this thread 5-6 5-9
Large Hadron Rap 1-1 1-3
Fundie protest in Oslo 1-5
AL Sen. Shelby holding government hostage for pork 1-4
A few questions for the social democrats 4-10
Sarah Palin's Tea-Party Speech 2-7 3-6 4-10
You know what I love about USA? 1-1 1-6 3-3
Sarah Palin: War with Iran would help Obama's re-elect 3-2
Could Dawkins be his undoing? Again? 4-3
POLL: Is The Tea Party Movement Good For America? 1-10 4-5
Obama Says... Obama Does... 2-1
Science is not the whole of human life; it is only a part 4-5
Need a new heart for Valentine's Day? 1-1
What is actually wrong with Christian Beliefs? 10-3 13-3 45-3 46-10
2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver 2-2 3-4 4-1 4-3 4-10
How would Christians react . . . 2-3
From the tard party.. uhh tea party convention 4-10 5-2 6-10
The Literary and Linguistic Miracle of the Qur'an 8-4
The Health Care Death Spiral 1-4 2-10 7-6 13-9 15-2 16-7 17-4 17-7
Toddler Forced to Recite Koran 3-5
CBS and NBC news now a snuff station? 1-2 1-8
POLL: Is Olympics Liable For Death of Luge Athlete? 5-6 6-4
Theists:would you agree that atheism is a rational position? 14-4
The American left let Obama down 4-6
Top Taliban Commander Captured 3-2
Why do Christians get upset if you don't want their prayers? 2-10
Sarah Palin complains about Family Guy Down's reference 5-3
Falklands 2? 2-3 5-2 5-5 8-5 9-4
The Founding Fathers - Am I supposed to care? 2-2 2-3
Condoms should carry health warning say catholics 7-9
More catholic threats to US catholic politicians 1-8
Plane slams into Texas IRS building 2-1 4-6 5-1
Flintstones - 1/3 Texans Believe Dinosaurs & Human Coexisted 2-1
Glen Beck - pure evil? 4-2
Halal-only burger row in France 4-3
Man Facing Foreclosure Bulldozes Home 2-1
Simplified US reaction to 9/11 1-1
Conservatives BOO Anti-Gay Speaker off CPAC Stage 3-10
Meet the Flintstones 1-7
Belgian Coma Patient Can't Communicate After All 1-4
High Court in Tel Aviv Flexes its Liberal Muscles 1-7 1-10 2-1 2-3
Only *American citizens* are worthy of the Bill of Rights... 2-3
The religious assault on US democracy 1-2
the last sound before the big bang? 3-5
Oh dear! Now someone really does need a good talking to... 1-4