List of Postings of User Faithless and Free

The Blasphemy Challenge 56-10
Church signs 26-1
Pokemon is of Satan! 7-1
How old are you? 76-1
Apocalypse 2012 46-4
Atheist swearing 80-10
Atheist bumper stickers, decals. 14-6
In Praise of Suicide 34-9
Alternative names for atheists III 6-3
Brushing teeth, flossing, and mouth wash 6-1
Vegetarians/Vegans? 47-8 49-7
Pornography and sexual abuse of women 1-8
Things From America You Hate 11-2
Are silly men always little? 7-8
Nature of sodomy 13-10 14-4 14-5
Your Thursday chuckle...... 1-4
Ghost /spirit experiences? 1-1 1-6
Favorite Horror Villain(s) 5-3 5-5 5-9 5-10
First motorbike 1-7
Blasphemy - is it wrong to use religion as a humour base? 1-3
four boys gang rape Eight year old girl , parents blame girl 2-10
Flogging - for drinking beer 1-2
Muslim face covering on bus row in Australia 2-9 3-2
The silliest smear 1-4 1-6
Morality 2-4
Special islamic ‘hoodies’ for female police 8-6
Cool idea for an atheist bumper sticker 3-8 8-4
Compel hijab on 9-year-olds 2-6
The God delusion is not that impressive. 1-6
Baby-dropping 1-3
How/Do you discuss with your friends/family? 1-3
The Minister's Cat.... Part VII...... 20-4
Why does God want worship? 11-6
Muslim fasting 5-8
Disturbing Toys ... 1-4
Why Atheists Are Blind...... 30-2
Eating meat even in moderate amounts can cause cancer? 3-3
Sharia? Would you live with it? 3-1
trying to understand 2-4
Muslims Help Me Out 1-5
Derail thread from 'nagging doubts' 14-5 19-3
How can I get better at chess? 3-1
Poll;What is the most ridiculous religion? 9-9
What do Atheists shout in orgasm? 6-10 7-3
A challenge question for Saeedalyousef 3-5
Peter Singer 8-6
It's NICE to be an Atheist. Why? 3-2
The Greatest Show on Earth- preachy derail 1-5
Call for death over virginity-faking gadget 2-8 3-1 3-3 3-5
Jesus Delusion 1-3
The Bible as master manipulator 1-2 1-4
The Perfect Human 1-10
is this image pornographic 1-4 1-7
Killing animals for balance 1-4 1-8
Strange Comparison 1-3
Is Islam incompatible with science? 2-5
Satisfied Women Have Better General Well-being 1-2
Do You Pee in the Shower? 1-2 1-4 1-9 2-2 2-4 5-6
After Religulous and The God Delusion how many have turned? 1-2
Would You Hide Your Atheism To Keep Or Save Your Marriage? 3-1
Hello from Australia! 1-4
Turn-offs/ons 3-10 4-2 4-6 4-10
Do you ever miss God? 4-2
Hello from Australia! 1-4
I stole the book of mormon today 2-8
Which religion has the hottest men/women? 1-2
What are your favourite supernatural creatures? 1-3
the atheist summer camp 1-3
men or women more likely to be theists? 1-1 2-4 2-8
"What Do Muslim Women Want?" 1-4
Too much pressure on Atheists? 1-2 2-7
paedophilia pre islam 1-1 3-4 3-7 3-9 4-2
How often does Atheism come off as superiority? 1-3 3-6
Atheists Against Racism 5-5
Unconditional love 1-4 1-8
Matrix revelations 1-1 1-2 1-4
Atheist clubs are springing up, warns head of US bishops 2-9
Make-up: Yay or nay? 4-4
Another Scientific Error in Quran 1-5 1-7 1-9 1-10
'Booze therapy' for brain injury 1-2
ExMuslimAtheist “coming out” 2 a bunch of,Muslim friends 4-8
Cow Abducted by Flying Saucer in Argentina 1-7
Hate The Delusion; Not The Deluded 1-4
Trivial Embarrassing Things About Yourself 4-1
Good is God and God is Good 3-3
two year old joins Mensa 2-1
I can't find my niche here. 1-3
RenewAmerica: Obama is demonic and going to Hell 1-7 1-9
Great Games with Big Flaws 1-9
Would humans be better off with only world language? 1-3
Would you believe in God if... 1-3
Worst arguments for Atheism 1-2
The difference between Atheists and Faithed Ones 1-7
Fish Pedicures to be banned!! 2-8
Obsessed with death lately 1-3
Latest stupidity from Rapture Ready 1-2
This video proved me wrong. 1-2
World's biggest snake 1-9
Why Are Atheists Angry? 3-6
Circumcision... 2-10
Drunkest Guy Ever 1-9
Village 'witches' beaten in India 1-4
Give Me Your Sex!! 3-2 3-5
*holds up white flag* 1-10
Dreams and their meanings 1-3 1-8 2-3
Sleep paralysis 1-1 1-3 2-3
Transsexual Surgeon Reverses Female Circumcisions 1-2
John Safran's race relations 1-1 1-4
Inviting Other People's Children Over... 1-3
Talk To God, Right Now! 1-2 2-5
US Wiccan alleges religious discrimination 1-9
Atheist children and the boogieman 1-1 1-4
Stupidity and Natural Selection 1-2
Stupid trends you loved (and hope will come back) 1-2
What are you currently reading? (Part IV) 26-8
My husband has a virtual girlfriend 2-5
People Watched Gang Rape Of Teen And Did Nothing To Help 2-4
Questionnaire 4-2
It seemed like a prediction... but you knew better 1-2
Is beauty truth? 1-2 1-7
Why do humans have sex in private? 1-8
Puppy kicked to death? 36-4
Atheist ads in New York stations 1-6
Proving God Right Here Right Now 4-6
Ethical Hunting; Shooting; Guns; Animal Husbandry; etc... 1-5 1-7 2-6 22-4 23-2
Shut Up Woman, Get On My Horse 1-7
Do you ever binge drink? To what extent? 2-5
Atheism and Reality 5-2
What is your place like. 1-8 1-10
"What Really Riles Muslim Extremists?" (D'Souza) 1-9 2-8
Human/Pet Bonds 1-2 1-8
A question about Stephen King's "IT" 3-9
Sex, Wine and Islamic Martyrdom 2-6 2-9
What stories are you writing 2-4
Swine Flu 1-8
Angry Atheists? 1-2
What is with Baseball and God (MLB) ?? 1-8
The grieving chimp 1-2
"Science is interesting..." turned into a music video 1-3
Foods that bring you to the verge of throwing up 4-7 8-6 8-8
My Little Test - 1-8
Is Anyone Else Tired of The Twilight Craze? 2-8 4-6 4-8 16-1 16-3 16-9
Smiting! 1-3
Your religious name 5-1
man vs man 1-8
What? Not really an atheist? 1-2
Jesus walking on water explained 12-3
Vegetarian Chat 1-8 28-9
Noisy sex woman loses appeal bid 1-5
Earthly health and over population 1-2 1-7 1-8
Relying on sacrificial goats to ‘ward off’ terror 1-2
Preaching on public service vehicles (buses) 1-9
Australian voting system leads the way...? 2-3
Christian Died Saving Muslim Students 1-4
Informal debate (warning, very long) 1-3
Being Fat Now Illegal In Japan 1-2 1-3 1-7 6-3
Muslim kids bullied my son over salami sandwich 1-8
As an atheist, what do you tell young kids about death? 2-2
About declawing domestic cats 3-4
Polygamy and other Religious taboos 2-9 3-3 3-7
Death Threats in Ohio 2-3
A new hypothesis : Why humans have a hymen. 1-7
Prayer In Action 1-3 1-5
The sun: I saw UFO beam up a buffalo 1-4
How Do you feel about having Atheist Conventions? 1-2
People in your family you can do without 1-9
What do Atheists want ? 2-3
Obama Bowing To Other Leaders 5-6 5-9
Taking a stand against Islam - poll for new sub-forum 1-3
MASS: We Pray, the video game! 1-7
Vatican Condemns Vampire Movie As "Deviant Moral Vacuum" 4-6
A Gay Christian 1-5
The Evil Atheist Conspiracy 1-2
Atheism and the Media 1-2
How are you celebrating festivus if at all 1-1
300,000 animal slaughter is world’s biggest ritual sacrifice 1-2
Do atheists have a more positive outlook on life? 2-8
Lectures on Parapsychology. 1-3 3-8
Greatest ever TV theme tunes 4-6 5-2 5-3 5-6 8-5 8-9
Proportion of ex-theists here 15-4
Deathbed conversions. 1-10
NBC Says No to PETA's Thanksgiving Ad 7-1
Religious forces behind Uganda's anti-gay bill 3-9
Lolcats - show us your favourites! 6-2
‘War on Christmas’ News 3-7
Muslims Cast Stones at 'devil' at Start of Eid 1-3
In_____ We Trust 1-8 2-5 3-4 3-6
First LOVE 2-5 2-8
The Season is Upon Us. What's the WORST Christmas Carol? 3-5 3-8 5-1 5-5
Too fat to graduate or get on a plane? 12-6
Why to love? 1-2
Why Obama ISN'T the Antichrist and also, why he IS 1-2
Emotion in arguments, yea or nay? 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8
Demon Appears in Wedding Photo - True? 5-9 6-3
Why are we so interested in others' sex lives? 1-2
Come to New Zealand to escape Christmas 1-4
Coming out as Atheist, reactions. 2-7
Why do men do this? 7-8 16-5 17-5
Virtual rape worse the virtual murder? 12-6 12-8 17-3 17-4 20-10 21-4 21-7 21-10 22-1
Call to Prayer Five Times a Day... 3-8 9-4
Whacko on the loose 2-7
Do you find the word 'woman' offensive? 7-2
Help! I keep getting logged out! 1-1 1-3
I've been called a 'liar' 3-3 3-6 5-6
Why not adopt instead of having kids? 3-10
Can Humans and Chimps breed? 1-8 2-1
Would you rather be tall or long lived? 4-4
Incest: mental illness? 2-6 3-6 3-8
Bizarre Lights above Norway 4-1
Why do we find the paranormal frightening? 1-6 1-10
Dawkins inspires radical xtian campaign 1-6 1-9
Mohammed married Aisha when she was a toddler??? 1-8
Hasidic leaders remove bike lanes b/c women biking in shorts 1-3 1-6
Dealing with absurd questions! 1-3
What's your highest level of education? 2-4 7-3
I was never a fan of Star Trek... (Need advice from fans) 3-10
'The Arrivals' paranoia or muslim propaganda? 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7 1-9 1-10
New look for Saudi daytime TV 1-5 2-5
Aussies! Religion in Our Politics - Have Your Say 1-6
John Safran interviews David Irving 1-7
Second-grader suspended over violent drawing of Jesus 2-2
My friend, an atheist, and his cheesy story :D 1-7
When Should A Man Or Woman Not Marry? 2-1
Littering 1-8
Hello 8-5 8-8
Hottest Criminals In History 3-3 4-9
The nature and causes of depresssion 6-10
Richard Dawkins to be featured on Elders with Andrew Denton 2-5
Hello Dear Dawinists all! 2-5
Prophet Muhammad 1-3 1-7 5-4 8-6 8-9 9-1 9-2
why do most religions/mythologies have a deluge myth? 1-3 2-1
24% of Australians are atheist 1-2 1-10
Oh Dear Me, No! Wrong On All Levels!!! 1-4
Corporal Punishment 4-8
Men must grow beards (and shave moustaches) 4-1
Am I too anal an Atheist? 1-7
Vote no to miracles 3-4
A Moral Dilemma 3-3
Prayer can cure cancer says Oz catholic cardinal 1-8 2-6
Sad loss, Brittany Murphy dead at 32 1-5
Bunch of idiots rubbing chickens on their heads 1-3
Baby without a brain reaches 1 year old 1-6 22-3 22-5
250$ gift certificate to spend on books. Help! 1-7 2-2 2-5
relationship advice - muslim and atheist 2-7 2-9
Hello From Sydney Australia 1-4
On the nature of intention 2-4 2-8
Wherefore the Female Orgasm? 1-3 1-4 1-9
Can blind people dream? 1-1 1-3
Australian Aborigines early genetic isolation. 7-7
Our Virtual realities 4-8
New Years Resolutions 3-10
Turin Shroud 3-5
Best Films of the Decade 3-6 6-2 10-8 11-1
What the shit is this? 1-3
"Avatar" film anti atheist? 1-6
The rapist and the christian 2-3
Irish atheists challenge new blasphemy laws 1-3
I am new. This is awesome! 1-2
Do you fear death? 8-7
What celebrity could you be mistaken for? 6-9
Who am I? 1-3
Name my hamster thread. 5-8 6-4
Pwetty shoez 1-5
Do women really like Bad Boys/Men? 11-2 12-4
Sammich or Sangwich? 1-10 2-1 2-4 2-7 3-1 3-4
Serpents 1-7 1-9
Muslim man rapes girl, but girl and her fiancee are jailed 4-5
Can someone explain Atheism to me? 1-3
Best TV series of the decade 3-9
To all Atheists... what religion would you convert to? 7-3
Free-Thinkers Evolved from Religious Believers? 4-8
Obesity, air conditioning and global warming. 1-1 2-1 2-4
Believing in God - But not the Bible 5-6
Jesus and Mary Image Found in Orange 1-2
Why do people feel the need to sign posts? 1-9
There is a God! 1-10 2-10
Why do foxes kill chickens they do not eat? 2-2
Pat Robertson says Haiti paying for 'pact to the devil' 2-6 2-9
Apathy 1-2 1-5
Sheep Gives Birth to Human-Faced Lamb in Turkey 1-10
Does Not Believing in the God of the Bible Compel Nihilism 5-6 5-10 14-1 15-3
How are libraries different from bookstores? 1-3
Which is more dangerous SCIENCE or RELIGION? 1-4
Pope claims atheism has caused global warming 1-5
Feeding A Growing World Population 1-6
The Warrant for Good 1-2
Attraction and Attractiveness 28-10
Dawkins & suicide bombers 3-5
Religious Prostitution in Islam 2-6 2-8 2-9 2-10 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-5
Russian Olympic Routine Culturally Offensive? 2-1
Hi everybody! I'm from Indonesia! 1-2