List of Postings of User Huston

The Secret / Law of Attraction ? 38-1
Why are you an atheist? 22-3
I have a way to prove God!!! 71-4 71-6 72-1 75-1 82-10 84-7 84-8 84-10 85-9 87-8
What's the sure way of knowing you are being deceived? 5-7
Ban Knives in Canada! 4-1
Qur'an approves Slavery. 1-7 1-10
Canadian election 6-3 6-6 6-8
can permanent joy be a proof of god 2-8 2-10
Healthcare a right or privilege? 56-2 56-3 57-6 57-7 57-9 57-10 58-2 59-2 59-3 59-9 59-10 60-10 61-1 61-4 76-4
How Bad is Socialism anyway? 14-10 15-4 15-6 15-9 16-1 16-3 19-3 19-6 20-2 20-3 20-7 22-10 23-7
Atheism and Libertarianism (now with a poll!) 9-4 9-6 9-7 10-3 10-5 11-3 12-6 12-8 21-9 22-3 22-4 22-7 22-8
Libertarianism, socialism, and differing views of reality 10-9 12-6 12-8 12-10 13-2 14-3 14-4 14-6 14-9 15-1 15-3 15-5 15-7 15-9 16-1 16-3
Is 'class' now about intelligence? 9-4
What is the history of your political views? 11-4
As an atheist, some religious things I like. 60-9
ZERO desire for sustainable economy & ecology 6-8
Why not Anarchism? 35-7
Correcting misperceptions about libertarianism 82-10 83-2 83-9 84-2 84-4 85-1 90-4 90-7 90-8 90-10 91-9 92-2 92-4 92-7 93-6
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 15-2
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Scepticism and Politics III 81-4
and you wonder why we shake our heads at US Medical system 16-7 16-10 17-1 43-6 58-2
Consciousness Survives Death 7-2 7-3
Could you have been an Nazi? 5-3
Is democracy compatible with rational thinking? 3-5
Taxes 10-1 10-3 10-5
Stupid people should not be allowed to express their opinion 4-5 4-7
Obama Invokes Jesus More than Bush 3-2
Peter Schiff is Awesome. 1-3 1-9 2-1 2-6 2-8 2-10 3-2 3-4
$2.5 billion spent, no alternative cures found 1-5
Basic anatomy 'baffles Britons' 1-2
Cultural fascism & liberal totalitarianism says Brit muslim 2-2
Obama guilty of Murder 4-3
"Birthers" Offer $10k Challenge for Obama's Birth Witnesses 2-3
Are My Prejudices Regarding The Constitution Unfounded? 7-2 7-3 7-6
Government Regulation & Personal Liberty 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-10 3-2
Federal Reserve, Inflation, And Money? 1-8 2-3 2-5
Prince Charles on the Throne 6-10
New world reserve currency?? 1-3 2-10
Democracy 6-8
Is More US Stimulus Needed? Lessons from Japan 1-5
Here we go again -- AIG wants to pay millions in bonuses 1-3
Faux News: Who's the worst of the lot? 1-8
Saudi family suing Djinn 1-7
House Democrats Unveil Landmark Healthcare Legislation 25-8 25-10 26-7 41-1 41-7 41-10 42-3 42-8
Meghan McCain: "Joe The Plumber Is A Dumbass" 4-3
Free Market Fuckwits rejoice - Man sells kidney! 1-5 3-2 3-6 4-5 5-8 5-9 6-4 6-7 6-8 8-5 9-3 9-4 9-5 10-1 10-3
Who's to Blame for Recession? 4-9 5-1 5-3 5-10 6-3 7-5 7-9 9-3 9-5 9-8
The Obama Deception, Alex Jones and The New World Order 2-7 2-10
UK Libertarian Party survey 9-10
Democratic socialism 1-5 1-10 2-6 2-9 3-9 4-3 6-2 6-3 6-9 21-6 21-8 43-4 44-6 45-4 46-1 46-4 47-3 47-8 47-10 48-2 50-7 54-6 54-7 54-8 58-2 58-8 61-1 62-3 74-4 75-5 77-4 77-8
Organic has no health benefits 9-10 11-10 16-3 16-6 18-7
Fascism, The Left, and eating vegetables 4-1 4-6 11-9
Crazy Townhall Health Care "Discussions" 11-5 15-9
Ben Stein Fired From NY Times 1-8
The Inheritance Tax - Equality of Opportunity 1-10 3-1
Is the US on the brink of fascism? 4-10 5-6 5-8 7-9 8-1 8-3
The Demonization of Obama 7-1
Why is the US scared of Socialism? 10-8 10-10 12-2
Pirate Party in the UK officially founded 5-4 5-5
10 Biggest Health Insurers' Profits Up 424% in 7 Years 4-5
Federal/National debt--good or bad? 2-4 2-8
Obama down to 47% approval 1-9
What are Your Social and Economic Ideologies? 3-5
Should I just give up on discussion with this person? 1-7
Torture 2-5
Liar 1-3
How a Basic Income Program Saved a Namibian Village 2-3 2-6
HC Reform a Joke - Obama Has No Plans of Public Option 2-10 3-7
Bill Maher: America is a stupid country 1-7
Gay men being slaughtered in Iraq 2-5 2-10
Arizona Preacher: "Faggots run this country!" 4-1
Bill Maher is an asshat. 13-10
The truth about the NHC/UHC. 3-8 4-3 17-3 17-4 18-5
The ruin of a currency based economy 1-3 1-7 3-1
New Forum for Libertarian Atheists **NOT commercial 8-9 8-10 26-3 29-8 35-5 39-9 45-5 45-10 47-1 47-7 48-6
Microsoft & Poland racism dilemma 1-9
They Were Warned 5-5 5-7 5-9
Questions to the anarchist 1-10 8-3 8-6 9-3
Japan's Regime Change After 53 Years. A Landslide Victory. 1-6 2-9
Democratic Socialism Pt II 6-6 9-1 9-2 63-10 64-1 64-2 68-5 68-7 68-8 69-2 70-6 77-2 77-3 83-7 84-8 86-2 86-4 94-5 94-7 95-1 95-2 95-10
Penn and Teller Compared to Nazis by Catholic League 1-2
Why is the EU welcoming more refugees? 2-5
Lesson Not Learned - US Govt. Still Pushing Risky Loans 2-4 2-5
Free speech wins in Canada 1-10
Something for the "chemicals are harmless" crowd... 1-4 1-5 1-7 3-1
POLL: The End of America. 1-4 2-3 3-3 3-7 5-5 5-6 6-6
Alexander annihiliates arguments of ‘Anarcho’-utopian idiots 1-3 1-5
Pledge of Allegiance? Is this socialism or religious indoctr 1-5
Would Anarcho-democratic self-gov't protect minority rights? 1-4
Heckling the President - WTF? 4-8 4-9
"too brainwashed to read the bible?"!! 1-9
Did Glenn Back rape and murder a girl in 1990? 4-1
The Anarchodemocratic society, a utopia for mafia & warlords 2-5
Jewish influence on US governmental policy 3-1 5-8 6-6 6-8 9-2
Communist Jesus and the greatest irony of American politics 1-6 1-8
"Sometimes we must fight terror with tyranny." 1-6 1-8
Americans, Checked Your Water Lately? 1-3 1-8 2-2 2-7 3-7 4-1 6-8 6-10
This Corporate Life 1-4
Not Racism; Projection 1-5
Consumer ethics in the US 1-3 3-1
American “meddling”... 5-7
Windows OS is a threat to a stable internet. 1-3 1-8
Snake with foot found in China 3-3
The Boston Globe: Why Capitalism Fails 4-4 4-5 5-7
So, Just How Socialist Is America? 18-8
Milton Friedman: Hero or Villain? 1-2 2-6
CNN takes on Fox News 1-3
Only halal food in Dutch prison 7-10
The folly of Ron Paul 4-8 8-8
Obama - Back Door to Newspaper Nationalization 6-3
Re: Democratic Socialism Pt III 12-2
Liberalism /Fascism 5-6 7-2
An Appeal for Sanity 1-3
Voter Apathy in the UK 2-10 4-9
The rich must be forced to pay their fair share of tax 7-5 8-3 13-3 13-5
$25K fine or year in jail for not buying health insurance 3-1
POLL: The Politics Poll (Economic) 3-1
Libertarianism, The Role of Government 1-3 1-8 2-5 5-2 5-6 7-1 7-4 29-8 55-7 66-3 66-5 74-6 75-1 77-7 78-2 78-7 79-10 80-1 83-2 83-3 83-5 83-7 84-5 84-7 85-5 85-6 85-9
Intellectual Property: Patents & Copyrights 12-1 12-4 12-10 13-1 28-3 34-6
Socialism, yay or nay? 6-8
is this image pornographic 8-5
The Perfect form of Government 5-4 5-6 6-2 10-5 10-8
Atheist Communists? 7-10
The end is nigh for the US Dollar 1-10
Starving Africa: Genius builds a windmill. Inspirational! 3-3
Henry Kissinger: hanging or electric chair? 2-8 2-10 3-2 8-3
Harrison Bergeron Movie, Dystopia of Coercive Egalitarianism 2-2 3-7 4-2
Complex Reasons for High Cost of US Health Care 1-9 1-10
US $ in freefall! Hip hip, hoorey! 5-6 5-10
Aside from historical record, why hate communism? 12-2 12-5 17-7 37-10 38-10 39-5 41-2 41-4 42-2
Make Me a Libertarian 4-2
Make Me Not A Libertarian 3-10 4-2 4-5 4-7
Why Did The U.S. Support Zionism/Balfour Declaration? 1-6
Texas: 1 in 330 Persons A Police Officer 3-1
Now More US Troops Deployed Under Obama Than Bush 3-4
Louisiana Judge: No Marriage License for Interracial Couples 3-6
Bill Maher Rants Against Government, Medicine & Vaccines 4-10
Is Anti-Americanism Simply Intellectually Cool? 17-1
The American Revolution 2-8 4-5
EU designates Maultaschen a protected regional food 1-2 1-5 2-2 2-3
Home Depot worker wears 'under God' button, fired 5-3
Is socialism sustainable? 9-8 9-9 10-2 10-7 11-2
Do You Support Gay Marriage Pt I 59-9 72-3 80-1 80-4
U.S. Health Care Public Option is in 1-10
Right Wing, Left Wing - Are these terms still relevent? 3-5
Where have all the Libertarians gone? 3-1 3-6 4-4 5-1 6-3 6-4 29-3 32-9
French Govt May Compromise on Sarkozy Son's Job 1-3
Swine Flu 1-6 1-9
Teen Vogue Features Pregnant Cover Girl: Moral Panic Ensues. 2-1
Would You Vote For Al Gore? 2-9
Is Anyone Else Tired of The Twilight Craze? 9-9 10-1
Murdoch may block Google as part of new charge regime 4-2
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Scepticism and Politics VI 82-9
Mass medication - Flouride in water, folic acid in bread 5-9
Questions on Egyptian Pyramids 3-7
Who knew ACORN was so powerful? 3-8
Texas' gay marriage ban may have banned all marriages 2-2
There exists a huge impediment to the spread of Atheism 6-9 6-10
Judge to Church: Stop Feeding The Homeless 1-10
20,000,000 Animals sacrifice next week in USA 2-3
Religion Breeds Hypocrisy. 1-5 1-10
the African-American Princess and the Frog 3-10
War Tax 3-2
Monetary System 8-1
Everything Sarah Palin 7-6 7-7
I like this strain of Christianity 1-2
Young, and tired of my generation 2-7
Capitalism kills religion? 1-4
DIY Laser Eye Surgery for $100! 1-9
Has the USA become a Third World country? 7-6 7-10
ECE defends carbon trading system... umm duh? 1-1
Friend Convinced Wash Shooter Was Jesus 1-5
The next stage in the libby Somalia saga 1-7 1-10
Greatest King ever:Emperor of Emperors 3-9
Has a matriarchy ever existed? 1-10
Porn Study Fails After Not Finding Any Male Virgin Subjects 1-3
Mayor says muslim Pres Obama blocked Christmas Special 1-10
Religion Actively KILLS in the Western World 1-3
Would you rather be tall or long lived? 3-7
BBC Documentary (population pressure) 2-2 2-3
Militias in America: New Right Wing Extremeists? (Poll) 3-3
US Health Care Bill 7-7 18-5
Right to Vote 3-10
Value to society, what we all know bankers are vultures.... 1-6
Second-grader suspended over violent drawing of Jesus 2-7
Is England the model of a “racist theocratic state”? 1-5 3-10
Libertarian admits socialized health care rules 5-10 10-7 10-9 30-6 40-10 41-6 47-8 47-10 48-2 48-10
Palin Suggests Canada Should 'Reform' Health System 2-7
Libertarian Socialism 2-2 2-5 3-2 4-4 5-9
Men must grow beards (and shave moustaches) 4-2
Rape after midnight not a crime - MP 1-9
Interesting Debate 3-10
How Do We Prevent Future Airplace Terror Attempts? 8-6
Thoughts On Wal-Mart 3-6 5-3
Couple with 14 Children Refuse to Work 6-3 7-4
Rush Limbaugh in Hospital 1-10
Communist Catastrophes 1-3 29-3
Made in China. 1-2 4-7
Name That Decade!!! 3-1
Swedes kill 20 wolves in newly sanctioned hunt 1-6
Swedish police give gang of left shoe thieves the boot 1-2
What do you think of the President Obama's first year 13-5
Conservatives: a Liberal's Worst Nightmare 7-9 7-10
Ayn Rand 4-7 6-5
Hierarchy of rights. Please Post. 1-6
New Forum for Libertarian Atheists 2 1-10 5-2 15-9 18-10
Why hate communism? II 16-7 21-5 21-6 23-3 23-8 26-10 27-1 27-8 28-5 28-10 32-5 32-6