List of Postings of User saturas

Satanism 17-5 17-8
The Avatar Library 3-9
Why would you want to prove god, anyway? 2-1
All ye metalheads! 27-6
Has atheism affected your choice in music? 12-5
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part II 22-10
Bahai is an example of good religion 5-2 5-8
More 4: FGC in Kenya 1-5
Jesus seen in cats fur 3-9
Australia: Warning on ‘homophobic’ cult 1-4
Is Rambo a good Christian? 1-2
Everything can be found in the Bible? 2-10
I am not an Atheist, Skeptic, and Not Your Enemy 9-5
The unsinkable William Lane Craig 1-4
Still forbidden to write about Muhammad 2-6
The religion of peace is at it again! 1-4
Revenge of the theist? 1-7
"When you marry a man with 86 wives ..." 1-4
Holy straw man argument batman! 3-5
Left behind the GAME 2-6
From Atheist to total believer... 8-1
Evil Atheists in Movies and TV 1-10 2-4 2-9
Hope for God 2-1
The claim that atheists are angry/bitter at god. 2-3
CONTENT ADVISORY - Christian Abortion Trackers 1-7 1-9
Islamic Fundamentalist Org declares me a Military Target 2-10
I'm NOT Immoral! 2-3
A simple scientific test 1-2
Atheism a problem in Changanacherry 1-6
"The more I study the more I believe in God" 3-3
YouTube Wankers 4-6
Requirement for president = Imaginary tyrant in the sky 1-5
Religious friends getting to be too much 1-5
Rape in Islamic states 2-3
Theists continue to bring the class:Peggy DeKay 1-9 2-1
Kirk Cameron stars in... 1-6
why don't atheists kill themselves? 8-6
Atheists not good for gods army 1-5
Call the police already 1-8
God - a random message on facebook 1-8
Why do they go after Christians only? 6-3
Everybody is a believer when the PAIN hit the door. 10-2
'Arming' for Armageddon 2-7
Christian muzak video bashes atheism 1-5
If all we see is what we get... 3-2
Intellectually Starving 1-5
Unbelievable - Pure Comedy Gold 1-4
Edge of the universe 1-2
Will science conquering death kill god? 2-7
Mom has problems with me being an atheist. 2-6
Chick's finally completely lost it 1-4
Why are there no more animal sacrifices? 1-2
If your country suddenly.... 1-6
You can't handle the TRUTH!.. atheists.. so don't watch! 2-10 4-6 5-1 6-9
Christian campus is disturbed by hazing 1-2
Theists are so easily offended... 1-6
Rapture Ready v YEC's 2-3
Response from fundi 1-9
Is empirical evidence necesary to prove something? 1-10
Fundamentalist Preacher On Campus [NOW WITH PICS] 1-9
Why do religious websites have no forum? 1-7
Atheism vs. Agnosticism II 28-5
Ted Haggard breaks his silence 2-1
Fatwa: Emoticons are Un-Islamic 3-2
Amish Homeowners Argue Religion Trumps Building Codes 1-7
Satanic Ritual Abuse! 1-8
The atheist's paradox 6-6
"No Sunday shopping in Croatia" 2-4
Supercomputers = the sign Jebus & the rapture is coming 2-9
Great Dutch discovery: time travel possible!!! 1-8
Nanotechnology - religion says it is not moral. 2-2
Where does this Atheist logo come from? 3-1
Coming soon: Pope on YouTube 2-8
It didn't take them long 1-10
Ignominious blunder by University of Vermont 3-9
Another Ray Comfort website. Aaarrrggghhh! 3-4
Parents Defend Child Beauty Pageants? 5-1 5-3
As an atheist, some religious things I like. 60-6
Why do theists hate that atheists exist? 9-2 9-4
Faith? KNOCK, knock. Who's there? God. 1-6
Gd hs a msg 4 u! 1-5
Jesus Porn Anyone? 1-4
Abbie Smith (erv) vs Dr. Charles Jackson - Evolution Debate 2-2
What are some good movies with an atheistic storyline? 9-1
Legless lizards VS Snakes 1-4
Muslim father orders daughter killed over short skirt 1-8
"The story of Faith Hope" 2-2
"There is a correlation between atheism and intelligence" 1-7
Here's one. 5-3
What's your tolerance level (Religion)? 8-9
Example Of Experiment That May Prove God? 8-3
Unveiling the true face of a gigantic star 1-8
Atheist books for youths? 1-7
Lucid Dreaming 2-9
Can I eat my own plums? 3-7
Just an idea 1-2
Five-Year-Old Gives Birth 1-6
Reincarnation and it's evidences 2-7
Misperceptions 1-9
commenter brings the crazy...passing through the birth canal 1-7
How close are we to faster than light travel? 1-10 2-5
Hitler a Christian? 2-1
Anyone Else Feel The Same Way? 1-4 1-7
‘Cane my daughter in public for beer drinking’ - father 2-8
"Footprints" - The Chaser's War on Everything 1-3
What is the point of prayer? 2-6
Je$u$ Chri$t spotted on Mars 2-9
Religion partly to blame for online piracy? 2-4
Who is the most badass atheist? 4-1
I just made myself laugh...What if you're wrong??? 1-8
Atheism-Hypocritical stand 10-8
Christopher Hitchens 2-1
Richard Dawkins on the Bill O'Reilly Show october 9th 2009 4-3
I'll Pray for You 3-3
secular argument for abstinence outside marriage 1-5 3-8
Christian Side Hugs - Frontal Hugs Too Sinful 5-2