List of Postings of User dave p

How do wo treat true believers? 3-9 4-4
Not so agressive 3-3
Kent Hovind 7-2 7-9
Non-believers are necessarily nihilists 13-8
People saying Bless You when a person sneezes 3-4 3-9
Is there any Atheist/Freethinking Music? 9-5
Nominate Richard Dawkins for the Great Briton Awards 2006 5-6
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 5-1
Sexiest female 11-3
Is Multiculturalism in the UK a good thing? 8-7
Leprechauns and Atheists 2-4
Number of Lovers 8-7
The Experiment Nobody talks about 4-2 4-3
Obama 6-7
Beer 6-3 6-5
Advanced alien races 4-3
It just keeps getting better 2-1
Question about religious violence 2-1
Ouch! Ouch!! Ouch!! Arrrgh!! Oooooh.... 4-5 4-9 5-1
Atheist people dating religious people 4-9
One Atheists mission to bring Peace to the Middle East 1-6
A Cult of Personality 3-9 3-10
Do the test - which Religion is right for you? 5-10 6-3
What did you get for Christmas? 6-6
Reciprocate 1-6 1-7
Dawkins Should Answer This Important Question 6-8
Ed Brayton objects to the Petition. 2-9
The term atheist 4-3 5-8 6-5 6-6 6-8 7-2 7-6 7-9 7-10 8-5 8-6 8-7 9-8 10-7 10-10 11-1 12-5 13-2 13-6 14-1 14-3 15-1 15-2 15-7 15-10 16-2 16-6 16-10
Hi from the Cheese State 2-3
What does the Professor think of the Pope's latest? 2-1
The Moon Landings : Real or Fake? 4-6
So, the Mrs would like to go to London... 2-10 3-2
Ask Richard Dawkins 2-1
This macho "killer dog" culture 4-6
Unassimilated 3-1
Might omnipotence imply an infinte number of gods? 1-8
Religion and the Borg 3-3 4-1
My account has become inactive 2-4 2-5
An identity crisis? 1-9 3-4 3-7 4-2
Atheists In Space 1-3
I agree with Dawkins.. but! 1-3
The Grief process and deconversion to atheism. 2-2
Dawkins' Comments on Rational Responders 2-9
Physics major 1-4
what is iran's stance on stem cell research? 1-3
Hi from the bible belt 1-6
Is doubt a bad thing? 1-6
Come back in 500 years. 1-4 1-9 2-4 2-5 2-7
Would you repent, if God existed? 1-8 5-3 6-5
Hello 1-2
Atheists in History 1-4
Mystical Experiences 2-2 2-4
Does this forum make sense? 2-3 2-6
Ban on human-animal embryos, after press from religious gups 2-4 2-8
on the last census, what did you put down for your religion? 1-3
Darwin and Homosexuality 1-5
Thomas Jefferson's Qu'ran 1-2
I have read enough of this christian rubbish... 1-5 1-8 3-6 3-9 3-10 5-2 6-10 8-7 8-8 9-4 9-7 9-9 15-7
Alone 1-2
Is Dawkins creating a new religion? 8-10 9-2 9-8 10-3 10-10 11-2 12-3 12-7 12-9 13-7 14-1
The black sheep 1-5
is there a meaning of life 1-8
Theme Tune for 2-2 2-3
Can religion survive the Internet? 3-6 4-3 4-6
Affects of drugs on spiders 1-9
New to board 1-3
Obey the Time Cube!!!! 1-2
Isn't it a coincidence that conspiracy theories 1-10 2-1 2-2
Who thinks emoticons are stupid? 1-3
Newness 1-4
Intro 1-2
Problems with Atheism.... 1-7 1-8 2-6
Hello from the USAF in the UK! 1-3
marilyn manson 2-4
Morality of questioning faith... 1-5
I Not lurking, I Finding My Faith 1-2
My faith and Dawkins' faith 2-6
Communism: Atheist? or simply Anti-clerical? 1-5
Dawkins Day? 1-2 1-8
Polish Arch Bishop resigns 1-7 1-8
Why did GOD give 'man' a residual tail? 4-3
Hello 1-2
My first thread: Me and a christian 1-2
The End of Theologians: A Dawkins inspired disaster? 1-5 2-4 2-5 2-7 4-8
Does Religion win through selection? 1-3 1-10
Atheists - Will You Sell Me Your Souls? 1-2 2-2
*polite cough* 1-3
Somebody New 1-4 1-6
over 5000 members now(update nearly 6000 now) 1-4
RD photo and the hand of God! 1-2 1-4
Religion Gone By What Year? 1-4
Overrunning Religion Forums 1-6
Psycho teachers and evolution. 1-7 2-6 2-8
Looking for God is like... 1-5 1-6 1-8 2-1
Society and its acceptance of moral controversies 1-3
Faith rally over gay rights bill 2-8
Morality without God 1-7 1-8 1-9 2-1 2-7 2-8 3-4 3-7 3-10 4-2 4-6 5-3 5-4 5-6 6-1 6-3
7 Scientific Problems with Evolution 2-6
American Mythologies 1-3
Say no to RPG! Join DADD today!!! 1-8
Evolution and war 1-5
Do you need to belong to a group? 1-8
Atheist Vitriol 1-3
The Richard Dawkins Delusion 2-10 4-1
More variation in humans? 2-6
Is the Guardian a reliable news source? 1-4
Religion at its most restrictive... 1-5
Howdy all 1-3
Exciting new cult to join! 2-5
VM keboasrd hgasas brokenQ!¬ 2-1 2-3
Should some fundamentalists be banned? 4-5
Religion as currency 1-3
Do you find swearing offensive? 2-8
More Backlash 1-5
New member on your side but might cause a few arguements 1-3
God debate settled. Dick Cheney is God! 1-2
Church denies raped women pill 2-8 3-2 3-5 4-4 4-8 5-5 6-1 6-8 6-9 7-1 7-3 8-3 10-7 10-9 10-10 11-3 12-3
How do you think? 1-3
Limited Universe? 1-4
Coming out? 1-1 1-5
Conservative Christian Relatives 1-2
Religious Deconversion, or Scientific Indoctrination? 1-2 1-10
Most Atheist (Sceptic) Friendly UK Newspaper 2-4
Christian vs. secular war 1-9 2-2 2-4 2-10
slavery and the bible 2-3 2-5
What would beavis do? 1-3
Anyone else followed this route here (or thereabouts)? 1-3
The Afterlife. 1-9
Earth is 6,000 years old 1-7
Bush Invaded Iranian Mission Last Night 1-6
Records that Changed your life 2-5
Groupthink and the Intellectual Elite 1-8
Karl Marx born jewish? 1-4 1-5
If you could be a god for a day... 3-4
How To Wind Up A Telemarketer.... 1-6
Regarding insult slinging and ad hominem attacks. 3-7 3-10 4-2 5-5 6-6
Are you happy with the term atheist? 1-3 1-8
Real intentions behind religious doctrine? 2-3
ever wish you never became an atheist 1-4
Impartial and Neutral, what's the difference? 1-4
David Beckham. $250,000,000. Is he worth it? 1-2
Pets: isn't it a bit odd to have animals in our houses? 1-10
More crucifix nonsence 1-3 1-7 2-1 2-5 2-7 2-10
Randi goes on the offensive 1-4
Are your days really numbered? 1-6
Atheists Debating in Favour of Religion 1-5
The essence of Christianity 1-4
Typical fundamentalist... 1-2
Changing opinions 1-7
The significance of the man. 1-4 1-8
Reservations about marrying 1-2 2-3 3-4 3-5
'Trolls' as parasites 2-3 2-10 3-1 3-3
Idiocracy 1-2
An atheist society? 1-3 1-6
Intelligent Design and the Solar System 2-8
New Forum ~ Formal Debates. 2-1
stuck for answers between God and erm...nothing 1-3
Learn from history! 1-4 1-7
Our Professor 3-1
An Autobiography? Science Writing? 2-5
Does Milgram shed light on religion? 1-5
Japanese religion 1-3
Teen Christian site - so sad... 1-2 1-7
Why are you an atheist? 1-5
Worst song ever! 1-2 2-1
Resigning from your religion 1-5
Stairway to Heaven 1-4
Good Evening, Godless Sodomites Mix 1-5
Genesis vs Genesis 1-7 1-9
Quitting smoking... 1-6
Gmail problems 1-2
islam 2-5 2-7
Reasons to be antireligious 1-8
WikiWrit: The Holy Book Anyone Can Edit 1-6
HELP - My 12 year old is a believer!! Any Suggestions? 3-10 4-3 4-7
Suicide Songs 1-9
Average IQ for the forum 5-1 5-9 6-2 6-5
Inter faith dialogue 1-2 1-6
what? 2-4 3-7 4-5 4-7
History of religion in under 2 minutes 1-10
meeting people from the internet 2-10 3-2 3-4
Is there any room for a God... 1-3 1-5 1-7
Is anyone else scared for the future? 1-4 1-8 2-3
reliability of the bible... 1-2
Times: Aquinas proves atheists are closer to God... 1-4
The fight to be 'Nothing' 1-2
Best way to convert parents to atheism? 1-3
3 Greatest Ills of Society 1-2 1-4
Dinesh D'Souza on The Colbert Report 1-3
The Dangers of Atheism 1-2
A worried Atheist! 1-4
Writing to the Government 1-2
Channel Four : A Nazi Channel? 3-6 6-2 6-7 6-9 7-3 7-5 7-8 7-10 8-5 8-8 8-10
arguing with muslims 1-6 2-3
The Quotes from scripture thread 1-5
Would atheists mind a religion that was all positive? 2-4 6-1 6-9
Possible Life in Prison for Adultery 2-2
Being an atheist: Harder in the USA? 1-3
"Moderate" Mosque in UK filmed undercover. Not so 1-3 1-5 2-2 2-4
What would it take to convert? 1-4 3-8
President's oath - and US oaths generally 1-3 1-6 1-7 2-5 2-7
Disturbing Article 1-5
Communist Manifesto, The Prince? 1-4
Question for ex-theists 1-5
How different are we really? 1-7
Debunking intelligent design in one word 1-8
This is TERRIBLE!! 1-4
Scopes Monkey Trial 1-4
help with a few terms 2-2
Swearing on the bible. 1-7 2-3 2-6
Pre-determined life 1-5 1-9 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-7
Coerced testimony... 1-2
Where do you find meaning? 1-4 1-6
Are atheists & agnostics merely bitter? 1-3
The collapse of atheism: so bad I had to share it! 1-2
Big Pharma at it again 1-2
Why: My Theory 1-5 2-3 2-5 2-10
Americans reject evolution 1-4
The best lyrics-writers 1-8
(YourTube Videos) ISLAM - What the West Needs to Know 1-2 1-8 1-10 2-1 2-5 2-6 2-8 3-2 3-4 3-7 3-8 4-1 4-3 4-4 4-6 4-8 4-10 5-3 5-10 6-1 7-7 7-8 7-10 8-1 8-2 8-5 8-8 8-9 9-3 9-5 9-6 9-8 9-10 10-9 10-10 11-2 11-4 11-6 12-1 12-3 12-8 12-10
what do you think? 1-3
Religion and war... what's the big deal? 1-2 1-5
1708 and all that! 1-4
Snobbish Brits? 1-2 2-1 2-2 2-3
Random Video 1-2
Why is Marilyn Manson a Satanist? 1-8
Fighting to use the house computer 2-7
Faith: a Release of Insanity That no Rubber Room Can Contain 4-6
Am I just bashing religion? 1-5
More religious strangeness... 2-5
Weddings, Funerals and Christenings 1-5
Ken Ham nervous about Richard Dawkins 1-7
Service Organisations 1-2
Religion & Terrorism 2-10 3-1 3-2 3-4 3-6 3-9 4-4
Your view on abortion w.r.t. to you having/not having kids 105-5 105-7 105-10 106-2 106-7
Any bright suggestions what we should call ourselves? 1-2 1-4 1-9 3-7
When did you first start to think your religion was faulty? 2-5 3-10
Dawkins & Gould on not debating creationists 3-5
Hypocrisy in Atheism 2-4
Faith-Based Atheism 2-5
Is there a better word instead of the word, "atheist'' 5-9 6-1
Have you ever confronted a street preacher? Should we? 5-4 5-6
monogamy 3-4
Ben. XVI misunderstands evolution and science 3-2
Kurt Vonnegut died last night 4-3
Global warming is unstoppable, dont even try. 2-5 2-8 2-10 3-2 3-7 6-5
Can darwinism and christianity really coexist? 2-7
Do schools today kill creativity? (Ken Robinson, TEDTalks) 1-3 1-5 1-7 1-9
cosmetic surgery, why? 1-8
A Sense of Entitlement to Attack The Religious 2-2
Intolerance of believers 1-3
Anti-conspiracy theorists are 'groupies' 1-8
Ask me questions... 14-4
The Utility of Religion 1-10 2-1
The Nature of Iraq Resistance 3-10
bought a guitar today 1-9 2-1
Gunman Kills 33 on Virginia Tech Campus 5-10 6-3 8-4 8-5 9-1 9-6 9-8
Right to bear arms? 2-2 2-5 2-7 2-9 3-1 3-2
not married? be or not be legitimised by state or church! 1-8
Vegan propaganda 1-2 1-5
Firearm regulation-a classical liberal perspective 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-9 2-2
Unitarian Universalism 1-8 1-9
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 1 12-10 13-5 13-7 14-1
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 4-4
-The Death Penalty- (Part 1) 68-8 69-2 70-3 70-8 71-2 71-8 73-1
Was Jesus Real? (Part 1) 39-4