List of Postings of User Owtth

Is there any Atheist/Freethinking Music? 33-9
Dawkins on South Park 33-3
Atheism vs. Agnosticism 71-9
Music recommendations 9-6
Atheistic quotes 21-6
RDF World Map ~ Add Yourself! 25-8
Atheist Tattoo 19-10
Treatment of Women in Saudi Arabia - Comments 23-7
Game - Name The Artist 56-1 56-6 56-8
The New E.U Treaty 36-5 38-6 38-8 38-10 40-3 41-1 56-2
Best first line of a novel? 12-7
I’m Dreading My Sisters Wedding! 10-4 10-5
Baby's Name 10-1
Funny Pictures 31-10 35-3 35-4 35-6 36-1 36-8 36-10 37-4 39-8
Ethnic Categories 4-6
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain 50-1
Alternative names for atheists II 74-2
The Phoenix has landed 26-1
Musical crushes 16-10 17-2
What is the strangest/most unusual book or books that you ow 5-7
Best song covers. 14-3 14-6
When Dawkins dies who is going to take over? 4-10
Why is Richard Dawkins angry? Question from Dr Greg Clarke 2-3
Richard Dawkins mentioned in Metal Gear Solid 2-4 2-6
Worst books you've had the intense displeasure of reading? 13-7
PZ Myers, wafer biscuits, and intolerance ... 69-3 70-1 70-4 72-1 72-7
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin 9-9 15-2 15-6 15-9 18-2 18-10 19-1 20-3 22-2 36-10 37-3 43-1
WATCHMEN trailer! 3-10
General Member Survey 12-10
Does Richard Dawkins have too much faith? 3-9
Atheists are boring according to 10-8
New atheist trying to cope 2-10 6-3
Calling All New Converts 2-10
National Geographic, Discovery Channel and my ongoing... 2-4
Pictures of thee, Thread Part III! 3-6 4-10 6-9 10-2 40-1
'Expelled' movie available for Amazon review 5-8
The Big One....good SciAm article on solar threat 1-7
Long time lurker first time poster 1-1 1-8 2-2
LHC rap... 2-4
Answers in Genesis 1-2
SWAT raids wrong house: Gets medal 2-1
First Post 1-6 2-8
Global Economy vs Church Funds? 1-5
Jesus Sucks airplane banner over Toronto yesterday 1-4 1-8
I found out why my breadsticks taste weird 3-10
Pussy = Pussy!! 3-5
Alastair McGrath 1-3 1-5 4-7
Hacker faces 60 years 2-1 3-7 7-2 7-6
Which American said this 2-6
Do you read certain books twice the first time through? 1-6
Warp Drive is Possible 5-8
Hi from Pakistan (for now) 1-5
Smae (Hello) o Cymru 2-2 2-7 3-9
Popular science recommendations 1-9
A moment's beauty 1-3 1-9
What is this? 2-6
Cannot get in at all! 7-4 8-2
Atheism and Personal Discipline 3-8
Genius of Charles Darwin ratings smear. 1-6
I am not an Atheist, Skeptic, and Not Your Enemy 1-8 2-3 10-1
The Earth is flat and horizontally infinite 3-1
Original Sin Disproven? 2-1 3-1
Grandmother died today (Aug 5) Advice needed 2-7
Nobody loses... 7-8
Arabs surf Israeli porn sites 1-2
2008 Olympics Beijing 24-9 25-1
Taking prescription drugs 2-4
Electronic music 1-5
Wedding issue 4-8
Police missing ``beer goggles'' 1-5
Issac Hayes dead, religious critizism 2-3
So you're on your death bed... 4-10
A cheap, effective, low-maintenance mine sweeper? 5-2 6-5
Most Atheistic Country? 2-7
Photographs - Dawkins at Edinburgh Book Festival 1-4
Where is Richard's Argument? 6-4
Prince Charles' Big Mouth 1-4
Personality Poll (plz click the link I.T.) 2-4
Unintentionally atheist books? 1-2
Why I am upset about Atheism 2-1
Religion Defense 101 (please) 1-2 1-6
UK Holiday destinations 2-4
Simon Singh to be sued 9-3
Stephen King's The Stand 3-6
Addictive Game. 3-5
Exceptionally Bad Movies? 3-6 11-4
ESL 1-4 1-9
There are 25550 lurkers on this site. 1-6
Simple hearing test 1-6
Borrowed technology: ideas please? 5-6 10-6
If all we see is what we get... 4-8 5-5
Non-mainstream forms of entertainment 1-10
Mom has problems with me being an atheist. 3-9
Debunking Biblical Prophesy 1-5
Ostracized by band, friends, and family 2-6
In Praise of Bullfighting 5-9 7-1
anonymous grave 1-10
Magic Eye - Yayy I can still do it! 4-3
A rant. 2-1
Senior Project 1-2
Smoking Cigarettes 30-10 33-2
Berlinski accuses Dawkins of lying 1-4
Religious abuse by a music teacher 5-10
Anecdote re Woo and belief 1-2 1-6
BBC: Scientology 'faces French trial' 1-3
Your favourite science fiction character? 15-3
Muslim sues Tesco over alcohol 9-8 11-3
I think I love Meekychuppet 21-7
Is the world so complicated? 2-6 3-5
Pictures of thee, Thread Part IV! 4-3 4-6 4-8 4-10 5-2
What's the Official Sport of Atheism? 3-10
The N00bcake of the Day 2-6
RD one of 50 People Who Have Wrecked Britain 2-7
Conquering superstition 2-1
Having a go,at playing poe 1-2
What does mean to you? 2-5
NEW Forum guidelines (commentary) 89-9
Richard Dawkins and children's fairy tales etc 10-6 11-1 16-1
ireland/ palestine, interesting Bebo page 9-2
Stealing the US election Part III 2-7
Assassination attempt on Obama curtailed 5-4
Russell Brand/Jonathon Ross Poll 6-8 7-5 8-6
Letter to applicant for teaching job in Chemistry 7-4
Batman tries to sue "Bat-man" 1-4
The President Obama Poll! 1-10
Looking for a great American novel 1-6
Ashton Kutcher attacks Mars & space exploration 2-5 2-8
Why not start a new Religion? 3-5 3-7
Help! Religion in the workplace! 3-4
Documentary: Finger of god 1-2
Do You Have a Joie de Vivre, Richard? 2-3
fatwa against pubic hair... 6-1
Can’t get to sleep! 2-10
My best friend is getting married 2-5
Favorite scifi/fantasy gods 1-10
BBC Drops Crufts from TV Schedule 7-5
Documentation: A Reply To Richard Dawkins 2-1
man's guide dog barred from restaurant for offending ISLAM 8-3
Atheistic stand up / comedy / interesting lectures, etc? 1-9
What is it with Americans and forgeign accents? 8-4
The Truth about Dawkins 1-6
Happy monkey! Pharyngula meme... 1-8
Kurt Vonnegut... 2-6
"We Apologise For The Inconvenience" 2-5
Why hasn't Iain Banks won more awards? 3-2
God Delusion's view of Jesus 1-10
Dawkins to appear in another Channel 4 series 4-8
Atheist Athletes? 3-2
Zeitgeist vs Fitna 1-9
Why so much? And why now? 1-6
Thy faith hath made thee whole.... 1-3
Attack On Atheism 1-2
"Bananaman" Comfort challenges RD with $10,000 21-4
Taking comfort in the mystery. 2-7 2-9
Swearing the oath in court 1-5
Need some help educating someone 3-6
Flat-Earth Theorists are Atheists 1-9
Does being an atheist mean... 2-5
This happened tonight. 1-10
What is the most dangerous cult? 1-7
human as energies = reincarnation? 1-9
evil possession 1-7
Legal Idiots Rant 1-2
Bill Gates bought the Feynman lectures and offers them free 2-4 2-6
"A Bulletproof, Airtight Case For Intelligent Design" 17-10
Giving up Smoking, any ex smokers out there. 1-5
That sneaky Richard Dawkins 3-3
Examples of rudeness 1-10
"What do you want written on your tombstone?" 6-4
Smack me if I'm wrong here... 1-9
What constitutes as disproof? 2-5
Most annoying creationists arguments 1-5
Wheel of Time anyone?? 3-6
Do you agree this was in bad taste? 3-8
The Discovery of Alien Life - Now what do you say? 2-2
Top 3 books for and against evolution? 2-9
"Keep libel laws out of science." 1-5
Scientific Emergency/Atrocity! 1-5
NASA discovers 'supersized' Saturn ring 2-1
Dawkins' or Dawkins's? 3-2
High-School Atheist Clubs Terrify the Pious 1-8
Richard Dawkins on the Bill O'Reilly Show october 9th 2009 10-9
Claims by Karen Armstrong 1-5
Here's to Douglas Adams, 30 years since HHGTTG 1-8
Signed Book? 1-2
Meisner compares Dawkins to Hitler 2-4
HELP! 1-2
The Stupidest Thing You've Done to Yourself ??? (Pt 2) 1-8