List of Postings of User Rayyth

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 47-7
Is it OK to tell children there's no Santa Claus? 7-4
Marriage 39-7
How many Aussies are here 51-1
RDF World Map ~ Add Yourself! 24-2
How old are you? 32-9
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac 2-2
Wife wants to baptize children, husband doesnt. 13-2
Christopher Hitchens debates Stephen Fry (9 videos, audio) 1-9
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part II 7-5
Alternative names for atheists II 70-1
What is the purpose of existence? 13-5
Hi from Sydney 1-1 2-1
Boycott The Baptism?? 2-3
As an atheist, I think I'm in the pluralty.... 1-3
Are you tolerant of religion? 2-2
Golden Compass Sequel Axed? 2-4
Claimants must work for their benefits? 4-7
Proof of hell 5-9
Sacred Sex - Don't It Hurt So Good 1-5
Dealing with offensive faithheads? 2-6
In Praise of Suicide 2-2
Ban Knives in Canada! 3-10
Trove of Endangered Gorillas Found in Africa 1-2
Genuine Arguments against Homosexuality? 7-1
What causes people to speak in tongues? 5-10
My Priest 2-6 2-7
Do doctors study biology but COMPLETELY OMIT evolution? 2-10
I'm no longer an atheist. 2-8
Religion in Australian Public Schools 1-2
Atheism and Libertarianism (now with a poll!) 43-10
Censorship of the internet in Australia - time to speak up! 1-5
Why do conservatives hate socialism? 38-3
What book opened your eyes? 9-1
New screening halves number of births with Down syndrome 1-3
Parents let infant die because of religious convictions 3-2
"God makes my heartbeat" said my 4 year old 3-1
Ga. judge jails Muslim woman over head scarf 2-9
Still haven't read it ... oh the shame ... 6-4
Victoria's Bushfires 32-2
Girl raped, gets a year in jail, 100 lashes for adultery 1-10
US Muslim arrested for beheading wife 2-10
Right, OK 6-1
Continental Flight 3407 & Beverly Eckert 1-7
Time to Outlaw Marriage 1-6
Introverted Folks 7-2
Why is there no atheist/agnostic TV channel and radio 1-8 2-1
Curiosity 3-2
Hi from Sudan 1-3
Gays-why the hatred? 1-3
Westboro Baptist Church to protest bushfire memorial 1-7 2-2 4-7
Non-religious reason for finding the face veil disconcerting 1-9
LOST 1-2
Funeral rituals and atheism 1-7
Facebook group on religion vs science 2-2
most hated religion...? 2-1
Moslem "Polygamy" in UK 4-1
Reading Obituaries 1-10
Atheistic funerals are so sad 1-10
The beamishboy's recipe for a perfect religion 2-4
Did your coming out hurt anyone? 1-10
How are your Morals? 2-7
Greetings from Yellowstone National Park 1-3
Hello from Norway 1-2
Belated Hi from NZ 1-2
Quit smoking without using any medication 1-8
As an atheist, some religious things I like. 5-3
Morality of premarital and casual sex 3-10
Where in the Bible do I find this? 1-3
Star Wars noob: What Movie to Start With? 1-1 2-3 2-5
Hetero, Homo and Bi 2-7
The Catholic church is insane! 1-3 1-5 1-8 3-8
Evolution of the umbilical cord 1-7
Help, I've gone and done it now... 1-8
Catholics excommunicates those who assist child 5-9 6-3 6-4 8-6
5 shot at Illinois church - Where is your god 2-6
The new Star Trek 1-2
New girl from San Diego, California 1-2
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 12-4
Should men be allowed to 'abort' their unborn children ? 39-6
Re: Where are the Aussies (in Aussie)? 1 10-7