List of Postings of User Sparafucil

Atheist poets? Atheist poetry? (not your own) 6-5
Do you take good care of your books? 16-6
Best first line of a novel? 15-4 21-3
Trial of John Demjanjuk 13-10
US Presidential Election 2008-VP Candidate Sarah Palin, 3 98-9
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 5 73-1
Proposition 8 23-8
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion III 13-2 15-6 29-2 35-3 59-10
Favourite YouTube Videos II 35-2 36-3 37-10
50 book challenge 2009 38-8
Obama's inauguration 18-10 24-4 24-6 25-5 26-6 28-10
One Americans apology to the civilized world 2-6 2-7
Creationism defeated in Texas 1-5
Israel / Palestine Conflict Pt. 8 100-1 100-5
Still haven't read it ... oh the shame ... 7-2
Hugo Chavez president for life. 3-3
Egyptian Christian's recognition struggle 1-3
favorite book store 3-2
Latin passages in "The Name of the Rose" 1-9
arugula's Baroque 1-10
German Resistance during WWII 2-2
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part III) 5-5
Catholics excommunicates those who assist child 6-8
German school gunman 'kills 15' 2-4 2-6
Poll: America Hates Limbaugh 12-2
The Obama Deception - the movie 4-7 4-9
Glenn Beck's Fear Chamber! 3-3
Israel / Palestine Conflict Pt. 9 1-5 81-3
What are some radical opinions you hold? 6-9 8-5
Scientist muzzled for Italy quake warnings 1-2
Should US government apologise to the Iranian people? 6-3
Vermont changes "civil union" into "marriage" 1-4
I've Had Enough of Texas Republicans 1-3
Charlie Chaplin Statue obstructed 1-7
Would you like Richard to write an autobiography? 3-7
Book repair question 1-1
Do you approve of Obama's job thus far? 1-7
Europe's Jews still afraid? 5-7
Shakespeare Introduction 1-10
Is it Acceptable to Malign Homosexuals on RDnet forums? 4-9 12-8
National Geographic: Skinheads Recruiting Your Children? 1-8
Artist-Museum Partnership Act Introduced in Congress 1-1 1-2
Plastics - Political and Social Implications 1-6
Deathbed conversions 1-6
Jared Diamond and New Yorker sued for US$10m by tribesmen 1-10 2-2
High school teacher guilty of insulting Christians 2-3 2-6 2-8
Are Bush/Blair etc. War Criminals? 3-1
No churches: a good thing? 3-7
US Gay Marriage initiatives - State Level (plus Wash DC) 9-3 17-1
Ida: Reveal the Missing Link in human evolution 5-9 8-1
eurovision 5-10
Obama's Broken Promises 5-4
Sonia Sotomayor - Supreme Court nominee 3-1 4-8
My Christian Conservative parents have ruined my education 2-5
Abortion doctor Killed while entering church. 4-2
Are transatlantic differences real or imaginary? 1-9
Sarah Palin does what a Sarah Palin does best 1-8
John Hodgman at Correspondant's Dinner 1-1
Sarah Palin resignation 3-9
The Atheist's Inferno 1-1
Mass Effect 2 2-9
Texas Picks Less Controversial Creationist For School Board 1-10
6% of scientists are rebublican 3-1
Iran election results: Open thread 2-7
Obama down to 47% approval 2-2
HC Reform a Joke - Obama Has No Plans of Public Option 8-3 18-5
favorite beers? 17-3
What's The Most Beautiful Music You've Ever Heard? 19-3
Paradise Lost 1-7
Obama scraps the missile shield 2-8
Another Reason for Private Schools... 1-5 2-1
Students Beat NASA On a $150 Budget 1-2
The End of Cursive 2-3
Glenn Beck, future president of USA 2-1 4-2 12-7
Ted Haggard Completely Free of Homosexual Compulsions LMAO 1-3
is this image pornographic 7-1 7-3
Biggest Dicks 2-2
hitch question 1-2
Barack Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2009 6-9 23-5
Pictures of thee, Part VIII 100-1 100-3
Tea Baggers Second Wave to Begin Oct. 25 2-2
Gay marriage vote in Maine November 3 2-6
What are you currently reading? (Part IV) 3-5
Hitchens And Pastor Douglas Wilson: Atheism vs. Christianity 2-4
Do You Support Gay Marriage Pt I 30-9 31-4 31-9 32-3 34-6 35-10
Archbishop: Gays Worse Than Suicide Bombers 2-6
Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson on Joy Behar Show 1-2
most boring topics in the universe 2-5
NPR Discussion with new Ayn Rand Biographer 1-4
Vile atheist quotes 2-10
What Book(s) Have You Recently Purchased? 8-4
NY Senate votes against Gay Marriage 24 to 38 1-3 4-5
Show us your bookshelves 13-2 13-8
Fired Ohio teacher branded kids and quizzed them on religion 3-6 4-1
"the portable atheist" 1-6 1-10
What do you think of the President Obama's first year 12-9
You're doin' a heckuva job Leiter! 3-10
Mag 7.3 earthquake + aftershocks hit Haiti 2-8
What movies have you watched recently? 4-4 4-8
How are libraries different from bookstores? 1-8 2-1
Does anyone else watch American football? 2-6
U.S. Military rifles inscribed with Bible quotes 1-5
Chavez's latest stunt 5-10
Obama "using a hatchet instead of a scalpel?" 1-7
The Super Bowl XLIV (Saints VS Colts) Will you be watching? 4-2
Oscar noms 1-2 1-3