List of Postings of User twistor59

What would make you believe? 9-3
Introductions 27-7
Noah's Ark 19-1
Mere Christianity - CS Lewis 2-3
What's your favourite bit from the bible?? 3-3
Jesus Camp hits Internet 5-1
Beyond Belief 2006 videos 8-5
Atheism and Autism 4-4
Who's the nuttiest religious person you have worked with? 6-7
Why is there gravity? 2-9
Overbelief 5-3 5-9
How to teach children about religion? 3-1
What Evidence would make you believe in God? 7-8 8-2 8-9 11-2
Top Arguments for Atheism 1-10 2-3 2-7
God? 1-7
Higher Dimensions 4-6
Alien religion 1-2
Where theists Fear To Tread? 6-9 6-10 7-5 7-9 8-6
The neurology of speaking in tongues 4-3 12-6
Can religion survive the Internet? 2-2 2-4
Tolerance and Respect 4-1
Having Faith is necessary 1-3
Morality of questioning faith... 1-4
My faith and Dawkins' faith 1-4
How did 'Nothing' become Something. 9-4 9-6
Kalam Cosmological Argument 4-7 6-6
Irrationalism, Poor Science and the Paranormal. 1-10
Why did GOD give 'man' a residual tail? 1-2
Religion in schools... science in chuches? 4-2
The significance of the man. 1-6
A decent case for Christianity? 2-2
Heaven/happiness paradox 1-2 1-10
Where do you find meaning? 1-8
The collapse of atheism: so bad I had to share it! 2-5
So what is the score? 1-3 2-3
Faith: a Release of Insanity That no Rubber Room Can Contain 1-6 1-8 2-1 2-9 3-9 4-1
Atheists call to spread the Word at Alpha Courses 2-3
Christians and Death? 1-2
Intelligent Design 6-9
Parsing an anti-blasphemy poster 1-4 2-5
Yet another Christian site stifles discussion 1-4 1-6 1-8
Why can't I do it? The 'Blasphemy Challenge'. 1-8 2-5
Carbon Dating the Gospels - Updated 1-7
Please Help - I need some Godless advice/opinion 1-5
Biblical Hemmoroids 1-1
Is the New Testament really much better than the Old? 1-4
What Christians Believe? 3-8 4-7
Jonathan Edwards loses his faith. 1-4
What Happened to the Resurrected Saints? 1-5
"I'll be back before you are dead." Said Jesus? 1-3
christians' arbitrary interpretation of their god's will 1-4
No god, but an afterlife? 49-3
Mother Teresa 10-5
what is the 'glory of god'? -christian sermon 2-4
Lee Strobel - The Case for Christ 4-4 5-4
Jerome: on The Religious Right Parts 1-3 2-4
Any good theist forums? 24-1
The Alpha Course 1-1 1-3 20-10 21-1 21-10 22-8 22-10 23-6 24-2 25-5 25-10 28-1 29-4
Your Favorite/Least Favorite Part of the Bible. 6-5
Why do some atheists convert? 9-10 10-2
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 7-6
Christian Science (the Mary Baker Eddy kind) 1-1
Where did matter come from in the first place? 26-8 29-5
A Christian "comes out" 2-3
Jesus says most people will go to hell. 4-7
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 21-6
Childrens letters to god 2-6
Why Do So Many Adults Require Imaginary Friends? 4-7 5-2 8-9
Have you changed your opinions? 1-8
Jesus Camp UK 1-8
I'm going to read the Bible 4-5
Make me a Christian: Dawkins backlash? 10-8
Jesus and his false prediction? 1-5
What causes people to speak in tongues? 3-3 4-2 4-3
Theists... what happens to the bad bits you filter out? 4-3
A new convert 5-9
Does your toilet face Mecca? 2-4
Atheists are a bunch of insane dimwitted cowards? 2-6 4-7
Most Entertaining Glossolalia Videos 1-1 1-5 2-2 2-3
Pope warns, modern culture is destroying faith 4-6 4-9
Does God need fine tuning? 3-3 6-7 7-4 7-5 7-8 8-1 8-6 8-8 8-9 9-1
The woo you used to do part two 1-6 2-7
Jesus Christ 3-2
The christian afterlife 1-5
Atheist Bus Campaign 3-6 13-2 18-4 18-6 22-8
God evolves? 8-2 8-8
Anyone else think this song sounds good? 1-5
Does existence imply meaning? 4-7 4-9
"HOW" possibly an Omnipotent/scient/good God can exist? 2-1
If a burning bush, why not a talking snake? 1-2
Religion in the UK 2-4
Understanding what belief feels like 4-9
This Metatron guy 1-4 2-4 2-6
Fundamentalist infiltration of UK schools? 1-6
My Story 1-3 1-10
Rt Rev Patrick O'Donoghue Comments in the Telegraph 1-9
Are there any Lapsed People in this forum? 2-1
Orthodoxy makes front page news (again) 1-3
Need Scientists' Perspectives on This Article 2-10
Common Bible Unknowns 3-4
fatwa against pubic hair... 2-4
UN passes measure for anti-blasphemy laws 18-8
Rooftop ‘angel’ visits Lexington couple 2-2
Jesus' Last Words 8-6
Parents let infant die because of religious convictions 2-1
Ascension of Jesus and the "location" of heaven 1-2
Fight Pernicious Myth Old Bearded Man In Sky!!!! 2-1
Jesus appeared to 500 at once 7-6
The world is flat. 1-8
Challenging Christian Science 1-3
What's the funniest bible verse you've found? 3-3
'Magic' goat arrested for armed robbery 3-1
Help me understand why this still affects me... 1-10
Returning to God 1-10
'There definitely is a God' Bus adverts 5-7 8-6
Maybe there is a God 3-5
What God is Made Of 3-7
Ex-Masturbator t-shirts for teens! 6-6
Going to church 3-2
Are the Borg similar to our religions? 2-6 2-9 3-1 3-5
As a 'God', The Holy Spirit is useless! 1-7
Pope sins, but still infallable? 2-4
Fine-tuning and belief in unobservable entities 2-7
Christianity: A History (Channel 4) 2-4
Irritating Hymns 4-1 5-5 5-10
What Islam Fears: Laughter 1-6
rebuttals for the trinity 3-2
Ever read a (challenging) christian book? 2-8
In Defense of Faith 2-2
The Satanic Verses Affair BBC2 1-3
Crap! Now I Can't Go To Heaven. Holy Spirit, pst!!! 1-5
Theists - Why do you pray? 1-4
Emotional investment in ideas 1-2
VIDEO: A Formal Debate Between An Atheist & Believer 1-8 1-9
Relieved to be free of heaven. 1-6
Ants Mimic Mecca Pilgrimage (video) 1-2
Time, Space And Matter 1-4 1-6
Concept of 'hypercosmic God' wins Templeton Prize 2-9 3-1 4-7
If there is no afterlife... 4-3
Theists: What is "God's Plan"? 2-8
The true nature of conversion 2-2
Christian Science - what it is!! 1-7 1-10 2-2 2-8
When computers address the 'Almighty' 1-2
Scary religious dreams 1-7
Sick of it now... any deconverts???? 2-1
The Infinite God and his Finite Creation 1-4
Should the designer be worshipped? 1-2
String Theory and M-Theory 1-7 3-4
Shabbat elevator 1-2
Hypocrisy of doubt 2-1
Nightline Face-Off: Does satan exist? 1-7
Faith vs. Thought 1-8
Old Harry's Game 1-2
Does science require faith? 1-9 3-6 3-10
All Fishes Go To Heaven? 1-9 10-10 11-2 11-4 11-7
Elf-ism in Iceland 1-6
Question about time dilation 9-1
What is the role of the Holy Ghost? 2-8
Nughty Stuff for Christians 1-1
"We Are All Sinners" 1-10
Christian Logic at Uncyclopedia (Humor) 1-2
Something that bugs me about theists, but I'm not sure why.. 7-4
Misaligned mosques 1-4 2-5
What did Jesus sacrifice? 1-6
Video of a woman's religious BS about refusing vaccines 1-5
Preachy Newcomer 1-9
The Rapture Readies are jumping the fence... 2-2 3-7
% who agree that evolution is the best explanation for the o 1-2
Does only the present time exist? 2-9
Churc Easter Sunday cage fight will connect people to Jeebus 1-6
Is Michio Kaku a serious scientist? 3-7
Reply made by Kyles teacher 5-1
Irrefutable question from a new Christian 9-2
Love thy Neighbor 1-6
My Own Experience -- what changed my atheistic view? 3-2 7-1 7-2 7-5 11-9 11-10
An Idea 1-7 1-9
a universe with...nothing for a Creator to do 1-6
Street Interview - The Existence of God 1-3
Evidence supporting the Apostles' Creed 2-5
That's it !! - Atheists need a hell 2-3
Theist Doubt In The Wee Small Hours 1-5 2-8 5-5
Amazing... Just for a laugh! 1-2
Why plump for the first one? 1-2
Errors in "Religulous" 2-7
My reasons for disbelief 1-4
Serbian Drug Addicts Beat with Church Approval 1-6
If many of the world's people just disappeared... 3-8
Critical Opinion of Theology 1-9
Large Hadron Collider [Debunking Woo split] 4-7
TV Heaven, Telly Hell - David Mitchell 1-4
Evangelical Christians On The Rise In Canada 2-5
Just what the hell IS the "holy ghost?" 2-1
666 2-10
Christian Science is a Killer 2-6
Can morality override the truth? 1-3 2-4
"Seek God with your heart"?!?! wtf 2-3 3-3
Why I do NOT leave Christianity 2-2
An Open Letter to my fellow Christians 2-10 54-9
My 'descent' from Evangelical Christianity to Atheism 4-9 5-2 5-4 6-5
Reasons for losing faith. 8-1
Theodicy again: The case of C.S. Lewis 3-2 13-4
Atheism is quaking in its boots.... 2-2
Hi - Christian Scientist here.... 6-3 8-7 8-9
Miracle healing 1-5
Virtue 1-9
Atheist's Children 2-2
Black hole question 1-2
Revelations: How to find God 4-2
Why wasn't I warned about this? Is it too late? 1-4 1-9
If it’s geometry… why the graviton? 3-9 6-4 6-8 10-3 10-8 11-5 11-8 14-7 14-10
Adam, Eve and the apple? 3-2
What is your favourite religion? 2-9 3-3
Ignorant Christians 1-2 1-4
Mitchell and Webb: Atheism 1-9
Why do gods use middlemen? 1-5
Captain Custo and the Sweet Sea Water Story 1-2
Laminin argument 1-2 1-4
Religion = Mental Masturbation 4-8
Does someone being religious affect your opinion of them? 4-6
Hello 3-9
faster than light radio waves... 1-7
The story of Suzie 1-9
A question to ex-theists 4-3
A interesting 45 minutes..... 1-5
what is devil? 6-3 13-5
How does Religion overpower Intelligence? 2-6
path integral formulation and imaginary time 1-10
Theists Failed My Daring Challenge! 1-9
This is not a naïve or simple question [I guess...]. 1-2 1-5
De-brainwashing 1-2 1-6
Is fear of religion linked with autism? 11-8
Experiment: Are Atheists More Likely to be Autistic? 14-8 14-9
Question for the Immortals 1-3
From a Christian.... 10-3 10-5 10-7 11-5
Reincarnation and it's evidences 1-2
A new look at the Holy Trinity 1-7 2-1 2-2 2-4 2-10 3-9 5-1 6-2 6-10 9-9
Do Faithers actually know their own faith? 2-8
ten signs you are an unquestioning Christian 7-6
Evangelical Kung Fu 1-9
The Closest You've Ever Been to Believing. 2-6
Peace/Tinkerbell Experiment 1-9
have any of you... 2-8
LOVE? 6-1
how to break atheism to the parents 2-3
Scientists and Religious Belief 1-4
Anything weird happened after you started reading the bible? 1-2
Why I won't read "The God Delusion" 2-4
Yes!! 1-4
Why Did Jesus Not Die for The Fallen Angels (Demons)? 1-2
Stephen Hawking "spontaneous universe" theory? 2-2
Need my consciousness raised re: origin of the Universe 1-7
Nature of "feeling" the holy spirit 1-10 2-1
Francis Collins: Is he an embarrassment to Dawkins? 3-2
Rules of Christian Porn 1-5
Died for our sins- what does that mean? 3-4 11-5
Jesus do-do? 2-6
Anybody Dabbled With Esoteric Stuff? 1-5 3-5
Benny Sixteen to visit UK 1-3
Bible Review 1-1
The "How Best To Open People Up To Atheism" Thread 1-6
I'm Satisfied The Bible Is Fiction 2-3
reason to its utmost 7-6 7-9 8-1
A case for "god". 4-7
Why Did Jesus Curse The Fig Tree? 2-4
Religion: the great invention of shuffled genes 3-1
Would You End A Relationship Due to Religious Differences? 1-9
What are your favourite supernatural creatures? 3-4
Hillsong Controversy 1-3
Addiction to God 1-9
North Carolina church to burn ‘Satan’s books’ 7-3
Is it really a Delusion (Am I really an Atheist)? 1-2 1-8 3-8
Jesus only said good things? WTF? 2-9
I am a Thelemite - Do what thou wilt! 1-8
Ridiculous controllers 1-4
The believer's dilemma 3-9
B.C. 3-4
Is it really just fear of death? 1-5
Prayer In Action 1-10
In your opinion would it be boring to live forver ? When I 3-6
Palin's Religious Beliefs on Israel and the Rapture 1-3
What was / is your history with religion? 3-2
Urantia Book 1-4
How to choose a religion - flowchart 1-2
lol catz bible! 1-10
Let's turn the tables 2-7
Some wierd Muslim guys new Allah 1-6
I've been called a 'liar' 4-5
Tim Tebow and the Efficacy of Intercessory Prayer 4-7
Critical Thinking and God 5-3
Indisputable Evidence? 4-6
Unitarian Universalists (Curious Faith) 1-3
Pokemon vs Jeebu$ 2-8
Do you ever lose your "faith" in your fellow man? 2-5
Theist Backlash of the Freethought Movement (2 videos) 1-3 1-4
Geezers For Jesus 1-5 1-7
Letter to my Bishop 2-5
Hello 7-2 13-8
What could God fault atheists for? 1-7
whats wrong with heaven? 6-10
I've offended a Wiccan 3-2
The purpose(s) of God and the Universe 5-1
Hello all, my story 10-4 10-10 11-7 12-6 12-8
What religion did you leave? 6-1
Why can't physics and maths be easier? 2-8
Do You Hope You Are Wrong? 2-6
Duelity 1-5
Christians and a "ticket to heaven" 2-1
What does the term "religion" mean? 7-4
Newbie to the Forum + Faith 2-10 3-2 4-3 4-4 4-7 5-1 5-2 7-5
Who created God .... and so on ? 4-8 5-6 5-8
"Holiday Prayer for Atheists" 1-2
Let's Go Fatwa Shopping 1-8
North Korea's Christmas Present 1-2
Is religion a waste of time 1-2
elevators not kosher says Rabbi 2-8 2-9
Just for Fun: Prove the Lunar Landings 1-8 2-2
The Gospel of Abe 1-2
Why did Jesus come 2000 years ago? 2-6
2010 and counting 1-3
'Lifeless' prion proteins are 'capable of evolution' 1-10
I don't understand heaven and i have quesions 2-6
Causality and Deism 3-3 3-7
The fallacy of the phallus. God as male. 1-2
At Dutch university, study of religion leaves room for doubt 1-5
Definition of God 1-10
The resurrection of Jesus - a new angle 2-3
Bart Ehrman on 1 Corinthians 11 1-5
A critique of Russell's teapot 2-9
The Omnipotrons 1-5
Who is God? 2-2
Raising the Dead. 1-6
Father Knows Best How To Dodge Good Questions 1-3
What Funny Things Have You Done for Religion & Esotericism? 1-3
The Pull of Religion 1-3 2-8
Wasn't Christianity a civilizing force? 4-10
McGrath promises free pie in the sky when you die 1-2
An Always Existing God 36-4 50-6
Could Richard Dawkins be his undoing? 4-1
The Bible: A History - Channel 4 - Now (UK) 2-3
Wearied by Religious "Explanations." 1-2
the power to strike dead 1-2 2-4 2-6
Randomness in religions 1-3
Jesus Christ has the highest IQ ever recorded 2-6
Where does fact end and faith begins? 1-6
Kung Fu Action Jesus! : Christian fight clubs. 1-7 2-3
Thinking like Jesus 1-5
Which resurrection do you accept? 1-2
Craziest Christian Kid products 1-2
Father, Son & Holy Ghost 2-6
help 1-4
Ghosts and god 4-1
The Voice of God sounds like? 1-7
Windows, Linux, Atheism, Religion 1-3 1-6 2-10
Why I'm not an atheist 1-6 1-8
Worst Christian vid/"rock" evar 3-1 3-7 4-6 4-7
Words cannot describe! 2-6
Revealing Biblical Passages 1-3
What is the trinity? 1-4
Gospel Groove Workout 1-2
God spoke to me. 2-10
My favorite song, in an earlier life 2-4
What is actually wrong with Christian Beliefs? Part 2 4-7 4-9
What is Biblical literalism? 2-9 3-6
Christian Side Hugs - Please Explain 1-2 1-6 1-8 2-5 2-8