List of Postings of User feign_ignorence

Why/when/how did you become an atheist? 21-3
Terry Eagleton 5-2
What the bleep? 11-6
Dawkins on South Park 39-3
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 52-6
Spore: The game of evolution 11-9 13-7
Armageddon 2-4
Evolution and Homosexuality 49-8 59-6
Out Of Body / Near Death Experience 36-8
Future: Have humans stopped/slowed/changed evolution? 66-7
Are Chiropractors full of S@%t? 5-9
Camp Quest (open link before voting) 3-1
Channel 4's Wife Swap 2-6
The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene 1-10
Zeitgeist Movie & Addendum 27-7
Calling all science geeks!!! 5-10 6-2
Why men really do prefer blondes 20-10
Relativity+ 26-1
Atheist Nation 22-1
Organic Farming for better or worse? 1-8 1-9
Caltech 4-D microscope revolutionizes looking at nano world 2-3
if you could ask god one question... 8-7
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain 81-2
One world government 12-9 13-2
The ban on blood donations from homosexuals 4-10
Nadi Astrology 2-2
The Santa Claus taboo 1-6
Asexuality? 1-7
Telomeres and Reproduction 1-1
Assorted Facts And Fallacies 1-3
Beyond Belief 3: Candles in the Dark 1-7
Court to Decide 'Under God' and 'In God We Trust' 20-1 20-8
What is the purpose of existence? 17-10
"If you don't believe in God, you'll believe in anything" 3-4 3-7
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part II 19-5
Richard Dawkins Reading Hate Mail - This is Funny! 11-4
North Korea - Where are all the people? 1-5 2-7
Truth or Happiness? 3-3
A Woman with Wires Protruding from Her Belly, Indonesia 1-9
Do you think Incest is wrong? 84-3
Maths question? 4-3
Consciousness and animals 5-8
Morality is nonsense 3-2
Why are bad Memes so successful? 1-7
'Expelled' movie available for Amazon review 9-3 9-5
LHC rap... 2-2
First Post 1-7
Hacker faces 60 years 8-3
Please may I become an Atheist? 1-3
It's not Darwin's or Wallaces's Theory 5-7
Create your own pet - worlds first commercial cloned dog 1-8
About Manjir Samanta-Laughton (a "punk" "scientist") 1-4
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 3 19-1
Poll on whether time travel to past theory is possible. 19-5
Getting streched and squeezed in a black hole 1-3
Interesting Cartoon 1-3
The Justification of Alternative Medicine 2-4
Thread deted after legal threats from the group concerned, 1-3
Monkeys 2-2
Worst Creationist Arguments 3-10
teaching evolution in the USA 1-8
'Unnatural' GM wheat unsuitable for the host 1-2
Galactic 'spaghetti monster' powered by magnetic fields 1-4
Results of an anonymous poll in my biology class. 3-6
Study says eyes evolved for X-Ray vision 1-4
Creationist Politics 1-2
Inspiration... 1-2
Biomorph - The game 1-6
Brown vs Blair 2-9
Canadian election 1-9
anonymous grave 1-2
Smoking Cigarettes 33-10
Family asking me to go to AiG's Creation Museum on Sunday 2-10
periodic table 2-3
Religious abuse by a music teacher 2-1
What Commandment Would You Include? 3-1
PMs Ramadam Message 1-7 2-2
are humans really superior to animals? 2-4
Percentage Of World Religion 1-2
Should Hunger Strikers be Force fed? 1-2
Tel Aviv Rabbinate fights 'anti-religious coercion' in hotel 1-2
What Causes Red Hair? 1-4
Do you advocate 'Guerrilla Atheism'? 2-2
Why I believe in an afterlife 3-9
Prosecutors in Russia want to ban the South Park 1-8
Large Hadron Collider 35-2
Where have my Atoms been? 2-2
6 Day Creation, 1 day of Rest 1-5
Rhethoric, music, emotions and religious woo. 1-2
Dawkins on Horizon 16/9 4-7
Aw tingling 3-1
what is the answer to this riddle? 1-10
What do television networks produce? 4-8 5-4
The Fall- Movie 1-3
Lebanon lands $175M Bible Park USA 3-10
Is Evolutionary Theory Dangerous? 1-4
Religion Project: Poster Of Yourself 1-2
Living God 2-8
Catholic School bans HPV vaccine 5-5
Pakal, The Maya Astronaut:Ancient Space Travel 1-2
When mediocrity becomes a virtue. 1-2
Electromagnetic waves 1-5
Join a very bookish conspiracy. 1-2
Chicago may get 'gay-friendly' high school 1-4
Proposition 8 9-8
McMaster University unveils world's most advanced microscope 1-3
Do you play the lottery? 1-2
Richard Dawkins Chorale 1-3
A Thought Experiment for Christians 2-2
Richard Dawkins and children's fairy tales etc 2-8 2-10 3-4
The supposed ultimate test of atheism: HAUNTED HOUSES 2-8
US Presidential Election 2008-VP Candidate Sarah Palin, 4 1-9
Quantum stupidity? 6-7
Abiogenesis... very few people know of it :( 2-6
The Future is Wild 3-1 2-5
The most fearless animal of the world 1-3
Why Debate? 1-2
How Stupid Can These People Get? 1-2 2-6
The talking snake was right, god was wrong 1-5
Muslim artist gets death threats 3-1
Godly to plunder wealth of the godless 1-2
The Ultimate Question of Life, Universe and Everything 1-3
Where did DNA come from? 1-9
House (2008) - Christian horror movie 1-5
Black pope "possible" after Obama`s White House win 1-2 2-5
OMG!!! Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog 1-2
What is basic scientific knowledge? 4-4
Should politicians be qualified? 2-1
does evil exist? 20-9 22-1 23-4
Multiverse Evidence? 3-9
Randomness is unproveble 8-2
Debate: The World’s Most Invaluable Species 1-10
Ashton Kutcher attacks Mars & space exploration 3-6 4-7
Homo futurus 1-3 1-6
The Great Pyramid was a water pump!? 2-8 3-8
satan is doing a very bad job 1-8 1-10
Pygmy Tarsier's NOT extinct 1-2
Goldilocks zone wider than previously thought? 1-3
Forum that uses recorded sound clips rather than text? 1-6
Squirrel syndrome - it's a carbs time of year in the North 1-4
Ooops! 2-4
I have a low IQ 1-6 2-2
Sarah Palin 1-7
The dumb watchmaker! 1-3 1-5
Two faced kitten born in Australia 1-2 1-4
Screaming 1-2
If a dog shit in the woods... 1-1
Trolling, an Apology 1-8
Using the bible against them 1-5
Movies all Freethinkers need to see 2-3
Are curse words another 'manifestation' of superstition? 3-9
Direct Mandate for us, democratic dream? POLL 1-5 1-8
Latest threat to Muslims faith. Yoga. 1-3
Tolerism, the Universe, and Everything /= 42 1-2 6-9
Need Scientists' Perspectives on This Article 1-4 1-5 1-7 1-9
Malaysian Islamic body bans yoga for Muslims 1-4 1-6
Woman with a perfect memory 1-4
Islam: Homosexuals should be tortured in public squares 2-4
Discovery channel: The girl with x-ray eyes 3-1
Experience versus Evidence 1-7 1-10
The world's first global warming Christmas movie 1-2
Maybe Christopher Hitchens isn't great 2-7
Mark Lowry disses atheism 1-4
Freedom! 1-8 2-5
Spirituality, Ghosts, Dimensions, Karma 1-7
Evidence for Santa 1-5
Looking for ideas for inserting faces 1-2
How the turtle got it's shell. 2-7
Why can't I just hit delete? 1-2
Earthlings 1-8
Tha Pagan Christ 1-2
The price is fail 1-2
Religion the oldest "Nigerian" scam on earth 1-2
The Ori - Evil Fundies from Outer Space 1-5
Image of Darwin and Dawkins 1-3
The Jesus Christ hypothesis for the evolution of flight 1-7
Evolution Doubt!? 1-2
WMD attack by 2013 2-2
Taking a 'Banksy Tour' in Bethlehem 1-4
Yeshiva students expelled for getting a driver's license 1-9
A great Christmas story 1-2
Virgin Mary gives birth to Jesus - this time in Peru 1-2
What do you love/hate re: your country 2-2
The Big Questions, BBC 1 3-1 4-5
"Fixed" and "Growth" Mindsets 1-6
Dawkins book loaded on demo Sony readers at Target 1-2
Ross noble on religon 1-2
Florida Muslims Tell Jews to 'Go Back to the Ovens 1-8 6-5
God Delusion excerpt included with Sony e-Book reader 1-4
Atheists only believe what they can see? 2-10 3-5
Atheist Video Game Campaign? 2-2
Just in from Tehran... 1-4 1-7
Why hasn't anybody "perfected" the cigarette? 1-1 1-7
If you heard God speak to you... 4-3 6-6
UFO Crashes into Wind Farm 6-4
Are You Ready For The End? 6-1 7-6
Picture, thousands words n'all 2-5
Would you genetically engineer your new child if you could? 5-6 11-2
How do rocks move around on Mars? 1-3
What would kill you FIRST in space? 1-7
Atheists use 9/11 as excuse to attack all religions 2-8
The existence of 'Faith Schools 'poll 2-7
2 ~random evolution questions 2-4
The Selfish Gene 1-7 1-9
All Dogs Go To Heaven (Sappy) 1-3
Proof that cats eat rabbits! 1-2
Human more complex than a galaxy? 3-1 3-4
New neighbor disappointment 1-2
Best Bible? 1-1 1-8
Does anyone know what Marxism is? 5-10
Bible Games! 2-2
Grassroots effort boosts religion classes in Berlin 1-6
Outrage in Chile at busty Virgin Mary models 1-10 3-10
Religious woman has cow listening to God Delusion audio book 1-2 2-5
Most Scientists Want to Get Rid of God 2-4
Animals are smarter than we think 2-9
The Greatest Sermon Ever. 2-6
Here's a short silent movie I made 1-4
Somthing's not right! 1-3 2-1
Richard Dawkins, please come to China, Hong Kong 1-4
Coming soon: Pope on YouTube 2-1
'Magic' goat arrested for armed robbery 1-5
There is a fundamental crisis with God. 3-5
As an atheist, I truly believe Africa needs God - Times 3-1
Psychic was right, says $14.8m winner 1-4
Science is interesting; if you don't agree you can... 2-4
Electrochemical Cell + Electronic Device + efficiency etc 1-1 1-3
Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, etc 1-1 1-4
Useless co worker. 5-5
Top Ten Scientific Facts 1-5 1-8 2-4
Another Ray Comfort website. Aaarrrggghhh! 1-4
Video game has Islamic propaganda! 1-6
when did humans become so weak and sensitive? 4-6
Atheist Ad Banned 5-1
128-year-old woman, Oldest in the World 1-7
Your Top 5 1-3 1-9
Liberians facing mass deportation from US. 5-5
"Fringe" - anti science? 1-8
Does abortion cause breast cancer? 1-10
FFRF Debuts New Bus Sign Campaign 2-8
Snails Gave Me Insight To Evolution (as a kid) 1-2
Masturdebater 1-8 1-10
[Fun News] Warbling opera singer mistaken for assault victim 1-2
Free RD book for Neuroscience HW help. 1-2
God and gaming 4-2
Liquid Water Recently Seen on Mars? 2-5
Irritating Hymns 2-7
Will Richard be coming to Canada in the near future? 2-9
Simulation of Evolution by Natural Selection 1-3
Quit smoking without using any medication 3-10
Good sci-fi/fantasy? 5-6
Replying to trolls on the front page 1-7
Is Slumdog Millionaire a Religious Movie? 3-10
Surprise Asteroid Buzzed Earth Monday 1-5
multi verse proved? 3-8
The Discovery Channel has gone downhill. 3-3
Bisphenol A in food 1-6
Dalek Found in Pond 2-1
If I ever kidnapped someone, I'd totally pull one of these 1-3
The Daily Show, Great Source of News? 2-1
Science folks- I need your heeeeeellp!! 1-9
If DNA is source code,are living things Hard Drives? 1-6
Some fact checking, please. 1-7
LIFE Exhibition - Here we go again ... 2-9
Paraplegic Man Suffers Jeebus Spider Bite, Walks Again 1-4
Vancouver Insite safe injection site 1-2
Which Science interests you most? 2-5 2-9
Recommend me books on cosmology and/or quantum mechanics 1-10
Biological Batteries 1-7
Why is all life connected? 1-7
Cormac Murphy O'Connor: atheists not quite human 4-3
Salmon-Eating Wolves Are One of a Kind 1-7
Off Limits Enlightenment? 1-2
Fundamental particles 'aware'? 1-4
Does Dawkins debate serious theologians? 3-1
Obama online Q&A 2-9
Our cup overrunneth? 1-10
Should Adultery Be Considered a Crime and Punishable by Law 2-4
Can you help to indentify this fossil? 1-3 1-5
"Religious Fundamentalism Spreads... Beyond Islam" 1-2
Counting Churches 1-10
A Book Fair in Saudi Arabia 1-3
The Miniature Earth Project 1-2
What are some good movies with an atheistic storyline? 3-10 4-3 5-8
Results of Unlimited Free Energy 1-2 1-4
The moon on 28/04/09 4-5
A dildo older than creation 3-5
Does saying "Marriage is between a man and a woman"... 3-1 3-4
Bacteria's Amazing Communication System 1-2
Sweet Geometry Video 1-10
A mother shoots her son because she is the anti-Christ 1-3
US military blows up live pigs to test body armour 6-4
First Results from Penn’s Balloon-Borne Telescope BLAST 1-2 1-4
Proof for the existence 1-2
microscopic organic matter/big bang 1-4
Reserve your spot in Heaven or Hell NOW! 1-5
"I'm a successful Somali pirate" 3-1
The importance of stupidity in scientific research 1-2
What % of people should go to uni? 2-9
How accurate are these representations of planetary scale? 1-2 1-5
Roger Ebert : "How I believe in God" 2-6
Macs and Security 1-3
Picture of gods hand 1-5 2-1
Survey Results....University Study 1-10 2-6
Cassini's continued mission 1-3
Dawkins Called A Bigot; Defended 1-8
Hello from a Christian 14-10 33-1
I'm going to debate creationists tomorrow. 1-3
Argumentum ad [Insert here] Project 2-3 2-6
A world goes insane 1-2
The day religion died 1-5 1-7
Catholics rail at new Ron Howard movie 2-4
"My bullied son's last day on Earth" 1-4
Giant Space Blob 'Himiko' 1-1
quanrum morality 1-2
Finnish politician/blogger trial for blasphemy against islam 2-5
Swine Flu Pandemic Emergence: Apocalypse Finally? 9-7
Obama Chia pulled from shelves 2-1
Scapegoating: A logical explanation for the idea of god 1-2
Heavy boots 1-6
Did you people see this prop 8 video? 1-6
Great Religious Music 2-3
NYT: More Atheists Shout It From the Rooftops 1-4
Army of gawd Marines safe circumcisions for Filipinos 1-3 1-5
A Prayer for Darwin 1-2
3-D fossils. 1-4
Richard Dawkins T Shirts in Arabic? 1-5
Quality Atheist Friendly TV Shows... 3-6 6-2
Do hippos kill more humans than sharks? 1-8
Brushing teeth, flossing, and mouth wash 2-6
Are you a Democrat or Republican? Poll 1-7
Alberta bill makes evolution optional for schools 2-8
The OZ ‘burkini’ + women-only swimming for Italian muslims 1-2 4-3
Demographic of the forums users. 2-3
UK Elections 2009 1-5
Thankyou for your book The God Delution. 1-5
Vegetarians/Vegans? 3-4 5-1 81-8
MSNBC "In God We Trust" poll 1-4
What is the longest you have gone without a bath/shower? 1-5
Atheist Church? 2-7
What does Our cellular ancestors looked like ? 1-2
No churches: a good thing? 2-8
This just in, science and medicine prove a creator 6-3 8-8
99% 1-2
Joe the Plumber: No "Queers" Near My Kids 3-6
Why do animals "evolve" but flue influenzas "mutate"? 1-3 1-8
Christians Among Executed, Tortured People in Philippines 1-2
Bwahaha, and example of 'racist content' on facebook. 1-3
Hawaii Senate creates ‘Islam Day’ 2-4
Dawkins changed my school 2-8
Atheist Bus vetoed in Bloomington, Indiana 2-8
Do you support national ID cards? 4-7
Who Loves Fox News!!!?? 6-4
WARNING: God's judgment is coming! 1-6
Atheist Or no religious belief 2-7
Stephen Colbert in UK GONE! 2-4
'Intelligence' only from mammals? 1-3
Origin Theory - Universe and Life 1-2
Stick a pin in it... a idea to unbox species 1-5
Defend gay marriage by "hijacking" NOM.. 1-2
What only Science and Reason has Given Us 1-2
Are People on Net Forums Smarter than the Average Person we 1-2
the future of science... what should i study? 1-2
Dawkins? Hitchens? Harris? Who's the better debater... 3-3
Rasmussen: 53% of Americans prefer Capitalism over Socialism 2-9
I'm looking for atheists to be interviewed (Ontario) 1-6
Things From America You Like 4-10
The rise of China's military poll 1-3
What's your hearing range in each ear? Take this test ... 1-4
The National Trust promotes dowsing. ffs! 1-2
They want to build a new church 1-3
I have a Chat with Ramona (Artificial Intelligence) 1-7
When Priests Attack 1-5
The New Age of Ignorance 1-7
Wolfram Alpha ignoring Evolution 1-2
Kept From a Dying Partner’s Bedside 1-7
Pippin Challenges Christopher Hitchens. 1-7
Capitol ‘10 commandments monument’ row in Oklahoma 3-2
Agora 1-3
If waterboarding is fine (and works), why don’t cops do it? 2-2
The Myth of Tolerance 1-2
Happy Birthday Bruddah Iz "Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole" 2-5
Is it just me? 1-2
Whoopi Goldberg calls Beck "lying sack of dog mess" 2-4
Calling all Darwin Fish Owners 1-9
Where are other sites like TED? 1-2
There is something wrong with gays? 1-4
Men on road to extinction 1-4
"The Man from Earth" low budget film many here would enjoy. 1-4
Finding God 1-3
What's been your last major change in opinion/position? 1-2
Poll: What is your world view stance? 2-4
Blue Butterflys 1-9
Looking for a word 1-10 2-8
Justices to decide if vets can be honored with cross 1-2 1-4
The man with *no fingerprints* foxes US security 1-2
Creatively learning science through playing 1-2
Livermore Lab Unveils 'Star Maker' Laser System 1-2 1-6
A gay anti-christ; this makes me ill 1-7
Indias' answer to Fox news 1-3
Fox News: New York Times' "atheist agenda" 1-6
If God doesn't matter to him, do you? 2-4
At what point would it become immoral to "kill" a program 1-2 2-2 3-1
Waking Life Cartoon With Dawkins? 2-2
Can't we just make water? 2-3
Quit Smoking, Yay! 1-9
Tired of hearing about Atheism? Help end it. 2-8
What's the score with 1-2
Home - The Movie 1-6
Why are so few Christians vegetarian? 3-5
"Seek God with your heart"?!?! wtf 2-8
BitTorrent users spend money, too 1-2 1-8
Why I do NOT leave Christianity 7-1
"Militant Atheism Exposed" -- the Website 2-10
Religious Neighbor Confronts Us 2-8
Muslim woman caned for talking to Hindu man 1-3
Atomic & molecular replacement of humans during lifetime 1-3
Agism, Sexism, and Hate Crimes 1-2
Inside the Womb? 1-2
1,000,000th English word? 1-9
Long sentence in the Introduction of Origin 1-2 1-5
Miss California FIRED! 3-8
No One Knows Who Speaks For The Republican Party 1-3
Wow... Read this rant! 1-4
Police taser, shoot boy's pet chihuahua 1-3
Spoof paper accepted by 'peer-reviewed' journal 1-3
Creationist Museum Uk 2-3
Liberty University article on Wikipedia 1-5
How Fast Am I REALLY moving? 1-4
Richard's Junk 1-4
Internet - free, donations, pay? 1-2
Okay, I want to be a scientist; except... 2-4
Who is your favourite scientist? 9-2
Building Organs ... With An Inkjet Printer? 1-4 2-1
"I Am An Ex-Atheist" 1-7
Mormon Church Twitter Page Hacked and Jacked 1-10
Bill Maher Takes on Obama 3-1
Majority of Britons now back voting reform - sort-of 1-3
Tips for America 2-6
A little game I explored 1-3
Pre Big Bang Theories 1-6
Here's one. 4-6
What religion to put on legal documents 2-10
Israeli scientists show bacteria can plan ahead 1-4
Idiots for gawd: Drive by preaching 1-2 1-6
Some of my cartoons ! 1-4
Humane Education 1-4
Inappropriate question 2-8
World's First Spaceport Begins Construction 1-3
Riot After Religious Leader Insulted 1-6
US woman fined $1.9 million for 24 song download 3-4
Your God 1-2
Drag Queen Catholic Priest has hit song 1-3
Start a new thread? 1-9
Efficacy of prayer 1-5
"Birthers" Offer $10k Challenge for Obama's Birth Witnesses 2-8
Conclusive proof: prayer really can change the world! 1-3
Phlobotomist leaves job in protest over Crucifix. 2-8
Dawkins versus Gamma Ray Burst 2-5
Should it be a human right to act irrationally? 2-1
Who will be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee? 2-1
Youtube and Criticism 1-5
Ice Age III: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs... 2-8
Microsoft's New IE 8 Internet Ad Featuring Vomit 1-4
Atheist Movies 1-3
Can Anyone Please Help? 1-9
One single question can destroy atheism 8-5
Smiley/popcorn etc single character bookmarks 2-4
Listing of Engineering and Science Divisions 1-5
Afterlifes: Heaven Vs. Oblivion 2-2
Do you believe in Gob? 1-3
[UK] Bomb seizures spark far-right terror plot fear 1-5
Teletubby Anatomy 1-2
Black Kids "Change The Complexion" of Swimming Pool 2-10
Biological scientists, religion and job... 1-5
Miracle 6-6 9-9
So trolling is acceptable then? 6-3
Bill O'Reilly Slams Obama's "Lack Of Religion," 2-5
Faux News: Who's the worst of the lot? 1-5
Mom Blames Swimming Pool for Pregnant Teen 1-6
What is the purpose of the education lottery? 1-2
Deconversion stories 1-2
Anger course ordered for porn-blaring neighbor 1-9
Raised Creationist = being lied to... a lot. 1-2
BBC- putting science to the test 1-6
6% of scientists are rebublican 1-6
the effects of phthalates on human fertility 1-6
Genesis explained scientifically 1-3
Fucking Remakes 2-10
Why micro/macro "debate" isn't taken seriously. 1-3
New element named 'copernicium' 1-2
‘Topless nun’ sues on Facebook photo 1-8
Christian ponders New Atheism 4-6
Film about killing lesbian vampires passes Samoan censor 1-8
Doctor sacked for refusing to back gay adoptions 2-9
Atheists sue to keep 'In God We Trust' off Capitol 2-5
Zombie Apocalypse 1-2 1-6
Holy water ban to halt swine flu 1-4
Solar eclipse pits superstition against science 2-7
God doesn't like anchovies 1-2
Anti-Union 2-6
Richard Dawkins' The Greatest Show on Earth 17-5 36-1 37-1
Is life too short to worry about your health? 2-6
SkyNet. 10 years away... 1-6 1-9
You know, I think the word 'woo' is way overused. 2-10
Best of science: Fission and Fusion 1-2
Abiogenesis VS Panspermia 1-6
Hasta la vista, baby jesus! 1-4
My 1st graders - An anecdote 1-6
Simple physics principle that RD used to show. What is it? 1-7
Video showing how Jesus influences you 1-5
One single question can destroy atheism Pt II 1-6 3-4
Not Everything in America Has to Make a Profit 1-3
Wedding 1-3
Sam Harris disses Francis Collins as head of NIH 2-8
Am I missing something or has search changed 4-4
Glenn Beck (Fox News) calls President Obama a racist!? 2-10 3-8
"Science Intuition and Belief in the Supernatural" 1-2
Suggestions on things to write in hotel bibles please 2-4
Fears of an Islamic revolt in Europe begin to fade 3-5 3-7 3-9
RDFRS posters contribute to Influenza Research 1-2
Michael Moore's New Film to Debut in Venice 1-3
WorldNetDaily: Jesus prophesied Obama as the anti-Christ 1-7
Engineering achievements that amaze U! 1-9
Coolest Atheistic Music Video 1-3 1-6
Arrested for blasphemy (still not Ireland yet) 1-2
Potential Proof that the Supernatural World Exists 3-4
Anti-matter 3-1
8 irrefutable reasons that god does exists. IRREFUTABLE! 10-3
I saw a UFO! 3-1
Would Religion be useful in controlling AI? 2-9
Theists Failed My Daring Challenge! 1-3
US Race debate 1-3
Bizarre Animal Explodes 1-4
Bill Maher on Birthers 1-2
Brands and Image Construction 1-8
Anyone bake their own bread? 3-6
HELP "virgin" Mary is going to kill my parents or my kids 1-2
There's Probably No Cod… 1-4
Cardinal attacks ‘non-traditional’ family 1-2
The Greatest 'HBO' Show? 1-8
Avoid masturbation/gayness to prevent swineflu 1-6
Sikh priest caught watching porn video in gurudwara 1-2
Woman in burqini banned at pool 1-6
10 Biggest Health Insurers' Profits Up 424% in 7 Years 1-5
Is there a bias on the "uncivil protests" issue? 1-4
Generosity and religious faith 1-5 1-7
Converting an indian to christianity 1-2 3-8
Things are not as rosy in Canada as you may believe. 2-3 3-4
Nepal villagers flock to worship malformed baby as Hindu god 1-6
What is this site's motive? 1-5
Open Threats of Violence Toward Obama Administration 1-10
Are you lucky? 2-5
Pentazole anion (N5-) 1-2 1-5
Japan's Happiness Party 1-2
'Virgin' Mary seen in parking lot 1-4 4-4
Muslims Help Me Out 2-5 10-10
Littlegreenfootballs 1-3
Btheism 6-1
Brad Pitt For Mayor: Gay Marriage, Legal Pot, No Religion 2-4
Future career. 1-8
kidney transplants artistic abilities .. 1-7
Genetic Lightning Bolt 1-2
Faith Healers in Christchurch, New Zealand 1-2
Did I discover an IDiots website ?? 1-4
funniest demotivational posters 2-3
The truth about the NHC/UHC. 32-2
"Good" "lord" 1-2
NASA faked Mars AFM images for press conference 1-5
High-Speed Robot Hand 1-5
New Forum for Libertarian Atheists **NOT commercial 1-4
Jehovahs witnesses mothers die 6x more in labour 1-4 1-10 2-3
Florida Pastor Faked Kidnapping To Cheat On Wife 2-1
Eternal torture 1-3
Penn and Teller Bullshit 2-2 3-6
Alex Jones caught without makeup 1-4 2-4
Michael Jackson Murdered? 1-2 1-5 2-5
Monkey with 2 mothers? Not so fast... 1-2
Fractional Reserve Banking Collapses (In EVE Online) 2-8 3-4
Bought my last pack of cigarettes tonight 3-8
It's AWFUL 1-2
New Age stuff with 'tangible' science bits :) 1-7
Why do our minds go 'blank' at times? Can it be controlled? 1-2
Pope says families should create 'spiritual terrain' 1-6
Catholic League president: "Atheists out to get us" 1-2
The 'historical' X? 1-2
Did Texas execute an innocent man? 4-1
The Pope's Penis 3-1
The Big Bang Theory (TV show) 1-5
Penn and Teller Compared to Nazis by Catholic League 6-1
'Why Your Religion Is Like Your Genitalia' 1-2
Science vs Religion @ Charles Darwin Uni 1-2
Are suicide bombs better than normal bombs? 1-2
GOD's Tree of Life Poster 1-3 1-10 2-2
Family Guy vs Futurama vs Simpsons vs American Dad! 1-9
The Aliens Religion. 1-6
The Anti-Empire Report 1-2
Primordial ooze not possible 10-8 11-3 17-8
Do you consider religion to be a form of brainwashing? 2-4
My penis and everyone else's 4-3
UK Preacher Demands Shariah Court Death Penalty for Author 1-3
Gay-Marrying Mass. Divorce Rate Falls to Pre-WWII Levels 1-2
National Healthcare is a breeding ground for terrorism 1-10
POLL: The End of America. 1-3
Showing the changes in The Origin of Species visually 1-2
Does Diet Soda Actually Make You Gain Weight? 1-3
What were the "lies" about Van Jones? 1-4
POLL: How easy is it to mount a CONSPIRACY? 1-2
Mass Card Law Protects Sale of Magic 1-2
Obama’s speech to the nation’s school kids 2-10
A Series of Michio Kaku Videos .. 1-3
Ky. school trip included baptisms 1-6
09-09-09 3-2
Muslim ‘cow insult’ to hindus 2-10
My Mom's thinking of Coming Out to my Dad 1-5
Further Adventures of an Atheist in The Bible Belt 1-8
Rules of Christian Porn 2-9
Obama is not the Anti-Christ but the King of the South? 1-7
Please Don't Vote on the Existence God at Alpha.Org 1-8 3-9
Long time lurker, first time poster. Hi! I need some advice 1-3
I just saw Hitchens debate D'souza! It was a hoot! 3-10
Glenn Beck's confusing chalkboard of giant craziness. 1-3
Grog XD 1-2
It isn't just me, is it? 2-4
Contact ABC (In the USA) to keep Defying Gravity on the Air 1-3
Should we let the Panda become.... 3-6
Australian "jesus; all about life" campaign 5-9
Is this what Atheists want? 3-4
Carl Sagan ft Stephen Hawking - Cosmos Remix... 1-2
The Dawkins Code 1-6
United States of North Korea 1-2
Children who are spanked have lower IQs 13-9
The Life Delusion 1-2
Help a guy out with school 1-2
Last words from death row? 4-6
Saudi Prince Assasination attempt by Ass-Bomber 6-1
Glenn Beck On Black Gang Fights - Atheists - Obama & god 3-7
What my son is doing in grade 7 Social Studies 1-6
Eating sweets at 10 leads to a life of crime? 3-3
The Next Greatest phpBB's Mod. of All Time ! 1-2
Times Where People Add Religion When It's Unnecessary 3-4
Lewis Black on Religions 1-2
"Everything had a beginning therefore there's a creator." 2-3 2-7
Matrix revelations 1-3 1-6
Mysticism and truth 1-2
Richard Dawkins on the Bill O'Reilly Show october 9th 2009 23-4
Kindle ebook reader and similar. Anyone got one? 1-6 2-5
Jaw bone created from stem cells 1-2
10yo refuses Flag Pledge: No liberty/justice for gays 4-2
Map of chemical reaction in every cell 1-7
If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting Of Gays,He Would Have.. 2-2
Louisiana Judge: No Marriage License for Interracial Couples 1-4
NBC's Richard Engel's Afghanistan Documentary Aired on MSNBC 1-2
Illuminati Symbolism + Michael Jackson Death? 1-4
Pope Sets Plan for Disaffected Anglicans to Join Catholics 1-4
Jury consults bible before giving death sentence 3-3
How to know when you're being close-minded? 1-5
Do You Support Gay Marriage Pt I 5-6
Castro's sister was CIA spy 1-3
What makes people so negative. 2-5
Paying ppl with Genetic Diseases to abort & be sterilised 4-1
Internet Addresses set for change 1-5
Video: "If We Allow Obama To Live, America Dies" 3-6
FREAKIN MIRACLE - Some stars 1-2
Vile atheist quotes 2-1
Thirsty Plant Dries Out Yemen 1-3
When Will Science End? 1-5
Muhammad the movie biopic 1-5
Burning Books 2-5
Gunman kills 5 troops in Helmand 1-2
Lamarckism in “The Descent of Man”? 6-4 25-2
Nouveau Homo 2-1 3-3
"God bless you" after you give a donation 2-3
Effort To Sequence The DNA Of 10,000 Vertebrates 1-2
man vs man 1-7
Sweden's first lesbian bishop consecrated in Uppsala 1-7
save Ehsan Fathanian from execution 1-3
Is it bad if one of your friends is an award winning author 2-6
What is meant by "pure" energy. 2-7
Finding people 1-2
Iphone Applications 1-3 1-7
A new hypothesis : Why humans have a hymen. 1-3
Sex War:The Closest Fungal Relationship Wins 1-1
How did fish move to land? 6-9
Transitional fossils 3-1
Minister attacks secularism 4-10
Ugandan official suggests caning dead bodies 1-4
"If U want to stay an Atheist don't watch this video" 10-8
Best way to argue with a creationist when they say... 1-8
Chat With A Mormon! 1-4
who is your savior! 1-3
Romance creates religous feelings? I think not! 1-3
the bigbang 1-7
Let Me Google That For You 1-5
"Pray for Obama - Psalm 109:8" 3-4
Human Genetics Lab 1-7
Atheism Leads to Shopping!!! 5-7
Ray Comfort's Edition ...Pictures 1-5
Final nail in the Banana BS 2-4
Gideon Bible + atheist Pamphlet 1-7
Did Arnold Swarzenegger do a good job? 1-9
The value of being an atheist 1-2
Some arguments I found in the Internet 1-8
'Hobbits' Are a New Human Species 1-1
Questioned by professor regarding atheists at universities 1-2
A christian lays out the history of atheism and its argument 1-9
No repairs for 'biohazard' Macs 1-4
The Mysterious Islands A Surprising Journey to Darwin's Eden 1-4
Christian Side Hugs - Frontal Hugs Too Sinful 2-3
News Video: Atheist of Florida vs Lakeland Christians 1-8
Making debaters admit it when they're wrong! 1-2
NBC Says No to PETA's Thanksgiving Ad 2-2
Ray Comfort Thanks the Atheists! 1-10
Lucifer by Kate Garner. 1-4
why does evolution keep failing 1-3
Teaching Evolution to Fourth Graders 2-1
Atheist but Skeptical of Physics! 1-7
Programming: where to start? 2-6
Miracle Iron 2-1
THC Molecule Help 1-2
xbox 360 1-2
DIY Laser Eye Surgery for $100! 1-7
Shockofgod calls into Atheist Radio show 1-5 2-1
Atheists who love the Winter holidays 2-9
Yes, we are apes. Sorry. 3-2
Canadian “faith based” prison 1-4
"The Atheist Delusion" 1-8
Porn Study Fails After Not Finding Any Male Virgin Subjects 5-2
Cosmic Evolution Theory Has A Black Hole? 3-5
Could atheism stand the test of time? 7-10 10-6
What's the capital of Comoros? 1-4
I've been called a 'liar' 3-7
Hasidic Jew argues with me about chickens & cannibals 1-2
Darwin banned from church? 1-9
Can Humans and Chimps breed? 3-10
Would you rather be tall or long lived? 1-7 3-1
Labelling children 1-10
2 teacher babes caught having naked romp in HS classroom 6-9 12-6
Google goggles 1-2
Kent Hovind's doctoral dissertation posted on Wikileaks 3-1
Safest place in an Earthquake? 1-2
My biggest question ever 1-8
Let's melt steel with a mirror 1-2
Gotta love Christian censoring 1-3
Think Before Religion: Faith Kills 1-2
GOD DOES NOT EXIST Ad from Madrid 1-8
Is DNA digitally encoded? 1-3
‘www abomination’ - rabbis 1-2
Monkey calls give clues to language origins 1-2
Facebook Mafia Wars scam sends anti-health reform emails 1-3
Evolution in Minutes: Before Your Very Eyes 1-4
I make little girls cry. 1-10
How true do you think the Bible is (I)? 1-2
Poisonous 1-3
virgin birth 1-3
Do I have a right to be annoyed about my tutor? 1-2
TV via the Internet 1-2
Will Anti Aging research Kill God 1-4
Did Darwin say this? 1-4
Any other religious Jews here? 1-2
Reading "origin of species" for the 1st time 1-3
Mutations, Fitness Cost, Etc 1-3
Coconut-carrying octopus 2-9
Second-grader suspended over violent drawing of Jesus 1-10 2-9
There should be a God 1-4
Palin Suggests Canada Should 'Reform' Health System 2-9
The Known Universe 1-10
Evolution of the trochlea (eye) 1-2
Dr. Kent Hovind on Twitter 1-2
Intelligent LEGOs 1-8
Misinformer of the Year 2009 – Glenn Beck 1-2
Blind man regrows eyes after pioneering stem cell treatment 1-4
Shubin's 'Inner Fish': Evolution slides available 1-3
Prayer backfire 1-3
Why can't physics and maths be easier? 2-1
My gift to RDF on the 150th anniversary of you know what 1-2
is the "collective iq" of mankind going down?? 2-6
No Internet Sex Please, We're Indian 1-2
Monkeys Clean Teeth Just Like Humans 1-6
Couple with 14 Children Refuse to Work 6-10
New Years Resolutions 3-2
Twenty Ten or Two Thousand Ten? 2-3
Swedes kill 20 wolves in newly sanctioned hunt 2-9
Gay Muslim scholar a 'pariah' in own community 1-5
FOX News Rating Dominance 1-2
Once again... my love for money. 1-6
Documentary - The Perfect External Female Bits 1-2 1-4
for Fred Hsu 1-3
You are suddenly a 300 IQ. How would you rise to the top? 2-2
Online Identity 10-7
greatest Greek 2-10
Iran Running Out of Life-Saving Isotopes 1-2
A Prediction About Upper Class Women 2-3
did god love hitler? 1-10
Jesus and Mary Image Found in Orange 1-10
Why do people feel the need to sign posts? 7-1
ID by computer programming 1-9
Guilt? 3-6
Mankind like we know it shall fail! 2-4
Attraction and Attractiveness 15-1
Cellar door 2-4
Silent Vocalization 1-1
What the bejebus?! 3-4
Science Comedy 1-3
Combating "medical advice" viral emails 1-3
Monkey culture experiment 1-2
How do you define color to? a blind person? 3-9
Who has played the Mass Effect games? 1-2
Post Your Art!...You artistic devil, You!(Part Two) 3-3
BBC Swarm - Nature's Incredible Invasions (HD) 1-8
Placebo effect = God/Supernatural? 1-2
Cat can predict death 3-6
would you have believed you were alone?? 4-8
A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything 1-3
Hypothetical time travel & carbon dating question. 2-10
Sagan, Gould, and Dawkins 1-4 2-10
why you are not your brain 1-6
NH State Rep Nancy Elliott (R) gives a ‘how to’ lesson 2-1
Child Preacher Delivers a Speech on Children's Love of Death 1-5
Why the premise of Buddhism can't be true 10-1
Meteorite contains pre-Earth organic compounds 1-2
"There's no such thing as a true atheist" 2-6 3-9
Man Could Get Jail for Taking Daughter to Church 3-8
Is The Doctor more ethical than Jesus? 1-9
I am an atheist but... 1-5
Inside North Korea: the ultimate package tour 1-2
The Onion: New law to ban loveless marriages! 1-2
Atheist billboard vandalized 2-1
Living in a world where atheism is the dominant "belief" 1-9
Condoms should carry health warning say catholics 3-9
Being alive 1000 years ago... 2-2
Do the Atheists drink milk of the cattle, eat eggs of hen? 2-9 4-7
Exposing The Atheist - Why God Exists 2-2
Jesus' Face in Frying Pan Now! 2-3
Visualizing Science 1-2
Meet the Flintstones 2-1
Caprica 1-2
Bill Maher with the weather 1-2
Identifying pseudoscience. 1-4
Two fingers up to the "race is significant" crowd 1-7