List of Postings of User MLi-698

Is it OK to tell children there's no Santa Claus? 11-1
Marriage 32-5 52-8 55-4
Belief-o-matic 7-10
What is the story behind your username? 32-6 36-3
Would you like if there was an afterlife 8-3
Atheism as "just another belief". 12-9
The Virgin of Fatima 7-1
Godless Billboard Greets Motorists 4-2 4-4 5-7 6-8
Henry Rollins slams ID 2-6
Atheist Walking 1-4
Funny Pictures 15-10
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion 27-5
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain 52-2 52-5
Post Your Art!...You artistic devil, You! 13-3 16-1
female polygamists 3-9
Hello all. Making introductions. 1-1 1-5 2-2
joining the medley from MN 3-4
Why are atheists and liberals not attacking Islam? 7-7
Ohio teacher reported to burn crosses on students' arms 1-7
Are atheists less likely to have children? 1-8 3-3 4-10 5-4 7-2
The immense mind boggling idiocy of USA 15-4
4000 posts for nineberry 2-2
Sad Day.... George Carlin is Dead 7-3
Do any of my fellow atheists wish you were religious? 4-1
1,000 posts for Taryn.....!! 3-10
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part II 7-5
4,000 posts for justwondering....!! 4-2
(self-identified) "intellectuals" are arrogant? 2-6 3-6 3-8 3-10 4-2 4-7 5-5
The Problem With Atheists 21-2 33-9
Atheist-based charities? 4-3 7-10
Christianity: a force for good 10-1 10-6
Young Earth Creationist Poll! Take it! Skew it! 2-4
Don't Panic - It's 1000 posts ! 3-8
A plea to atheists 4-1
Work-Related Stress Rant Thread 2-8 3-2 3-4
What am I? 5-7 5-10
Calilasseia hits the big SIX K! 1-10
daveateam scores 8000 posts! 3-3
Atheists - can they be trusted? 1-10
Violence against homosexuals in Eastern Europe 1-2
Why the theory of evolution is mathematically impossible 44-6
Richard Dawkins Reading Hate Mail - This is Funny! 7-1
Double Bass Atheist becomes a Vet! 3-1
Hi 1-2
Heredity and Intelligence 3-2 3-6 3-8
smart trolls 6-10 8-5 11-9 13-7
What Made You an Atheist? 10-10
Now im really angry.. i want to scream 4-1
What opinions have you that the vast majority here has not? 11-2 19-6
Any Pennsylvania Atheists around? 1-10
God, Prayer, and Technology 1-2
Atheism's Great Moments/Milestones? 2-4
Life changing events? 3-5
Is a doctor's religion more important than health care? 2-3
YECs 'educate' kids at science museum. 2-6
1,000 posts for seals...!! 1-7
I can debunk agnostism & prove the existence of GOD 3-1
Nontheist / atheist org Food and Fund Drive thru August 08 1-1
All of you secretly believe 1-8
What would you do if a friend was arrested for child porn? 1-1 4-6 4-8 4-9 5-6 5-10 6-9 7-1 7-2 9-5 9-10 11-7 11-9 12-1 12-9 15-2 17-5 20-5 20-7 21-2 22-4 23-1
Future of Religion 1-7 1-9
Another Movie Thread... 2-1
2000 Posts for campermon! 2-8
Theism on decline? 2-4
another stupid site? or not? 4-2
True Atheists Do not Exist 32-8
jimmo hits 1,000 posts! 2-8
New atheist trying to cope 4-9
The most important poll ever made: Best Star Trek Era 3-4
Worried that Atheists don't work together 3-5 4-2 4-5 4-7
Trolley ethical thought experiment poll 2-10
What constitutes pedophilia or labeling someone a pedophile? 1-1
A Beefy Mormon Calendar Causes Commotion 2-6
An interesting/funny story 2-4
dontpanic 2000 posts!!! 1-4
My best friend believes I'm going to hell 6-3
Pictures of thee, Thread Part III! 25-10 26-6 29-7 29-10
More on defending real science 1-7 6-1 8-8 9-5
Anti-theism 7-4 23-9 24-8 32-1
Atheism is a threat to society 8-9
Christian feelings towards Richard Dawkins 1-5
Awesome day 1-7
Religious children better off? 1-5 1-6 1-8 2-1 2-3
Atheist = Hell 2-7
Fun with thumpers 3-9
Another RDF newbie joins the teeming millions 1-5
Greetings! 1-9
How to be an Intellectually Fulfilled Atheist (Or Not) 1-6
Can not access in box or PM features 1-1 1-4
Jesus Party 1-3 2-6
Correlation between Atheism and Depression? 3-1 3-2
How to not go to hell 1-9
Greatest hits of prominent theists' quotes 2-3
"Atheism Has No Morals" 2-5
Regarding "The Genius of Charles Darwin" 3-2 6-1
bible teacher suspected of child molestation in synagogue 2-3
Atheists are also Preachers 5-4
Let's build a tower to heaven 2-10 3-6 4-1
Grandmother died today (Aug 5) Advice needed 1-3
Spitting Image God Song....... 1-4
What is the basis for a love of 'reason' over 'faith'? 4-4
Atheists Admit Defeat 4-5
Intolerant Atheists 2-9
Some reasons why god doesn't heal amputees--xians 5-3
Miracles & Hume 1-9
Family in trouble, over religion 1-5
Disappearing Avatars 2-3
Morality of Heaven 3-8 4-2 5-9 6-6 7-6 7-8
So you're on your death bed... 5-10
Great finds in used book stores... 2-2 2-4
Where is Richard's Argument? 3-9
Evolution as evidence for greater intelligence? 1-2
What would you read to just relax? 3-3
Who created the creater?... is not effective enough 1-10
12,000 posts for Sciwoman 4-3
Atheism- Cons of Atheism? 2-4
Atheism lacks evidence 4-2
Ian373 reaches 3000 posts! 4-2
God trumps doctors for many Americans 2-2 2-7
Newbie 2-3
Personal letter to all atheists who deny GOD. 3-5 6-1
4000 posts for Aesthetic Atheist ! 1-2
why don't atheists kill themselves? 5-10
Egypt: Law ends Christian/Muslim organ donation 1-3
7,000 posts for RaspK 3-2
Do Your Close Friends Tend to be Atheists? 4-1
Recent experience selling used books? 1-2 1-4
Atheistic Stupidity 3-7 5-9 6-2
Atheist Do Not Know Women 10-4 13-8 14-2 16-8 18-8 21-1 21-4 21-8 24-6 24-10 44-1 46-3 53-4
Religious vs. nonreligious ethics 5-4 6-1
I hope you are in good health, Richard! 2-9
Doug loves PMs 6-2
2000 posts for Ashton Black! 3-6
obscured by clouds hits 18,000! 5-10
born-again-atheist hits lucky 13,ooo posts 2-2
jimmo hits 2000! 2-8
1000 posts for Existentialist1844! 1-7
Smoking Cigarettes 38-8 39-4
You can't handle the TRUTH!.. atheists.. so don't watch! 4-5 6-4
Religious abuse by a music teacher 3-3
The Bigotry of the Non Believer- Einstein 3-1 4-4
10,000 posts for flyingscot!!! 3-1
Why do some fathers kill their families? 1-3
13,000 for sciwoman 2-5
Dutch atheist here! 1-2
Genuine Arguments against Homosexuality? 3-4
Why Do People Vote At All? 3-9
1000 posts for redwhine 2-1
11,000 + posts for CJ......!!! 2-7 4-3
Hell House 1-8 2-4
Happiness. 1-4
Double Bass Atheist hits 3,000!!! *YAY* for DBA 1-1 1-7 2-3 2-4 3-2 4-5 5-1 5-3 5-5 5-8 5-10
Embryos disprove evolution 1-10
The Case Against Thought 1-7
The big 3000 for AshtonBlack! 4-3
What will it take to declare yourself God? 2-8 3-2
What's your stereotype! 2-5 2-8 3-1 3-2
unexpected success 2-3
Can an atheist also be a Christian? 2-6
Would you convert for the sake of love? 2-10
Beautiful, detailed photos of Mars and other phenomena 1-7 2-1
Where are your ancestors from? 5-2
FigurinItOut 2K post party! 4-2
6000 posts for Globe! 5-2
4000 posts for RationalRose. 3-5
Both pdavids just hit 5000! 2-5
Are religious people more mentally stable? 2-6 4-5 7-8 7-10
Human Nature vs. Religion 1-2
New Forum Guidelines (commentary pt. 2) 24-9 25-6
Thank you OBC. 4-1
Thank you CJ 2-4
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 30-9
Latest example of pareidolia from the Pacific 24-5