List of Postings of User Axiomatic

The Jesus Myth - The Case Against Historical Christ 70-8 71-2
Who laid the first egg? An update 2-5
Scientology: Scam? Cult? Religion? 32-1
Loving message to all atheists 17-3 19-7
Are they any atheists who are anti-gay? 32-6
Global Warming: The 11th Hour 3-7
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 26-4
Philosophical implications of evolution... 5-9
Has atheism affected your choice in music? 11-2
'Respect atheists', says Cardinal 24-3
Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens 6-7
Islamists dominate Kuwait polls 3-4
Darwin - the Atheist Bible? 7-3
The primal question atheists fail to answer 20-1 23-4
"but evolution has never been observed..." 2-7
Life on Mars? The IDiot Take. 10-3 10-7
pedophilia or art? 15-9
Comments on YouTube about Evolution 3-3
Darwin Conspiracy creationist website 2-6
Unwillful suicide bombers trained 1-6
Are People on this Forum... 3-4
Historical Sources on Jesus 3-2
Atheism hijacking science 5-10 7-4 11-7 12-4 15-2 26-5 26-10 27-3 27-7
Is The Devil Our Friend? 1-6 1-8
Who Created the Universe? 1-3 1-7
Identity, properties; space and time 1-6
Would you want to go to heaven 2-3
The age of earth according to the bible (question) 1-8 2-1
A question for nihilists 1-6 1-10 2-1 2-5 2-8 2-10 3-2 3-4 3-6 4-8 5-1
infinite regress 1-3 1-5 1-7 2-2
The Lies We Tell Kids 1-2 1-7
Holland: Imam fired after advising rape victim 3-3 3-6
How powerful are Muslim Memes? I want to try something 1-4
Most Common Mistakes made by Theists and Fundies 1-3
Cartoon "child porn" to be banned 2-3
It's comedy time! 1-4 1-6
Why I Prefer Atheists Over Reborn Christians 1-3
Teach the controversy, break the monopoly! 1-1
Darwin was a deist! 1-9
Visions of the Future - Biotechnology.. 1-8
Earthly religions viewed by aliens. 1-9
Atheists Pro-World Government??? 2-8 3-4
All emeralds are green - by induction 1-2
Faith in Atheism 2-9
Why "Supernatural" and "Faith" is a Cop Out 1-3
Is Atheism Easy? 2-5
Metaphysical Basis for Morality 1-3
"feminists" complain for undermine role of women in terroris 1-4
Innate Ideas and a priori knowledge 1-4
What's the point of experimenting, then? 1-6
"Macroevolution" and "Microevolution" 2-6
Fear not the mainspring of theism 1-10
Michelle Obama "Whitey" Tape 4-3
Atheism and Arrogance 3-8
Let's Bible 1-10 3-4
Rights of Homo/Bi/Transexuals 3-6
Witchcraft and child persecution 1-2
Non-Human Animals, Humans and the Death Penalty 2-2
Moral relativism 1-6 2-6
Evilution 3-5
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 106-6
High I.Q. for Christians 12-8
The Dark Void of Nihilism 1-4
Me vs Erica 1-9
Do Communist have to be Atheist? 3-3
The fundamental weakness of atheism 1-9 2-4
Simulated reality of Bostrom 1-4
topic-curiosity 1-2
Why we should teach the controversy. 2-5
Religion Does Not Poison Everything!!! 3-6 4-4
Hizbollah accepts secularism. 2-7
Intelligent map maker 1-3
How God wants you to vote 1-2
Evolution or Growth 2-6
Is discrimination against atheists exaggerated? 4-2
Religion's Enmity towards Sex 1-9
Irrefutable Islamic proof for the existence of Allah 3-2
Another kid killed by faith-healing family 2-1
What came first, Religion or Spiritual? 1-6
Would Allah get you out of traffic fine? 1-2
Of course, they arrested the boy. 1-7
Ohio teacher reported to burn crosses on students' arms 2-6 2-7 3-10
'Bad' Atheists? 2-3
List of things that liberals hate 12-9
A new argument against the "fine-tuned = Goddidit" claim. 1-5
"If you don't believe in God, you'll believe in anything" 2-10
How can we claim religion is behind various negative acts? 1-8
Alien encounters 3-2
Just when you thought Ray Comfort could not get more stupid 2-7
religions leading to eternal life 2-3
A Global Flood on Mars? 2-2
Why Jesus, at the time of the Roman occupation 3-3
To utilitarian atheists 2-9
I want Arab enlightenment back.... 1-8
Thinking is usually a consequence of sensation 3-9
Is the god delusion merely projected gender awareness? 1-8
Kantian Deontology and Homosexuality 1-5
God is Spirit 1-9
Hypothetically, let's say an alien life forms reach us... 1-4
German prof.: Israeli athletes willfully sacrificed themselv 1-5
Semantics 3-10
The Atheist as Thrasymachus 3-6
Is America due to fall from the top slot? 3-8
Exorcism annihilates atheism 13-10 14-3 16-3 17-9
Atheist - Death 1-5 1-8 2-9
The Random Hypothesis is unscientific 1-5
Demonic Possesion 1-2
Remember hawks and doves: Humanity might need religion 1-2
Glamour lesbians attack Pope 1-8
UK: Tribunal affirms right of religious discrimination 6-5
Tomb Torture in Islam - II 1-2
In Defence Of Pascal's Wager 8-4
Who is Your Favorite God? 8-9
Why wasn't Lazarus the most famous man in the world? 1-6
Golden Compass Sequel Axed? 2-1 3-5 3-9
Is a doctor's religion more important than health care? 2-9
Atheist/Humanist/etc. vs Paganism 2-5 3-1
Pelosi: Bush is a total failure. 2-3 2-5
what made me an atheist 1-6 1-9
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part I 99-4
"morals of atheism? Atheists have none (read disc)" 2-3
Proof of Evolution vs Proof of Jesus 5-6
Is the word "Islam" deeply sinister? 2-4 2-6
Turkey - the myth of the secular state! 1-4
So.. You're what now? 1-10
What would evidence of the Flood actually look like? 1-1 1-5 2-8
Speaking of dodgy museums... 2-2
Proof of hell 4-2 6-1
Slavery To Men 1-4
"The Shack" Yuk!!!!!!!! 1-2
Love and Atheism 1-9 2-6
Morality and the Tree of Knowledge 1-10
Possibility of eternal life 1-2 1-7
Who will Bush Pardon? 1-2
Testifying under oath as an atheist 1-9
I opened up a bible for the first time today... 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-7 2-9 2-10
Gender Identity: Faith vs. Proof 1-2 1-7
Jihad Rap 1-3 1-4
What I believe in 1-6
Dear God 1-2 2-7
How do you combine Capitalism and Christianity? 1-1 1-5 1-7 2-1
You did a "hell of a job" 1-4
Good vs Bad - Is it even real? 2-8
Jean Henri Fabre- early critic of Darwin's theory. 1-4
red invisible rabbit 4-1
Religion and fiction 1-2
Teaching the Controversy? 1-4
ugh. life. 1-2
R.D's mind:What more would you ask for? 1-9
Intolerable Skepticism 2-1 2-4
The muslims and the pot bellied pig 2-8
The sex for guns/knives program 2-1
The Poe's Law Challenge 1-8
Jesus and pagan gods 1-8
creationist video "The Atheist" 2-4
Intelligence predicts Atheism rates across 137 nations 1-1
Christian school teachers have morals 1-6 1-8
The Singularity - The Universe Wakes Up 1-9 5-1
Jesus Party 1-6
I have found Irreducible Complexity! 1-2 1-3
Archeologists find Old Testament seal in Israel 2-9 3-4
Please may I become an Atheist? 1-7 5-3
Warning to ID proponents on this forum 1-9
Do you want a God? 3-5
Buddhism and Black Magic 1-4
Can you imagine there is no world?? 1-4 2-4
1+1+1=/=1 3-8
Some reasons why god doesn't heal amputees--xians 1-9
Anti-gay protesters fail to show in T.O. 1-2
Muslims' renewed bomb attacks kill five in China 1-7
how do you deal with the which evolved first? 2-6
Things That Evil-Looshun Does Not Explain 1-10
Christians. Is Heaven impossible? Even for you? 1-4 1-10
What is 'GOD' 1-9
Whipping children is child abuse... 3-10
Atheist Do Not Know Women 35-5
We are depraved! 1-8
Mom has problems with me being an atheist. 3-8
Two Questions for Fellow Atheists 2-9
On the Brink of Conversion 2-8
Christian clown pray and wash 4 Jesus 1-5
Why Do People Vote At All? 1-5 1-7
Outrage over 'Muslim Massacre' computer game 3-6
Rationale for Female Circumcision? 2-8 3-2
How un-American is this? 1-9
Italian man catches wife in bed with priest 1-9
Chaplain demands gays tattooed with health warnings 1-5
Atheists are "the most vile, radical liberals in America." 1-4
Britons found guilty of indecency in Dubai 1-9
The supposed ultimate test of atheism: HAUNTED HOUSES 2-1
Atheism and Libertarianism (now with a poll!) 3-6
Why hasn't Iain Banks won more awards? 2-3
little thought that stuck and won't go 1-10
atheist serenity "prayer" 2-1
Do you have nagging doubts that God may exist? 13-6
"Atheism is a religion" and other things that make me sigh. 33-9
UFOs and Science 31-5
Wheel of Time anyone?? 3-2 4-3
Misanthropy for Atheists 1-6
Should we fear Islam? 5-2
A nightmare for Dawkins: Atheists are a dying breed 2-4
When Ray Comfort's preaching tactics don't work 3-6
Another Challenge Question for Atheism: 7-9
Xians pray to revive dead grandma-2 months left on toilet 1-6
Atheists most hated group... 1-10 24-1
Nobody really believes in religion anymore... 1-4
What do Atheists shout in orgasm? 3-4
STOP the Liberal Campus Monopoly! 4-4
what the west needs to know 3-3 7-9
Thous shall not have any gods before me 1-9
The "What Would God Do?" Thread 1-9
Liberalism /Fascism 7-10
What WOULD evidence of a god actually look like? 1-1 1-6 2-4 2-7 2-10 3-2 3-10
I am not the Solipsist (and neither are you) 1-7
Free Will and Determinism 2-9
If Atheists Created the Calender 3-2
A Challenge To Atheism Using Logic 2-10 3-4
Human thinking is fundamentally binary 2-3 2-6
We should accept and acknowledge the label "New Atheist". 1-2 1-7
Pain and Choice 1-2
Thought Experiment Proposal: The Divine Idiot 1-3 1-5
FSM 2-1 2-3
The Toothfairy/Odin/Spaghetti Monster argument 3-4 3-7
Unmoved Mover (God delusion discussion) 3-10 4-6
Is Atheism The Lack Of Belief In Religion's Gods, Or 2-2
Roman Polanski arrested on 31-year-old US warrant 1-4 1-9 3-8
A failure of traditional Chinese herbal medicine 3-4
Praying for a new car 1-6
"Everything had a beginning therefore there's a creator." 3-5
What was the dumbest creationist argument you ever heard? 6-5
What are the best answers for these common theist questions 2-10 3-3
I can prove that Jesus produced miracles. 8-7 9-6 11-5
There was nothing there! 1-3
Terry Pratchett 1-2
An invented philosophy/religion 1-1 1-7 1-9
I don't understand evolution :-o 4-7
Christian U.S.A. 1-5 1-9
the proof that Islam is the truth 1-5
Exodus 22:18 and the Women's Holocaust 1-2
Collectivism is a religion 1-2
quran on the origins of the universe 2-4
30 GOP Senators Vote To Defend Gang Rape 2-1
Why Our Brains Will Never Live in the Matrix 1-4
Is Anti-Americanism Simply Intellectually Cool? 17-10
Atheist children and the boogieman 1-7
Expert advice on ghost hunting 1-2 1-5 2-2
Is There An Intrinsic Conflict Between Science & Religion? 1-2 1-5
Why not use Homeopathies' Placebo effect? 3-2
The gospels were written by eyewitnesses 1-4
Stop Alien Abductions! 2-3 2-5
If you were an alien... 1-10
If atheism isn't a doctrine, then...? 4-8 10-8
Proof of Atheism 6-3
What would you do differently if you were God? 2-7
whats wrong with heaven? 1-7
How to get rid of "Oh my God!" and "Jesus Christ!"? 3-8
Anyone play Hearts of Iron 3? 1-7 2-6
Ex Yugoslavia 5-8 7-6
Reverse Sexism II: 37-1
Hitler Finds Out Scott Brown Won Massachusetts Senate Seat 1-4
Who Is The Better Leader: Men Or Women? 2-1
How do you define color to? a blind person? 3-5
an interesting approximation about existing of god 4-8
Are Religion and Science Mutually Exclusive? 2-6
Evolution -> Emotion overules reason -> "faith" 1-2
Athesist Door Knocking....Its a hoot! 1-2
"Natural = Healthy / Synthetic = Toxic" 1-7 2-1 2-3 2-6
How'd you respond to this? 2-3
why you are not your brain 1-5