List of Postings of User Rampaging Albatross

The scientific miracle that is the Quran 62-6 62-7
The neurology of speaking in tongues 9-6
Scientology: Scam? Cult? Religion? 51-6
Can Atheists Be Poets? 11-9
First cause 62-5
Richard saying grace? 5-5
Ian Wishart Pays A Visit 87-3
Can Someone Please Bring This Guy Down A Notch? 19-9
Barack Obama - Atheist or not? 20-2 21-1
Discussion With A Theist 7-6 7-8
Are there nuclear reactors at Earth's core? 1-5
10 questions every atheist must answer 5-10
Could someone explain Carbon Dating in layman's terms? 1-2
Short thoughts on God 1-1 1-3 1-5
What is the purpose of existence? 27-5
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part I 60-8
An atheist has a religious experience? 2-3
Students of science who continue to be misled by faith. 4-9
Is atheism a religion? (Part II) 42-6 42-7
Thoughts on God - Physicistianity 1-1 1-3
Why Aren't More Atheists Philosophers? 5-9
How NOT to convert theists? 6-5
Jerome's Top 5 arguments for / against atheism 24-6 41-1
Free Will IV 69-4
Converting FROM atheism? 8-6 8-10
atheism and meditation 4-8
Parapsychology and statistical significance 2-5
Has a theist ever admitted you made a valid point? 4-4
We are so lucky in the UK! 3-7
Do any of you ever get depressed due to atheism? 4-9
Irrational rationals? 1-7
logic, therefore god? 2-10
Not what atheism is meant to be, surely 1-8
Why is God really so ridiculous? 2-1
Outrage in Chile at busty Virgin Mary models 3-4
Coming out.. 1-5
Why are atheists subject to a higher degree of criticism? 4-3
How to quickly shut down a loud theist 13-4
Is Dawkins a Liberal Democrat 3-10
Hitler and Stalin, atheists cause wars too 4-7
Help me understand why this still affects me... 6-7
The Argument from the "dials of the universe" 4-5 4-9 5-1 5-3 9-9 11-2 11-3
Hypothetically Revisiting Pascal's Wager 4-8
Catholic Answer Forums thread on Richard Dawkins 3-5
A new Look on how GOD COULD exsist 5-3
The Master of the Art 5-8
Intelligent Christians 4-9
Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Einstein held spiritual worldviews 3-8
Atheist stuck in a theist life? 5-8 5-10
We dispute a god by reason, where should we stop? 3-2
How certain? A game. 4-7
Is Science the only reliable method of truth/ proof 8-1
Galileo was wrong 4-5 4-7
"Bananaman" Comfort challenges RD with $10,000 19-1
You never hear... 1-5 1-9 3-7
The controversial chris harper 1-2
Why do you hate the concept of God? 19-10
When atheist forums go bad they look like Pharyngula 43-5
Why do atheists talk? 25-3
God is not a separate entity 7-8
Why there is a God... 8-8
My GF broke up with me for being Atheist. 8-1
I'm disgusted with television 3-7
"Quantum Mechanics [is] complete balderdash" 3-1 3-3
Are there any members with an IQ below 150? 15-2
The Dawkins / Atheistic Delusion 18-9 26-5 30-5 44-2
a struggling atheist! (derail) 11-4
Pope sends help to earthquake victims - sacred oil 1-5
A universal God belief, what do you think? 1-6
If God isn't the first cause then what is? 9-3 90-7
Easter 2009 - Death defeated 7-7 7-8 8-5
Most Britons 'believe in heaven' 2-7
Coronation Street tackles the religious debate... 3-9
A QM argument against an omniscient god 1-2 1-4 1-6
Water in a Cage 10-10
Dawkins & co. - The liberal supremacists 5-2
Eternity in Hell is justified and... (click for rest) 3-6
My Own Experience -- what changed my atheistic view? 7-8
A Prayer for Darwin 1-5
Is it really delusional? 40-6
Melanie Phillips blasts Richard Dawkins 2-1
Question for Atheists 25-2
PROVE me that you are NOT a figment of my imagination 2-9 4-7
Thankyou for your book The God Delution. 1-6
Atheists understand the theist but not visa versa 1-5
Is Religion a 'security blanket'? 1-9
I have faith 7-5
Evolution, Unreciprocated Altruism and Questioning Dawkins 1-2
Male UK worshippers prefer "macho" hymns 1-7
Why do animals "evolve" but flue influenzas "mutate"? 1-9
Angry atheists 6-2
Breast Cancer Patient Fired for Being atheist 1-6
What's the evolutionary advantage to crying when sad? 1-5
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 66-7
'New Atheists' - only a derogatory term 4-4
The goal of the new atheists? 8-6
They want to build a new church 1-9
Thoughts of a dying atheist 2-7 2-9
People who believe in the supernatural don't know a lot... 1-1
God is just the beginning 4-2
Debunk This Evolution Believers! - Part II 85-6
What is the worst thing said to you by a believer? 6-1
Using Darth Vader To Justify Faith 2-3 Evolution The Most Dangerous of Satan's Lies 2-2
My Reason for My Belief - 2 9-5
Open Challenge to All Atheists: Can you Disprove God? 7-7
Coming out is hard to do! 6-8
As an atheist, should I listen to Mozart? 8-10
Hi - Christian Scientist here.... 31-3 31-4 32-8 43-10 46-3 47-2 53-5 61-3 71-9 80-6 81-6
Christian Message Boards 5-2
Inside Nature's Giants (Documentary featuring Dawkins) 5-9
Dawkins versus Gamma Ray Burst 2-4
Are "New" Atheists Proselytizing? 2-4
If there is a hell... 1-7 3-7 3-10 4-2
How do you de-convert an otherwise intelligent person? 1-6
My daughter has learned about Jesus... 6-8
What would Jesus drive or the new Jesus-car 2-1 2-3
New Times story - 1 in 7 Brits are creotards 1-4
What is the most dangerous cult? 2-3
Are The Religious Afraid? 2-5
Who is right? 9-10
One single question can destroy atheism 19-6
Tackling Atheism Head On 6-1
So your God is benevolent? 1-9
Have any of you ever met Mr. Dawkins? 2-3
Superman As A God In Action 1-8 1-10
A baffling question about Islam and the Rennaissance 2-1 2-3
Does someone being religious affect your opinion of them? 3-6
Irish catholics ‘officially’ quitting online 1-4
The mind of an atheist.. 8-3 9-2
Religionists fear solar eclipse 1-2
Criticising Religion - Not the way forward 51-5
American far-right loons savage ‘Evil and Orwellian’ NHS 11-4
Saving the children, starting with 4 year olds 2-2
Teen devises a prayer app for iPhone 5-2
The Six Questions For Richard Dawkins: 6-2
Derail thread from 'nagging doubts' 68-1
Charlie Brooker 1-7
Would you become a Christian if there was evidence? 11-6
The Physical Does Not Exist 4-8
Religion isn't Obsolete 1-3
I'm a Christian from Blackpool, England...come get some lol 18-1
Question: your plane is about to crash.. 11-5
Would You torture a baby to end world suffering? Part 1 46-1