List of Postings of User Silent.Bomber

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 22-6
Jesus Camp : The Movie 40-8 41-6
The Bible Unearthed 2-8
Darwin Fish 9-3
100 Reasons Why Being An Atheist Is Great!!! 21-5
The Origin of Species 3-4
NEWS New RDF blog at myspace 3-3
The God Delusion covers 2-10
The Prof's Safety 7-10
Utopias - Another example of supernaturalism? 2-7
The Ontological Argument 20-2
What are you currently reading? 82-10 83-4 83-10 84-10 94-8 98-7 99-9 100-1 100-5 100-7 103-10 163-2
Why is Dawkins a hero here? 19-9 20-1
Dawkins - Templeton Prize Nominee? 2-5
SIR Richard Dawkins ?? 6-10
Dennett: Breaking the Spell 8-6 8-10
The Secret / Law of Attraction ? 36-8
Quoting Adams out of context. 3-8 3-10
The Dawkins Delusion - the book 10-6
Favourite Dawkins Book? 5-2 5-4 5-7 6-3 6-6 6-9
The Blasphemy Challenge 40-1
Atheistic quotes 10-8
I'm Sorry 6-4 6-7
The God Delusion 1-1
Daniel Dennett: Darwin's Dangerous Idea 2-1 2-3 2-5 3-7 4-8 4-10
Conversations With God 1-3
The neurology of speaking in tongues 6-6
Is philosophy bullshit? 19-9
Future: Have humans stopped/slowed/changed evolution? 21-7
Scientology: Scam? Cult? Religion? 20-5
Richard Dawkins 'stumped' videos... 10-3
Typewriter on which The Selfish Gene was written 8-6
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube 18-7
Books that you just can't get through 18-3 18-7 18-9 19-3 19-6 21-1 21-9 24-8 28-8 29-5 30-2
Richard Dawkins vs. Howard Phillips Lovecraft 1-10
Michel Onfray: In Defense Of Atheism / An Atheist Manifesto 3-10 4-2
Recommendations for a second Dawkins book 4-3 4-5 4-8 5-1 6-7
McGrath: Twilight of atheism 1-9 2-4
RDF World Map ~ Add Yourself! 13-4
Victor Stenger - God: The Failed Hypothesis 3-4 4-7
Carl Sagan Books 4-5
Favourite YouTube Videos 54-1
How old are you? 25-8
The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene 1-7
New version of Australian fake film 11-7
Dawkins on vegetarianism 13-1
Making a new and better religion 4-4
Interview of McGrath by Dawkins 13-4
A believer's polite comments on The God Delusion 5-8
Richard's letter to his ten year old daughter, Juliet 3-4
Atheist swearing 16-2
Jokes Philosophic and Scientific 5-7 8-5 8-8
Favourite Fiction 4-6
Evolution For Beginners? Which Book Should I Read First? 4-1 4-4
Dogma? Arrogance? that not Dawkins as w 1-7
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 13-5
Anyone ever tried WRITING a book? 4-7
Any good theist forums? 5-1
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 31-8
Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia 1-7
The Picture Comment Thread 84-2
Youtube User Posting Out of Context Clips 1-9
Why christianity is the opposite of love 1-5
The Extended Phenotype 1-7
Francis Collins: The Language of God 2-1
Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov 2-8 3-10
Defend The God Delusion - visit Amazon 1-9
New Christopher Hitchens book 4-3 4-5 4-9 5-2 5-5 7-7
Sam Harris: The Problem with Atheism 4-6
In God we Doubt: Confessions of a failed atheist 1-9
More ad hom attacks on Dawkins 9-5 10-6
Boycott Baptisms? 2-7
Richard Dawkins passes over the fear of death 4-2
Philosophers Without Gods 2-6
Buddhism just a philosophy? 11-3
Richard Dawkins vs. Ted Haggard 2-4 2-7 2-10 3-2
Discrimination At My School Against Atheists! 2-9
What Kind of Atheist Are You? 4-6
The Selfish Gene 30th Anniv. Edition on Amazon 1-2
11 Most Important Philosophical Quotations. 3-1
Is Richard Dawkins an Atheist? 6-9
Philosophy. Why bother? 8-9 9-7 9-10
Richard saying grace? 1-9 2-3
Should there be an official response to 'Expelled" 7-9
Review of the book "The Truth Behind the New Atheism" 1-7
My celestial teapot floats on 2-4
Has RD.... 1-6
Dawkins Comic 2-8 3-2
What Subject is RD going to write about next? 1-6
Evolution and Atheism 2-8
Theists reading The God Delusion? 3-2 4-8 5-4 5-6 7-8
What's a good book to give to a fundie? 3-10
Not that i had much respect for Dane Cook in the first place 2-7
Polite objection? 1-7
Ben Elton "Blind Faith" 1-8 2-2 2-4 2-7 3-1 3-5 3-9
I am experiencing God 21-7 22-7 22-8
Just donated 'God is Not Great' 1-4 1-7
earliest memories of disbelief? 3-2
God Delusion Could be Better 1-4 1-7 2-4
Universal Ethics. Now, atheists CAN be good, too! 1-3
Brian Weiss's books 1-2
Dawkins cartoon in New Humanist. Is it offensive? 1-4 2-3 2-5 2-10 3-2 3-5
The Miracle of Theism 1-1 1-3
What Did Jesus Look Like? 3-5
Unweaving the Rainbow - depressing? 1-1 1-5 1-7 1-9 2-2 2-4
Translation question 1-2 1-4
The Atheist you hate the most. 3-3 4-5 5-4 7-2
An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything 2-9
Is Richard Dawkins a MWI'er? 1-2 1-7 1-9
Atheist Keyrings :?: anyone know were i can get them??? 1-3
Are Tesco closet atheists? 1-2
God is dead... and much shorter than we thought. 1-2
Quick evolutionary morality question 1-2
Hello to all 1-1 1-3
Respect THIS level of idiocy? 1-2 2-4 2-7
Where are the atheist engineers? 1-2
Evolutionary Epistemology and Rational Method 1-2
Discussion with pseudo-believers, relativists and postmodern 1-2
Further proof of atheist hate in the U.S. bible belt. 4-6 4-9
Sense and Goodness Without God 1-2
NO GOD shirt 1-8
Request for interview 1-3 1-5
Absolutes 1-8 2-9
WHAT IF Jesus had died of syphilis when he was 27? 1-2
Yet another mad mullah 1-2
Best Philosophy Book 1-1 1-6 2-6 3-2 3-5
A ''Delusion''? 1-1 1-4 1-10
Why does Dawkins call Swinburne a theologian in tgd? 1-2 1-7 2-8 3-1 3-4 3-8 3-10 4-3 4-6 5-1
Atheist ethics book recomendations? 1-2
The Reverend John Polkinghorne, Liar for Christ 4-10
What EXACTLY is the dirty conotation of Atheist? 1-10 2-6
What's Before Everything? 2-1
Are christians 'wankers'? 1-5 2-3
Immortality is around the corner- still need a God? 1-7
[..] may one day lead to a cure for cancer. 1-2
Atheists for Jesus 1-3 2-3
Do some research Richard 1-2 1-8
Science versus Religion - the ULTIMATE smackdown 1-8
Greetings from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1-3
The Organization of hate - a theist quality? 1-4
which book to read before TGD to soften up? 1-2 1-8 1-10
LOL, TELL ME PLZ! 5-8 6-3 6-10
The Non-Existence of God - Nicholas Everitt 1-2
Dinosaurs 1-2
Dawkins on The Big Question 25th Nov 10am BBC1 1-4 2-1 3-7 8-6 8-8 8-9 9-1 9-7 9-10 10-5
Bishop speaks sense! 1-3
Describe your political inclinations 1-5
In My Universe. Challenge to believers. 1-6
We homo sapiens 1-3
Songs of Praise 1-1 1-4 1-9
The top 100 impossible questions for believers of god. 1-2 5-2 7-4 8-3 9-10 13-7
Atheism and evolution under attack. 1-3
Why do Americans insist on mispronouncing "nietsche' 1-3
New theory: Time Cyclic, Precludes Creator 1-2
Wrong to label children "Atheist kids?" 3-4
D'Souza's latest challenge to Prof. Dawkins? 2-7 2-10 3-10 4-2 4-6 4-10
Are You There, Mister Dawkins? It's Me, Teci :) 4-4
Most depressing song 12-6
What's the Big Deal about Science? 1-10
WHAT!? 2-5 5-1
Sean Penn for Richard Dawkins 1-2
The God Delusion: Book Review 2-3
Feel the Christian Love 1-3
Anyone read Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the.... 1-3
Proof that there is a Just God 1-3
How many atheists go back to theism? 1-3
Morning 2-3
God as a process 5-2
common sense at last 1-4
"Playing Nice" with Zealots. 1-3
Just How Insane Is Mormonism? 1-4
ANyone read A brief history of the human race 1-2
Alan Craig thinks Richard Dawkins is a "nutter" 1-2
Dawkins in ID's Expelled: I'm "hostile to a rival doctrine" 2-3 2-6 3-8
Girl's eyes gouged in exorcism 1-10
The Noble Lie 2-1
Is there such thing as graded atheist? 1-3
How much of a book geek are you? 1-1 1-4 1-7 4-2 4-10 5-6 6-3 6-5 7-5 8-1 10-4 10-8 11-3 11-5 12-4
A Question 4 Britishes and Canadians. 3-4
Is the existence of God a scientific question? 3-9
Wade Davis - One River 1-2
Do you take good care of your books? 1-5 2-8 3-1 4-3 5-4 5-6 20-5 20-9
Atheists have faith? 2-6
John Allen Paulos New Book : Irreligion 1-2
Confused by Kant 1-1 1-8 2-7 3-6 5-2 5-7 5-8 5-9 6-2 6-4
why is richard dawkins so famous ? 1-4 3-8 4-6 4-10
Japanese edition! 1-2
Kitsch Christian-themed "gifts" 2-3
Officially came out at work. 1-6
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac 1-2
How does everyone cope? 3-5
'Not tonight, deer, I've got a headache'. 1-3
Christmas Gift Ideas - Books 1-2
The Pope Blasts Atheism 13-3
Books on Fundamentalism 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7 1-9 2-4
discrediting reports of amazing miracles 1-4
Sherlock Holmes, are these good stories? 1-6
The Debate of the D's: D Dennett v D D'Souza 3-2 3-4 7-5 10-5
What should atheists call Christmas? 1-10
Is Richard Dawkins' wife an atheist? 1-10
John Gray misses the point re: Dawkins 1-5
Debunking the "Free Will" argument? 1-2
Achieving greatness 1-7
Pint-sized preachers 2-1
Religion in Assassin's Creed 1-2
Religion is good - the Dalai Lama 4-5
Dennetts question 2-2
Just started reading this... 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8
Why? 1-10
99% true but not able to survive 1-4
New book on atheism by John Allen Paulos 1-2
Terry Pratchett / Discworld 1-6 1-10
Dawkins is a theologian 3-8
Letter from Hell (more GodTube goodness) 4-8 4-9
Phil. Of Religion and Dawkins 1-2
Suggestions 1-4
richard absurdly nominated for a bad faith award 1-10 2-3
Prof Dawkins vs Russell Brand 1-2 1-5 2-4
Need help 1-3 1-9
History of Christianity - Paul Johnson 1-4 1-6 1-8
Sam Harris v. Rabbi David Wolpe 6-7
Russells teapot 1-6
Regarding Religion (my book) 1-4 1-9
If heaven exists... 2-3
Fed up of New Age b***s*** 2-4
Is it better to come out? 3-1
positive atheist rolemodels in fiction 2-5
The God Delusion - "The Bible for Atheists?" 1-2 1-10
They do it to atheists, too 1-3 1-6 1-9 2-1 2-8 3-2 3-6 3-8
Scientology banned in germany soon? 1-2
Atheists' sign sparks controversy 1-7
What would Dawkins say to God 1-2 1-4 2-7
The Big Atheist Book 1-2
Richard Dawkins; "I'm A Cultural Christian" 5-10
Favorite religions 1-7 2-3 3-3 3-7
Dinesh or Francis Collins? 1-3
Does Dawkins need some British calm? 1-8 1-10
Atheism defeated 3-7
Official Atheist WAR ON CHRISTMAS Scheming Thread 3-6 3-10
Who would you like to see debating Dinesh D'Souza next? 1-2
the moral zeitgeist 1-10
Dawkins and Dennett Blamed for Colorado Springs Shootings 1-2 1-6
Where do I fit? 1-2 1-5
Courage; the most important virtue? 1-1
Christlessness and the degeneration of society 1-2 7-4 7-6
Improbability of our existance vs God? 1-2 1-4
How you cope with realization,thatt not only you will die 3-4
Dogmatic Prohibition and Mr. Haggard 1-2 1-5
Has Dennett written, spoken, hinted, etc 1-10 2-3
Dinesh D'Sousa: Misquoting THIS SITE 2-1 2-4 2-10 3-2 3-9 4-6
any person you converted? 1-4
Does Richard Dawkins smoke? 1-9
Does Religion really poison EVERYTHING? 1-5
God Delusion - anyone still trusts the arguments? 11-6
How do religions die? 3-5
Religious fundamentalism - A soical Psychology perspective 1-6
why don't christians celebrate death? 5-1
childrens' freedom from nonsense 1-2
Do you get scared? 5-5 6-3
Audiobook. 1-2
nihilism 3-6
Stars in the virgin's mantle. Evidence of divine origins? 1-9 2-1
Dawkins goes off the deep end 3-4
He got mentioned in a folk rock gig this evening 1-4 1-7
Most badass name for a god.... 5-3
why does god allow satan? 2-6
Formal Debate Challenge: Pagan origins of Christmas 2-1 7-6
Is "Evolutionism" a Religion 2-5
books you re-read more than once 1-9 2-2 5-2 8-5
Atheist Definitions of "GOOD" and "EVIL"? 1-7
Hoodies 4-4
Why do people think religion is sacred/taboo/off-limits? 1-4
Inconsistent Beliefs? 1-4 1-6 1-8
A New Flea for the New Atheists? 1-2
Oh those crazy Anglicans! Cover up revealed! 1-2
Why I am not a Christian 1-1 1-10
Yeah, really? 1-1
Question for Theists 1-1
I Faith So 1-2
The effects of GOD DELUSION in Italy 1-2
I refuse to believe you're an atheist! 4-6
Philosophically - why believe in god? 1-10
Anti-theism 1-6
Cultural Christianity: Cop-out or OK ? 2-10
More Physical Meeting Places for Non-Theists: A Good Idea? 2-3
Respected thinkers / arguments from the other side... 1-2 2-8
Atheist enough? 2-10
Constructive dialogue with religious people? 5-2
Review: Lifelines, by Stephen Rose 1-2
Is religion a mental illness? 4-6 4-8 4-10
Can there be an Atheistic organized religion? 1-7
"free thinker" the new euphemism for atheist? 2-2
The Biological Father of Jesus Revealed 1-2
Muhammad the killer 1-2
Atheist Burn Out 1-2 2-5
Schrödinger's cat 6-5
eSkeptic: Deconstructing a Postmodernist Critique of Evo... 1-2
Holy highway, Batman! 1-10
weakness and christian belief 9-10
Double standards on modesty 1-9
negative consequences of no religion in the world.... 1-3
The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse 1-2 1-4
What Do We Do Now That God Is Dead?? 1-6 1-8
Which philosopher has most influenced you? 1-1 1-3 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-2 3-5 3-8 4-2 5-4 5-7 5-10 6-3 6-8 8-7 8-9 9-10 10-8 12-1 12-3 14-10 15-1 16-2 16-4 16-6 16-9 17-8 18-9
Will humans ever be able to create life inside a computer 1-2
What book next? 1-3
The satanic bible. 1-8
On Hell - my experience 5-8 9-10 15-2 19-4
Atheist Convert 1-3
Demonbusters. They're looking out for you. 1-2
The Thinker's Guide to God 1-1
Death and the Dervish 1-2
Small thought on TGD 1-2
Help 1-1 1-3
One for the road 1-3 1-9
God Delusion - anyone still trusts the arguments? II 1-4
"Holy Books" Inspired By God... 1-2
Martinus/Darwin/Intelligent design 1-2
Who buys creationist books? 1-2 1-5
Personal Philosophy 1-4
Atheism equals crazy? 1-9
Argh, something's wrong with my ipod!!!! 1-1 1-5
The changing face of faith 1-4
How do I put this? 2-2
What are the base thoughts that make up Religion? 1-2 1-4
"Atheism=Nihilism" 2-5
God: Logically Proven! 7-1
Flea book covers 1-2
Hitchens in "Four Horsemen" video 1-7
Jane Goodall's Reason for Hope 1-3
Christmas without Jesus 1-3
Difficulty Coming out 2-1
McGrathwatch...... 4-3 5-7
Whose religion is worse ? 3-4
How many Christians banned? 6-5
Religion, Dualism, Non-Dualism & Evolution of Thought 1-3
Nietzsche's Der Antichrist 1-2
Do you choose to be an atheist or theist? 3-4
The Future of an Illusion (1927) 1-2 1-4
Memories 1-3
i've felt the presence of the lord? 1-2 2-4
Charity 1-7 1-9
Buddha 1-6
A theist argument I can't rebut 4-4
Sam Harris' Flawed Moral Views 1-4 4-7 4-9 7-3 9-10
Murray Gell-Mann - The Quark and the Jaguar 1-2
Have you ever met a Christian who was... 1-2
Dawkins Sneers 2-7
No regress in 'Ultimate 747 Gambit' 1-2 1-6
Book Recommendations 1-5 1-9
50 book challenge 2008 3-3 4-10 6-2 7-1 9-7 10-9 13-8 14-1 14-7 15-8 17-9 18-9 20-2 21-3 22-5 23-4 25-4 25-7 26-10 27-2 27-5 27-9 29-4 29-9 31-4 32-9 33-8 34-2 35-4 35-5 35-7 35-10 36-5 36-8 37-3 37-9 38-2 38-7 38-9 39-2 39-10 40-4 41-6 41-9 42-8 43-1 43-10 44-8 45-3 45-4 46-2 48-3 49-4 49-7 49-10 50-4 50-7 51-7 51-9 52-3 53-1 54-3 54-7 55-7 55-8 56-5 56-8 56-9 57-1 57-6 57-10 58-7 58-10 59-7 59-9 60-3 60-6 60-8 61-2 62-3 62-7 62-10 63-3 65-6 66-4 67-3 67-7 68-3 68-8 69-9 70-1 70-9 71-2 71-9 73-1 73-3 73-5 75-3 75-7 76-6 77-5 78-2 78-4 78-6 78-7 79-2 80-4 80-5 80-8 81-4 81-6 81-9 82-5 82-9 82-10 84-1 85-9 86-2 86-10 87-4 87-5 89-1 89-3 89-5 90-1 91-1 91-4 91-10 92-3 92-5 92-9 93-6 93-8 93-10 94-5 94-8 94-10 95-4 96-1 97-4 97-8 98-1 98-6 98-9 100-3 100-7 100-9
Dawkins sweeps Pantheism under the carpet 2-2 2-6
The Prof and 'Heroes'? 1-2
Should be fun 1-1 2-2
No Joke, Geocentrist PhD 1-1
Poll : Should atheists try to find common ground? 1-2 1-4
Finding 'The God Delusion' a little difficult to digest. 1-7
Questions For Atheists To Answer. 15-4
You Must Agree That Jesus Was A Good Bloke 5-10
What Flea should I read?? 1-4 1-9
Dawkins on talk shows,news ect. 1-2
Incomplete scientific reasoning in TGD 1-8
Do you find it awkward talking to Christian friends? 2-6
elfprincess on The God Delusion 22-6 27-6 83-3 111-8
Talking to Theists 2-10
Do you believe in.. [POLL] 4-4
The problem of the media replacing religion 1-4
Are science and logic human inventions 1-7
Cherry picking anyone? 1-6
carl sagan 1-6
Dinesh D'sSouzas misrepresentations are as uncanny as ever 1-5
I just wanna say... 2-7
Is it easier to debate for faith? 1-10
The Blind Watchmaker didn't do it for me.... 1-8
Personality and Selfish Genes 1-4
Prof Dawkins- Please be my Mr T 1-4
Philisophical Foundations on Neuroscience/Dinesh calls 1-2
I'd Like to Meet Richard This Year..... 1-3 1-5
What book has influenced you most? 1-3 1-7
Prince Charles MUST be Stopped! 3-5
has anyone read...? 1-2
Breathtakingly intelligent and wittily sarcastic letter 9-6
I find myself grimmacing.. 1-9
Atheist since childhood 1-3
Dawkins Does Not Respect Mankind? 1-7
I know nothing about Heidegger... 1-5 2-3
Just come across a great Votaire quote 1-5 1-7
Michel de Montaigne's The Complete Essays 1-1 1-3
Annoying atheists: please, just shut up. 3-3 4-6 5-8
Professor Dawkins Makes My Top 10 1-2
My letter to Sam Harris: thoughts on the "New Atheism" label 1-3
who sustains the orbiting chinese teapot exists? 1-3
An approach - 'collection of ideas' 1-2
Kant ad attack 1-1 1-8
The Dawkins Delusion 2-5 3-8
Perfect Answer 1-10
Vicarious second-order believers 1-3
Is "agnosticism" a more tenable position? 1-7
Dawkins for Dummies 1-4
Dawkins aggressive? 2-10
Atheism Holy Book 2-1
Radio debate - John Blanchard vs Richard Dawkins 3-3
3 Books changed my view on the world 1-3
Best RD book to introduce to a theist? 1-2
Where do I start? 1-3 1-8
Selfish Gene.... 1-2
Richard in Liverpool 1-3
At wits end with youtuber 1-8
Arguments for the existence of God - OK have fun! 1-3
Fundamentalist Atheists v Fundamentalist Theists 10-2
Can I get a refund please? 3-6
Sitting through a funeral as an atheist 5-2
Consilience 1-2
Has evolution stopped; if not where does it stop? 1-8
The problem of evil 5-8 6-5 7-8
Iain M. Banks 2-5 5-1
Why a biologist? 2-3
This has troubled me for a while... 2-3
So... Many... Creationists! 1-2
Need a Wittgenstein quote 1-1
Questions about Philosphy Degrees and Careers 1-7
And the 5th horseman of Atheism is... 1-10 3-2 4-1 5-7
Recommended pro-god books? 1-4 1-8
Atheism and violence, Dawkins and Nietzsche 7-3
I'm an atheist myself... 1-6
Perfection and existence of God 1-4
What should I ask Dawkins to sign when I meet him? 2-2
Would you date an evolution denier? 7-10
E-mail from my mother. 9-10
ism 1-9
'In God We Trust' Will Have Prominence on New Coin 2-6
Is Atheism Anti-Religious? 1-6
The Philosophical Lexicon 3-3 3-6 5-3
Another pontificating blogger... 1-1
Michael Frayn - The Human Touch 1-2
Theist says Dawkins hasn't deconverted a single person 1-3
Are we wasting our time debating with most theists? 3-2
Do you get tired of it all 1-5
Is the Tooth Fairy Real? 2-3
Frithjof Schuon's The Transcendent Unity of Religions 1-6
I've translated "The Extended Phenotype" to Russian 1-8
Book recommendations re self image 1-6
Richard's imminent retirement 4-6
Dawkins' Next Book 2-1
A "Marxist child?" 1-5
Did German-Speaking Philosophers Ever Have Any Good Ideas? 4-3 5-4 5-8
Atheism "Faith of the Fatherless"? 2-7
Something I wanted to share with like-minded individuals 1-4
Degree - Philosophy/English Lit 1-1 1-3 1-6 1-8
History has no meaning. 3-5
My first loony religious spam email! 2-5
Philosopher poll 1-9
Wanted: Artist to illustrate Darwins theories 1-4
Daily Atheist and Intellectual Atheist 1-3
RE: Yoga 1-2
Terrible Philosopher Teachers 1-1 1-4 2-4 3-1
Love the book! 1-2
He's Got the Whole World in His... 1-6
The German Philosophy Delusion 7-4
Three Books definately worth reading on Atheism 1-8
Purpose of Life? 1-2
Reading philosophy vs. studying philosophy 1-10 2-4 2-6
God Delusion worth reading? 2-1 2-4
I'm returning to Uni now, and I'm bringing... 1-3
RD vs Mad Bunting - Guardian Debate 2-4
All life will die eventually - so what's the point? 1-6
Parents STILL Trying to get me Back to Church!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1-2
Why are you an theist/atheist? 2-7
Do you regard yourself as an 'Anti-theist'? 3-7
Prothero evolution book opinion inquiry 1-4
Hume's Dialogues on Natural Religion 1-1 1-6
"I used to be atheist" 1-7
The worst thing about being an Atheist 3-5
Have you ever lost your temper with a theist? 3-1
Christian meeting about 'Dawkins Delusion' 1-9
The Bible As Literature 1-7
Baruch de Spinoza 8-6
Is it just me? 1-4
Why God Won't Go Away 2-3
Any other of the four horsemen here? 1-6
Serious suggestions for the title of Richard's new book 4-8 11-4 18-1
First Nietzsche Book 1-1 1-5
Lenin, Stalin and Hitler 1-5
Faith Healers 2-2
History of philosophy. 1-6 2-1 2-8 2-10 3-4
What is your Favorite Atheist book? 1-9 3-2
Recommendations that didn't make the grade 1-7
How is this for a philosophy book? 1-2 1-6
Always on the defensive 1-5
The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing 1-2 1-9
A Tough Decision 1-1 3-5 3-6
Anyone here do a PhD in Philosophy? 1-2
"Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ" 1-7
Any ideas... 1-1 1-5
John Gray in The Guardian on 'The Atheist Delusion' 8-6 11-7
Sense of Self 1-5 2-4
No books on atheism/similar topics at bookstore?? 1-2
Nice one Richard! 1-2
Masterpieces 1-6
Any Suggestions... 1-1
Reinventing the Sacred (new one by Kauffman) 1-2
Would You Rather Be Happy Or Right? 3-2 3-7 6-1 7-2
John Wilmot anyone? 1-4
The Ethics of Ambiguity 1-2
Socrates: Suggestions? 2-2
Bertrand Russell, the Privy Council and Hell 1-4
Dawkins: a postmodern perspective 1-2
Christian Rock Music 6-7
dawkins "easiest" book?! 1-10
The Little Book of Atheist Spirituality 1-7
Atheism's attraction to the self-righteous. 1-5
A Question for Critics of Philosophy 2-2
D' Souza's book "What's So Great About Christianity" 1-5
Would aliens look like us? (evolution question) 1-5
The God Fossil 1-2
Recommend a book please... 1-5 1-9
All life will die eventually - so what's the point?(part 2) 2-7
Probability 1-4
the best attack on atheism 1-2 1-5
Good books on the French Revolution? 1-3
Confused 1-1 1-3 1-8 2-3
Dawkins on Skepticality 1-2
need introduction to Nietzsche and understanding 2-5 2-7
Why isn't theism a mental illness????? 5-9
Recommendation on Evolutionary history?> 1-2
Publishers for new authors 1-2
Richard Dawkins on The Big Question 06/04/08 8-2 13-5
What is the mysterious Burmese Friday Rat, or 'Puu'? 1-2
The God Delusion 1-6
How did it all come to this? 1-3
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Is this perfectionism? 1-2
Books For/Against Group Selection 1-2 1-4
Stephen Baxter 1-2 1-9
Jehovah's Witnesses 1-3
Most powerful laser in the world fires up 1-2
What is this Atheistic philosophy.........? 2-5
Why Hell can't exist - the missing page of the God Delusion? 1-6
If Richard Dawkins was struck by lightning? 1-7
Introductions to Science 1-1 1-5 1-7 1-9
What would a Theist accept as proof that God does not exist? 1-2
Philosophy is Not Dead (nor bullshit) 1-4
Austin Dacey's "The Secular Conscience" 1-2 1-7
The Stranger - Camus...*spoilers* 2-8 2-10
What are Atheism's Ten Commandments? 1-3
Bad creation day 1-2
New flea 1-6
Philosophy club at high school 1-4 1-9
Difficult question... 1-2 2-1
Emails with Ken Miller 1-9
New Atheism's critical flaws. 1-4
A poem that will damn me to Hell! 1-4
Am I the only one... 1-2
Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight - Thom Hartmann 1-4
Good modern philosophers? 1-5
Dawkins vs. Tyson 1-9
TGD... arrogant? 2-8
Feynman's lectures 1-2
The First Cause 2-10
Classic Books 1-6
How do you explain information with pure materialism? 1-6
Solving the infinite regression problem? 1-2 1-4
Most Ironic Line in a Work of Non-Fiction 1-1 1-3
Is preface to paperback God Delusion available ? 1-2
Dawkins' beliefs on Jesus 1-5
The Philosophy of Self 1-3
Bill Maher Takes Back Nazi Joke 1-9
What's your favorite Dumas book? 1-4
should I read Mein Kampf? 1-2
who is the best pro-religion debater? 1-6
why are you an atheist? 7-9
Ulysses and other works by James Joyce. 1-5
Origins of Contemporary Gratuitous Youth Violence 2-9
A book about killing God? 1-4
Non-Belief a Belief? 1-4
Reading the Bible 1-1 2-4
Nausea 1-2 2-2 2-4 2-6
Shakespeare - Best of the plays to read? 1-3 3-6 4-2 4-6 5-3
"An Atheist's Creed" 1-6
Suggest A Single "Freethought" book for the Fence Sitting 1-7
The Most Comprehensive Treatment Of All The Arguments? 1-2
My Dawkins Sketch 1-6
Do you get depressed that people waste their lives on this? 1-8
Books theists should read... 2-2
Can an Atheist Appreciate Books with Religious Themes? 1-8
London Mayor is Boris Johnson 5-2 6-3
Least favorite argument you hear all the time 2-7
Has anyone read....*sigh* A Dean Koontz novel 1-2 2-1
Who is... 1-1 2-3
Can anyone recommend a Singer book? 1-3 1-7
Man asks court to change his name to 'In God We Trust' 3-2
What's your never ending story? 1-3 2-9
What exactly is science? 2-4 4-9
The Primicy of the Subjective? 1-2
A secular alternative to religion 1-3
"Richard Dawkins makes an error of genre" 1-6
A Problem with Hume 1-1 1-4 1-6
Ray Monk's biography of Russell 1-1 1-4
Which RD's book about evolution 1-5
At the bookshop today... 1-5
Is anyone familiar with Peter Singers "Ethics" 1-2
Classic Books that give more inspiration than the Bible 1-7
Historical atheist writers 1-4
Two Dogmas of Empiricism 1-1 1-3 1-6
Free Will 55-9
Books on Christianity 1-2
So why won't Dawkins debate Dinesh? 3-5
Is the Truth More Valuable Than Your Life? 2-2
6000 posts for BAA 5-4
God-as-hypothesis 1-3
Intellectual Masturbation 1-3
The Emperor is Naked 1-3
1,000 posts for Silent.Bomber!! 2-1
“The God Delusion” & postmodernism 1-5
I should probably read the Bible 1-7
Childish superstition: Einstein's letter on religion 7-6
A paean to bookishness! 1-3
Exams and sunny weather 2-7
"Must Read" Atheistic Books 1-3
6000 posts for la bella fortuna 4-2
Worst Atheist Arguments? 2-3
Dawkins is '19th-century'--what is that supposed to mean? 1-3
Talk to me about animal rights 1-4
Was Darwin involved in some sort of breeding experiment. 1-4
At what age can RD's books be read? Which one(s)? 1-3
Human Purpose 2-4
Is there an element of racism in theism? 2-7
Handling a death in the family 2-6
A Scientist Loves Science: A Poem for Richard Dawkins 1-6
Does Richard Dawkins Ever Get Spooked Out? 1-4 3-2
Defeating religious people in argument 1-1 1-8
Best Way To Respond To The Coincidence argument. 1-3
What the Bishop Perceived 1-2
Professor equates atheism to RAPE and MURDER? 3-2
David Berlinski - "The Devil's Delusion" 2-1
Back up needed 1-2
Books on Taxonomy 1-4
Advanced texbooks on Evolution 1-7
6,000 posts for Factory101!!! 2-4
Atheism Explained: From Folly to Philosophy 1-3
Contradictory arguments against atheism 1-10
nutty religious claims 2-2
Shakespeare... 1-6 1-9 2-3 3-2 3-7
Learning German 1-1 1-10 3-4 4-1
Summary of Hume's Treatise 1-1 1-4
Top 10 Books that screwed up the world? 1-2 2-4 2-6
Test your knowledge of philosophy. 1-6 1-8 1-10
hi from another new member 1-5
learning about evolution? 1-3
Christianity vs Communism 1-2
Why do you read? 2-6
Darwin - the Atheist Bible? 2-9
Would you LIKE God to exist? 2-5
Abiogenesis 1-3
Do you ever envy theists? 1-9
"The onus of proof is on the person making the claim" 1-2
Vaaampiiressss! Ah-ah-ah-aah! 1-2
Religion- vs. Philosophy-based Reasoning 1-5 1-7 2-1
Recovering Fundie Looking For Some Good Literary Material :) 1-5
Reading 1st chapt Unweaving the Rainbow... 1-5 2-1
Dawkins v. Hawkins 1-4
Render unto Caesar what is Caesars... 1-8
Books on Native Americans 1-4
A couple questions for secular humanists 1-6
3,000 posts for Raspk !!! 3-5
Pertaining to the present 1-4
Who Else Highlights Their Books? 1-6 2-3 3-1
Is Indy chasing a fake? 1-8
Indiana Jones 4 1-6 2-9
What Positive or Negative effect has this Forum had on you? 1-10
What did you feel when you "became atheist"? 2-1
Ad Hominem Reader in Zoology????? 1-4 1-8
An irritation in TGD on Gould 1-2
Any other AS Philosophy students 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-10's Anti-Venom: My first youtube video! 1-2 1-6
looking for a book 3-3
A Physics Major's perspective on the Anthropic Principle 1-2
What do we want as atheists? 1-5
Atheist underground activism 2-3
Biomorphs in the Blind Watchmaker 1-2
Atheism: The Case Against God by G.H. Smith 1-5
Sunday Sermon: Jerome takes up Preaching 3-1 3-8
Don't we all influence our children? 1-8
Man Selling Ghosts in bottles 2-6
What's wrong with empiricism? 1-3 2-1 3-5
Inability to Get it v those who aren't even trying to get it 1-7
Does Science Presuppose Philosophical Materialism? 2-3
Fags under counter 1-4
The Origin of the Universe 1-2
Newbies and lurkers... 4-8
Thought I'd share 1-4
Hume's History of England 1-1 1-3 1-5
How do fundamentalists come to terms with an atheist child? 2-7
What is the best death from an Indiana Jones film 1-8
If you could convert one person to atheism... 2-4
About this Website 3-5
Leap of faith 1-2
Are People on this Forum... 1-8
Crucified frog offends 1-7
Identity, properties; space and time 1-2
Would you want to go to heaven 3-7 5-2
Is Christopher Hitchens really good for us? 3-1
Hello from a newbie! 1-6
Hello, Yet another n00b. 1-5
Attacking Apologetics 1-2
Hello all nonbelievers....newbie here! 1-3
Hi everyone! 1-3
Most Common Mistakes made by Theists and Fundies 1-1 1-9
What's your favourite webcomic? 1-2
Darwinian misfirings? 1-4
2,000 posts for plastictowel!! 2-2
Recommend me some books! 1-8
Friedrich Nietzsche 2-3
The Cambridge Companion to Atheism 1-2
Teen snaps eerie ghost 1-7
What is the strangest/most unusual book or books that you ow 2-1
God, Actually (A new flea) 1-4 1-10
Is it worth me... 1-6
War and Decision: Douglas J. Feith 1-2
Is 'The Selfish Gene' a bad title? 1-6
Help me find this Hume reference! 1-6
Why should'nt I steal 1-5
Cherie Blair attacks Richard Dawkins 7-4
Atheists must believe babies come from nothing. 2-10
Teleological Argument 1-3
God I hate Hitchens 1-10
Causality as relation of dependence 1-5
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part II) 1-10 4-8 5-1
What is Philosophy? 1-3 2-2 2-10
Dawkins vs Rowan Williams 1-10
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 28-6 28-10
Books for a very newbie naturalist - recommend? 1-3 1-8
If you ruled the world, who would you hire? 1-7
If facts dont fit the theory ... 1-4 1-10
Criticism of Richard Dawkins 1-8
Reasoning. 1-4
How many books do you read at once? 1-10 3-3 3-5 3-8
The Black Atheist 1-6
£200 to spend on books. 1-4
Did Richard Dawkins write the God Delusion? 1-5
Why Does the Universe Exist? 3-8
Apparent "proof" of God's existence 2-7
8,000 posts for flyingscot!! 4-6
2000 posts for pawiz 3-2
Sequence all the philosophical positions which you have held 1-10
A.C. Grayling 'What Is Good' 1-2
"The Dawkins confusion" 1-3
Would you take the "red pill"? 3-6
My beliefs... 1-2
Religious text challenge: how many have you read? 1-6
''I'm not a...'' 1-1
The Book that "Changed Your Life"? 1-3
The Devil Bird 1-3
Alister McGrath: The Twilight of Atheism 1-3 1-6
When Dawkins dies who is going to take over? 5-9
Recommend some good history books 1-8
That special book 1-2
The Lucifer Effect: How Good People Turn Evil 1-8
"It's, like, a quantum thing..." 2-2
Offer for Richard Dawkins.... 1-2
What is the purpose of existence? 4-2
recommended 1-2
From the egg, baby crocodiles call to each other and to mom 1-3
Looking for a book 1-1 1-3
Introductions to Logic etc. 1-1
Michael Foucault - Book recommendation? 1-5
Other Phil Forums? 1-6
Polite request - could atheists stop writing "strawman" 1-3
Why there are only 4 nucleotides in a DNA? 1-3
Need some recommendations 1-1 1-2
To what extent are you willing to argue? 1-7
Recommendations for Hume and Russell 1-1 1-2
Dostoevsky - The Devils, how do yee rate it!? 1-2
YouTube: Dawkins goes insane 2-7
The Reality Delusion 3-3
Phenomenalism 1-4
Can We Realistically Expect Indefinite Lifespans? 2-7
Dystopia/Anti-Utopia 2-1
The most convincing pro-religion/god book you have read? 1-6
Asimov's Guide to the Bible 1-1 1-3
Worst books you've had the intense displeasure of reading? 26-9 32-3 36-5
Hume on empiricism 1-1
The Bible 1-5
Books on Shakespeare 1-1 1-5 1-7 1-9
How did you first hear about The God Delusion? 2-5
Addicted to books - There are others like you, don't worry 3-1
Bill Bryson, A short history of nearly everything. 1-4
Feedback Needed 1-6
What books do you want to buy? 2-1
Recently bought books 1-8
Books on the universe 1-4
Advice for University Courses 1-1
Do you read certain books twice the first time through? 1-7
The Bible as Literature 1-2
Horror Authors Appreciation thread 3-6
The abuse of philosophy in defence of religion? 2-3
A book on perhaps OIL and its history? 1-4 1-7
What would you read to just relax? 1-9
Has anyone read Orwell's Homage to Catalonia? 1-3
An A-Level in DIVINITY??? 1-9
A - Level Results 1-1 2-2
Got my hands on a 1936 printing of The Possessed -Dostoevsky 1-3
Dune series 1-2
Alvin Plantinga's philosphy on Wikipedia 2-6
Enid Blyton is voted UK's best loved writer 1-7
Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, or someone else? 1-8
The Best Popular Science Book You've Read 2-6
Short Story Recommendations 1-1 1-6 2-1
Your choice The Idiot or The Demons/Possessed/Devils 1-6
Recent experience selling used books? 1-6
Books you were forced to read in school. 2-4 2-9
Question for Jerome Serpenti 1-8 3-7
50 book challenge 2008 Part 2 1-7 2-1 3-1 3-9 4-2 5-3 6-3 6-6 6-8 7-3 7-5 8-2 8-10 9-3 9-8 10-6 11-1 11-4 12-2 12-8 13-1 13-3 14-1 14-5 15-1 15-6 16-2 16-4 16-7 16-10 17-9 18-8 19-1 19-3 19-6 19-9 20-2 20-4 20-6 20-9 21-3 21-8 22-1 22-5 22-8 23-1 23-9 24-10 25-8 26-4 26-10 27-1 27-4 27-7 28-5 28-8 29-2 29-8 30-3 30-6 30-10 31-2 31-5 31-9 32-5 32-8 33-2 33-6 33-9 34-3 35-1 35-10 36-3 36-10 37-2 37-6 37-8 38-2 38-3 38-9 39-2 39-5 39-6 40-2 40-7 41-3 43-8 44-4 44-7 45-2 45-4 45-7 46-3 46-9 47-3 47-7 49-5
100% predictios 1-6
Strange book titles 1-4
What d'ya use for bookmarks? (Most trivial thread ever?) 2-6
Publishing Sci-Fi stories 1-1 1-4
Away at Stratford 1-1 1-7
The Great Gatsby 1-6
Just read "The God Delusion" 1-3
Epistemology - Dawkins the truth and phenomenology 1-4
Recommendations for Genetics books 1-1 1-6
Which should I read first? 4-2
Thinking about moving to Science 1-1 1-6 2-1
Derrida, Heidegger or Sartre? 1-3
I was wondering... 1-1
Europe at War 1939-1945: No Simple Victory by Norman Davis 2-7
Current(ish) prose writers who will be studied as classics 2-9
The significance of philosophy 2-7
Need some help deciding on University subject 1-1 2-6
Simon Schama 1-1
good philosophy books/articles. 1-7
Ian McEwan: The Cement Garden 1-2
misunderstanding about CG Jung 1-6
Free Will II 1-2
Guess the novel quiz 4-6 5-5 23-10 29-10
Wot I bought today. 1-9 2-1
What does Dawkins think about Platonism? 1-10
Sci-fi and characters. 2-2 3-1
Russell Brand/Jonathon Ross Poll 12-1
Matt Ridley, what next? 2-4
Milton's Paradise Lost 1-10
Horror fiction recommendations? 1-9 2-7 3-7 4-2
Dawkins' critique of Postmodernism 2-7 3-2 3-5
100 top science books 2-1
Defending Shakespeare... 1-3 1-8 6-9 7-7
Anne Rice comes to Jesus 1-4
How much have you spent on a book? 1-7
The god delusion is boring 4-6
Michael Crichton Dead. 2-8
THE Answer 1-6
Richard, Thank You. 1-10
Howdy 1-4
Jane Austen: Northanger Abbey 1-2 1-4 1-10 2-3 2-5 2-8 2-10
Isaac Asimov 1-1 2-8 4-3 7-5 9-10 10-2 10-5 10-7
I hope I'm posting this question in the right forum. 1-6
Nietzsche's Antidote 4-2 5-2
Waterstones in Cardiff bow to pressure from Christian Voice 1-3
The Philosophy of Futurama 1-1 1-5
Jane Austen: Persuasion 1-3 2-4
Multiverse Evidence? 1-7
Looking for a great American novel 1-2 1-7
Name the book 1-1 1-4
Recommended popular Science books. 2-1
New Humanist Trump Cards 1-5
The Hitchhiker's Guide - What's the big deal? 1-7 3-1
Reading Material for my gran 1-1 1-7 1-8
Hey, Ya'll! 1-7
Hitchens' 1999 Anti Clinton Screed 3-2
Most Unintentionally Funny Line in a Novel 1-1 1-6
Feynman: "A satisfactory philosophy of ignorance" 1-7
Maybe Christopher Hitchens isn't great 4-5
God is Not Dead, Amit Goswami 1-2
What book opened your eyes? 1-3 2-1 2-5 3-9
Would be funny if it weren't so true. 1-3
A Clean,Well-Lighted Place 1-5
Advent Calendar of Poems. 1-2
Annoying People in Book Shops 1-1 4-3
Books about morality? 1-3
Teenagers and sleep 3-2
Anyone read, or have any comments on Emile - Rousseou 1-5
Picked up Stuff of Thought a few days ago... 1-2
Do You Know What Time It Is? 2-7
Alexander the Great 2-1
Book review of the Bible 1-6
Need help - should I move to Science? 1-1 2-3 2-4 3-1
Recommended Nietzsche Reading 1-7
Favorite scifi/fantasy gods 1-8
What philosophers would you recommend? 2-4
"unlocking the power of water" 1-5
Say, what's a good choice in poetry? 1-6 4-7
Australian Authors - Any Recommendations? 1-8
Are scientists the new clergy? 2-3
Hurro there. 1-6
Secular dreams/nightmares 1-6
Kurt Vonnegut... 2-8 Forums: A Clear Thinking Oasis 1-6
who is your fave moral/political philosopher? 2-2 2-5
Changing Subjects at University 1-1
Theology 1-9
Why hasn't Iain Banks won more awards? 1-1 1-4 1-9
Recommended reading for a newly declared Zoology major 1-7
Chomskys wife died yesterday... :( 1-4
Anti-depressants,are there any books that do this? 2-4 2-10
Universe is Cosmically Connected by Magicles 1-4
Anyone read Manufacturing Consent 1-2
Philosophy as an expression of fear 1-2
Question for 09 challenge! 1-6 1-10
Nicholas Nickleby 1-2
Pinter died! 1-5
Kripke and Materialism 1-6
Best theist book 1-3
A book I'm scared to read! 1-2
favorite book of the year 1-5
Is it too late for Prof. Dawkins to change the title... 1-7
Nietzsche rejects atomism??? 1-4
Terry Pratchett Knighted... 2-1
50 book challenge 2009 1-2 4-8 5-4 7-6 8-4 9-8 11-2 13-9 14-9 16-4 16-9 17-5 18-1 18-4 19-9 20-9 21-7 22-8 23-9 24-4 25-2 25-5 25-9 26-6 27-7 28-1 28-3 28-8 29-7 30-9 31-6 32-3 32-5 33-4 33-6 34-1 34-10 35-3 35-10 37-1 37-7 38-2 38-9 39-1 40-1 40-6 40-10 42-3 42-6 43-4 43-6 44-1 44-5 45-7 46-6 47-1 47-9 48-6 48-7 49-5 50-4 50-9 53-1 53-7 54-6 54-7 55-4 55-10 56-4 57-1 57-10 58-5 59-6 60-8 61-2 61-7 62-3 62-9 63-6 64-2 64-5 65-1 65-3 65-6 66-6 67-6 68-2 68-8 69-4 69-6 70-4 73-2 73-9 74-9 75-3 76-2 76-5 76-10 78-4 79-2 79-10 80-5 81-2 81-4 82-1 84-3 84-8 85-5 86-3 87-4 88-2 88-5 89-1 89-3 89-7 90-2 91-1 91-10 92-7 93-5 94-6 94-8 95-3 95-9 96-3 98-10 99-6 100-5 100-9
Can you recommend 3 books on philosophy? 3-6 4-1
Books you wouldn't leave your burning house without 2-8
Book on the Bible. 3-4
"Philosophy Resources for All" — commentary thread 1-1
Book Recommendations - Abiogenesis and History of Atheism 1-2
Skeptic Zone Podcast 1-5
Practical Ethics by Peter Singer 1-2
Is Rationality a subset of irrationality. 1-4
Foundation Science Courses 1-1
Nothing is True 3-7
Does God give us morals? 1-2
Green Metropolis (and others?) 1-3
Any fans of the good Dr. D on this forum? 1-4
I am finally going to read 1-2
Nerd/emo/teen/secular psycology 1-6
Chemistry A-level in a year? 1-1
Not Read God Delusion Yet... 1-4
How Fast Can You Read? Where do you Read? 1-8 3-3
Reading Thomas Paine 1-4
top 5 authors 1-3 2-4 4-7
Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, etc 1-2 1-7
Learning Science Facts Doesn't Boost Science Reasoning. 3-5
The Clerkenwell Tales 1-1
Science and Creationism 1-5
What signed books do you own? 1-1
Still haven't read it ... oh the shame ... 1-5 2-4
A Brief History of Time vs A Briefer History of Time 1-7
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice 1-7
Jerry Coyne: Why Evolution is True 1-6
favorite book store 1-10 2-8
Goodreads 1-6
Arise Sir Terry.... 1-4
Favorite Comic Strip Collections 1-4
Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky 3-4
Any other Neil Gaiman fans here? 1-6
Good sci-fi/fantasy? 1-2 3-6 15-2 15-7
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part III) 31-5
Watchmen! (No spoilers) 1-8
Books On Mathematics 1-2
The Truest Thing My Father Said To Me 4-7
Adams vs. Pratchett 2-3
Biology A-level in a year 1-1
Which Asimov book should I start with? 1-5 1-8 2-4
What are some of your favorite fiction books? 4-2
SciFi story trackdown help 1-3
Jane Austen: Sense & Sensibility 1-9 2-3
When adaptations are good, and when they are bad 1-10
Decent books on EU 1-3
New Worlds magazine and Michael Moorcock 1-3 1-5
Terry Pratchett 1-4
A happy ending... 1-8 2-5
Descartes - Methods and Meditations 1-2
First-Time Author....Advice ? 1-6
Shakespeare Introduction 1-6
What character in what book most reminds you of yourself? 3-6
I read slowly... 2-2
Dan Brown's new book - release date 2-9
Is Stephen King taking the piss? 1-7
The prince 1-4
Looking for NOVELS that criticize religion 1-8 3-2
Who here has written a book? 1-8 1-2
Malayalam linguistic help needed 1-2
The writing schedule of Iain Banks 1-1
Which Stephen King character(s) do you relate to most? 1-3 1-6
Speed reading? 3-6 3-9
Top 5 poets 1-9
Question 1-1 1-7 2-4
50 book challenge 2009 (Part 2) 2-10 3-4 3-10 4-4 6-6 7-3 9-1 15-6 16-1 16-7 16-9 17-6 17-9 18-4 18-9 19-2 19-7 20-1 20-7 20-8 21-3 21-10 22-4 22-10 23-2 23-9 23-10 24-3 24-6 24-10 25-2 25-8 25-10 27-7 27-8 28-2 28-8 28-9 29-3 29-9 30-6 31-1 31-4 31-5 31-10 32-10 33-5 34-1 34-2 34-6 35-1 35-9 36-1 36-5 36-6 37-1 37-7 38-2 38-3 38-5 39-7 40-2 40-4 40-5 40-7 41-4 41-7 41-10 42-7 42-10 43-1 43-7 43-8 44-1 44-6 47-6 47-8 48-2 48-3 48-6 48-8 48-9 48-10 49-2 49-4 49-6 49-8 50-2 50-4 50-6 50-10 51-4 51-5 51-7 51-9 52-8 55-1 55-9 56-4 57-7 57-10 58-3 58-9 59-5 60-1 60-3 60-7 61-1 61-5 61-9 62-3 62-5 62-10 63-1 63-5 63-10 64-4 64-7 64-10 65-3 65-9 66-2 66-3 66-5 66-8 66-10 67-3 68-1 68-8 69-2 69-4 69-7 70-1 70-4 70-9 71-1 71-9 71-10 72-2 72-5 72-7 72-8 72-10 73-1 73-6 74-1
Need Tips on Improving Reading Speed and Precision! 1-2 1-5
Waterstones 2-4
China Mieville 1-3 1-9
Jared Diamond - Collapse 1-6
What are the Books that Cheer You Up? 1-7
Saul Bellow 1-5
Henry Louis Mencken 1-3
The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night-Time 3-3
Scandinavian Crime Wave: Peaceful people, Violent Thrillers 1-7
Robert Silverberg 1-2 1-9 2-3
Lesser known Orwell fiction - Aspidistra & Burmese Days 1-10
I Am Legend (Richard Matheson) 1-4
Jared Diamond 2-1
Books That Made Better Movies Than They Did Books 7-9
Gore Vidal Burr 1-2
Why does Harry Potter appeal to adults? 4-7
Books vanish like Houdini 1-7 2-5
Examples of rudeness 1-1 1-7
Recommended holiday reads 1-1
Making Reading Interesting? 2-8
Harry Potter, order of the phoenix - who sent the Dementors? 2-1
The Year of the Flood - Margaret Atwood's New Book. 1-2
The Lost Symbol-Dan Brown 3-6 4-2
Terry Pratchett 2-5
Stephen King Fan Art 1-2
50 Voices of Disbelief 1-6
Nobel Literature Prize 2009 1-3
Anyone had any experience on a ''Foundation Science'' course 1-1
Isaac Asimov 1-6 2-10
What are you currently reading? (Part IV) 37-10
Evolution: For Beginners 5-3 5-8 6-1 7-6
Questions about Steve Jones Genetics books 1-2 1-4 1-7
Bleh... 2-1
No mention of Taibbi, Berlinerblau, or Burton? 1-2
Do you fold your book corners? 2-10
Radical Atheism: Derrida and the Time of Life 1-2
Problems with libraries 2-3 5-1
The Road 1-3
Holiday reading - any suggestions? 1-2
MUCH light will be thrown... Where's RD's reference? 1-3
The pernicious effects of magical fiction 1-5
50 Book Challenge 2010 3-6 4-4 4-7 5-5 6-3 6-10 7-4 7-6 8-6 9-1 9-9 10-7 11-10 12-9 13-8 13-10 14-5 14-8 14-10 15-1 15-8 15-10 16-8 17-4 17-6 17-7 18-5 18-10 19-7 20-2 20-5 20-8 21-4 21-7 22-1 22-7 23-4 23-6 23-10 24-5 24-10 25-2 26-1 26-2 26-5 26-7 26-9
Time travel novels . 2-5
How are libraries different from bookstores? 1-4 3-5
Fiction vs. non-fiction 1-5
Funny Novels 3-1
What kind of novel you loves? 1-5
Worst books you've had the intense displeasure of reading? II 17-8 19-2 22-8
'Essential Reading' for the Atheist. 1-10 2-3
Need: Maths books for dummies 1-4
Fiction preference? 2-4
Robert Greene 1-5
Trying to find an old book... 1-2
Tomorrow's Shakespeare... 1-4 1-9
JD Salinger dies 1-5 1-7 1-10 2-3
Awful Books by Great Writers 1-5 2-6
Your All-Time Favorite Writer (Fiction)? 4-5 5-9 7-4
Has anybody read... 1-8
Good science fiction or post-apocalyptic recommendations 1-8
How can I read faster? 5-10
Book On Sexual Selection Theory? 1-3