List of Postings of User TheOuterLimits

Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 46-10
Favourite YouTube Videos 59-9
Large Hadron Collider 78-4
Are they any atheists who are anti-gay? 30-10 31-2
Atheism as "just another belief". 10-4
[POLL] MDMA (Ecstasy) Usage 25-7 26-1 26-3
Farting - Why is it so damn funny? 3-5
Funny Pictures 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-8 20-7 26-8 30-8 37-6 37-10
Sydney, Australia: World Youth Day 2008 Popery Festival 33-1
Antipotheosis' depressive anxiety disorder rantings... 9-6
Rape / Sexual Assault / Harassment in the news 14-10
1 -- Ravi Zacharias The End of Reason Book Discussion 1-3
Father of LSD Albert Hofmann Dead at 102 1-1 2-6
Pictures of You, Thread Part Deux! 64-10
Sometimes......... 3-3
Best song covers. 12-10 13-1 13-3
The dry sherry thread 1-3
George Bush, Worst in US History? 3-4
What can't you stand about your own country? 14-4 15-7 16-2 18-8
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part II 10-4
Fantasy Art Gallery For Us. 13-3
Socialism 20-6
Am I dull? 3-6
Consciousness raising terms 1-7
If heaven existed, what would it be like? 1-8
atheist song 1-4
Atheist Hymns? 1-2 1-4
Magic Mushrooms have Long Lasting Positive Effects 3-3 3-5
When to let your kids go? 1-7
The absolute pinnacle of douchedom - Stalker phone message 1-1
The harsh reality thread. 4-1
What are you drinking now? 8-5 9-2 9-5 10-2
Mods 1-8 2-2
Top 10 Atheist Strawmen 4-1
Patriotism - the last refuge? 2-6
Atheism Offers Nothing! 13-5
Israel Was "Unoccupied" Land Like America Was "Unoccupied" 5-6
Mind expanding Drugs, Sense Deprivation, Lucid Dreaming etc 3-2 3-5
Your first forum... 1-4
The last human... 1-7
What Made You an Atheist? 3-8
What if god smoked cannabis? 1-3 1-6
Google FAIL 1-3
Political correctness 7-7 8-4
Africa is giving nothing to anyone -- apart from AIDS 1-1
Caffeine addiction? 4-1
What opinions have you that the vast majority here has not? 19-3 20-7 32-5 39-8 41-7 43-3 43-5 44-2 50-9 54-2 54-7 54-9 55-2 55-6 55-7 55-9 57-5 95-8 96-5 96-8 97-5 97-7
America: "the Greatest Country on Earth!" Really? 22-6
Gay Worker wins £37,000 Church Payout 1-10
America is not so bad! 7-9
Wine Talk 1-3
Pet peeves 2-10
Real Evil 1-2
How tall are you? 3-8
Morality is nonsense 8-10 9-1 9-2 9-4 12-1 12-9
What Maketh The Gay Man? 6-4 7-1
Pictures of thee, Thread Part III! 7-8 7-9 92-9
Gunman opens fire in Tennessee church, 2 killed 5-2
How do you view life? 1-10
Ban Knives in Canada! 2-8 2-10 9-1
Woman ‘tricked into sex’ by penis cream treatment 4-4
Cartoons 1-1 1-3 1-6 1-8 2-9 3-1 3-4
RD Forum NOT an Oasis 3-2
How is Using "Black" Considered Racist? 3-8
Got a visit from the LDS members this morning.. 3-7
Suggestion.... 1-1 1-5 1-8 2-2 2-7 2-9 3-1 9-9 10-6
Horror Authors Appreciation thread 1-2
A challenge to Richard and all atheists. 4-1 4-3
Texas executes Mexican murderer 1-4 9-5 10-1
what's your favorite religious pet hate 4-2
No Religion: Would the World Be Better? 1-5
Non-chemical highs 2-2 2-10
Legalizing drugs key to all kinds of good stuff 4-8 4-10
Ben Stein visits the doctor 1-3
Exceptionally Bad Movies? 2-2
You ever walked on a glacier? 1-3
Things you live near but have never visited 1-9
Soup, glorious soup! 1-6
What's in your pantry? 1-5 1-7
What's the most awkward moment you've been in? 2-7
Genuine Arguments against Homosexuality? 27-5 27-6
Where should I emigrate to?? 5-9
Ex Homo Gives Lecture on the Gay Disease. 2-6
VenomFangX vs Thunderf00t 3-7 4-3
Near Death Experience 1-2
Pounding Migrane 1-2
Pictures of thee, Thread Part IV! 2-2
The Reinstate Meeky Chuppet Thread 5-8 7-4 7-9 8-1 9-7 9-10 11-9
next prez. I absolutely don't give a toss. 1-2
What villain would you be?! 4-1
rap opinions please 1-7
Proposition 8 17-3 17-5 17-7 17-10 24-1 25-8 39-1
If you could bring any dead person back to life... 5-1
Do You Support Gay Marriage Pt I 12-4 12-9 14-9 14-10 15-8 15-10 18-4 18-5
The Stupidest Thing You've Done to Yourself ??? (Pt 2) 2-8