List of Postings of User Err for Reason

Do you think 0.9999999~ infinite is exactly equal to 1 89-8
Hypothesis, Theory, Fact and Law 27-3
The Jesus Myth - The Case Against Historical Christ 30-10 32-7 33-2 34-10 35-8 35-10 36-5 36-9 39-1 39-9 40-6
Are you a nihilist? (non-theists only please) 12-7
Abortion 69-5 70-5 70-7 71-4 71-9 72-2 72-9 73-1 73-4 84-3 84-6 84-8 86-2
Fear of Death 21-9
House - Atheist TV series? 11-9
Atheists Against Abortion 91-9 98-4 100-6
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 16-9 30-8
Jesus Christ 21-6
Barack Obama - Atheist or not? 15-3
Help define my Singularity 2-3
Is psychology a science? 15-3
What is the single greatest problem facing the world? 10-1
Strong Emergence 35-3 35-6 44-5
A rant on being exceptional 3-4
Inside a Cult 4-1
How do you want to die? 2-2
The speed of Time 3-4
God is just too complex for us to understand... 3-4
The illogical argument challenge. Are you up to the task? 2-3
A Little Mind Game for Theists 2-2 3-9 5-4 5-7 6-1
Least favorite argument you hear all the time 1-1 2-8 10-4
Atheist Doctors 1-1 1-3
delusional =? stupid 1-1
Transexualism and logic 2-3 2-8 4-6 4-10 5-5 5-10 6-8 7-2 7-4 8-3 8-6 9-4
Teacher fired for Wizardry 1-5 3-1
Top 3 Atheist Reasons... 7-6
Jesus 2.0 2-2
Evil 21-5
Peter Singer vs Dinesh D'Souza 4-5
Free Tibet 1-1
What basic science education should all adults have? 5-1
Discussion With A Theist 3-2
Smoking, How bad is it elsewhere? 5-1
Apologetics 101 1-1 1-8 1-9
Please help! I'm an atheist guy who likes a Christian girl! 3-6
a little disingenuous 1-7
Resource for talking to theist groups about Darwin 1-2
Sought After Object In Galaxy Finally Discovered 1-4 1-10
Rage against the idiots 2-2
Censorship on 'virtual reality' 1-3
Behind the scenes 1-1
Which technology you will like to see in future? 2-9 4-1
Robots and religion? 1-5 2-2 2-6 2-9
"I guess you'll be converting" 1-6
Ask a fundie!!! 104-3
The Perfect Verse of The Day 3-1
If a woman claimed to be pregnant by god TODAY 1-9
A question regarding a Biblical account of interbreeding. 1-2
Christians outraged over Starbucks logo 1-7
Ask a fundie part 2 12-4 14-3 19-6 78-9 94-2
Dawkins blamed for decline in Church of Scotland 2-6
A certain, certain young physicist 1-4 1-6
Bush go to your room, you are GROUNDED!!! 2-3 2-5 2-8 3-4 4-3 4-9 6-6
The single most aggravating anti-atheist argument 3-3
Am I wasting my time with creationists? 1-10
Is the improbability arguement valid? 1-6 1-10 2-4 3-6
Need help "coming out" to my family ... 3-6
What is, and is not, a Cult? 1-4
Psychological standing of homosexuality 1-4
Reaching the unreachable 1-1 1-5
How do fundamentalists come to terms with an atheist child? 1-3
Epicurus 1-4
Attacking Apologetics 1-1
infinite regress 1-1 2-3
Most Common Mistakes made by Theists and Fundies 2-8
Visions of the Future - Biotechnology.. 2-2
Why "Supernatural" and "Faith" is a Cop Out 10-7 11-5 12-5 13-1 13-3 14-4 14-8 14-10 20-10 21-7 24-1 24-2 24-9 25-4 25-5 26-6
Asexuality? 2-7
Fate 1-5
God and suicide. 7-2 9-6
Seven deadly sins? 1-5
How were you turned? 2-4
What? 3-7
Writing a book, need advice. 1-6
Forum Lingo 1-1 1-5 4-5
Narnia and Middle Earth – Anglicans and Catholics 3-1
atheists who turn to Christianity 2-5
Who Would Jesus be Today 1-8
most profound personal realiziations 1-1
Dancing = virtual anal sex, flip-flops bad also 1-5
Who does Sam Harris think should be killed for their beliefs 1-5
Are people less sexy once you learn they're religious? 1-8
onward atheist soldiers 2-3
TAG, you're it 1-1
George Will comes out as an agnostic! 3-9
Adversarial Debate Format 1-1
Plastic Brain Outsmarts Experts 1-3
Dilemma about "coming out" 4-2
War in Heaven, why? 7-8
Jesus' Loss of Faith 3-2
The immense mind boggling idiocy of USA 2-7
God's Atemporality 2-2 2-6
Atheism becoming a fact of life? 2-4
Would you spend a night in a haunted castle? 3-2
Evolution Disproven 31-1
So what is Hell actually like? 1-5
You know why god is a prick? 2-3
Acceptable to disrespect 3-6
Guitarist of Korn becomes born again Xtian 2-2
New Species in 1 Generation?! 1-2
Reason Project, The Scripture Project, Volunteer Editors Nee 1-4
My Conversation With A Christan 1-7 2-5
Strongest case for tradition? 1-1 1-4
In my book Fred Phelps is 100% christian 2-1
(self-identified) "intellectuals" are arrogant? 3-1
Islam will use Dawah to conqure Europe 1-4
wt are the questions you have to believe in the one creator? 2-7
Semantics 1-1 1-3 2-1 2-3 2-9 3-2 3-4 3-6 3-8 4-5 4-7 5-2
Just a few questions before I convert to Atheism & Evolution 23-2
Schizophrenia and Marijuana 2-1
God? 2-8
The "Plaid Shirts" of the World 2-2 2-7
Religious girl 5-9
"Oh My God" 7-5
whats about this book? Greater than you think 1-10
Gay Bishops 1-5
What opinions have you that the vast majority here has not? 12-1
I have a way to prove God!!! 2-8
Best response to personal experience 1-1 2-6 3-4
Do you think Incest is wrong? 2-8
Real vs avatar names 4-5
Who is Your Favorite God? 1-2 4-4
Sentient AI 1-8 2-9 3-7 4-2
Why is climate change denial so pervasive? 3-1
On the existence of color 2-8 2-9
Golden Compass Sequel Axed? 4-2
Amateur Atheists 5-7
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part I 61-7
"morals of atheism? Atheists have none (read disc)" 2-4
How did you finally cut ties? 2-10
General Member Survey 3-7
Being intelligent vs being wise 3-2
An Atheist Paradise? 2-1
What would you do if a friend was arrested for child porn? 14-8
Odd 3-10
Is Violence better than Sex Fruit? 2-1
Do you sometimes lie? 2-4
Theism on decline? 3-2 3-5 3-7 3-9 5-8 6-9 7-3
An example of Christopher Hitchens' dishonesty 10-6
Does Answering Prayers Negate Free Will? 9-6 10-5 11-4
Advice for University Courses 1-3
The Singularity - The Universe Wakes Up 3-8 4-6 4-8 5-4
Legally culpable in contrived situations? 1-1
How is Using "Black" Considered Racist? 12-9
Couple of STRONG disproofs of God 2-4 3-3 5-9
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 3 20-3
Five Faces of False Religion 4-4
Why does belief matter? 3-3
Don't call me an atheist... 3-1
Well, I could use a lot of advice... 4-7
Some reasons why god doesn't heal amputees--xians 1-10 2-2 2-6 3-6 7-3
Miracles & Hume 1-1 1-7 2-5
This posting was removed in 5 minutes from a fundie forum. 1-5
Do theists expect Atheists to fear hell? 1-10
A ride in uuhh ON the car the christian way 1-2
About creating a better ideology for our society.. 2-1
Question about Atheism. 2-4 2-10 4-3
Summary of Atheist arguments against the existence of God 2-9 3-2
When you Lost Your Faith... 2-9
How would a god prove that she exists? 3-6 4-2 4-7 4-8
Incompatible beliefs? 6-3
not intelligent enough 6-1
I, Aksel, make a case for God 29-7 33-4 36-5 38-2 39-8 39-9 40-7
Grade 7 atheist pretending to be a believer... 1-6
"Common New Atheist Fallacies" 3-7
How can Atheism reconcile quantum physics? 11-2 20-9
What is your vision of the future? 2-7 5-3
Mom has problems with me being an atheist. 4-10
A serious problem with god? 3-4
Are people affected politically by their newfound atheism? 2-10
Question about proving god 1-6 9-2 9-9 12-2 14-1
Hitchens' daughter attends a Quaker School? 2-1
Poll: Health Care to change in America? 3-3
Losing my enthusiasm for fighting the good fight 1-5
Republican campaign adds 3-9
How un-American is this? 3-3 4-1
Bible Passages Explained 5-2 9-1
A Puzzle 1-3 1-7 2-6
Atheists Against Abortion II 4-7 5-2 6-9 14-3 17-4 17-7 17-8 19-9 20-1 20-3 21-3 21-4
Why science can't explain it all 12-1
Arguing atheism feels like... 1-1 3-3 4-5
The decline of america politics 1-8
Healthcare a right or privilege? 1-9 3-2 4-7 7-9 7-10 9-2 19-3 20-3 23-1 24-10 52-2 53-9 54-4 55-8 57-2 57-5
A Refutation to a Theist's Argument 1-2 1-6 1-7
Sam Harris vs Barack Obama 2-7
RD's chapters about the bible aren't solid enough. 15-2
Which consciousness collapses the waveform? 8-4
'poverty' in rich countries 5-7
Free Will II 1-4 1-7 1-10 2-3 25-3 26-4 26-5 77-10
Does existence imply meaning? 3-5
Europe and Energy 1-1
Just joined...hope I don't get banned! 6-4 8-1
Atheist swearing - derail thread 1-9
Why would they die for a lie? 8-2
The Free Will Defence 3-7
Why do mirrors flip the image left to right ... 12-6
Is it true that a bible won`t burn? 4-1
Aussie Immigrant Faces Deportation Due To Down Syndrome Son 2-6
Theist Jargon Translations 1-1
transphobia: the rights of the transgendered must exist 3-7 5-1
Atheists Beliefs Research 6-5 8-2
Pascal Revisited 1-1 2-7 3-7 3-8
Should men be forced to pay child support if... 4-4
Are you a bigot? 1-2
Second Law of Thermodynamics & Hydrogen Atom 1-10
Teens send nude pics to one other, face kiddie porn charges 9-4 10-7
Rick Warren Urges Followers To Emulate Hitler Youth 5-4
Chomsky on Pornography 2-6
endless economic growth? 8-10 9-2 9-4
How would you feel if you were victim of collateral damage? 1-2
Japanese researchers translate brain patterns into accurate 1-10
Hitchens vs D'Souza at The University of Colorado 5-7
Switzerland Plans to Fine Naked Hikers 2-3
Should all prisons be abolished? 1-8
Blue light destroys antibiotic-resistant staph infection 1-3
A tough decision? 2-6
Anarkissed 3-6
"Vice" Taxes and "Morality" Laws 2-2
Woman jailed for having consensual sex with inmate 1-2
There is no hard problem 1-1 2-7 4-4 5-3 5-6 9-8 11-2
Michael Phelps is a fool 6-4
Video game has Islamic propaganda! 1-9
The Pirate Bay on Trial 4-5
Newsweek: "We Are All Socialists Now" 2-1
Men, women and the cosmetic surgery debate 4-3
The 2012 Republican ticket 2-3
Darwinian Economics? 1-2