List of Postings of User Tylerpestell

What evidence would make you believe in a God? 47-7
Who else loves Chick Tracts? 3-8
The God Gene. 3-3 3-6
Fighting for "our" freedom??? 1-4
What would you say to God? 6-2
Who's the nuttiest religious person you have worked with? 4-5
Atheist people dating religious people 3-3
Kalam Cosmological Argument 4-10
Earth is 6,000 years old 1-1 2-4 2-7 2-8
Religion in schools... science in chuches? 4-3 4-9
It's a miracle! 1-3
Heaven/happiness paradox 3-2 3-5 3-7
Are creationist accountable for mis-eeducation? 1-2
Is there any room for a God... 1-2
AFdave's creator God hypothesis 140-3 142-5 143-10 160-3 178-3 190-10 191-5 191-8 191-9 192-7 253-3 262-1 270-4 270-10 272-10 277-8
Question for ex-theists 1-9
God delusion in Bible-back? 1-3
Papal Infallibility and Infinite Regress 1-2
Scopes Monkey Trial 1-2
Age of the Earth 1-10 6-9 7-1 7-4
Strong Evidence God Exists! 2-3
Strong Evidence Unicorns Exists!!! 1-1
Strong evidence the celestial teapot exists! 1-2
Religion vs. Mythology 1-3
How utterly crap is god? 1-3 10-7
For The Love of... Jesus Army 1-2
Three questions 1-3
It's that time of year again... 2-2
Prove god exists? Easy. 3-1 3-2
AFdave's creator God hypothesis 1-6
Drawing in Bibles 1-2
Proving that God exists. 1-10 3-5 3-9 5-8
Scary video 1-3
Non-Evangelical benefits of Evangelical Christianity. 1-2
Charisma 1-5
Protesting Under God In Pledge At My High School: Good Idea? 1-8
What's the best "religious" joke ever? 1-10
AFDave's Creator God Hypothesis 2 58-6
What if God "really existed"? 2-10
Home Schooling Child Abuse 2-1
Atheist dare 3-7
Shouldn't we all be terrified of Heaven? 1-6
Flood debate comment thread 1-2 35-2 103-9 175-4 176-6 247-9 248-1 249-8 250-9 254-4 264-4 264-6 269-6
Does being brought up religious make you turn against it? 2-8
I'll pray for you. 1-6
Sexually awkward Christians 1-7
History of the Bible 1-2
Ask me questions... 6-6
I am bringing Christianity to Japan. 2-2
Ray Comfort V Atheists, tonight! 1-2 3-2
The meaning of death! 24-10 25-3 30-1 30-3
What is so horrible about Intelligent Design? 7-5 7-8 8-2
Was I a male monkey?.. 1-2 1-4
I still don't get atheism 1-5
Sometimes it's best to let 'em speak for themselves... 1-9
afterword 1-3
Toughest Question for Atheists 2-9
Where did the different races come from? 1-3
Religous rant on Myspace 1-1
YouTube atheist converts to Christianity 3-9
A bit of coaching please 1-2
Conversion 2-4
[VIDEO] A Question of Origins 1-3 1-7
Getting a Friend to Think 1-2
Help me debate with my Jewish friend... 1-3