List of Postings of User PatrickHenry

Noah's Ark 36-4 36-8
Hypothesis, Theory, Fact and Law 22-6
Micro- and macroevolution 31-4 31-9 32-1 32-3 32-6 32-8 34-8
Transitional Fossils 2-5 3-1
Future: Have humans stopped/slowed/changed evolution? 35-4
How Evolution is not pure random chance 37-9 38-4 38-7 39-4 40-3 42-8 43-9 55-5 55-8 61-10 62-4 66-3 66-10 69-8 70-4 73-3 74-4 74-9
Giraffe's neck 8-8
Abiogenesis / Origin of Life 10-10
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 39-10 41-10 46-7 48-4 53-6 115-5 117-10 122-4
Robust list of creationist 'arguments' + responses 5-6
First cause 47-5 47-8 48-3
Should there be an official response to 'Expelled" 18-4 18-8 19-9 20-3
Games to Teach Evolution Mechanisms 3-1 3-5
Study shows Darwin was wrong about the origins of chickens 3-5 10-4
Would aliens look like us? (evolution question) 3-2
Examples of Speciation 3-2
Descent of testicles 2-4 2-10 3-10 5-3 5-6 6-10 8-10 11-4 12-8 14-5 16-1 16-3 18-6
Creationist newbie 16-10
Transitionary fossils with evolution 1-9
A good creationist argument? 1-5 4-4
Another new member 1-1 1-3 1-4 1-5 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-5
Evolution/degeneration 1-7
Looking for evidence 1-2 1-4
Bad creation day 2-5
Does Ben Stein have any inkling of how he looks? 1-7 3-1 3-5
Intimidation in University 1-4
Honeybees get the short straw? 1-2
Are You Sick Of Hearing The Phrase, "Darwinians"? 1-4
So What Is The "Design" Argument? 1-10 3-9 4-9 5-7 6-3
Atheism Masquerading As Science 2-7
a Transhumanistic stab at an evolved god or gods 1-3 1-5
Geological Society Policy Statement 1-3
How can Natural Selection do this? 1-2 2-5
Evolution Education 1-3
Evolution: Another way to put it.(Tiny "essay" I've written) 1-2
Evolution of the plants on Kauai 1-5 1-7
evidence for darwinism... 1-5
Do Id'ers/Creationists Actually Understand the Consequences? 1-2
Proof Against Evolution 3-10
Evolution. Fact? 1-4
would it change views if noahs ark was found? 2-6 7-3
Another thread on the evolution of "god". 1-2 2-1
Questions on Punctuated Equilibrium 4-9 5-2
Pulpit: Anti-science website 1-2
Asking for help in explaning convincing analogies to ID'ers 1-2
Help Needed...(missing link between apes-humans) 1-2
Creationist question hour 4-2
If Adam 3-2
Why Natural Selection is a Hoax 1-8 6-1
Can't The "Discovery Channel" End The "Discovery Institute"? 1-3
ID/Creationist lexicon? 1-9 2-1
Why Is Cosmological Creationism So Respectable? 1-5
Why Is The Universe SO BIG? 1-4
Resource for talking to theist groups about Darwin 1-9
Is Intelligent Design just as vague as Baraminology? 1-3
Quest for Right 4-4
Cosmic Arrogance 2-5
Transitional Fossils 1-3
The missing link. 1-2
Question For Cal (Or Whomever Else Would Like to Respond) 1-4
Why self-replication? 1-7
Louisiana's latest creationism bill moves to House floor 4-7 8-8
The Creationism of LoveOneAnother Expounded 8-1 8-6 17-1
Evolution of Monkeys to Man?? 1-2 2-3
"Macroevolution" and "Microevolution" 1-2 2-7
Harnessing Evolution In The Lab 1-3
Assorted Facts And Fallacies 1-4 4-9
Evolution without speciation 1-2 1-6
evolution question 1-8 2-9
6th Annual International Creationism Conference 1-4
Fischer: Founders knew about evolution, chose ID 1-8 1-9
Noah's Ark is a crock... 1-8
Sex for Pleasure? 1-3
We Urgently Need Your Help Now!! 2-8 3-3 3-7 3-10
Conservapedia wants to see Lenski's research data 1-8 16-4
How do u talk to people like this? 2-3
Casey Luskin: A Response to Ken Miller & Judge Jones's 4-1
Someone once asked me a wierd but interesting question 2-9
wow im speechless 2-3
How different are the mechanics of Micro and Macro Evolution 1-8
An unusual request. 1-4
Astronomy question? 1-7
Creationist/ID Books? 2-5
Biochemists That Support Michael Behe? 1-4 2-4 2-7 2-9
Evidence for a flood? 3-4
Why the theory of evolution is mathematically impossible 7-6
Our kids are killing each other on the basis of a lie 1-2
Evidence AGAINST Noah's flood? 3-3
15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense 1-5 2-3
Designer universe? 2-10
Debunking Creationism with the Bible 1-8 2-6
I can debunk agnostism & prove the existence of GOD 2-7 3-5
The lazy persons guide to Young Earth chronology! 1-5
Evolution Myth Exposed... 1-7
Drive-by poster motivation? 2-5
Conversation with a friend 1-6 2-3 2-8 2-10 3-2
More on defending real science 1-5
Rock Solid Proof 1-5
ICC 2008 kicks off! 2-1 3-5
Could redshift be an illusion? 3-3
Dinosaurs and Humans on youtube 1-4
A Muslim's Challenge to Evolution 4-10
New letter from Darwin linking him to Hitler 3-2 3-7
A good analogy when explaining how we know evolution occurs? 1-2
The God Of Creationists Is A MORON ... 1-10
Why we don't want to be primates (maybe) 1-10 2-3 2-5 2-7
Worst Creationist Arguments 1-9 5-6 5-8
Most complex theoretical creature? 1-4
The Flagellum 1-2
How did different genders develop through evolution? 2-2
Jail for creationists? 2-9
Evolution of “Theory”? 1-2 1-4 1-6
Why no Darwinian theory of culture after nearly 150 years? 1-5
Why isn't Evolution a Good Model to Base a Society on? 1-8
Significantly modified animals by human selection 1-3 1-6
The Discovery Institute on the identity of the "designer" 1-4
Good parody of the infamous "Big Daddy" creationist pamphlet 1-6
What are your favorite evolution analogies. 1-4
Classification of Creationists 1-7
Proof that evolution is wrong 2-5
Would natural selection apply across the universe? 1-3
Is Creationism inherently doomed? 1-2
Creationism - Speed of Light 2-3 3-4
The sense of awe... 1-2 1-5
Evolution and slavery? 1-4 2-5 3-7
Evolution Questions??? 1-3
how does natural selection create evolution 1-7 2-6 2-8 3-2
What would a created universe look like? 15-3 17-2 19-3
How could I put this better? 1-2
David Berlinski,anyboby? 1-2
Self awareness in animals 1-3
"Fishapod" Had World's First Known Neck, Study Says 1-4
Are all human ancestors known? 1-6 2-4 3-1 4-3
Archeology of Creationism 1-4 1-9
Rock records dino 'dance floor' 1-1
Do doctors study biology but COMPLETELY OMIT evolution? 1-3 3-3
Happy birthday earth... 1-9 3-1 6-10 7-6
Are there universal laws of evolution 1-5
E-mail exchange; number of dead strains disproves evolution? 1-6 2-3
Genesises'... Genesis'esses'... THE TALKING SNAKE EXPLAINED. 1-10
What century is man fit for? 1-8 1-10
Scientific Fundamentalism 1-8
A quote from Darwin 1-6
Against Science 15-3 36-7 40-8
Debate question 1-5
?: Humans' attitudes toward other animals... 1-2
Macroevolution 1-3 1-8
"There is ZERO scientific proof of Evolution!" 1-10
Top 5 Evidences for Darwinism 1-4
Looking for evidence and arguments For a debate 1-5
Did anyone notice? creation->ID->ID! 2-5
The God Delusion Discussion 2-6
Why do humans look so different? 1-5
Papers, please! 1-8 4-4
It's not religion; it's sound, skeptical science 1-4 1-9
teach both sides! 2-4
Standing Up For Reality 2-1
Creation Science claims the cosmos. 1-8 2-3
Flat Earth: good anti-creo by Christine Garwood 1-5
Teaching Evolution 1-7
Dog Emotions and Evolution. 1-2 1-6 1-10 2-3
How do you test Creationism or ID? 1-5
TalkOrigins Offline? 1-3 1-9 2-8
Definition of science excludes the supernatural? 2-5 2-7
Where did DNA come from? 1-2
Shiny new creotard,ready for debunking! 1-3
Evolution guided by intelligence 1-4 1-6
Do all members of a species share one ancestor? 1-4 2-3 3-1
Talkorigins has disappeared? 2-7 3-2
Why hasn't the horseshoe crab evolved like the rest? 1-5
need help in a debate 2-4 2-7
Question: Why didn't life evolve on the moon? 1-4
The most ignorant creationist ever? 1-9
Is Life Inevitable in Earth-like Conditions? 1-9 3-2
Why is Physical Attraction Overwhelming? Why Does it Happen? 1-9 3-4 3-7
I'm calling Poe's Law on Ken Ham 1-2
Two questions 1-9 2-1 3-6
Speciation observed in Scarab Beetles 1-4 1-8
I have a question, need an expert. 1-3
why evolution and not stability? 1-7
Human Population if Humans were Immortal 1-7 2-5 2-10 6-1 6-3 6-8
bladder and bowel control 1-3
Early whales gave birth on land, fossil find reveals 1-2
How does evolution cause complex organisms to come about? 1-3
"The Curmudgeon's Amendment" 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-9 1-10 2-4 2-6
Which bird "kinds" were supposed to be on the ark? 2-1
Louisiana Passes Science Education Act 1-7
Maybe Spielberg isn't so wrong. The case for humanoid aliens 1-8
Sponges or monkeys, that's the question 1-2 1-7
Looking for good transitional fossil lists 1-3
Where did the instinct to survive come from? 1-6
What is the most frustrating Creationist argument? 1-7
Good rebuttal to 'I've never seen 'x' give birth to' y' 1-2
How to respond to requests to debate creationists 1-7
intelligent design 2-1 2-8 4-1 7-6 8-2 13-10
Evolution of male and female 1-2
Intelligent Design is dead. Long live... 1-3
FingerTips from evolutionary point of view 2-3
What is the evolutionary explanation for dancing? 1-7