List of Postings of User ddovala

The Clever Atheist Responses To Dumb Theist Statements Forum 7-4
The Ontological Argument 9-6
Radiometric Dating 4-8
Dawkins on South Park 19-6
What evidence would make you believe in a God? 18-2
Creationism / ID - lets see your evidence 61-5 62-2 63-2 63-4 65-4 65-6 65-8 66-4 71-7 72-3
Ten Things You Like About..... 15-7
A Real Virgin Birth for Christmas! 3-7
Small scientific inaccuracy in "The Ancestor's Tale&quo 1-1
Christian Haunted House 1-3 2-1
TheChampion's Anti-Evolution Garbage Collection 56-7 58-6 62-1
Best conspiracy EVER... 2-8
Young Earth Atheists 3-4
The scientific miracle that is the Quran 16-1
Creationists in Somerset. Leave those kids alone! 4-1
Would you repent, if God existed? 2-8
Just how "Omnipotent" is God? 2-10
Do you feel superior... 3-3
Top ten ways americans got jacked by conservatives 1-7
My faith and Dawkins' faith 1-5
Kalam Cosmological Argument 7-10
Why did GOD give 'man' a residual tail? 1-4
Forum section for The Selfish Gene (and other Dawkins books) 1-1
Evolution and war 2-1 3-4
Adam and Eve and inbreeding 1-6
The Richard Dawkins Delusion 1-5
Civic Action 1-2
Coming out? 1-3
Social Insect Book? 1-1 1-3
Did you know... 2-1
A question on asymptotes 1-8 2-4
If you could be a god for a day... 4-7
A Deeply Disappointing Book 2-1
An amusing book, but I have a few problems 2-1 3-10 8-1
Atheists Debating in Favour of Religion 2-3
Typical fundamentalist... 1-1
The big initiative against Creationist science - join in! 1-2
An atheist society? 1-2
stuck for answers between God and erm...nothing 1-4
Our Professor 6-4
What is the lowest degree I can attain for Biology? 1-3
Why are you an atheist? 2-7
I was just banned or suspended off Teen Christian Forums... 6-3
The AntiCreed Creed 1-4
what? 1-2 2-1
Any mention of science? 5-10 7-4
Being an atheist: Harder in the USA? 4-8
Question for ex-theists 1-2
Thought-provoking image 1-2
The collapse of atheism: so bad I had to share it! 4-2
Natural Selection and Cancer 1-2 1-10 3-10 4-3
Help with an atheist's marriage 1-5
Evolution 1-2
Building a artificial religion 2-10
Your DNA molecule 2-8
I was just booted from a CHRISTIAN CHAT ROOM! 4-9
Scientists! 2-9
The God Delusion supports the Bible 2-1 5-5
Erratic site? 9-9
Hey Guys, We're Famous!!!! 1-5
Happy Darwin Day !!!! 3-1
All of you Atheists will convert one day.... 1-5 7-2
Haha! Creationists lose again! 5-9
Why aren't we as hairy as our ancestors? 3-1 3-10
What's the best "religious" joke ever? 3-5
Questions answered with "GOD" 1-2
No god, but an afterlife? 23-7
Why complexity disproves ID 3-3
"The God Delusion"--I Agree with More than I Thoug 2-1 2-5
Atheist Names 1-4
What if you were a god? 2-8
Poor arithmetics????? 2-3
Guess I'll cancel my embryonic stem cell contribution 4-9
Ask me questions... 17-8
Lucy Disproven as Human Ancestor? 1-2 3-1 11-7
New transitional fossil 1-7
HELP! Creationist trying to hi-jack physics! 1-10 2-3
The Ten Commandments 4-4
Just to give you guys an idea... 1-3
Is atheism obvious? what am I missing? 6-4
Kirk Cameron & Ray Comfort Full Banana Episode 5-1
What would you like on your Tombstone? 8-8
Life Evolving on Several Occasions 6-5
Left-handed DNA 1-7
Some techie should add bad Bible quotes to Facebook. 1-2
America Top Dog....for how long? 3-1
All We are Saying, is Give War a Chance 5-5 6-6 7-1 9-1 9-7 11-7 13-2 13-7 14-7 14-10
Where are those so called HARD and REALISTIC evidences of 9-5
The Trivial Event of the Day Thread 4-5
The Intelligently Designed Ark 1-2
Pressure to attend Christian services at work! 4-6 4-9
what do you hate most about Bush? 2-2
Australian boy with surname "Hell" 1-3 2-5
Intelligent Design.. duh 1-2
Complexity of life 1-1 1-6 4-10 6-10 7-2
But The Big Book Says 2-4
My Defense of Pascal's Wager 1-3 1-7
I think I've missed the point of the crucifixion... 2-4 2-5 2-8
"Police seize magic trick from Preacher" 1-3
Bible Revelation Prophecy Fulfilled - Take Shelter! 1-3
Is there ever an answer that can satisfy you? 1-10
I see jesus! (In a Dog's asshole) 1-5
Help Mr. Dawkins! 1-2
Dawkins owned by Supersmart Muslim. 1-2 2-10
Force fields - Future protection from nukes. 1-2
Discovery Channels - Bought by supernaturalists? 1-8
Look what I'm up against! 1-6
Forum Game: Religion Inc. 1-2 1-5
Sick of fundie would-be book censors 1-3
Prosecutors cannot find God 1-2
So, I'm planning the next big Terrorist Attack on America. 1-3
Righteous Response Squad 3-7
Islam - clearing the misconceptions 10-1
No need to evolve. Creation more valid 2-8
The Church believes in evolution? 2-3
Welcome to the New Forum 1-3
The Atheist Formerly Known as Born-Again Christian 1-6
The Earth was Created 6,000 Years Ago - Here is Proof 7-8
Suck it creationists 1-7
Would an atheist return a wallet with $100? Why or Why not? 7-2
Challenge to Creationist 2-1
If monkeys are men then answer this...? 9-5
God and the Devil? 1-1
I never liked eggplant anyway 1-8
What will God do when/if no one believes in him anymore? 2-4
The Ten Commandments and Scriptures Out of Context 1-2
Solutions for Closet Atheists like myself. 2-3
Fun *legal* ways to pester door to door religious salespeopl 3-7 3-10
'God is not Great' - STOLEN! 1-5
Kids finally have their own creationist website! 3-3
Help! My Girlfriend is a Jehovah's Witness! 4-6
Debate Enders 2-8
Let's play the "I am God" game 4-6
Vegetarianism 36-6
The global warming religion Pt. 1 4-1
Fundies Say The Darndest Things/Xtian chat room quotes 3-7
Nature Photography 9-10
Religion as a Hate Speech/Hate Crime 1-2
If God Created Life Why Arn't All Animals Herbivores? 3-5
How can Atheism reconcile quantum physics? 6-3 8-7
New toy!!! 1-8
"Darwin was a fag!" 1-6
Abiogenesis derail 2-8