List of Postings of User cutekawaii

Marriage 58-1 59-8
The Ontological Argument 21-2 21-7 22-3
Photos of animals. 82-6
Sexiest female 51-6 51-8
Atheism vs. Agnosticism 53-5 54-6
Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 70-5 71-9 74-3
If you were to pick one religion, which would it be!? 7-1 7-6
Atheistic quotes 18-2 18-7
What Evidence would make you believe in God? 44-6 53-10 58-2 97-7
The Jesus Myth - The Case Against Historical Christ 31-8 31-10 32-3 55-6 56-9 59-9 59-10 60-9 62-3 63-4
Atheists Arrogant? 14-2
No god, but an afterlife? 37-5 37-10 39-4 41-5
If you died and there was a God... 15-5
Zeitgeist Movie & Addendum 24-10
Most annoying thing a believer has ever said to me. 23-3 23-5
Why I believe in 6-day creation 85-9 85-10
Any good theist forums? 8-8
The Picture Thread 95-1 95-3 95-5 96-9 99-7 100-6
Trinity? 9-4 9-10
Is the death penalty ethical? Part 2 12-3 15-3 15-10 16-3
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 24-7 24-10
Should we cancel/reform the United Nations? 25-4
Jesus Christ 19-1
ANONYMOUS War on Scientology 20-4
Criticisms of Atheism 37-3 37-5 71-4 74-10 75-1 78-2 81-5 85-9 86-3 89-6 95-7 99-10 100-5
Is the Tooth Fairy Real? 2-6
Atheist high school science teachers 2-6
Formal Debate Challenge: Is the Bible Inspired of God? 54-4 77-1
Satanic Atheists 12-1 12-3
one dilemma ive had as an atheist 2-10
William Lane Craig 61-10
Wackiest things you've heard from Christians 14-9
Response to a creatinist lecture I attended 1-1 1-7 2-1 2-3 3-1 3-5 5-1
Get off my bus, I need to pray! 2-3
Boycott 2008 Olympic sponsors 1-1 1-4 1-10 2-2 2-6 3-8 4-1 4-6 4-9 5-1 5-2 5-5 6-1 6-3 6-6 6-8 8-5 8-9 12-5 12-8 13-8 15-9
Who Killed More - God or Satan? 9-8
Questions 34-10 49-2 52-4
"It's dangerous for children to know atheism exists!" 16-2 16-6
Sarkozy threatens boycott of olympics 3-1
A Question thats never asked to Christians 5-8
Creationist newbie 14-1 14-7 17-6
Father & Daughter show off their baby 12-6
Meeting creationists 2-10
"Stop the Bus! It's Time to Pray" on Allen Hunt show 1-1 1-5 1-8 1-10 2-3 2-5 2-7 2-9
Darwin's belief in a Creator 4-4 9-1
Cults vs Religions 1-6 1-8
Greetings from a Christian who is also a scientist 16-1
Is the US Constitution in Jeopardy? 1-10 2-2 2-4 2-6
How can disbelief be a sin? 1-9 7-5
Why is the 'Problem of evil' a problem? 1-2 3-2
Talk about an incomplete story... 1-4 1-6 1-8
Are you an elitist liberal? 1-3 1-5 1-8 1-10 8-7 8-8 9-8 10-2 10-5 10-7 11-3 11-9 13-1 14-6
Intimidation in University 1-8
Hello from a Monotheist ! uhhohh 2-2 5-7
Emails with Ken Miller 1-1 1-5 1-8 1-10 2-3 3-3
My Christian Faith: Exposed 1-5 3-5 6-10
Non-Religious Faith 1-4
The question why? 2-6
Science and Religion: not so different 1-5
Please Help me. I have no idea what to do. 6-7
Help me out, guys! 2-2
Before the Big Bang? 2-9
smart person CAN believe 15-1 15-5 16-9 18-6 18-7 18-9 21-7 21-9 23-1 26-10 28-5 28-10 30-4
Hello 2-2
Morality = God vs Darwinian morality 1-5
Nicholas Lash on The God Delusion 3-3 6-1
We're all born atheists 3-7 3-9 4-2
Help 5-4 5-6 5-8 6-3 7-1 7-3 7-10 8-2 8-9
Relief? 1-8 2-7 2-10
Bible study of doom 1-1 1-3 1-8 2-1 2-6 2-10 3-4 4-4 4-6 5-5 6-2 7-8 8-7 8-8
Atheist wiki document 1-4
The First Cause 2-7
Is atheism a natural response to nuclear power? 1-6
POPE - just a man or not? 1-6
"The Trouble with Atheism" - Muslim criticism of atheism 1-6
6 Reasons Not to be an atheist 1-3 3-9 5-3 7-1 7-9
Hi! Christian jumping into the lions den. 1-8 3-7 3-9 5-8
Why People Need Religion To Be Happy 1-2
Atheism & morality 1-10 2-2
New Member, First Post! 3-2 4-3
Bible study of doom pt 2, calling all Christians 1-1 1-7
Horror Stories or Funny Stories About Being An Atheist 1-10 3-6
What does this actually prove? 4-2
Why do I believe in the Creator ? 9-2 10-1
Theological justification for genocide Part One 8-5
should I read Mein Kampf? 1-5
My dear fan club 2-1
"If man evolved, where did woman come from?" 1-8 3-6 3-7
American Revolution from Britain's perspective 1-1 1-4
Heisenberg Uncertaintly Principle 1-1 2-7 3-8
Emails with Douglas Jacoby 1-1 1-3
Pantheism: What are your thoughts? 2-3
What would the universe really look like if god designed it? 1-3
Is the devil bad? 3-4
Let's annoy Mathis a bit 4-8
Evolution is only a BELIEF!!! (Thermodynamics etc.) 2-4
Need some Hawking help here... 1-9
Welcome to China. The land where babies are prisoners. 3-8 4-1
What "gnosis in "agnosis" really means 1-1 1-5 1-9 2-2 2-4 2-6 2-8 2-10
THEISTS - Why do you Believe in God? 6-10 7-1 9-1 11-3
Dawkins' Ratchet 6-5
Atheists are Nihilists! 5-6
Sick sexual culture of America 5-2 5-4 7-6 7-10
100 Reasons Why Evolution is Stupid' being shown @ my school 2-6
Does everyone have a Religion? 2-6 7-6 10-4 10-7 16-2 16-4
Jesus is coming in 2015 5-2 5-4 5-10
Have I missed something here? 2-2
Bible has evidence of modern science! 1-8
In case you wondered why not Zeus: 1-5 1-7 1-10 2-2
God is just too complex for us to understand... 2-9
Does lack of religion make you feel alone at times? 1-3
What use is half an eye? 3-10
New handle, need opinions 1-1 1-3 1-9
Poll: Non-naturalist atheism? 1-6
Armour of God? Get Kids Suited up to Fight the Heathens 3-7
Dvorak keyboard layout 1-2
Its it possible to be right without looking like an asshole? 2-8
What's the most wicked religion? 2-5 2-8
Convert me if you can! 6-10
Animal suffering -- is it real? 1-7 2-4 2-8 2-10 3-3 3-5 9-9 11-2 12-4 14-1
Source of morality... 1-4 1-7
Dinesh debates Hitchens 1-3 1-6
The lunatic chat... 5 PARTS 1-10
Help! I want to meet Richard Dawkins! 1-3
How do u live with atheism? 1-10
What does the phrase "God-Given Freedom" imply? 2-3
Questions about atheism in the USA 2-1
Did God or Matter Always Exist? 2-7 2-9 4-5
Top 3 Atheist Reasons... 4-8
This is why you never debate creationists ... 1-6
I made a decision: Leaving Islam for Atheism 4-2
How often do you check your bedroom for spiders? 4-1
So, which of the seven deadly sins epitomises you? 5-1 5-2
Thought Experiment. Would you give blood to a fundamentalist 4-5
Free Will 129-4 129-7 130-9
A Fundie Visits RDF 6-7
Ask a fundie!!! 23-8 24-10
The Loser Letters 4-6
The Rational Response Squad 52-5
Do you ever envy theists? 3-5
Unanswered questions from Ask a Fundie 11-7 11-8 23-4 26-4 26-6 30-9
The primal question atheists fail to answer 30-4
The global warming religion Pt. 1 86-9 86-10 88-4 88-8 89-5 90-6 92-3 92-4 92-9 93-1 93-6 95-2 97-1 97-5
Alternative names for atheists II 30-7
Man sues after faith healing injury 6-8
Reading Genesis 6-7
The Black Atheist 3-10
I got sent this the other day. Would like some input 3-5 4-3
Is the 'Ring' worth watching? 3-7
New & looking for a book on basic Logic / Critical Thinking 1-4
Me + Galapagos + camera = this thread 1-1 1-7 3-1 4-2
Do Most Atheists Condone These Vicious Tactics 5-6
Friend converts to Islam - I need help on a point? 2-7
Weird bible selective breeding 1-1 1-8
What an odd debate 2-5
Ecology and Atheism 1-10 2-5
Historical Jesus lecture on iTunes 1-1
evidence that the earth is finely tuned 17-1 17-7
Are atheists less likely to have children? 7-1
ex-Lutheran vs. Lutheran Pastor: Email Discussion 1-4 1-8 3-2
Someone once asked me a wierd but interesting question 3-1 3-5
Admit Your Need For God! 5-8
1 in 5 atheists believe in God, US study finds 2-6
Acceptable to disrespect 2-2 3-5
Guitarist of Korn becomes born again Xtian 1-1 2-1 3-10 4-8
Does evolution proclaim the existence of a god? 1-9 2-5
Morals and Religion: Is There Really a Connection? 1-4 1-10
My Conversation With A Christan 1-3 2-1
Evolution and anti-theism poll -- expanded version 2-3
To utilitarian atheists 3-1
The Problem With Atheists 1-6 1-8 5-8 6-8 21-7
God is Spirit 3-7 5-2
"New Atheism" lecture 1-1
Is it possible to be a an atheist and a GW Bush supporter 1-2 1-2 1-6
Im seeing a Greek Orthodox Priest today 1-5
Atheism and Veganism – Interlocking Causes 28-7
Exorcism annihilates atheism 9-10 10-8 10-9 13-7 22-4 22-6 26-4
Charles Darwin in "The Fall"! 1-1
Is Evolution a Religion? 5-6 5-7 6-6
Christianity: a force for good 5-10 7-4
Why I will vote for Ralph Nader 6-9 7-3 8-10 10-7
Help me debunk this! 1-6
Science Disproves Evolution 1-10 2-4 2-7
Appearance of land 1-1 1-3
Poll on Faith-based funding 1-2
How many atheists would call themselves humanists? 8-6
Atheism Offers Nothing! 8-7 12-7 16-5
I saw Jesus 2-5
20 arguments for the existance of God 2-4
Argument wth Intelligent Design science teacher. 2-8
Religiosity 4-9
debate about something that is not your expertise? 2-5
Bible Sweets 1-7
Now im really angry.. i want to scream 2-9
You what?! 1-8
10 things you did not know about the pope 1-8
Why again is intelligent design not science? 2-3
Debunking Creationism with the Bible 1-4 2-3
curious...couple of questions. 21-10 22-1 26-5
Best response to personal experience 2-8 2-9 3-3 3-6 4-2
Transitional catfish? 2-7 2-9
Even Star Trek knows Religions are silly 3-2
Ask your Christian fiends, where's heaven? 1-8
In Defence Of Pascal's Wager 3-9 4-3 5-6 6-7
How would a Christian explain this? 3-7
If this life is the only one we have why commit suicide? 1-3
In a perfect world (Atheist Society?) 3-3
YECs 'educate' kids at science museum. 2-10
If this is a question, what is the answer 2-10
From Agnosticism back to Belief 3-7 6-4 6-5 11-4 11-5
Required Summer Reading for Class - Pro-Christian book? 1-2
ITT: Ask a Biblical Scholar! 1-4
Having Trouble With a Creationist (Call to Arms) 1-4
Puppets for Jesus 1-1
I opened up a bible for the first time today... 1-4
Son Becoming Catholic. 5-6 12-1
Homosexuality - unsuitable viewing for children? 3-8
True Atheists Do not Exist 3-9
Stupid Things You've Done while a Theist 3-8
Good vs Bad - Is it even real? 2-2 3-7 3-8
Jesus Science Camp! 3-7
Gunman opens fire in Tennessee church, 2 killed 2-7
Violating the scientific method by disbelieving religion? 2-4
Anti-theism 2-9
Grasping large numbers 1-1 1-7
Jumping in and out of Atheism... 4-3
Can I mix and customize religions for my taste? 2-4
Need help with religious debate 1-10
Shelley on Disbelief 2-1
Bands and Musicians everybody (except you) seems to like. 5-2
Jesus the Roman, Hitler the Atheist 3-7
Why so sure about Atheism? 8-6
Atheism- Cons of Atheism? 2-6
Introducing ID into the college classroom 1-1 1-3
6 Day Creation, 1 day of Rest 3-6
Where are all the Atheist Charities? - David Quinn, Ireland 5-9
"Atheists Might Be Offended!" 3-3
Jesus' Last Words 1-7
Pascal Wager revisited 1-10 10-10 11-2 11-6 11-8 11-10 12-2 12-6 12-7 17-9 17-10 21-10 22-3
The Resurrection of Jesus 20-9 20-10
The Mosaic Law could only have come from GOD! 7-5
Separating Religion........from Healthcare 1-4
Just a friendly reminder 9-7
Anyone From Bible Belt? (Alabama) 1-9
The astrotheological meaning of the Genesis myth 1-2
Israel / Palestine Conflict Pt. 2 29-5 32-3
Obama's inauguration 45-4
Swedish Muslim could set new headscarf precedent 1-2
Persuading Christians 9-1 9-3
In latest Japanese craze, you are what your blood type is 1-3
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? Part 2 73-8 81-7 83-5
American Idol makes girl question her faith. Seriously. 1-1
Searching for certain video 1-1 1-2
Daniel Radcliffe is a fan of RD - and an atheist too! 1-10