List of Postings of User Darwinsbulldog

Greetings 1-9
Social Darwinism is it a valid concept? 4-1
God is a delusion say believers 2-3 2-7 2-9
How much do we know about genes? 1-6
Bibles in Hotels 10-1 11-2 11-3 19-2
Marriage 31-5
Should Atheist formulate plans to leave the Earth? 4-10 5-1
Devolution & Idiocracy 7-2
You meet God. He slaps you with haddock. Do you NOW believe? 6-9 8-1
Parenthood 2-7
Fight the good fight: Hand out flyers! 4-3
People saying Bless You when a person sneezes 20-3 24-1
To all detractors of natural selection and supporters of ID 5-8 5-10
The Ontological Argument 19-10 23-4
What are you currently reading? 136-4
Emoticons 1-7
Hypothesis, Theory, Fact and Law 20-8 23-4 23-10 25-10 26-2
Monarchism 44-9 45-1
Bible Contradictions 18-1 18-4 19-1 21-9 22-1
Yet another newbie, be gentle. 3-1 3-4
Is war ever justified? 9-3 9-8 10-4
SIR Richard Dawkins ?? 12-3 19-9
Creationist Museum - Kentucky, USA 26-2 26-8
Neandertals / Neanderthals 8-5 8-7 14-7
Why do we see beauty in nature? 2-7
Eugenics 5-8
Is atheism a religion? 68-1 68-5
The evolution of sex / gender 12-1
Favourite Dawkins Book? 9-7 20-7
Racial differences and Darwinism 15-6 15-9 15-10
Glasgow Scotland calling 2-2
Atheism can damage your sex life 7-4
Do you think Women have a higher tendency to be religious? 9-5
If you were to pick one religion, which would it be!? 6-9
Evolution and Homosexuality 44-6
Good evening 2-6
What Evidence would make you believe in God? 39-1
The Moon Landings : Real or Fake? 10-2 10-4
The scientific miracle that is the Quran 48-10
is homosexuality a physiological response to overcrowdness 3-9
Why are you an atheist? 10-2 10-10 11-2 11-10 15-1 24-5
HELP - My 12 year old is a believer!! Any Suggestions? 8-2
Hello, Greetings, Resume, Background, Personal, LifestoryCV 1-6
Creationist tactical review 5-9
Is philosophy bullshit? 31-5
Who laid the first egg? An update 3-1 3-10
Gravity--Just a Theory--annotated 3-4
Future: Have humans stopped/slowed/changed evolution? 26-10 27-2 37-4 38-5 38-7 38-9 60-1 63-7 68-7
Scientology: Scam? Cult? Religion? 46-10
Atheism in Greece-an urban legend 2-3
A safe-haven for the Kiwi (CALLING ALL NEW ZEALANDERS) 1-8
Marxism and Capitalism as Quasi-Religious Belief Systems? 4-10
Why aren't we as hairy as our ancestors? 11-7
Chocolate Science 3-1
House MD (great atheist tv show) 6-9
Harun Yahya: Atlas Of Creation 7-7
Woodpecker evolution 1-5
Giraffe's neck 8-3 10-5
Race/Intelligence 52-6
Victor Stenger - God: The Failed Hypothesis 3-7
Atheist Naval Aviator, retired Commander here 3-9
Should women have equal rights with men? 26-2 36-9
Do you fear death? 14-2
Ancient T. rex & mastodon protein fragments sequenced 2-3
What are the real roots of anti-Semitism? 8-3
Do you think religion will survive the 21st century? 6-8
How old are you? 21-4 89-4
Large Hadron Collider 12-7
If you died and there was a God... 12-8
New version of Australian fake film 14-1
Christian License Plates. 2-1 8-9
Trying to make reality fun (without making fun of reality?). 2-3
Abstinence vs Sex Education 6-8
Michael Behe: The Edge of Evolution 5-3 5-5
Why aren't there intermediate species today? 5-2
The Skeptics Annotated Bible 2-4
Proportional Representation in Elections 4-6
Suggestions for the Scientific Videos Collection 9-7
Abortion 20-7 20-10 88-10
Why do you go on living? 4-8