List of Postings of User Darkchilde

Noah's Ark 44-3
Vegetarianism 43-1
Global warming 2-9
What are you currently reading? 127-9 134-6 134-9 174-5
Emoticons 1-8
Aquatic ape hypothesis 17-8
Help Science to help you, volunteer your spare CPU!! 36-8 37-9 38-9
The Historical Jesus - Did He Exist? 11-3 12-10 14-2 79-5
Atheistic quotes 20-6 21-4
What Evidence would make you believe in God? 71-10
Why are you an atheist? 12-6 17-9
Video games - why demonise? 17-10
Scientology: Scam? Cult? Religion? 37-7
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube 70-5 88-3 100-1
Mediums and Psychics 24-7
No god, but an afterlife? 40-10
Harun Yahya: Atlas Of Creation 9-2 9-6 9-9 10-1 11-9 12-8 13-7 13-10 14-2 14-4 14-9 14-10 15-7 16-4 18-7 18-9 19-3 22-1 22-7
552+ proofs of God 3-6
God Is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens 19-5
Abiogenesis / Origin of Life 51-4
Large Hadron Collider 44-5 95-3
Relationship with a Theist 3-3
Suggestions for the Scientific Videos Collection 14-1 14-4
Why do you go on living? 4-5
Peer review or censorship? 6-2 12-10
Give blood against Jehovah's Witnesses' Dogma 30-8
RDFRS Team for Folding@Home 100-4
Peter Hamilton 1-7
Calling all science geeks!!! 7-1
Apocalypse 2012 40-8
A comment about "The Root of All Evil?" 2-10
Good morning! Me, Mr David from Essex. 1-7
Any good theist forums? 23-9
Desert Island books 5-6
Robust list of creationist 'arguments' + responses 16-10 19-6 19-10
The God Delusion - Riccardo Chiaberge - Burmase Buddhists 1-6
Relativity+ 34-7 35-4 36-2 39-1 39-3
House - Atheist TV series? 6-7
The Virgin of Fatima 13-3
Trinity? 15-3
The Second Chromosome 68-5 68-10 69-6 76-1 80-8 87-10
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 17-9
Best book for a liberal Christian having doubts? 4-4
Terry Pratchett has Alzheimer's 9-3
RDFRS Volunteers 10-7
'Forbidden Archaeology' 3-3 3-7 3-9
Book Recommendations 2-9 3-6 3-8
Noetic "science?" - Nassim Haramein - like Deepak Chopra? 2-7
50 book challenge 2008 28-10 35-6 44-4 70-6 72-10 76-9 77-3 77-9 79-4 80-10 82-6 83-3 84-2 100-5
What book has influenced you most? 7-3
Best last line of a novel? 5-2
History Forum 5-5
Slow down? Or just me? 2-2
Are you on Facebook? 4-7
Vox Day - The Irrational Atheist 8-4
Can I get a refund please? 3-9 5-10
Plate tectonics and 'Young Earth' Creationism 2-4 2-8 3-4
The child abuse claim. 6-10
How to quote text 11-4
Question for the moderators 1-9
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part II 25-3
What year were you born? 20-3
Serious suggestions for the title of Richard's new book 13-4
[POLL] Are you an atheist who does not believe in God? 4-4
Hello from Athens 1-1 1-3
Hawking: Master of the Universe (UK TV, Ch 4) 1-6
What brings us to this forum? 4-9
Crime fiction! 2-1
Wackiest things you've heard from Christians 8-6
Root of all Evil DVD - Banned? 2-10
"Darwin was a Racist" Abusive Ad Hom 28-10 39-4 46-9
Hello from Good old Great Britain 1-6
Did you ever really believe? 9-8
Gravity & the physical universe 2-6
The Great Tantra Challenge 1-4
Men Who Were Discredited 7-8 8-2
NIBIRU - (Planet X) 4-1
Microsoft spying? 2-5
Arthur C Clarke RIP 4-1
Hotel Bibles 5-2
RD is wrong about belief and intelligence 2-9
What do you really know about the bible? (poll) 2-2
As an atheist, how should I relate to theists? 2-8
Who's converted more 'followers', religion or science? 2-6
Texas Newbie Here (Family help needed) 1-5
The current scientific opinion on aromatherapy 1-8
God could not have evolved. QED No God. 1-7
New Member Over Here! 1-2
Why is it snowing on Easter Sunday? 1-8
Dawkins: a postmodern perspective 1-3
Fence Sitter 1-2 1-6
In emergency rooms, would it be legal 1-8
Happy Birthday Professor Dawkins! 2-2
The Rule of Bimboism... 1-7
Could the universe be an isomorph of an mathematical system? 1-6
Pregnant Man 1-7
Richard Dawkins on Dr. Who (June 28, 2008) 25-8
Graphic-novel-consciousness-raising! 1-6
atheist cartoons 6-9
Greetings:) 2-1
The Stranger - Camus...*spoilers* 4-9
Before the Big Bang? 10-2
Books you can cry over 3-5
Your List of Books To Be Read Soon (5 or less) 8-3
Creationists Should Learn to Play the Game Called Science 3-1 3-5 3-10
Top 3 Atheist Reasons... 8-4
How are you wearing your A? 3-1
A River Out of Eden 10-7
Letter to a Christian Nation 1-8
¡Hola, Ateos Ingleses! 3-2
Religios at the door! 5-2
How were you turned? 2-8
What is the strangest/most unusual book or books that you ow 2-6 4-5
A Fan in the Third World 3-5
Hello from a Kentucky deist 2-2
Declining scientific TV show quality? 2-3
A few general thoughts on The God Delusion 4-6 5-3 8-4 9-8 10-2 13-7 17-9 18-5
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part II) 6-5 8-6 10-4 11-7 15-3 38-5 50-4 60-6 73-1 77-8 84-3 84-5 87-4 90-9 91-2 93-5 94-3
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 89-4
Cost of anti-HIV antivirals 2-1
Lefties 1-4
Brain Stem Cells Can Be Awakened 1-6
I gave into superstition like a fool :( 2-1
How many books do you read at once? 3-1 3-4
Hello from North Dakota (USA) 1-8
Can Science and religion coexist? 2-2
£200 to spend on books. 1-2
Religious zealots or rappers: the worst homophobes? 1-8
Of good cops vs bad cops 1-3
Darwin's Point 1-8
Aliens arrive, and their luggage goes to... 1-2
Michael Shermer's astrology video: How does the astrologer.. 1-2 1-7
Atheist from Chicago 1-2
Howdy from Greensboro, NC 1-4
An Atheist Hoosier 1-7
Forum hits a million posts! 1-5
Are atheists less likely to have children? 5-6
Why does Europe dislike Mexicans/central Americans? 1-10
atheist says hi 1-7 2-1
Hello ... from Western Sydney, Australia 1-3
My consciousness has been raised by another step! 1-2
Just another drop in the pond 1-2
Looking for Good books 1-7
The Aftershock just set in...... 2-5
Man out of Time 1-4
New here 1-2
Hello all, in loving memory of George Carlin 1-2
hi 1-4
Obligatory Salutations and Other... Niceties. 1-5
Greetings from Finland 1-4
Are you afraid to tell people you're an atheist? 2-9
Correct spelling of the word "atheist" in ancient greek? 1-6
Thank you 1-3
Greetings! 1-2
To what extent are you willing to argue? 3-10
Hi! 1-2
Hello there! 1-3
Outspoken Atheist... 1-2
I've realised there's something I'd miss if religion went.. 3-4
Helllo from Texas. :) 1-4
Greetings 1-6 and the Sanctuary of Anonymity 1-4
Do you have any atheist apparel on your car? 2-4
Greetings to all from Florida 1-3
I blame Calilasseia 1-2
Hello From New Hampshire 1-4
Greetings from a new military member 1-4
Greetings from Islamabad 1-3
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part II 23-7 23-10 25-7
New Member from the Bible Belt 1-3
NephilimFree's Challenge to Atheists and Evolutionists 4-6 28-1
Greetings 1-5
Greetings All 1-4
Salvete, omnes 1-5
Hi from Nicaragua! 1-6
Heylo! 1-7
Greetings and a horror story 1-4
Hi 1-4
Became atheistic or always atheistic? 2-9
Hello From NY 1-4
Poll: (how) did you change your (non)religious views? 1-7
Who lost their religion at a young age? 2-5
Hello from Perplexy 1-4
New Canadian Member Eh? 1-10
Hi 1-5
Why is Richard Dawkins angry? Question from Dr Greg Clarke 1-2
Hello 1-2
The Tradition of Weddings? 1-2
Aleluja from Lithuania 1-3
Bonjour de Paris ! 1-3
hello & thanks 1-6
Hi there 1-4
Lurking No Longer... Boof1988... Columbus, Ohio 2-3
Right or Wrong 2-2
G'day from Australia 1-3
Greetings from Sweden! 1-7
Time to say hello 1-3
Original dorkster 1-3
The most convincing pro-religion/god book you have read? 3-4
Science Disproves Evolution 58-5 67-5
Ignorant America: Just How Stupid? 5-7
Brooklyn's in the house :) 1-3
Hi, this is Cioko! 1-2
Hello from the Scottish Highland 2-2
Hello Rational World 1-4
Worst books you've had the intense displeasure of reading? 3-1 7-4
Hello people !! 1-7
Born again Atheist, hello. 2-4
On a lighter note 1-7
Hello from Denmark/Belgium. 1-5
New :) 2-3
New here :) 1-8
Hello from Orlando, Florida 1-8
Ten People at a Dinner Party 5-7
DAWK's book club. 2-8 2-10
Ancient Greek Democracy books? 1-2 1-5
Why the theory of evolution is mathematically impossible 76-2 88-3
Hi from Dominican Republic 1-3
Hello 1-6
Books on Evolution to give to a Christian? 2-1
Are Vitamin Pills Okay? 4-1
New Forum, Member 1-8
I'm not an atheist! 3-1
Hi there 1-7
Hello from Singapore 1-5
Greetings from Hamburg, Germany 1-5
Hello from the construction site. 1-4
Dr.Dawkins and Mr.Hyde? 2-5
Carl Sagan: Demon Haunted World 1-5
Hi from Sydney 1-5
It's been a long road... 1-3 1-9 2-1 2-3
Dualism and NOMA stymieing progress in God Delusion 1-2
Hi 1-3
Hello from Finland and Spain 1-2
Iran missile tests 2-6 5-9
If I Can Be Converted, Anyone Can 2-1
Hey there 1-2
What is blasphemy? 1-1
Cantankerous & bloody-minded old git alert 2-4 2-7 3-2 3-4
French new menber 1-7
Gr33t1ng5 1-3
Blogger's Choice Awards 1-2
Hallo 1-2
Hi Everyone I'm a new USER on here. 1-2
and its hello from me too! 1-2
Your ONE favourite short story? 3-4
Wyoming native, lifelong atheist 2-2
Formal Hello 1-9
God? 1-7
Hello from Bunbury, Oz 2-1
Let Me Introduce Myself. 1-7
Hi 1-7
I'm a Newbie 2-1
A big hello to ! 1-4
I'm finally out of the closet! 1-8
Hello. 1-3
Hello Everyone and a Question 1-7
Newbie; Recovering Catholic 1-7
New atheist, thanks mostly to Christians 1-4
"Oh My God" 4-7
Ex-Christian From Shropshire 1-3
G'day from Victoria Australia. 1-3
Hello from a Korean pantheist 1-3
I, Morgasm 1-5
Hi all, new member here 1-4
Please allow me to introduce myself... 1-4
the moose problem 1-7 4-8 8-3
Of all the religions/spiritual traditions/superstitions 1-5
"Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters" 1-3
Immanuel Velikovsky and the Scientific Community 1-5 1-7 2-2 4-8 7-4
hello there 1-2
Is my fervent anti-religion passion justifed? 1-9
New member 1-3
Hello from Budapest 1-2
Boycott The Baptism?? 1-5
Why again is intelligent design not science? 11-5 11-8 13-10 14-5
Favorite Charities? 2-4
Whattup from California 1-4
Hello from West Michigan... 1-2
Greetings from my closet! 1-2
Happy to be here 1-4
Another Silicon Valley Atheist ... 1-5
Good Day All 1-5
Greetings from the godless north 1-3
A friendly hello from Canada, eh? 1-4
The Heretic 1-4
A Passionate Non-Believer On A Mission... 1-4 1-6
Creationism finally disproved! 2-5 2-8
America is not so bad! 1-4
Even Star Trek knows Religions are silly 1-5
"You shouldn't be reading that book" 4-1
Real vs avatar names 4-9
Greetings and salutations! 1-4
How to speak to anatheist ? 1-6
Ahhh... an island oasis in this sea of madness!... 1-6
Who is Your Favorite God? 5-9 6-5 54-7
Why is climate change denial so pervasive? 1-6
Hello from Invisible Maps 1-2
Atheists: the vital critical mass?? 1-2 2-10
Does one decide to believe (or to not believe)? 1-2
Banned Books Week 1-1
Why wasn't Lazarus the most famous man in the world? 4-5
Are you tolerant of religion? 3-3
Another new guy says hello 1-8
Aloha! 1-5
Hello 1-3
How did you first hear about The God Delusion? 1-7
Atheist Demographics 1-2
Hello 1-6
Soft Dinosaurs? 2-2
what made me an atheist 3-4
New Catholic Member 1-9
Please refute: "Genetic Recombination prevents mutations" 1-4 1-8
How many books do you currently own? 1-2 1-4 2-1 4-8
Addicted to books - There are others like you, don't worry 2-4 4-1
Levels of Atheism in Europe: Memetics 1-7
Hello from Southern California! 1-5
Your new northernmost member 1-2
Hi From Turkey.. 1-3
Simply your favourite non-fiction book. 6-7
What would evidence of the Flood actually look like? 4-8 7-4
Advice for guy in a relationship with a Believer... 2-10
Hello from Tromsø 1-5
Beware the noob that lurks in the night 1-5
Another noob hits the boards! 1-5
How to Persuade an Atheist to Become Christian 4-5 5-8 8-4 10-2 11-7 13-2 13-8 13-10 14-8 15-1
Seaside greetings from North Yorkshire 1-2
hello from the land of cheese 2-1
Oh Hi 1-9
I finally decided to join in.... 1-9
Southern California offers its finest 1-8
Falsifying the Fossil Record 1-2
Dawkins' Ultimate Boeing Gambit torn to shreds 2-8 5-5 6-2
a deeply religious individual concerned with your wellbeing 1-5
Newbie from Alaska 1-6
Return To Rationality 1-3
Safety Net 1-5
Enthusiastic new member from Indiana! 2-1
Just joined 1-3
Hi, an Atheist musician saying hello to everyone. : ) 1-3
Hello, some reasons to be here (Opus dei, Legion of Christ) 1-3
We evolved from the big bang. 5-2
Quantum Mechanics Book List 1-3
Hello 1-9
Hey all! 1-8
A feel good story for you. 2-7
Oh Hai! I can has cheeseburger... 2-3
Funny scammer. Who falls for this? 1-9
I opened up a bible for the first time today... 3-1
Fantastic news! 1-3
Polystraight fossils 1-2
On the 'Alternative' medicine 1-7
What books do you want to buy? 1-9
New member. A born-again pantheist! 1-3
Son Becoming Catholic. 1-2
An example of Christopher Hitchens' dishonesty 1-7
I`m going out with a pentecostal 1-6
Newbie From Florida 1-7
New atheist trying to cope 2-2
Recently bought books 1-7
New Member - I Looked at both sides 1-5
New to the Forum 1-7
I lost a good friend. 3-7
Signing up to the forums with AOL 2-5
Hi.Just joined the forum. 1-5 2-6 2-8
Another Newbie 1-4
Support for teenagers 1-2
Hello 1-2
First Light From A Newbie 2-1
A Whole new world! 2-1
The Gardening Thread 2-2
Hello Hello Hello 1-4
Another newbie... 1-2
Introducing myself as a newbie 1-5
Hello from another new recruit 1-6
Long time lurker first time poster 2-1
Good afternoon 1-4
Hullo... 2-3
Good Evening 1-3
Just read the God Delusion... 1-4
By Way Of Introduction 1-2
I have a way to prove God!!! Pt 2 28-6 29-9
Zoroastrian 3-5
New member 5-5
Hitchens/Attenborough destroy Creationism 7-5
evidence please. (just curious) 20-9
"Impossible To Fuse Past Iron" 7-5 7-9
In-between species? 9-7 11-4
There is a God 38-10 39-2
Cheers from Canada 2-4
Good video - one for Robert Byers! 3-8 5-4 5-5 5-7 7-2 10-3 11-3 15-4 16-6 18-6 19-2 19-7 20-9 21-5 21-8 22-3 23-5
The Bible-Belt Reject 2-6
Hello from South Korea 1-7
Eyup from Sheffield. 2-7
Hello from Leeds 1-10
Greetings Fellow Infidels 1-2
It knew. It wanted change. 19-4 20-4 40-6
Living Fossils ? 2-6 4-4
Hello from a Bible Basher 1-6
Greetings from a philosopher 1-3
God The Ultimate Abortionist 1-9
NephilimFree 14-7
Anyone for world youth day? 1-7
What's Wrong With Creationism? 6-2 6-6 11-8 12-3 17-6 18-6 20-1 20-10
Greetings from a former conservative christian 2-9
Hello fellow godless heretics 2-4
Hello from Argentina. Hola a todos desde Argentina 2-2
Hello from New Zealand 2-3
Hello from me.. 1-8
Well hello there Peeps 1-5
Hello from Sunny Manchester!! 1-4
G'day from Western Australia 1-6
Hiya! 1-6
Why no Darwinian theory of culture after nearly 150 years? 16-10
anonymous grave 2-8
Hello there 1-7
Please help me!!! 2-6
Why do Americans substitute one danger for another? 2-1
50 book challenge 2008 Part 2 7-4 7-6 17-1 18-6 32-4 44-5 46-1 46-5 46-8
About transgenic food 3-7 4-2 4-4 4-10
Greetings from Scotland 1-2
hello from england 1-2
Hello from England ! :) 1-3
Glad to be Aboard at RDF!! 1-2
greetings from a Greek Atheist 1-7
canada via east africa :) 1-6
Before the Big Bang 2-8
Arab Atheist ... ex-muslim 1-5
Hello I'm a new member! 1-2
New member from scotland here. 1-3
1st hand experience of Breast Lumps. 1-1
Religious abuse by a music teacher 3-7
What d'ya use for bookmarks? (Most trivial thread ever?) 4-5
Hello! 1-3
New Job Vacancy at Answers in Genesis UK 1-5
new member intro 1-4
Afternoon from a new Member! 2-1
Hello 1-7
Hello from Chile! 1-8
Hi from Good Old Catholic Ireland :) 1-7
General Relativity question set by idiot 1-2
Hello.. new member from America/France 1-8
Hi from The Midlands! 1-9
Doctor Nick says HI EVERYBODY!!!! 1-9
Greetings from Ontario, Canada 2-5
Pop Artist saying Hi! 2-2
Dutch atheist here! 1-5
hello from florida USA 1-8
Hello from the Pacific Northwest. 1-3
Hi! From a research scientist working in directed evolution 1-6
Debunking creationism in science class. 5-10
Hello from an ex religious Scotsman 1-3
Hello from Southend 1-7
Hello from England 1-4
Hello from The US Midwest. 1-3
For post 100, finally an introduction. 1-3
Hi from Bahrain 1-4
Former lurker from South Africa 1-3
Human v2.0 aka Eternal life for us atheists :) 1-6
First time here but going through some rough times! HELP 2-1
Hi everybody! :) 2-4
Hello from Italy... 1-5
Large Hadron Collider 22-2 36-3
Hello all 1-3
Hey guys 1-3
Lifting Away the Burden 1-8
My Story 1-2
Hello from Australia!!! 1-2
hello everyone 1-2
I only registered because... 1-8
Hello all 1-7
Hello from the Bulge over the Bible Belt 1-7
Blake said to introduce myself so I am 1-4
Hello from a new atheist 1-3
Greeting from Finland! 1-5
Newbie in the UK 1-5
Hello all 1-7
Greetings from an atheist in Australia 2-1
Hello! I'm new. 1-7
Hello! 1-7
Theists... what happens to the bad bits you filter out? 4-8
Hello Everybody! 2-2
Hi I are Italy so mai inglisc suck 1-6
Hello I am miata 1-8
Hello from a young Objectivist. 1-3
New member but long time non-believer 1-3
Another newcomer 1-3
from Tehran 2-1
Let me please introduce myself... 1-2 1-8
Greetings from a Nonbeliever in Michigan 1-4
"Nation" by Terry Pratchett 2-6 2-8
Greetings from Australia 1-2
Reason 1-2
9 Lessons and Carols for Godless People 1-2
Hi guys 1-5
Hello. I'm new to this board. 1-6
Hi everyone... 1-4
Female vs male ratio 4-8
Hi all 1-3
ANOTHER Aussie! 1-3
The God Delusion and new member 1-6
Hello 1-5
Hello from Munich 1-7
The age of Earth, etc... and common sense 3-8 7-3 7-5 12-6 13-1 14-5
'lo Everyone 1-6
Greetings 1-2
New girl 2-4
Hallo from Ale 1-8
Hello people! 1-4
Hello fellow clear thinkers! 1-6
Evolution of Life Disproved (joke of the day) 1-5
Not strictly new...but after a fashion. 1-6
Hello 1-2
Hello!! 1-3
Greetings in the name of your Lord and Saviour! 1-8
Hello all 2-1
Greetings from an Atheist in Costa Rica! 1-2
dinosaurs, humans and cave drawings 9-5
Is Evolutionary Theory Dangerous? 12-4
Greeting from Germany! 1-6
ERV odds calculation 1-5
Hello there! 1-4
Well, I guess it's time I de-lurked 1-7
Hello 1-2
Jesus Appears on ceiling & drywall 1-7
Where's the bar? 2-7
Iraqi fundamentalist website hacked 1-7
Creationism & Free Will 2-6
Greets from 15yo atheist 2-1
Um...Howdy? 2-2
Good day, from Mons, Belgium 1-8
Another one from Australia 1-7
Are mosque loudspeakers too loud? 1-3
Who else cut their teeth on the Eternal Champion Cycle? 1-5
Women spontaneously appearing to have sex? 1-5
New 1-3
The New Visitor 1-3
Room for another? 1-4
God, I wish I'd had the God Delusion 15 years ago! 1-2
I have a question of Free Will 4-6 4-10 6-6 6-10 7-5 7-8 8-3 9-3 9-6 9-10
G'day from Sydney 1-4
Hello from the States 1-3
online bookshops that ship internationally 1-4
Passing here to say hi! 1-8
Apologies and more from Turkey 1-5
Bible Passages Explained 28-10 30-2
Appeal against execution 4-1 10-7
Thanks and... 1-7
How do you handle religious friends? 2-4
New Member!! 1-5
Hi everyone 1-5
Introducing Ourselves... 1-5
I've already made 18 posts, hi! (Australian ad infinitum) 1-5
I'll try to be good... 1-4
Hello from North Texas! 1-8
Another newbie... 2-4
Thank you, God! 6-9 7-2
Wonder if I'm the first... 2-1
Hello to fellow atheists 1-5
Is it time for anger? 1-9
A new convert 1-9
Howdy from Kirkland, Wa 1-7
"God is timeless" 9-2
Why the theory of evolution is mathematically impossible II 2-4 13-8 15-3 15-10 17-7 17-9 18-6 20-7 23-1
Inbred dogs and creation science 2-1 2-9 3-1 4-1 6-5
Hello! 1-6
Stopping in to say Hi 1-5
The Big Fizzle, LHC Assessed By A Local YEC 5-9 11-3 11-5 11-7
hello from edmonton 1-5
unexpected success 2-4
Lizard evolution 4-2 4-5
Evidence of God 6-8
ICR Claims Richard Lenski's Results Support ID 4-4
I get too frustrated debating theists 2-9
A Happy Anniversary at the Creation Museum 1-10
Why is there a 'Divine Proportion' in nature? 2-7
Can an atheist also be a Christian? 1-8
Would you convert for the sake of love? 1-8
What do you make of this? 1-5
The Genius of Charles Darwin - STUMPED 4-1
Newton book? 1-2
Biblical Paradoxes 2-5
Vedas are misguiding people 3-5
Muslim finds Muhammad in a rotten Mango 1-2
New Hitchhikers book!!!!! 1-4
Proof that evolution is wrong 3-3
The nature of the Christian God 2-6
A proposal. 3-8
Oldest Footprints on Earth Found 1-8
Exams... 1-1 1-7 2-6
How Did You Finally Lose Your Belief Blinders? 2-9 3-1
Do you have a desire to learn? 3-8
I've just found... 1-9
Strange Scottish quirk of grammar? 1-2
Why science can't explain it all 13-3
Pope declares Indian woman saint 2-4
NaNoWriMo 1-7
Title for a book about atheism? 2-2
Militant Atheism. 1-6
London, April 2009 1-8
epic fail 1-7
Creationist explanation of the "Big Rock" erratic in Alberta 5-3
Reason and Religion 50-6 50-9 51-9 53-10 54-2 71-4
Sci-fi and characters. 3-4
Origins Symposium 6 April 2009 1-3
Help Us in keeping creationism out of Texas classrooms! 3-5 5-8
How does this happen? 2-5
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion III 68-5
Against Science 9-6 11-6 13-3 13-7 14-2 14-5 23-7 52-7
Bible Study Classes...Help Me! 3-1 7-3
Debate question 1-2
The matter of 'repect', again.... 1-6
Update: Getting WORSE: (potential) child abuse alert 15-6
Isaac Asimov 5-1
Creationists declare war on the brain 3-6 5-9
The Robert Byers Challenge 1-10 5-3 6-10 12-9 13-10 27-8 31-9 33-3 34-8
The Ultimate Boeing 747 Gambit 4-3
God is in the details (of our mind and memory) 6-3
A vote for the right to democratically vote in/out mods 5-5
Atheists and organ donation 1-5
Recommended popular Science books. 2-6 2-9
Papers, please! 2-9 4-8 5-6
A near-death experience in a relationship 1-3
Should Euthanasia be legal? 4-6
A challenge for "creationist scientists" 1-7 3-3 3-7 4-8
studying Maths (UK) 1-2 1-10
God of the atheists 1-4
Help with a book selection 1-5
Atheism the big question 2-3
"A Mind So Wrecked..." -- Richard Dawkins 1-7
Learning a second language (late) 2-6
Standing Up For Reality 1-3
The Stars in Their Courses 6-3 6-5 7-2 7-5 8-4 8-7 9-4 10-1 10-3 10-6 11-5 11-8 12-1 12-3 12-5 12-7 13-4
Forensics: looking for a book 1-1 1-4
Family reactions to your atheism 1-8
Favourite short stories 2-5 3-2
Creation Science claims the cosmos. 2-7
how has st. bernadette's body remained incorrupted? 2-3
What book opened your eyes? 1-4
Have **you** had a "psychic" or "ghost" experience? 19-2
Christian scientists admit some truths 1-8
Why Atheism is Illogical 48-9 58-2
If God existed would It be necessary to revolt? 5-10 6-4 6-7
Quick and easy way to leave a creationist speechless? 2-7 3-4 3-6 4-1
What's Probably Wrong With The Ultimate Boeing 747 Gambit? 1-4
"Macroevolution does not occur" comments thread 2-8 6-8 10-8 13-6 21-8 27-10
Monastic Life 2-4
Do you hide your beliefs about religion and if you do, ..... 2-3
Do atheists believe in alien life? 6-1
The role of fear 1-2
evolution of DNA 2-1
ubelievers, heretics 10-6
When 2+2= Major Anxiety: Math Performance in Stressful... 1-7
Black Hole At The Centre Of Our Milky Way Confirmed! 8-5 9-3
Calilasseia is needed! 1-7
Favorite scifi/fantasy gods 1-4 3-4
Of any gene,topic,etc...What do you recommend? 1-5
Materialist morality 1-8
Debunking religious experience 1-2
TalkOrigins Offline? 2-3
The Eye Designer Argument - How to win 1-5
Sam Harris believing in Life after Death? 1-2
Then how do you exlpain ocean life fossils in the moutains? 2-4
Debunking of creationwiki's responses to talkorigins. 1-2
Evowiki 1-3
What O What happened to the dinosaurs 17-9 20-8 21-2 25-4 25-9 35-10 40-4 42-5
Why hasn't Iain Banks won more awards? 2-8
Computer virus 2-2
Book for a friend? [opinions needed] 1-4
Anti-depressants,are there any books that do this? 3-1 3-5
Science Web Sites 1-5
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Professor Dawkins! 1-3
Roman Catholic admirer of Richard 2-8
they went too far this time 1-2 1-8
Evidence For A Young Earth 1-4
Evolution is a satanic lie! 2-2 4-2
Science, bound by evidence?!?! 1-2
LUCA: Earth's original Ancestor 1-1
favorite book of the year 2-7
How are "kinds" assigned to organisms? 2-2
New moderators required at RDF, commentary 2-1
50 book challenge 2009 7-2 7-4 11-9 17-9 25-4 33-2 33-7 37-2 48-9 78-10 85-4 88-6 89-8 94-2 100-7
Counting Backward 2-1
Alternative names for atheists III 51-4
Book Suggestion for Life Long Catholic 1-6
Andromeda...... 3-1
Mail delivery problem to 1-1
Twilight 1-3
On how glacial meltwater mega- floods correct geology to t 16-10 26-7 28-7 29-1 30-7 32-4 32-5 36-2 39-3 39-6
The Disclosure Project Part 3 47-7
Selection: How effective is it? 4-9
Anyone ever heard of this book? 1-4
Thank gawd for bacteria (?) 1-4
PM problems 1-2
2009: International Year of Astronomy 1-1
Windows 7 Beta 2-7
Detecting Positive Selection 2-4
Indoctrination of children 2-8
Evolution doesn't really exist and here is concrete evidence 18-7
Another Dumb Creationist 22-9 24-3 24-10 25-6 26-9 28-6
Where does the potential for evolution itself come from? 20-10 23-5 28-2 28-6 33-8 46-5 72-2 77-4
Orthodox naked ice diving ritual with children 1-2
A question for "Max Factor" 4-7
Fellow Creos! Abrahamic faiths and Science. 19-4 21-7 21-10 22-3
How Fast Can You Read? Where do you Read? 3-6 5-1
Recommend me an anti-astrology read 1-3
Intelligent design what barely nonsense it is 6-7
How are sock puppets discovered? 6-5
top 5 authors 1-4
"Foucault's Pendulum" by Umberto Eco (warning, spoilers) 1-9
Dutch Creationism 1-2
Happy Birthday Josh! 2-2
The Resurrection 1-2
The Post-Atheist Era? 3-10
What signed books do you own? 2-1
Big thanks to Richard Dawkins (creationist version) 3-8
what was your ex-religion(s)? 4-7
Catholic order says founder committed misconduct 1-5
Six Flaws in Evolutionary Theory 5-2
What's the worst argument for God you've ever heard? 1-8
Why would Evolution have happened at all? 6-10
Have you heard of this book or this Man? 1-3 2-6
If God doesn't exist, who wrote the bible? 3-3
Creationist Museum featured in UK press 1-3
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice 1-6
Creation Phrases 5-5 6-1
Hubble's 78 billion years... 2-3
Dawkins to Britons: You are PIG-IGNORANT! 7-8
Does God Exist? 35-10
"The Curmudgeon's Amendment" 2-2
Creation Letter Project 1-9 2-5
EITHER the universe doesn't exist OR God doesn't exist. 1-6 1-10 2-2 2-5 2-8 3-3 3-5 3-7 3-9 4-1 4-5
Creation Science 101 1-3
Comfort & Robertson- Using common sense to debunk evolution 3-2 6-2
Help needed: Examples of "positive mutation" 1-3 4-4
Example of new species for creationists 2-5 3-10
Aisha derail from "Evolution is a religion..." 8-8 11-3 11-10 12-7 14-3
A case against Mr Darwin 1-5
animals which "breathed through nostrils". 2-5 3-8
The Science Behind Evolution 1-6
Creationist Plan of Campaign 2-3
Random mutation = Evolution is false? 2-8
What is the flaw? 5-7 6-6
Should You Shout Down a Creationist with Insults? 4-9
Someone please refute this for me. Thanks in advance. 2-5 4-2
Proof of Evolution? 9-9 10-7 12-8
Best titles for books? 1-7
"Bananaman" Comfort challenges RD with $10,000 19-4 23-7
Is religion, as a business, resistant to recession? 1-2
Latin passages in "The Name of the Rose" 1-2 1-4
God and gaming 4-9
Stephen Hawkins - Gravity Fails?? Wtf? 2-3
Life On Other Planets 1-6
Poll: What's your native language? 8-10
Prove to me that atheists exist. 4-1
Darwin v Adam & Eve The First Humans 2-5
Discussion with a friend 1-6
Necessary Resources for Mars Colony? 1-2
What is the most frustrating Creationist argument? 5-3 11-5
What the hell? 2-2 2-4
Radiometric Dating 101 2-2 2-4 2-8
Ridiculous Pseudoscience 1-9
Truth and Belief 1-5
Computer Engineering + Science 1-3
Ice-Age Tools Unearthed In Boulder 2-5 6-3
The million gods project 4-8
Any other Neil Gaiman fans here? 1-5 2-5
Rat pulses in reproduction mirror marsupial origin from plac 2-6
Understanding Science: A New Science Resource 1-1
Kindle/Sony PRS/eBooks 1-5
Atheism is a deluded belief system imo 2-10
Good sci-fi/fantasy? 2-10 3-4
intelligent design 7-5 8-7
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part III) 3-4 19-6 23-1 24-9 25-10 30-5 76-6 81-8 84-10
Arguing with non-believers 1-2
Lent 2-7
hyperdimensional physics 1-2 1-7
What is woo? 2-4
Creationists and craters 1-8
Ghosts, God or Science? 1-6
Can we be good without God? 6-10
Do people around you still ask you to pray? 4-10
The Robert Byers Answers Thread 5-3 7-9 8-3 8-5
The "miracle" of the Holy Light 1-2 1-5 2-4 2-8 3-7
Evolution of the body 1-4
Are our Email addresses visible in our profiles? 1-5
The first principle of constructive creationism 11-6 13-2 55-5 96-3 99-8
New Paper On Neutral Drift 1-6 1-9
Why 'Darwinism'? 4-8 5-2 6-2
If there was a God would confession be a good idea? 2-8
The Patterson-Gimlin "Bigfoot" Film 1-2
Geocentrism and General Relativity 1-6
Poll : Alien Life and Contact - Your Say. 3-6
Are there any UFO cases you find "believeable"? 8-9 27-7 39-7
Where is Paradise? 2-8
The Ark Prize 1-2
Evolution Denies the Concept of Human Equality 19-4
ERV Experts, Refute This... 1-3 1-6
Bishop feels cross over Easter TV 2-1
Today is Good Friday 2009 2-6 3-6 3-8
Instant baby <-- new ultra twilight zone level in delusion 1-8
We all have minor mental disorders 3-3
Greek Atheist forum 1-1
my take on the evolution debate 3-6 5-5
How to act in church 2-3
Joss whedon on humanism 1-6
Prove to me that humans resulted from evolution. 5-1
So I'm debating this Mormon... 1-3
Atheists 17-9
One for the creationists ... 8-6 11-6
Pseudo Darwinism 11-5
Is it possible to believe in "Micro Evolution" 4-6
Robert Byers Claims Diamonds Formed by Flud 4-7
Creationist "Research" Paper 3-2
Kardecism 1-4
Reply made by Kyles teacher 1-3
Spontaneous DNA and fourth density 1-4
I read slowly... 4-4
So, you believe in science and evolution? Why? 3-9 18-9
Dan Brown's new book - release date 3-1
Hello from a Christian 9-4 10-10 46-8 47-2 53-2
God is Love = Double-Speak 2-1
Can sacred medicine bridge gap between religion and science? 7-8
Force Hovind to give PZ Myers an iPod 4-6 4-9 7-4
'Mysterious figure spotted’ 2-8
Who debunks woo? 2-4 2-6
The Most Exalted Object 3-6 6-8
The Reptile Thread Part III - Tipping The Scales 6-8
Eternity in Hell is justified and... (click for rest) 1-5
Book suggestions for a 10 year old girl 2-9
ID-ology and fine-tuning 4-6
T-rex's soft tissue found? 16-7 17-7
Atheistic logic is philosophically and scientifically flawed 1-7 13-4
Debunking Atheist Canards About Christianity - Part I 4-4 4-10 5-8 10-6
Why Evolution is impossible! 13-7 14-6 17-10
Creationists are Social Darwinists 1-3
Hello from B'reshit, a creationist Part II 19-1
What Evolution is hiding from you (1) 4-1 5-1
More comic gold from Byers 1-3 2-1
This just in, science and medicine prove a creator 11-6
Acronyms 1-2
Looking for NOVELS that criticize religion 1-7
Hello from Greece 1-5
Greetings from Japan! 1-3
Evidence of humans and dinosaurs living together. 10-6
Debunk This Evolution Believers! 13-3 41-8 70-1 84-7 84-10 94-4 100-10
Creationist explanation of disease? 2-7 4-4
What are your Favourite Magazines Or Newspapers? 2-4
The Woo Veneer 2-1
A small thought on micro/macro. 2-4
Looking for: Critical history of Christianity/Bible 2-4
CREATION scientifically 16-1 16-8
Science Fiction - general thread 1-5 1-9 2-1 3-5 3-7 3-9
Questions From a Hesitant Neophyte on Evolution 10-2 14-9 15-1 15-3
The New Age of Ignorance 2-7 3-6 8-5 10-5
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube PT. II 47-3
Dark flow 2-5
Natural Genetic Engineering 2-7 3-10 7-1
Why are subforums invisible to guests? 1-2
Missing Link Found! 1-2 6-8 9-6 11-2 19-4 25-6 25-10
Should Our Moderation Be Democratic? 2-9
Questions about the cell 6-10
Oxytricha 11-5
Following RichardPrins Example 2-4
Large Hadron Collider [Debunking Woo split] 12-7 18-5
The first principle of constructive creationism — Part II 35-2 46-2
50 book challenge 2009 (Part 2) 46-4 47-1 60-10 61-8 74-10
Debunk This Evolution Believers! - Part II 3-3 28-2 69-1
Is it a cop out? 2-6
what is shape? 7-3 7-4
New Big bang theory 2-9
Mental illness: faulty presumptions of yesteryear 3-2
Huge undersea mountain found off Indonesia 2-4
Just found out my teacher is a creationist 6-5 10-8
Inscriptions Appear on Metal - "Verifiable" Miracle 2-1 4-3
Why does Evolution happen? 10-6
What are the books that are nearest to you at the moment? 2-7
Gabriel García Márquez 1-8
‘Does god hate women?’ book backlash fear 5-8
Prime Numbers in Nature 1-4
One idea why we weren't visited by life from other planet 2-2
Materialism 1-3
unusual objects above Area 51....1990 1-8
opinions without facts are useless... 4-9 7-7 7-9 16-2
No death in the garden of eden? 7-1
Nephilim Genesis 6.4 The evidence 8-10 9-8 12-3
Why do women generally believe more woo? 24-1
Young Sage: What a benefactor! 1-6
Evolution Theory Science Or 24-8
Sense of Direction Woo - With Poll! 2-5
China Mieville 1-1
Ozzy education board reminds science teachers 1-2
Only 21% of High School Grads Are Convinced on Evolution 7-4 10-3 10-4
Eric Hovind is a racist scumbag 1-5
Italo Calvino 1-7 2-3
Aliens and the evidence 3-10 4-2 4-5 6-8 13-3 14-10 16-6 16-9 17-8 22-6 23-5
Looking for book on Dead Religions 1-7
A request for help 2-3
Chaos Theory and Game Theory Books 1-2
Start a new thread? 1-7
UK petition against creation museum 1-6
Untopics 1-2
imissbuddy tries to refute the Theory of Evolution 8-2
Paul Coelho 1-3
Cosmos vs. Demon Haunted World 1-5
Book swaps/classifieds 1-3
Thunderf00t vs Ray Comfort: Let's do this 3-2
Important Question !!! 8-5
Please Debunk AiG's Carbon Dating 1-2
Help with an argument. 2-2
The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night-Time 2-1
Atheism vs. Agnosticism III 51-3
Didn't Darwin change his mind about all of this? 12-9
Three Possibilities for UFOs 1-7 1-9
Any non-aggressive reading I can give a creationist? 2-3
Holy Crap! my cousin believes Kent Hovind 21-6
Creationism the Bibles Viewpoint 15-6
Open letter to Administrator 1-4
Aliens on the Moon 1-2
Is this a real 'alien' encounter? What do you think? 24-2 24-4 24-9
You know, I think the word 'woo' is way overused. 3-8 4-7
How about magazines? 2-4
"A Bulletproof, Airtight Case For Intelligent Design" 19-7 67-7
Meyer - Signature In The Cell 10-2 23-2 25-7 35-9 35-10 42-10
Theists Failed My Daring Challenge! 9-8
Remote Viewing 10-8
Creationism & Human Character 1-8
New Member: "The Ultimate Proof of Creation" 3-4 4-5 12-6
Hello, I am a Christian! 22-4
Found: Mars fossils in NASA'S AFM images 2-5
Question about God and evolution 9-9
UFOs and Science 45-3 58-4 59-1 94-8
Peanut Gallery: DNA/Information "Design" Debate 17-5 18-7 32-2 39-10
Evidence to support the existence of God? 86-3
NASA faked Mars AFM images for press conference 3-3
How celestials assist humanity with extraterrestrial life 1-10
The Demystifying Adventures of the Amazing Randi 1-5
Science News Resources 1-2
Mysticism 8-5 14-4 15-7
LOVE? 11-10
Invitation to comment on warnings, suspensions and bans 54-10
(Another) theological contradiction in the Bible 3-8
Creationist new arguement.. 2-1
Books on/about Korea, and from Korean authors 1-1
Best movie - ever? 5-1
Hotmail. 1-2 1-5
theist IQs 2-5 2-7
forum problems 3-3 7-9
Official Links for Prof. Dawkins and the Foundation 1-1
The subject of HELL 15-3
My Little Sister Came Home From School With This!!! 4-5 5-1
What are some good sites that have free online books? 1-3 2-7
Must be frustrating for Richard 3-6
Wheel of Time anyone?? 1-3 2-3
Australian Atheist Convention - Melb 2010 51-3
Evidence to support the existence of God? (derail) 4-3 47-6 53-5 92-1
Question: your plane is about to crash.. 4-4 4-9
Atheist maze 11-2 11-10
"Warrior Gene" in NZ Maori population -> violence & crime ? 4-6
Do you visit the cemetery? 1-2
Old Earth for the layperson 14-7 14-10 15-2 35-5 47-6 59-1
This fascination for "ancient knowledge"... 3-5
Abiogenises and Improbability 6-1
"Heavens Gates, Hells Flames" 8-2
Modal fallacy, omniscience and free-will 1-10
Hard part of becoming an agnostic 1-5
Clash of the gawds: Zeus 1-6
Starlight problem 2-10
Aceh: Married, stone to death, single, 100 lashes 1-4 1-6 1-9
A curious Mormon with a sense of humor, really! 8-3 10-5 11-1
How can we challenge the financial privileges of religions? 1-6 2-1 2-3
Making Reading Interesting? 2-7
Latest example of pareidolia from the Pacific 7-8 22-7
Intelligent design 9-1 17-1 23-3 24-2 26-6 27-4 27-6 27-7 31-10 34-4 39-3
Harry Potter, order of the phoenix - who sent the Dementors? 1-8
Second opinion - H1N1 Vaccine 2-7 3-1
Evidence to support the existence of God? — II 1-8 6-5 7-2 9-3
"(Western) Astrology is scientific" Argument 1-6 1-10 2-6
Christian Here! 14-4 36-4 43-9 43-10 73-5
Evolution of the Alien (Warning: Graphic Images) 3-3
Physics laws show that the original cell is a myth 2-9 4-7
The Atheist's Guide to Christmas (Atheist Book Campaign) 2-6
Quantum Mechanics Advance Reported 3-4
A father calls his atheist son a satanist 4-2
Defining Evolution 2-1 6-1
I witnessed Woo , help me rationalize it . 3-7
Subversive cartoonist R. Crumb zaps the Bible 1-9
The mathematical hurdles to evolution 19-5
Dawkins is God's Greatest Witness to God's Loving Kindness! 5-7 5-8 6-7
23 people killed when church collapses 1-8
Evidence to support the existence of God? (derail) — II 3-2 7-9 14-10 18-1 23-2 24-1
Telepathy 5-10 6-5 7-3 7-8 9-7 10-1 10-4 10-8 11-4 11-8 12-3 12-5
RE: The Mathematical Hurdles of Evolution 1-8
Is there any argument for god... 2-6
Freedom of information ? 1-4
Why Would God Need Human Adoration & Worship? 4-7
A theists guide to debating atheists 16-2
Cosmology Question 1-2
Good debate about global warming 1-3
Herbal Breast Enlargement Pills 1-10
What are your favourite supernatural creatures? 3-6 4-2 7-1
men or women more likely to be theists? 1-4 1-6
I can prove that Jesus produced miracles. 27-10
Abiogenesis / Origin of Life [Split from General Science] 2-10
Question for Theists 10-7
I bought a microscope 1-2 1-4
Terry Pratchett 1-1
NASA discovers 'supersized' Saturn ring 1-2 1-7
2009 Nobel Prize winners 1-1 1-2
Logout? 1-2
Humans and Apes are not Related 4-10 5-1
The Big Bang 1-2
science in islam 8-4 9-7 13-2
What motivated people in the early days to discover things? 1-5 1-7
Time Is Everything 8-5
Waterside Hypotheses of Human Evolution (Part 7) 81-3 83-3 92-5 93-10
Nobel Literature Prize 2009 1-1
Golden Crocoduck voting has begun! 3-2
Mathematical Probability 17-9
Anyone had any experience on a ''Foundation Science'' course 1-2
Need an opinion of this question I was asked 1-3
Why is pseudoscience so popular? 1-7
Problem with science 1-3
I invite "Integral Thinkers" to consider the UUNIS TOE 17-1 20-5 20-9
Cow Abducted by Flying Saucer in Argentina 1-2
Islamic Toilet Etiquette (split thread to "child brides") 16-2 16-7 22-1
Asteroid Is Actually a Protoplanet 1-1
Black holes 1-3
Strange cloud formation 1-3
An academic path in science for an English academic 1-2 1-4
Quran's Mathmatical Scheme 3-10
Rant: 'you mock me, therefor I'm right' 2-4
The Resonance Project 1-2 1-4
RDFRS Folding@Home Team Thread II 51-3
Jupiter's Moon Europa Has Enough Oxygen For Life 1-10 2-2
Intellegent design 2-7
How the Moon Produces Its Own Water 1-1
Symphony of Science - Brilliant Youtube video 1-2
Climate Change 1-2
Can light get mass? 1-9 2-7
Anthropological findings in Greece: some help 1-1
Race and Intelligence: Science's Last Taboo 11-7 13-1 13-5 20-3 24-6
Radionuclide Decay Denialism Derail From "Alien Life" 18-8
Windows 7 4-5
Genesis account as reasoned with science by Dr. Hugh Ross... 2-8
Technology forum: Basic advice and guidelines 1-1
Why are there only 2nd Degree Diff. Eqs of motion 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-7
Plasma cosmology and the EU hypothesis 1-3
learning mathematics - advice required 2-9
Topic For My Bio 7 Project 1-2
Has the center of the Universe been established? 1-7
A shot of oregano 1-8 2-5
Mantis Shrimp Eyes Could Show... 1-1
S. Korea Clone Scientist Convicted 1-1
Leaping Wolf snatches photo prize 1-1
Long Night Falls Over Saturn's Rings 1-1
What are you currently reading? (Part IV) 17-6 43-7 44-9 45-4 46-1
Talking about Xenu offends Scientologists? 2-2
Paranormal 1-4
You want brain meltdown... ? 5-9
Ghosts, Auras, and Ouija boards (oh my). 1-8
Nasa tries again to launch rocket 2-2
Does Global Warming Denialism Belong in Woo 1-7
Basic Question on Quantum Mechanics 1-3
Evolution is a mathematical impossibility. 9-9 19-4 20-1
Any evidence that disease wa around in the Permian? 1-2
How is life formed from non-life? 5-9 10-1 10-6 15-8
New Technology May Cool the Laptop 1-1
Internet Addresses set for change 1-1 1-3
Dr. Eugenie Scott whacks whacko Ray-Ray 2-5 2-7
Science of scams 1-1
What exactly is wrong with abiogenesis? 19-5
A Wonderful Creation Story 1-2
A question to ponder... 1-2
Do you believe in Exorcisms? 2-4
How to make some sense in Ray Comfort's rantings... 1-2
Discovery May Lead To Precision Engineering ... 1-1
E and π (Pie) 5-10
Good Evolution VS Creation Debate 1-8
Hidden Solar Cells... 1-1
Art Restoration: Technique Removes Old Polymer Layers... 1-1
African Desert Rift Confirmed As New Ocean In The Making 1-1
Origin Of Cosmic Rays 1-1 1-2
'Ultra-primitive' Particles Found In Comet Dust 1-1
Global 'caring' portal to launch 1-1
How many books are in your queue? 2-1
T-Rex wiped out by a sore throat? 1-3
"C-14 found everywhere proves that Earth is young." 2-4
Firefox-addon Zotero Bibliographic software 1-1
how irreducible complexity can occur through evolution 3-9
eSkeptic: Celebrating Carl Sagan (1934–1996) 1-2
Expansion of space > Lightspeed = Finite Universe? 1-5 2-3
Lamarckism in “The Descent of Man”? 16-2 17-6 20-10 28-9
Would you panic? 1-8
An Unusually Fast Supernova 1-1
Are the Alps Growing or Shrinking? 1-1
Psychic 'leads' prompt murder inquiry 1-6
Bots.. 1-3
Navy was ordered to listen for ET! 1-1
How do these organism just know to evolve? 5-7
Episodic memory and handedness 1-7
I will scientifically prove this so called 'Woo' as truth. 1-4 3-8 3-10 4-5
NASA and ESA sign Mars Agreement! 1-1 5-8
Unsettled Youth: Spitzer Observes A Chaotic Planetary System 1-1
Peanut Gallery: Creationists Read This 1-7
role of dreams in religion 1-4
Graphology Woo on the BBC where do I complain? 1-7
What Book(s) Have You Recently Purchased? 4-8 5-10 6-10 9-7
CREATIONISTS-READ THIS [Creationist discussion derail] 1-2 6-8
Einstein Quote Mine? 1-8
Ricin 'antidote' to be produced 1-1
Microsoft disconnects Xbox gamers 1-1
Digital Cloud Plan for City Skies 1-1
Middleweight Black Hole 1-1
Star Trek-like Replicator? Electron Beam Device 1-1
Proof that we are all decended from EVE 6000 years ago!!! 1-10
Has the speed of light always been constant? 1-3
Science Is Murder? 5-9 6-7 8-1 8-4
Need suggestions for download sites 1-6
Why is it so difficult to find photographs of fossils? 1-3
Is faith deserving of respect? 3-2
Russell Humphreys starlight model? 7-8
Creation As Science by Dr. Hugh Ross 5-1
How did fish move to land? 4-8 5-9
Transitional fossils 6-10 15-10
Ebook Readers 1-1 1-3 1-8 3-2
Evolution and Races 1-5
Coming out as an atheist to your family. 5-9
Cosmos on Hulu 1-4
Why is intelligence so rare? 1-5
Bad Faith Awards: New Humanist 1-1
Scientific field you find most fascinating. 2-3
Fossil evidence of the evolution of insects 8-7
Now you can go to Mass at home... 2-2
Windows Vista 1-5
Acupuncture and double-blind tests 1-3
The Quantum-Science Pendant, Masaru Emoto and Luc Montagnier 1-4
Final nail in the Banana BS 2-8
As an atheist, which religion most appeals to you? 1-7
Chances Of Other Intelligent Life Meeting Us 12-10
Top 25 books on evolution, I need to know! 1-2
What do you know about [i]Bison bison athabascae[/i]? 2-5
The Cambrian Explosion 2-9
'Hobbits' Are a New Human Species 1-3
POLL - If parapsychology objectively evidenced 2-6 2-9 5-9
Do you fold your book corners? 2-4
Scientific Videos Collection 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5
Suggestions for Science News Resources 1-1
What is the relationship between atoms and cells? 1-3 2-2
Changes to forum layout and categories 2-1
Proportion of ex-theists here 1-10 12-4 12-6 12-8
Debunking Creationism video collection 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6
TWOTH locked my Morph Files topic for no reason at all 1-3
Flea research: The Last Superstition by Edward Feser 2-5 5-4 7-4 7-6
Question from a Christian.... 16-10
The Myth that there is no debate in the Scientific Community 22-9
An answer to Christopher Hitchens' challenge 3-2
Atheist but Skeptical of Physics! 6-9
How do I help people who are brainwashed by Creationism 1-8 5-4
Geology and timelines 1-2
Quantum theory 1-6
RD calls Ray Comfort an idiot (split thread) 8-2
xbox 360 2-3
After Mastodons and Mammoths, a Transformed Landscape 1-1
Ecological Speciation by Sexual Selection on Good Genes 1-1
Why Did Half of N. America's Large Mammals Disappear 1-4
I Won! I Won! 1-6
Puzzling Lake Asymmetry on Saturn's Moon Titan 1-1
New Fossil Plant Discovery Links Patagonia to New Guinea 1-1
RNA Network Seen in Live Bacterial Cells for First Time 1-1
The Royal Society puts historic papers online 1-1
"Black hole" builds galaxy? 2-4
Evolution VS Intelligent Design 1-6
You WILL like what I like. 3-1
Repent 9-4
Innovation Puts Next-Generation Solar Cells on the Horizon 1-1
First Metallic Nanoparticles Resistant to Extreme Heat 1-1
How do you deal with the 'science is a religion' crap? 5-3
coming about by accident/chance 2-7
Intergalactic Cluster with Metallic Elements 1-1
Stem Cells may help repair damaged hearts 1-1
How often has science been wrong? 1-7
What Happens When an Enormous Star Blows Up? 1-1
Hawaiian Hot Spot Has Deep Roots 1-1
Another very interesting exoplanet found! 1-1
Call to Prayer Five Times a Day... 1-2
Do species come from a single pair? 5-10
A first moment 9-7 16-2
Robert Byers in "Nature"? 1-6
Rethinking artificial intelligence 1-3
What would make an evolutionist believe in a creator? 22-2 22-7 35-10 52-7 57-4 77-9
Myopia. 1-3
Questioning Atheism 1-6
Nanotechnology? Artificial Viruses? 1-3 1-5
Man Controls Robotic Hand with Mind 1-6
Best response to climate change, turn deserts green! 4-1 4-2 4-10
chi/ki/prajna/life energy/ 16-8
Evolutionists cant explain this 27-10
Kent Hovind's doctoral dissertation posted on Wikileaks 4-5
Were you ever a creationist? 2-8
The Pyramids don't exist 2-6
Top 50 most non religious countries 1-4
Name that creationist 1-2
Should this forum be a safe space for all 1-4
"The Greatest Show on Earth" confronted 12-8
General science section 2-2
Waterside Hypotheses of Human Evolution (Part 8) 14-2 42-9 47-2
Prime numbers & the supernatural 4-2
Ray Comfort: plagiarist 2-9
Burning Books 2-3
Non-material life forms? 2-5
Is Aubrey de Grey a nutcase... 9-2
*fixed* 1-2
Dreams of deceased loved ones being seen as "visits" 1-10 2-9
A designed universe 17-5 50-10
What is the coolest animal from an evolutionary perspective? 1-4
Were Adam & Eve real? 13-10
Vote no to miracles 4-8 4-10
William Lane Craig - III 101-5
I am what my brain does 10-3
Islam-inspired green initiatives deserve Western support? 1-6
Free e-book sites 1-1 1-2 1-3
Suggestions for free e-book internet sites. 1-1 1-7
Armed and Ready for a Creationist 8-9 11-10 12-10 16-2 16-3
Old Posts 1-2
Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii? 2-10
Hello from Germany! 1-5
Cookies 1-7
Don't Atheists have anything constructive to say? 20-10
Is Atheism losing the Google ranking battle? 5-10
The Monthly RDF Science Writing Award 3-2 8-3
No God = No Meaning To Life? 17-8
Smart Phones 3-4
Australian Aborigines early genetic isolation. 4-9 5-5 5-10
The Awakening Of Man. 1-2
50 Book Challenge 2010 1-1 1-9 2-8 25-3
Fallacious Creationist Videos Trying to Debunk RD (new video 1-3
Devil Crashed My Computer 2-3
My Mother died yesterday. <2nd January 2010> 2-7
Download Manager 1-2
"Beware of Science Fiction" 1-8
Ouija boards 1-9
Commentary thread: "Neodarwinism remains unfalsifiable" 3-2
The 10:23 Campaign - Get involved and combat homeopathy 1-10
Avatar questions 2-1
Greetings from Greece 1-3
Cancer survivor claims miracle? 1-3
Back to Basics! How Do Creationists Explain Dinosaurs? 10-4
did Jesus exist? 51-3
Exorcism? 1-3
how to change my username? 1-6
Has Human Evolution Stopped? 7-9
Meyer [tech support derail from DC] 1-4 1-6 1-8 2-5
Rising Sea Levels 14-6
The Bible is 100% accurate??? Part 2 5-5 7-6 21-6 22-10 23-10
Waterside Hypotheses of Human Evolution (Part 9) 11-1 11-2 22-3 22-4 38-8 39-9 40-3 41-3 41-4 42-3 47-8
Abiogenesis / Origin of Life Part II 32-8 37-7
Meyer - Signature In The Cell Part II 2-1 2-2 7-9 11-1 11-3
With no proof, there is a 50/50 chance god exsists Part II 9-6 24-9
Need: Maths books for dummies 1-2
Noah's Flood debunked 13-8 21-2
Little glitch. Member with post but post count of 0 1-5
How excited are you about Apple Tablet? 5-4
Tech Support derail for WHHE [from E&NS] 1-9
Are you proud...? (poll) 1-10
Debunking Nassim Haramein 1-5
Non-transitonal Canard 9-8
Evolution isn't true because computers need programmers! 4-4 8-10
My pitiful attempt to enlighten ouija board believers... 1-9
Darwin the Race Warrior 16-10 28-2 29-1 40-3
Favorite science books as a child? 1-4
If Evolution is right where are the inter species? 5-4
Violent anti-Semitism leaves Crete indifferent 1-9
E-readers don't SMELL like books! 1-4 1-8 2-6
Placebo effect = God/Supernatural? 2-3
Creationists will eventually believe Evolution 10-6 11-9 16-4 19-10 30-6
crazy planet sizes 1-5
Why Evolution Precedes Creation 3-5 4-2 18-7 19-10 24-1
Your All-Time Favorite Writer (Fiction)? 5-10 7-3
Confusion . . . 14-4 20-8 21-8
Hello! 1-2
Is whitey too smart to survive? 3-9
GOD EXISTS! 46-8 50-10
help embedding a video 1-5
Deregister 1-2
Has anybody read... 1-9
Good science fiction or post-apocalyptic recommendations 2-4
Help with reply to creationist waffle please! 3-10
How does Instinct Evolve 3-2 8-6 9-8 13-5 20-4 23-2 27-1
Derail from Schrodinger's Cat - Discussing a warning 2-9
Darwin's brother 2-4
What is Outside of the Universe? 7-8
GOD EXISTS! Part 2 2-4 15-9 15-10 50-10
witnessed %100 beneficial mutation with brand new informatio 2-8
No more denying 1-3 2-2 2-4 2-6 2-8 4-6 4-9 6-3 6-5 7-4 7-8
Continued discussion on the age of the earth and God 6-9 7-6 8-1 22-10 24-3 28-8 29-6 29-8
Formal Discussion on the Plausibility of Telepathy 2-7
A former UFO believer 1-2
The Female Brain 2-10
Broadcaster Ray Gosling admits mercy killing 4-3
Writing chemical subscripts 1-8
Creationism and Lunar Craters 2-9 3-1
Your opinion on ESP 2-5
Is The Doctor more ethical than Jesus? 2-1 2-3 2-5
Any recommendations for e-book sites? 1-2
I called a naturopath a non-doctor and now I need your help 1-10 2-5
The theory of evolution is not scientific. 3-3
GOD EXISTS! Part 3 28-6
Reviewing the personal attack / insult criteria (part 1) 1-1 2-1 24-6
Microsoft lets you choose your own browser 1-6
Moderate Christians-> morals not explained by Evolution 3-5
proof of an old-earth needed please :) 1-3
CSETI Announces First Ever Photo Of Extraterrestrial 2-1
The Devil's Delusion - by David Berlinski 1-5