List of Postings of User chillionaire

What are you currently reading? 123-10 124-2
Ask RD about "The Selfish Gene" 3-2
Greatest movie of all time 16-10
Catastrophic Failure of the Financial System 75-3
Any good theist forums? 3-7
Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged 9-8 10-1
Why is allying with Ayaan Hirsi Ali? 10-9
Darfur - genocide we can stop 3-4
Why is Africa the basket case of the World? 48-10
50 book challenge 2008 22-9 25-6 41-1 62-8 92-1
Atheist from Lebanon 2-6
Dutch film: Freedom of speech, or Hate speech? 34-4 39-6
"Convert" from Norway 2-3
Iranian government outlaws pet dogs 4-7 5-1 5-7
Poll: Obama/Clinton 15-2 17-6 21-6 22-1
Muslims Demand Wikipedia to Remove Pictures of Muhammad 3-6
New Swedish exchristan :) 1-1
Muslim protests USA/BRITIAN/SWEDEN etc 4-3
A Christian "comes out" 2-1 4-1 4-3
Danish Muhammad cartoons reprinted feb. 13th '08 in Denmark 1-4 2-2 3-5 18-7 21-1 21-9 22-5 23-7 25-10 29-7 31-1 31-7
Baseball Doping Scandal 1-8 1-10 2-7
Girls: take the power back with Rapex. 5-8
Speaking out at work - an e-mail story 6-10
Dane apologies to muslims (cartoons) 3-9
Iran asks Netherlands to ban unreleased Qu'ran film 6-4
What was Gods motivation in creating us? 4-5
A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini 1-4
Price of alcohol and levels of alcoholism 2-5
Anyone else think that there should be more abortions? 1-9 2-1 2-6
Pakistan Blocks YouTube Website 2-1
Iran and transexuals 2-3 3-1
Iraqi tv debate- is the earth flat? 1-8
Can a President have rude words? 1-3
Criticising Islam 4-5
How to fix the Palestinian problem 1-6 66-4
Turkey to re-write the Ahadith 3-5
Fat Christ’ ad banned by tube 4-5
Iran punches self in the teeth 1-4
Muslim shock !!! 5-1 18-4
Harry the brave soldier! 3-8
Good news about Ayaan Hirsi Ali 2-2
Loved ones who believe 1-8
First Nietzsche Book 2-2
The left anti-Americanism and Islamism. 3-2 3-5 6-3 6-10 7-2
Sex and Religion 1-3
What Muslims really think 1-5 2-3 2-7 4-2
Young Iraqis are losing their faith in religion 2-2
women celebrating genital mutilation 2-2
Super Super Super Tuesday Thread 1-2
Given a choice, Denmark says “no thanks” to muslim refugees 1-3 1-7 2-4
Burn Down Danish Embassies & slaughte Danish: 1-7 4-6
Facebook as a front for Islam 1-5
Mocking the Prophet Muhammad 2-1
Hi! From an african female atheist living in London 1-10
11-year-old marries 10-year-old cousin 7-4
Cries against Ahmadinejad during end of Persian year 1-3
"Schools could offer Koran classes" 3-1
The veil/hijab 7-3 7-4 7-5
Non-Muslims Deserve to Be Punished 3-7
Have you read the WHOLE Bible/Qur'an? 3-3
God squad want to rule London 2-9
German Jewish leader backs Mein Kampf publication 2-2
London Mayor is Boris Johnson 1-2 1-4 1-9 2-6 4-1
Swimsuit Billboard Ad Leaves Islamists Hot and Bothered 3-2
I made a decision: Leaving Islam for Atheism 5-5
Pope: Sex is like a drug 1-9
BBC Reports Miracle 2-6
Global Warming, Science & Implications 86-6
Meet the rich 11-5
50 book challenge 2008 Part 2 10-5 28-2
Favourite Horseman 1-4
Alan Shrugged - Greenspan throws Ayn Rand down the drain 5-10
Atheism and Libertarianism (now with a poll!) 13-6