List of Postings of User jetson

Kent Hovind 28-3
Anti-religious comedy 1-6
What evidence would make you believe in a God? 66-8 73-7
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 41-8 44-9
The Historical Jesus - Did He Exist? 55-10
Favourite YouTube Videos 37-4 37-5
Kirk Cameron & Ray Comfort Full Banana Episode 8-8
The Church of Google 3-1
Fox News report: Latest craze in American culture - Atheism 5-10
Atheist swearing 18-7
Have you read the whole bible (poll) 10-9
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 12-10
Ben Stein's 'confession' 3-5
Effectiveness of US public school model 2-4
Tiger attack victim. 4-1
What do people think of Tennessee? 1-6
I have arrived! 1-1
Heath Ledger Found Dead 10-10 11-3 13-7
UK Scout Association Bars atheists 4-10 9-9
So... Many... Creationists! 1-6
I've lost a Christian friend over evolution 2-2
MySpace: No place for Atheists? 3-6
Microsoft offers to buy Yahoo for $44.6B 1-8
mychannel - gods oil 1-2
Why Xtianity is so effective 1-5 3-8 4-3
Virtue Perfume 1-1
Why atheism is wrong. 2-8 4-10
Criticisms of Atheism 13-2
Poll: Obama/Clinton 17-10
"Stupid beliefs" 1-5
Seriously, How Will Religions Subside? 1-3
How do people become theist ? 1-10
"23" 1-10
I'm an atheist - or am I? 2-5
I'm an atheist but... 1-2 1-5
Why do some Christians support the death penalty? 3-1 3-9
How Does A 'God' Author A 'Holy Book'? 2-3
This site, objectives, questions 9-9 16-1 20-10 21-5 25-8 28-5 29-4 29-8 39-4 41-4 43-1 45-1
Ever deconverted a theist? 1-3
Atheist Kicked Out of Class for Not Standing During Pledge 10-9 13-5 17-9 18-1
The "Authority" Of Scriptural Verses 1-5
"In Case of the Rapture, Can I Have Your Car" 2-3
sad truths.. a rebuttal backed by evidence.. 1-4
Atheists who pray 1-2
Things that annoy me about some atheists 8-8 28-2
Discrimination against Atheism!! 2-1 3-2 4-1 4-8 7-4
Home Schooling Trend with Disenchanted Christians 5-8
"Why the "A" word won't go away" 1-6 2-2 2-8 3-5
Why do we believe in God? £2m study prays for answer 1-3
How Do Christians Rationalize Their Religion? 3-6 4-2 4-9 5-3 5-5 6-6 7-5 8-1 8-4
Mitochondrial DNA 1-1 1-6 1-9 1-10
The problem of Edenic poo 2-5
Human/machine hybridization. 1-3
Banned. "Reason: Attempting to sow seeds of doubt" 1-7
absolute reality 1-4
"Progressive" Christianism 1-5
"imagine" theres a song for our generation. 1-8
I Had an E-mail Read Out re: Gay Adoption! 2-2 2-8
If Microsoft created the universe 2-4
Why Did Sir Isaac Newton And Others Believe In God? 1-6
Question 1-4
American Politicians Lying About Religiosity? 1-2
Christian meeting about 'Dawkins Delusion' 1-10
Atheism blamed for school shootings - again 1-6
"him that pisseth against the wall" 1-7
A letter for my Christian brothers and sisters 2-1 2-2 3-4 3-6
If God existed wouldn't it want us to ask if it was real? 1-3
Intellectual effort needed to be a (convinced) atheist 1-8
"Anti-sodomy" politician in sex scandal. 1-9
The Santa Claus Analogy 1-6
Praying to the subconscious 1-4 1-7
Who Created God 3-5
Religion is human arrogance 1-2 1-9
Why Worship 1-5
The dawning of the Gothic age – a time of true faith! 1-5
Atheism denies God to justify degenerate life 1-9 3-2
Always on the defensive 1-10
Mega Churches 1-3 5-7 6-1 6-4
I just "came out" to my parents. 1-5
Catholic Church Pays $615M for abuse. 1-5
Finally religion can help in exams 2-3
Excerpt from Raja Yoga 1-8 2-8
Why didn’t God create us to dislike sin? + answer 1-2
Songs of Praise 1-2
Sam Harris responds to Vox Day 1-2
Why demonise Islam? 1-6
Did you ever really believe? 1-7
How did God create the Universe? 1-9
Lyrics that move you... 2-1
Do you ever feel sorry for bigots? 2-4
New Definition of God 2-4
chris hedges on "the new atheists" 1-2
Early Christians and Hell 2-2 3-10
Everyone's Born Atheist! 2-6 2-8
Welcome to the Ghetto ... 2-2
If this walls could talk... 1-7
Masterpieces 1-1 1-10
I feel a bit sad 2-2
This place is cool, and . . 2-2
In-N-Out Burger's Stealth Religiosity 3-2
Mac fanboys - Here's the way to make savings 1-2
Faith or works for salvation? 1-2
Today is Good Friday 2008 2-4
Gay scientists isolate the christian gene 2-5
Who's converted more 'followers', religion or science? 2-2
What can you say to this! 2-3
Easter storey; is it that inspiring? 1-7
Very important! The evidence that Holy Spirit exists !!!!! 1-10
Being good - Dawkins' ideas 1-5
Blasphemous Movies 1-5
Enlightenment may be half a brain away! 1-2
Something I just thought about.. 1-5
Beating your girlfriend for Jesus? 1-5 2-7 2-9
Nice free blogsystem suggestion 1-5
Do you find people just dont get it? 1-6
Vatican at no 1 – the benefits of Religion! 1-5
In emergency rooms, would it be legal 1-4
A Question Of Faith For Abrahamist Theists Only 3-1
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 4-8
Religion's silver bullet, is there one? 3-5
God, human and the universe 4-3 5-3
Christians Against Star Wars? 3-5
It just is Depressing 1-3
Now what? 1-8
Casual Atheism? 1-8
Why does God like to hide. 3-5
Getting hate mail from Christian Extremists - any ideas? 1-10
Christians and the Old Testament... 1-2
Why isn't theism a mental illness????? 2-8 3-2
Excited! I'll be taking notes, oh yes... 1-6
How can we crush ignorance? 2-1
What is this Atheistic philosophy.........? 1-10
Religion in school. What was it like in your area? 1-8
The "Judeo-Christian-Islamic God" 1-2
Atheism and is possible? 1-4
An Outright Lie? 3-4 4-4 4-6
Answers in Genesis: What about Godzilla? 2-5
Mercy killings - always wrong? 1-4
Judas - what did he really do? 1-4
I am the only thing that exists. 1-5
Visualising Humanism - Artwork 1-2
Blogging under alias 1-2
Thank god i was raped, thank god i got cancer 2-4
The Barna Group 1-1 1-3 1-7
A meeting of minds? 1-3
"...respect others' beliefs..." says EU Boss 1-4 1-8 1-9
They cant be real Christians They must be atheist 2-2
bible study at work 2-5
Consciousness Raising and Coming Out 1-2
Bill Maher Takes Back Nazi Joke 2-6
Bible study of doom pt 2, calling all Christians 1-8
Is it time to shut up? 1-6
The Creation Guys - YouTube Talk Show 1-3
So Mother, my Atheism's not Genuine? 1-10
Dealing with moderate theists - very moderate 2-5
Against the flow 1-2
Evolution disproved by t shirt 1-6
Spread of Atheistic Influence in Society 1-8
DVD: Pat Condell: Anthology 2-1
Making a statement one bill at a time. What do you think? 2-7 2-9
Noah's Ark Manifest. 1-4
Richard Dawkins Interviews 1-6
Trading places - Margaret freaking out 1-2
About having no other Gods........ 1-3
Fanatic? 1-4
Great article - atheist visits Hagee Christian camp 3-2
What Religion am I? 1-3
Did God or Matter Always Exist? 1-5
Oh noes :( 2-10
Apologetics 101 1-4
First communion gifts 1-6
Past Life Regressions 1-8
Advice column on godless teen 2-1
Need help "coming out" to my family ... 1-7
Full Moon 1-5
The global warming religion Pt. 1 62-9
Newbies and lurkers... 1-3
Forget ID; Latest Reincarnation of Creationist attack 1-8
Do Most Atheists Condone These Vicious Tactics 15-7
Is discrimination against atheists exaggerated? 3-4
The beginning 2-8
Sad Day.... George Carlin is Dead 10-7
Evolution Disproven 42-4
Greatest atheist band? 3-2
ambassador programme 1-2
Nessie was really a swimming elephant. 1-4
A crisis of non-faith 1-2
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part I 61-2
How to keep family out of kids' heads 1-8
A Talk with my Daughter 1-7
"Impossible To Fuse Past Iron" 1-4
"Everything happen for a reason." Is that a religious tenet? 4-6
Father in law issue : need help 1-9
Religions are losing the battle generation by generation 1-5
Simple hearing test 3-3
Why do they go after Christians only? 1-3
An Atheists "prayer" to all Existence.....9/11 1-2
good old Catholic guilt. . . 4-5
Theists are a bunch of abject cowards. Discuss. 1-5
Bookstore Humor 1-1
Evolution for ID-iots. 1-2
The sense of awe... 1-10
The Guadalupe Skeleton 1-1 1-3
Disappointed by mother 1-3
Let's not be ignorant here... 2-6
Atheism isn't making logical sense to me. 15-4 15-9 17-6 21-1 21-3 22-7
Santa Claus and child abuse 1-2 1-4 2-10
Atheism 1-9
"The Book of Hate!" 1-8
Wasting Time (for atheists) 2-6
Religulous Help!!! 1-8
Atheism 2-8
A Scottish Response To Christopher Hitchens Two Challenges 1-2 7-7 10-8
UN passes measure for anti-blasphemy laws 8-1
A message from God ? 1-2
Why am I obsessed with religion? 1-6 2-7 4-2
Now He's directing traffic?!?! 1-8
what would a creationist have to do? 2-4
"God makes my heartbeat" said my 4 year old 1-9
Why I like being an atheist 1-3
skeptics bible 2-3
Why do atheists talk? 15-8 20-7 28-9
Dave the Christian on atheists 4-2
Religious belief is viral and harmful? 1-3
Why do we need a pope (or Protestant counterpart) 2-10
Why should we care about truth? 2-3
What did Jesus look like? 2-6
Hundreds celebrate a man they believe to be Jesus Christ 2-1
Religious forums? 1-3
YouTube Atheists - How many are there? 1-4
Women's Suffrage and the Bible 1-2
Andrew Brown whinges some more about Dawkins 10-3 11-1
White House Disses National Day of Prayer (Sort Of) 2-4
Poe or not? 1-2
Respect Religious Beliefs? Why? 1-4
The vote is in: Texas is only 6000 years old! 2-9
Dawkins changed my school 1-4
What do you think? 1-3 1-6
Bible 1-5
ACLU & PUBPAT Challenge Patents on Breast Cancer Genes. 1-3
The Year of the Bible! 1-1
There is something wrong with gays? 1-9
High school student: we're being set up to fail 1-5
Home Schooler “Impersonates” Ken Ham 2-5
Killing in the name of God, a question? 2-2
What happened to 1-7
Amazing Christian Defends Stoning As Humane Practice! 2-4
I went to church recently... 1-7
All atheists now 2-2
Confirmation name??? 1-7
Questions for the christian god 1-3
2009 World Religion Statistics 1-9
Fundamentalist Christians @ the law 1-2
Christian Student forced to go to public school 1-4 1-7 2-9 3-1
Possible Goal: The Skeptic's Annotated Bible 2-7
Creationist new arguement.. 3-2
The power 1-2
Anything new to say on atheism? 1-9
Have these people lost their minds? 2-9
What a refreshing discussion! There is still hope for the US 1-3
Thous shall not have any gods before me 1-4
Glenn Beck, future president of USA 2-3 3-3 5-10 11-7
Discussing evolution within species with a creationist 2-2
Science agrees with the bible? 2-1
bishop faces child porn charges 1-3
Trouble in Camden today 2-8 5-6 5-8
Atheist/freethought videos for CHILDREN 1-2
Stephen C. Meyer asks Dawkins to Debate, Dawkins Refuses 2-8
My friends... I have experienced a revelation. 1-3
Anything New In Philosophy? 1-1
Illogic and anger... how do you keep your cool? 2-8
Jebu$ spotted in Ikea 1-4
Crimes of Mercy and atheism 1-3
Atheism and Reality 1-7
Why did Moses break the Tablets? 3-2
Home recording 2-10
MORALITY - Decisions - Turning Situations from N(-) to P(+) 1-4 1-6 1-10 3-7 5-2
General Knowledge - Tragic ! 1-4
Burning Books 3-2
And people pray to this incompetent 3-1
On the importance of debate . . . 1-4
Another Reason Why Science Owns Religion 1-9
CFI: Ft Hood massacre was product of religious fanaticism 1-7
10 Commandments: Why the big deal? 2-1
An Atheist In Office - Our First Goal? 1-9
One of the cornerstones of Christianity 1-6 2-2 8-10
The value of being an atheist 2-2 2-4 3-4
How do American atheists feel about creationist government 1-7
Can there be respect? 1-7
Jeremy Hardy "Hates Dawkins" shocker 1-7
Odd things you've noticed 2-1
A Non-Christian's Twenty-One Theses 1-6
It's so hard... 1-7
An Atheist, Officially 1-2
Hate Crimes & Discrimination against Atheists? 3-5
Hitchens and Harris 1-10
Wow, I think I just got discriminated against 3-9
Atheistic expression in the arts - what forms would it take? 1-9
Introns Nonsense DNA May Be More Important to Evolution 1-5 1-7
Did Jesus Exist? - III 2-5 6-4 7-7
Don't Atheists have anything constructive to say? 2-2
Microscope Specs 1-1 1-4
Religious Logic 2-2 2-4
Illustrated Entirety of Christian Theology 1-9 2-6
Scepticism about Atheism 2-1
Evolutions Predictive Power 1-1
Human Chromosme 2 as Evidence for Evolution 4-4
Have you read it? 1-9
Why...? 1-8
Junk DNA: nonrandom and functional? 1-4
Should creationism be taught in schools? 1-10
Indian state confiscates 'blasphemous' Jesus textbooks 1-4