List of Postings of User gypsyblue

Jesus Camp : The Movie 49-6 51-2 52-4 54-4 57-4
What are you currently reading? 109-9
The Term "Bright" 18-7
The Dawkins Delusion - the book 10-5 10-8
Do you think Women have a higher tendency to be religious? 6-4 6-9
Atheistic quotes 16-2
Why are you an atheist? 10-6
Purity balls: my hymen belongs to daddy! 8-8
I.Q. 3-2
"Conservapedia" 14-1
xkcd 2-4
Marijuana 17-3
Channel 4's Wife Swap 1-10
What web browser do you use? 4-4
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 15-1
Anyone ever tried WRITING a book? 4-3
Your funny encounters, moments, with religious people. 12-7 13-2
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 12-4 17-5 18-10 19-3
Is atheism sexy? 5-7
Check your carbon footprint here! + Poll 3-6
Answers to D'Souza 4-8
Atheists are agnostics who have stopped waiting for evidence 14-7
OM on Fundamentalist website 47-9 48-1
Is the existence of God a scientific question? 13-10
Emoticon wishlist 1-7
Being Atheist/Non-religious in Public Schools 4-1
LOLDawkins 13-1 13-5
Dostoevsky, what do I read next!? 2-4
Atheism and vegetarianism 6-8 7-2
50 book challenge 2008 12-6
Science and Education, and My Personal Sadness 2-9
Coming 'out' on Facebook 3-5 6-5
Fictional Atheists 7-4
Does Sherlock Holmes die? 1-9
HAVE there been ANY terrible things done in the name of A? 7-6
Bisexuality not a transitional phase among women 2-3
Reading habits? 1-7
World view= Knowledge+Beliefs. Attacking beliefs is usele... 1-5
Good book for fundie on evolution 1-9
Do you think that Atheists are pecieved as... 1-5
The Brothers Karamazov 1-2
Sitting through a funeral as an atheist 1-6
Canada is the Best! Is the U.S. really THAT bad? 3-4
Atheism at Tipping Point 1-7
Focus on the Family fading (please let this be true) 2-1
(spoilers) A Discussion on The Brothers Karamazov! 1-2 1-3 1-6 2-3
Religion and the Polygraph 2-3
Angry christian lady. 2-4 2-8 3-6
Is there a point when it becomes impossible to get religion 1-10
And the 5th horseman of Atheism is... 11-4 12-4
An Atheist Cannot Be An Artist 6-2
Some Funny Stuff 1-3
What's in your La-La Box? 4-5 4-7
video of Hitchens v. Richards debate?? 1-4
Vestigial fear of Hell? 4-7
How do you really feel about religion? 2-7
Seriously, why DON'T we all just f*** each other randomly? 2-9
International Atheism 2-7
Why Xtianity is so effective 1-7 2-9
Google yields the darnedest things! 2-5
the effect of atheists on society 2-10
If you could live in any other country 1-4 2-10
Are you who you say you are? 7-2
A funny fundie pic 2-1
Traveler IQ 1-10
How Is "Intelligent Design" Still An Issue In America? 1-3
Divorce - a moral dilemma between two devout christians 1-7
Anna Karenina? 1-2
On Voltaire.. 1-8 1-10 2-2
Discrimination against Atheism!! 5-2
Tacky Religious Merchandise 1-3
What year were you born? 8-6
Wife Swap. 1-5
I'm finally a vegetarian 1-7
Facing death without god 2-7
Religious Irony 3-2
Wackiest things you've heard from Christians 4-10 5-8
What are everyone's side activities? 11-9
Dispute with parents over atheism 2-10
Subconcious fear in the converted 1-4
Did you ever really believe? 6-4
Defeding a daughter's honour? 2-1
Religion and vegetarianism 4-5
What Eye Colour Most Attracts You? 1-10
females in atheism 6-4
Unfair: women have fever commandments 1-5
What do you really know about the bible? (poll) 1-9
Are you all out praising Jesus? 2-4
Gay scientists isolate the christian gene 2-8 3-5 3-7
Barack Obama is the son of atheists! 2-1
Looking for God in Harry Potter. 2-2
Alister McGrath - My Xtian Parents Know Why He Annoys Us! 1-4 1-6
Was Alistair McGrath really an atheist? 5-3 5-5
Which is your element? - Astrology 5-6
Religion in school. What was it like in your area? 1-6
When is the last time you saw wildlife? 6-7
The Bible does not prohibit lesbianism 5-1
Age of consent? 2-1
What Is Your Former Religion (If Any) 1-5
The Skeptic's guide to the Universe podcast 2-10
I Was Flabbergasted by a 60 Year Old Man... 6-3
Atheist Expression 3-2
Intermediate steps toward atheism? 1-1