List of Postings of User Phatgenes

Echolocation in bats - have any counter strategies evolved? 7-9 8-4 8-6 8-8 8-10
Micro- and macroevolution 23-6 26-5 28-5
Racial differences and Darwinism 2-9 4-1 4-3 4-4 4-9 5-1 6-3 6-6 6-9 6-10 7-7 8-6 8-8 8-10 15-3
Evolution and Homosexuality 24-4 24-8
Dogs and Evolution 8-8 8-10 9-4 9-9 10-6
Jared Diamond - The Third Chimpanzee 2-10 3-1 3-2
How Evolution is not pure random chance 34-8
Serious Question About Penis Size and Natural Selection 5-3 5-5 6-6 7-6
Why aren't we as hairy as our ancestors? 7-9 8-1 8-3 8-5 8-6 8-8 8-10 10-10 11-3 12-2
Shark with webbed feet discovered 2-10
Evolution of the Circulatory System 2-1
Why men really do prefer blondes 7-7 9-1 9-2 9-4 9-7 10-3 10-4 10-6 10-9 12-10 13-2 13-4 13-6 14-3 15-10
Evolution of menstruation...? 1-8 7-8 10-4 11-1 12-3 12-5 14-3 14-5
Cross-breeding of species. 2-10 5-1 5-3 5-6
Creationist posts 5-7 5-10 6-2 6-6 6-8
"Is There Anything Good About Men?" 1-10 2-1 2-6 2-7
Mutation vs. Variability 4-8 5-6 5-8
Why is Africa the basket case of the World? 29-6 29-9 30-1 41-3 41-8 42-4 43-2 45-6 45-10 46-3 48-1
where are links and failed mutations? 1-2 1-7 1-9
UN resolves to protect religion from defamation 1-3
The Stupidest Thing You've Done to Yourself ??? 2-1 9-7 17-7 18-10 26-5
Lamarck proven right? 3-2
What is Racism? 2-2 2-5 3-2 3-4 3-5 3-7 4-1 4-3 4-7 4-9 8-5 8-7
The Blind Watchmaker didn't do it for me.... 1-2
Has a human Evolutionary split already occurred 2-1 2-8
Question on Evolutionary "Branching" argument 1-4
Humans & Cooked Food 2-4 3-2 3-5
The Mislead Survival Instinct? 1-4 1-6
Is the natural world competitive? 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-8 3-1 3-6
Inheritance of acquired characteristics 1-3
Africa's biggest mammals key to ant-plant teamwork 1-3
Wallace Should Hang 1-3
Warrior Race 2-5 3-6 3-7 3-9
God Rests 2-3
Greens 'threatening' climate fight 1-6 6-5
Structuralism vs. Functionalism 1-3 1-5
sociopath personality 1-3
'Gay' as an insult 20-6 20-8
Enormous sex organ (Tahina spectabilis) 1-3 1-5
different species, same basic components? 1-2 1-6
Study discovers secret of Scottish sheep evolution 1-5
Alternative theories to evolution are are not theist/ID etc 1-3 1-6
Why are handicaps selected for? 1-6 1-8 2-3 2-6 2-10 3-1
How do you console the bereaved? 1-3
The central dogma is eroding... 1-7
The Tree of Life Loses A Branch 1-3
Life After People 2-8
Seismic images show dinosaur-killing meteor's bigger splash 1-2 1-4
Insects on coffee plants follow widespread natural tendency 1-3
Sex and Natural Selection 1-4 1-8 1-9 2-5 2-6 3-3 3-5 3-6 4-1 4-6 4-8
A chav amongst the pigeons 2-1
Synchronisation of menstruation 1-2 1-4
"We come from apes" vs "we are apes" 1-3 1-10 3-2 3-5 3-9
short essay on criticism towards evolution-critiques wanted 2-3 2-9
Lusty voles, mindless of danger, mate like rabbits 1-2
"Chameleon colour not to blend in" shocker 1-5
Do you want fries with that, Mickey? 1-3 1-10 2-3 2-5
Prepare to be offended 2-1 3-5 3-6 3-8 3-10 5-10 10-7 10-9 11-3 11-8 12-2
Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor 3-6 4-10
Wolves swim in packs to hunt water fowl 1-3
Rapid artifical selection 1-4 1-6 1-8 1-10
Helpful baboon dads boost offsprings' success 1-3
Resources on Imperfections in Animal Forms (es. Humans) 1-5
Why doesn't inter-species yield offspring? 3-2
Avian origins: new analysis confirms ancient beginnings 1-9 2-3 2-6 2-9 3-5 3-7 3-10 4-6 5-7 7-4 7-5
Why Parents Eat Their Young, Especially the Big Ones 1-3 1-5
The root of the evolutionary emergence of vertebrates 1-3
Badly designed eyes and venom? - Not really. 1-8 2-2 2-4 2-9
Teeny Weeny Dinosaur 1-4 2-1 2-10
Men's mental health - nature or nurture 1-2 1-10 2-4 2-8
Yale study offers new paradigm on ecosystem ecology 1-2
Lamarckian credibility 2-9 3-1
Genes -> Instinct - How? 2-8
Blood types and Human Evolution 3-4 3-6 3-10 4-6
Salamanders, headwater streams critical in food chain 1-2
Quick question on evolution 2-3 2-5
The "Academic Freedom Petition": IDiots at it again 1-3
Woman was a product of forced sex..Rape, so her mother says 1-8 1-10
Rates of Evolution? 1-5
Venter's comments on molecular taxonomy 1-3
Kamikaze neutrophils - a problem to the selfish gene? 3-4
The Evolution of the Human Race 2-10
Can you spare a body part? 1-8 1-10
Are wolves the pronghorn's best friend? 1-3 1-5 1-7
pro-creationism lecture 1-2
Slow Arrival of Intelligence as the Dominant Phenotype 1-6 3-9
Analogy and Homoplasy - what's the difference? 1-2
Avian origins: new analysis confirms ancient beginnings 1-4 1-8 1-10
Please review an opinion piece on evolution by me 1-4
taxonomy capitulates to molecular phylogeny 2-6
leopard eats crocodile 2-8