List of Postings of User captgridley

Fight the good fight: Hand out flyers! 3-6
Sam Harris 2-5
What is the story behind your username? 28-9
Right to bear arms? 131-2 135-1 135-6 137-2 139-6 143-8 144-2
Atheist Dog Tags 3-1
Hello From Iraq 1-1
The Reason Project (Sam Harris) 3-3
Incomplete scientific reasoning in TGD 1-4
Just one sailor's point of view from Iraq 1-1 1-3
Save the Whales - Boycott Japanese goods? 30-7
'Missionary' atheism? 1-8 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-8 3-2 3-4
Dutch film: Freedom of speech, or Hate speech? 26-3
ANONYMOUS War on Scientology 1-3
Hello from the shockjock of science in Dallas TX. 1-8
Hello from Central Texas 1-3
Pentagon...plans to shoot down spy satellite over Ireland 9-2
Turban wearing motorcyclist 23-4
DAWKS 77-2 77-9
Wikipedia and religion 2-3
Formal Debate Challenge: Is the Bible Inspired of God? 33-6
Hi From California (USA) 1-8
Games to Teach Evolution Mechanisms 1-4
Is it rare of Richard Dawkins to reply to correspondence? 3-3
Attack on Evolution - what would you do? 2-3
Here Here, "Ilikepints" pops her 1000th top 5-4
World's first six legged octopus 1-2
A big thanks to the creationist movement! 1-4
1,000 posts for eversbane !! 1-7
how will our era be viewed in x-hundred years time? 2-8
Carl Sagan: Pale Blue Dot chapters 1 & 2 2-1 2-2
Dawkins will be on Bill Maher? 2-8 3-1
Hampton Roads area 1-3
1,000 posts for Ono No Komachi 1-1
Mega Churches 1-1 2-2 3-3
Actors who freaked you out as a child 4-5
Is it possible? 1-3
NY Governor Spitzer Involved in a prostitution ring? 7-2
Favorite Gods or Goddesses 3-2
Chemical Exposure Cited in Gulf War Vets’ Ailments 1-2
Eternity with no coffee break 1-6
Saudi women drivers make video protest 1-9
3,000 posts for clouded_perception !!! 2-7
You May Be a Taliban If...... 1-2
NRL to design lunar telescope to see into the dark ages 1-2
Chemical imbalance in depression? 1-2
Tehran police chief caught with 6 prostitutes 3-4
Tomorrow I enter the world record books... 3-3
Secular Invocations in the Military 1-3
Computer viruses straight from the factory... 1-8
4,000 posts for Szymanowski !!! 2-6
I saw Richard Dawkins! 1-2
The brain is not a computer 1-2
Smiley face found on surface of Mars 1-2
55% of Brits believe in the resurection 1-4
Nuclear War 7-3
Messianic Jews: We're subjected to harassment 1-3
Video games! 8-3 8-7 9-2 9-7 11-1
Kevin Rudd wants to raise the drinking age to 21? Bad Idea. 3-9
4,000 posts for Topsy !!! 1-3
Camel Spider 1-7 2-7
What happens when plastic is not disposed of properly ... 2-1
How??? 3-1
Belief in evolution 1-10
Homing in on Black Holes 1-3
Sciwoman hits 9,000 Posts! 1-4
Religion's silver bullet, is there one? 1-3 2-5 2-6
Alternative names for atheists II 28-1
2,000 posts for plastictowel!! 3-1
Hilarious Duke Nukem Harassment 1-4
Gas prices worldwide 1-2
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 86-1
Mark of the Crocodile 1-4
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part II 10-9
'Expelled' movie available for Amazon review 7-9
Jehovah's Witnesses 6-3
Pastafarian Tags? 1-7
POWs and MIAs 1-1
A little advice needed 1-1 1-5
Movie - Actor - Movie Game II 17-2
Your religious name 7-2
US Military: Now a court martial offense to get pregnant 4-2
Who has played the Mass Effect games? 12-9