List of Postings of User Kingtut

Racial differences and Darwinism 2-10 3-10 4-8 7-8
Do you think Women have a higher tendency to be religious? 11-6
What Evidence would make you believe in God? 12-1 36-4
Future: Have humans stopped/slowed/changed evolution? 35-7 61-3 62-1
Christianity's Nemesis: The Argument From Mundanity 2-1
Skeletons defend Darwin from Creationists' Attack 2-3 2-8
Dr Zakir Naik 8-1
Why do females live longer than males? 5-8
Getting logged out too quickly 1-7 1-8
Positive Thought as Benefit of Religion 5-10 6-2
El, Le, Al, La, and Language Evolution 3-8 3-10
A debate 3-3
Maternal grandparents are more involved 1-8 1-9
Childhood rebelliousness - An advantage or a side-effect? 1-6
Parents show bias in sibling rivalry, says study 1-3
People Kill People - Babies & Bathwater 1-3 3-1
What is a cultural Christian? 1-2
Christianity made this country great 1-8
Why is Religion there? 1-10 2-9
Basically just here to annoy everyone 1-2 1-9 2-4
An Honest Wager 1-5
Babies burn in hell! 2-7 4-1
"Is There Anything Good About Men?" 1-3 1-6 2-8
Dating our ancestors 1-3 1-10
War and Peace and Neanderthal Man 1-1 1-5 1-6 1-7
Iraq and the perils of faith 1-3
Evolution or Evilution? Survival of the most selfish...... 2-1
Mutation vs. Variability 3-2 3-6 5-1
Is clothing influencing human evolution? 1-10 2-8 2-10
Help Explaining Evolution 1-7
A New Twist on the Savannah Theory 5-6 6-4 8-1
Dr Rowan Williams on Dawkinsian thinking 1-5
Thought process in the Religious 1-4
Marsupial lion tops African lion in fight to death 1-2
Get down from that tree. 1-4
What do people think of Tennessee? 3-9
How do you console the bereaved? 2-7
why do they do that? 1-6
Cough Medicine: Not Worthwhile? 1-2
Translation of fundamentalist sermon 1-9
King Arthur 2005, awesome anti-christianity flick 1-3
Political hyporacy. How to fight it? 1-3
Genetics & Political Persuasion 1-10
Religious belief and Intelligence 1-3
Solidarity with Muslim women - a dilemma? 1-2
genetic alteration 3-3
Criticising Islam 6-3
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion 36-3
US Presidential Election 2008 - Joe Biden 1 10-2 10-9 11-3
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 4 29-8 30-4 30-5 30-8 30-10 31-2 31-10 34-10 39-6
US Presidential Election 2008-VP Candidate Sarah Palin, 2 23-2 24-1 25-6 25-8 25-9 25-10 28-1 29-5 40-6 40-9 47-7 47-8 47-9 47-10 48-3 48-4 53-1 53-4 53-8 53-10 54-3 54-4 56-7 59-9 62-5 65-3 66-6 67-7 67-9 68-2 68-9 69-7 70-2 70-3 70-4 77-7 78-6 78-8 79-2 79-3 80-3 80-5 80-7 80-9 81-3 81-4 83-1 88-8 89-6 90-4 93-3
Ape to man? 4-10
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain Part 3 19-1 26-4 30-6
Help me out guys 2-3
Question 1-6
Atheist prison demographics - bad argument? 1-8
Female vs male ratio 3-2
Genetic Mutations - Random, or coerced? 1-3 1-5
what is the answer to this riddle? 1-3
The age of Earth, etc... and common sense 2-10
Evolution process - a question 1-5
Evolution of the cow stomach 1-3
Sneezing 1-2
Evolution of Human Intelligence 4-8 4-10 5-1 5-8 6-5 8-2 11-5
Zodiac vs. Atheism 2-2
Darwin commited incest 7-4
The absurdity of believing the Gospels 7-8
Example of new species for creationists 1-6
Adaptation at the Genetic Level 1-3
Need help debunking specific prophecies 1-4
Can anyone with biology knowledge help me? 1-5
Random mutation = Evolution is false? 1-3
Exodus - any historical basis whatsoever? 4-8
Similar species of eastern Asia and eastern North America 2-4
Was Jesus a good man? 6-1
Natural Selection - Common Sense. 2-1
How has life evolved so relatively quickly? Help, please. 1-3
The origin of religion 1-7
not just womens rights...matriarchy! 1-2 1-4
A carnivorous concestor? 1-2
Potterism 1-5
Lecture from Theistic Scientist 1-8
Question concerning evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) 1-2
rebuttals for the trinity 1-4 4-1
Best way to refute arguments by design? 1-4
Christian funerals 2-2
What to say to Mormons in the Street? 1-3
HIV / AIDS and Human Evolution 1-5
Josephus 1-10
Heaven and Hell 1-1
why happiness does not require a god 1-10 2-2
Help, I've gone and done it now... 3-3
Fundamental Religions v. Fundamental Atheism...Why.. 1-5
Miracles? 1-9
Proof of the resurrection - JP Moreland's "evidence" 1-4
Anglicanism and King Henry VIII 1-5 1-7
Jesus of Nazareth 2-3
Are we any better than Christians? 2-6
The role of genetic drift in speciation 1-4 1-6 1-10 2-2
Complex Code Argument 2-2
Sexism influenced religious contradiction?? 1-7
Sexual selection 1-4
Growing intolerance... 2-7
Extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence 1-6
Evolution in America 1-8
Is there any real reason for debate? 1-4
Can you kill fish with flood? 2-10
The concept of "Rising above your genes" 1-2
Evolution to avoid extinction 1-10 2-4
Rebelling Against Our Genes 2-3
"Belief in god is a beautiful thing" 1-8
Revised Christian Canon 4-5
Why are blue laws allowed to exist? 1-5
Help - looking for a deity 1-7
How do you interpret,"Explain the significance of Abraham"? 1-2 1-4 1-6
Pope: Condoms Not the Answer to AIDS Battle 6-8 8-1 11-4
Help please 1-10
Why has Christianity survived for so long? 2-6 4-2 10-10
Scholars in uproar over challenge to Dead Sea Scrolls 1-5
"This shows how miraculous God is" 2-1
If you had to design the human race 2-2
Are we doomed 3-5
unit of time-scale 1-7
The Logic Of Atheism 3-4 9-8 18-2 28-10 32-8 35-4 37-5 43-5 46-3
misfiring 2-1 3-2
Hollywood and Religion 1-1 1-4
"God will give you a heart attack..." 1-6
A Sabre-Tooth What? 1-9 2-1
The rapid jump from primate to human 2-2
Are any Sauropods Aquatic? 1-5 1-10
Introducing RADAB 1-2
Is it rational to deny God's existence? 1-3
A Devil's Advocate 1-3 1-8 1-10
Evolution in the media: Good, Bad, or Ugly? 1-2
Should Adultery Be Considered a Crime and Punishable by Law 3-2
Coping With Existence 1-7
Debating Religion (in a class) 2-2
Ganzfeld and the woo-fighters 1-2 1-10
Help with a letter to the editor. 1-3
Hominid Brain Size/Tool Sophistication 1-3
Why Do I Care? 3-5
Where'd the Quran come from? 3-4
Mythical Shark-Whale Discovered? 1-8
What's the weight of this bomb used in WWI? 2-7
Should criminal priests do prison time? 1-2
Proving A Negative 1-2
Venus Flytrap? 1-2
Where is the logical fallacy? 2-2
Casualties From Religious Wars 1-2 1-4 1-7
Hindus and Muslims 1-4
willful ignorance 1-5
Are Atheists Mostly Relativists and 19th Century Scientists? 1-8
What does the crucification and resurrection mean? 1-2 5-6
Happiness 2-3 2-6
Easter match prompts church anger 1-10 3-1
The tomb of Jesus as a shrine - why not? 1-4 2-2
Was a "Mistress of the Lionesses" a King in Ancient Canaan? 1-2
Do virtuious people live happier lives? 2-1
A little light relief - for Easter 1-6
Refining Evolution Theory 1-6 1-7
For so gawd loved men that he sent his only daughter... 1-7
Anyone else have an YEC boss? 1-6
Jesus on my driveway 1-5
What happened to the Apostles? 1-4 3-7 9-1 10-3 11-6 12-10 14-5 18-6 19-3 20-8 21-8 24-1 26-1
Hitchens vs. an infanticide-defending religious nut 1-10
Bishop feels cross over Easter TV 1-6
Reay Tannahill - men and women more "equal" in prehistory? 1-3
My friend has been converted 1-10
Politics is dead 1-3 2-1 2-3
A recent letter to the editor in my local news paper 1-4
Passover questions 2-10
Arguments why to leave the church 1-5
Please Disabuse Me of My Following Theory ASAP 1-7
Grieving 1-2
Alcohol 1-2
Humanity as super-organism 2-5
Is it possible to believe in "Micro Evolution" 1-4 3-4 6-4
Evolution of natritional sources 1-3
An inquiery concerning justice 2-4 2-10
The Real Rabbit Hole or Something you CAN believe in 1-5
"Speak to the Earth" 1-4
what the hell is creationism!? 1-4
Lies, damned lies and Christianity 1-2
Source of Good and Bad 1-5
moral or biological analysis of human behaviour? 1-2
A Call to Catholics to Trust What Cannot Be Seen 1-2
Questions on sexual selection 1-3
Heavy boots 1-3
Has the Internet Helped Advance Atheism? 1-8
ID-ology and fine-tuning 5-10 8-1
female adornments? 1-9
Atheistic tilt (even in exams!) 1-6
"There is a correlation between atheism and intelligence" 1-4 2-3
Are humans becoming more violent or less violent 2-4
Africa's genetic secrets unlocked 1-2
Atheism and Psychology 1-2
An evolution calculation - is it valid please? 1-7
Premonitions and Spirituality. 1-5
Religion: The World Upsidedown 1-1
Can the next human evolution be predicted? 2-2
An Idea 1-6
What are some things you look to for comfort? 2-1
"There is a genetic group called Negroid or black." 3-4
Why do animals "evolve" but flue influenzas "mutate"? 1-6
Study project, religion and pseudoscience. 1-2
Breast Cancer Patient Fired for Being atheist 2-5
Upright walking "apes" and really small-brained "humans" 1-9
Fighting Christianity using Jesus 1-3
Advice Please! ahead of debate 1-6
Refuting a Common Argument 2-10 3-4
Family Feud? 1-5
Dating the Taung child? 1-8
Wisdom from the East 1-3
thinning the herd 1-8
The Incredible Human Journey 3-2 3-5 8-8 9-3
Atheism & Christmas 2-5
Immortality of the Soul 1-7
survival value of religion 1-2 2-2 2-5 3-9
Evolution of Extended Parenting 1-2
Confusing view 2-2
Evolution and Randomness 1-4
'God'? Save the Queen 1-8
Non-Jewish Believer 1-4
The spreading of Islam - threat or not? 1-3
The National Trust promotes dowsing. ffs! 1-3
Ok, I have a dilemma 2-2
After some info.. Bible reference 2-2
Gospels don't mention each other? 2-4 2-9 3-4
Ironic but I am looking for a "simple" answer 1-7
Pastor "Why do atheists come to church" 1-6
Atheist Bible Commentary: II Thessalonians 2-3
Tribes wiped out 1-3
Flogging a dead horse? 2-5 2-8
HELP!!!resolving religious matters in peaceful ways... 1-6
A few categorical questions 1-4 2-2
Islam scares me. 1-7 1-10 2-2
Why do people revert to the bible for ideas? 1-2
Efficacy of prayer 2-1
The Walking Statue hundreds demand return of 'Virgin' Mary 1-4
Chicken's teeth 1-9
Need help from ex-christians 1-7 2-1
Arguments from my theist friend 2-3
Atheist Language 2-4
Battle Plan 1-3
The Bible Evidence That God Is Evil 1-9
The first individual of a new species 1-8
Global Warming and Sea Level Rise 1-1 1-4 1-7
Race in athletics 2-4 4-10 8-7
Request for Suggestions Regarding the Evolution of Morality 1-4
Human wisdom and population 1-6
Keystone Variation and Punctuated Evolution 1-3
No Such Thing As Ethnic Groups,Genetically Speaking 1-1
Phew What A Scorcher! 1-1
Could the Emperor Julian have stopped Christianity? 1-10 9-4 10-1 10-2 10-8
Frank Turek's 6 arguments for theism, lets discuss them. 1-10
Religious Morality 1-6
This fascination for "ancient knowledge"... 1-3
Group Solidarity 1-9
Taking things on faith alone? 1-8
Will Caucasians become extinct? 2-10 4-4
Has anyone seen this double-dealing, fork-tongued piffle yet 1-2
Big Brother in Indonesian film making law 1-2
Crusades 2-1
Have You Heard of Messianic Judaism? 1-5
question 1-2
... deluded group of self-satisfied individuals 2-5
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Scepticism and Politics VI 62-6 91-9 96-2 96-4 96-8 98-9
Did Jesus Exist? - II 31-8 31-9 32-1 32-4 37-2
Euthanasia and Atheism 1-7 1-9
Here is an Interesting Point/Theory 1-9
Best way to argue with a creationist when they say... 1-5
Paul's Christianity vs. Jesus' "Christianity" 2-7 3-2
Please help- advice needed! 1-9
Why is intelligence so rare? 2-3
Important question to me! please leave comments!!!!! 2-1
Middle East & Atheism 1-4
Double impact and a volcano killed the Dinosaurs... 1-6
When the brain betrays itself 2-5
Why would atheists believe: ancient egyptians = religious 2-7
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Skepticism and Politics VII 2-2 2-5 3-4 9-2 9-3 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-9 10-8 13-10 27-3 27-4 31-2 31-9 55-3 55-4 55-5 59-4 59-6 59-8 60-3 60-8 60-10 61-9 62-2 62-5 62-7 63-2 63-7 64-1 64-3 64-8 76-3
Ted's Evolution - Can it modify Darwin? 1-7
Can evolution produce perfection? 3-9
Climate Change -Skepticism and Politics VIII 23-3 23-8 24-1 27-7 27-10 28-2 28-8 34-6 38-10 39-3 39-6 39-8 40-1 40-9 42-5 50-7 55-9 56-4 57-5 57-7 58-1 58-2 71-2 73-3 84-2 88-7 89-5 92-5
Natural processes besides evolution by which complex things 1-6
Altruistic behaviour in humans 1-2
Climate Change -Skepticism and Politics IX 21-7 36-2 37-7 41-1 93-4 96-3 97-8 98-6 98-7 98-10 99-1
multiple offspring 1-4
The extinction of the dinosaurs. 2-4
Exodus? 1-6 1-8 2-2
Are there articles discussing this? 1-3
A History of Violence 1-5
Atheists who celebrate Christmas ITT 1-10
warm blood 1-5
Climate Change -Skepticism and Politics X 1-5 3-7 3-8 3-10 4-1 4-2 4-9 5-2 5-3 8-2 8-6 11-4
The Dark Ages 2-6