List of Postings of User al-ja

Kent Hovind 16-10
a few questions to help me understand. 1-1 1-3
Church signs 3-1
Camp Quest (open link before voting) 2-4 2-5 2-6
Atheism is Insanity 10-6
Favourite YouTube Videos 85-9
Australia: a great country in need of your Atheists! 2-5
Visualization of air pollution....... good examples needed 1-2
Large Hadron Collider 4-1
10,000 plus members now 2-1
Hot Fuzz 1-5
91% Believe in God in America 2-3
Encouraging a good rebuttal 1-4
Richard Wacom 1-2
The truth about you and GOD. 13-1
atheists without Empirical Data? 3-6
International Space Station a waste of money 4-10
Fundies on the (UK streets...) 1-2
For our own survival: Ban Islam 1-10 2-2
The Critical Thinking Delusion 1-2 3-7
Moles keep you young 1-6
Islam - clearing the misconceptions 9-2
Honesty With Atheism 4-5
Man with tiny brain shocks doctors. 1-3
Religious Education and Richard Dawkins 1-3
Russia and China 1-1 1-3 1-7
Faith and intelligence 3-7
North America speaks 1-2
Humanist weddings 'soar' in Scotland 1-5
The origin of life made easy 1-5
African shaman performing levitation 1-2
Proof of answered prayer in the UK? 1-2
Are There Moral Absolutes? 1-3
Degree Of Evolution 1-2 1-6
Found Where God Lives 1-2
American Accent 2-9
Has The Universe Always Existed? 1-2
Jokes about Islam 1-4
Everything you need to know about Islam 1-2
Myth of Scottish economic dependence on England exposed... 6-1
FOX News Report: Bin Laden Already Dead 1-2
Rugby World Cup - USA robbed by incompetent South African 5-7
Half British teenagers are atheist says MORI poll 1-3
Gordon Brown - another PM with 'god on his side'............ 1-2
Young teen Atheist role models? 1-4
Why do religious people deny evolution? 1-2
angelobrazil and god 9-1
The Galactic Empire; where did it go wrong? 1-2 1-6
Australia may ban the plasma television 4-5
Looking for interesting Sci-Fi films such as Sphere 8-4
Things creationists Hate. 3-1
Can Someone Explain To Me 3-10
Songs of Praise 1-3
How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you? 1-4
Youth myth nr.1: Graffiti is art. 5-8 6-1 12-7
What's wrong with forced labour? 1-5 3-6
Is it really worthwhile to comment on youtube videos? 1-2
Get down from that tree. 1-2
Halal Meat in Subway 1-4 3-1
Videos: Extraterrestrial World Contact (June 6th) 1-5
Is the UK so different from the US? 1-4
can somebody help me with E=MC2 1-1 1-4
Graphic-novel-consciousness-raising! 5-3 5-5
Did Fox Media really go this far???? 3-7
ID Goes Public: Biologic Institute (New Scientist 12th May) 2-6
Did Richard Dawkins write the God Delusion? 4-7
Jurassic Park becomes true 1-9
This Kid's My Hero, Youngest Billionaire 1-7
The Shahada of Atheists. 1-5
Creationism is a complete success? 2-1
Mind, Body & Kick Arse Moves 1-2
wt are the questions you have to believe in the one creator? 1-10
The Shank Delusion? 1-2 1-4
Can We Realistically Expect Indefinite Lifespans? 1-2 1-9
British Muslims offended at police advert 2-10
The "is" Delusion 1-3 2-2
Sharia courts operating in Britain 31-9
Your last wishes 3-3
Iran missile tests 2-1
Do you boycott muslim countries? 7-4
In Retrospect 6-8 7-3 17-5
Why are all the smart guys Christians? 1-5
To Travel or not to travel? 1-4
It's all in a name... 3-3
Good video - one for Robert Byers! 12-3
Borrowed technology: ideas please? 1-5
In Praise of Bullfighting 13-7 14-1 15-1 48-10 49-2 49-5
BNP running gun camps for kids 1-9
The end of Atheism? What next? 4-10
Creation: New Darwin BioPic 5-10
U.N. condemns British failure to protect heritage sites 1-2
Creationists whining.... over Spore 1-9
Flatmate from Hell. 1-8
Religion vs. Atheism - Why Is It Even Structured This Way? 1-4
1,500 anti-mosque protesters expected at Cologne demo 5-10 6-2 7-5
US gov't gives Answers in Genesis $85 billion?! WTF! 1-4
The shear beauty of it! 1-2
What do television networks produce? 2-10
U.S. Army brigade being assigned to the "Homeland" 1-2
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 5 54-7
British politics just turned on its head 1-2 2-5
People don't understand why they can't get cancer drugs... 1-7
AndromedasWake's "Welcome to the Universe" 1-8
Sci-fi and characters. 1-8 4-6
How Evolution Proves the Existence of God 23-10 27-6
Battlefield robots more ethical than soldiers... 2-2
Do atheists believe in alien life? 3-7 3-10
Mammals that don't suckle their young? 1-7
Are men hardwired to overspend? 1-3
Can China survive depression and deglobalisation? 1-3 1-7 1-9
What does your loo say about you? 1-4
Some evolutist told me the appendix was proof of evolution 17-8
Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe 1-8
Something silly from 4chan 1-2
Channel 4 Christmas Speech 7-1
Women didn't evolve? 7-10
How would you improve society? 14-2
We are so lucky in the UK! 2-3 2-9 3-1 3-3
Evolution doesn't really exist and here is concrete evidence 24-8
Why are their NO notable atheist in history 3-5
An email in work (UK) 1-4
God is. The Jews prove it. 8-8
Black Holes, Dark Matter & Dark Energy 1-2 1-8
The Torture Report (ultimate exposure) 3-3
Solutions for empty churches 2-8
Growing Muslim Population in Europe 1-6 2-1
The God Particle 1-8
Get Brian Cox Off BBC Science Programs!! 2-10
Speed of light, speed of thought? 3-3
"Miracle Liquid" aka "Electrolyzed Water" 1-8
Is the old world slowly turning muslim? 1-5
Hate for heroes 3-1 4-9
Dissilusioned with Dawkins 1-4
Did Dawkins invent the terms archi-purpose and neo-purpose? 2-1
8 million Near Death Experiences cant be ignored. 1-2
eurovision 2-2
How long will Blu Ray last as a standard? 4-6
Most Beautiful Words in the English Language 1-5
Is the UK so Paranoid it will become a fascist police-state? 3-10
"Outer Space" Does not Exist 13-2
Can Anyone Help? 2-8
Ultimate Fighting Championship - out of place 9-10
Race in athletics 4-4
Wireless electricity 1-1
xbox 360 1-3