List of Postings of User Mobius 118

Will you worship God if he exists? 7-4
Any good theist forums? 9-3
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 11-6
An Atheist's Love Life 10-6
Do you get scared? 5-3
The next stage in evolution? 2-6 3-1
I refuse to believe you're an atheist! 1-5
*tap tap* Is this thing on? 1-1 1-5
negative consequences of no religion in the world.... 1-8
US vs UK 3-9
The Stupidest Thing You've Done to Yourself ??? 46-5
Talking to Theists 26-6
Gamers unite 2-2
Funny Pictures 27-3
Atheism Is strong, I have seen it! 2-4 2-6
Thank god i was raped, thank god i got cancer 2-2
Theists in Atheist country 1-2
What Is Your Former Religion (If Any) 4-8
Horror Stories or Funny Stories About Being An Atheist 2-10
New Athorism's critical flaws... 3-4
What does this actually prove? 4-6
Islam butchers strike again 1-5
Here we go again ... another preventable death ... 1-4 1-10 4-2 6-1 6-4 6-6 7-4
Mobius strips etc... 1-4
Root beer = Mouthwash?? 2-3
The daftest theistic assertions 5-1
What would you say to God.. 6-9
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 45-4
Have you ever been arrested? (Poll) 2-1
The 'F' Scale 5-8
Freedom of Speech in the United States: Second to None? 1-7
Show us your beard. 4-8
Hell House 1-6
Bad roommate stories...? 2-2
Weird Deep Sea Creatures 3-7 6-6
Relationship with your parents 6-5
Are atheists less likely to have children? 3-8
Pix of warm and fuzzies. 1-2
The internet is even stranger than I suspected 1-5
Favourite music from your teens 8-4
Hilarious Debate! Must Read!! :) 1-3
Please introduce your personas. 1-2
What does food sound like? Seriously. 3-7
What can't you stand about your own country? 1-7
Another exemption from rules for muslims based on 'beliefs'. 2-1
Proving a Creator exist 5-6
What are you drinking now? 7-2
Petition to revoke the independence of the USA 8-9
"Oh My God" 3-8
Real Evil 2-5 3-2
Pope warns of 'spiritual desert' 1-7
How tall are you? 2-1
Dealing with offensive faithheads? 2-5
the 90's 4-2
My computer's screwed up. HELP ME! 2-4
I heard a new one today... 1-5
What is it with this Windows Scare? 1-4
Atheism is a threat to society 7-6
How do you view life? 2-8
Curry - proof that gods don't exist 2-2 4-2 4-4
Rapture to occur in one week! 7-4 10-6 10-8
Faith in American Politics 2-5
Let's build a tower to heaven 4-7 4-9 5-2
Norway 2008:Homosexuality - punishable by death? 2-3
Evil Atheists in Movies and TV 2-3
What are you drinking tonight? 13-3 17-6
atheist hatred?? 5-3 5-5
Atheist Do Not Know Women 9-6 14-4 16-7 25-1 43-4 47-10 48-5 52-7
Across the Universe 1-4
How do you put up with them? 11-1 11-6 15-10 16-5 18-4 18-8
Best cheese ever made 10-2
New wave of blathering idiots. 1-8
'Honest' Advice on Sex and Dating 2-7 4-1 5-8 6-3 6-6 7-2 7-5 7-7 7-9 8-1 8-4 9-1 9-3 10-4 10-6 11-1 11-3 11-9 12-4 12-6 12-9 13-2 14-6 14-8 15-1 15-2 15-4
The Ten Plagues - the modern version 1-10
Atheists in love with Christians 1-5
Religion's Effect On Pregnancies (stats needed) 1-2 1-5
I'm buying a *real* sword. Weapon fanatics enter here. 6-4
Christians learn the art of dating 3-5
What's the most awkward moment you've been in? 3-1 3-4 3-8 3-9 4-3 4-5 4-7 4-9 5-1 5-4 5-10
The mistress of "To what are you listening?" 18-4
Creationists whining.... over Spore 5-8
TA-DAH Jesus 1-9
End Times Deliverance Ministry Will Bust Yer Demons 1-3
MCJ! That Avatar!!!! 2-7
Metal Gear Solid 3 Question 4-9 5-2
Website that shows verse by verse contradictions? 1-4 1-8
Whose for a real Atheist bible sorry not Bible. 3-8 4-3
Is taking offence a sign of weakness? 1-4
Your favourite science fiction character? 3-6
Aw tingling 3-2
Blue Butterfly 7,000, fundies 0! 3-4
I’m arguing with a Muslim imbecile (Please read!). 2-2
Rapture Ready v YEC's 1-2
good old Catholic guilt. . . 2-7
How can it hurt? 3-2
Guardian Angels Are Here, Say Most Americans 1-8
This bloody forum... 1-3
My car. 1-3
Off to Missouri! 1-1 1-5 1-6 1-8 2-3
Where are your ancestors from? 3-1
Little hellion killed animals at zoo. 2-1
Saudi cleric favours one-eye veil 3-9
Intolerance of My Yard Sign!!! 2-10
NEW Forum guidelines (commentary) 41-4
Dawkins come to the midwest please! 1-6
Catholics: New human body disposal process raises alarms 1-6
Vile and disgusting religious mania? 8-8
How did your parents react upon "outting" yourself? 2-7
MEGA-CHURCH CHAPELS on military bases - The Family 1-9
Proving God Right Here Right Now 22-7 25-1 45-9 46-7 48-5