List of Postings of User Astreja

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 32-3
People saying Bless You when a person sneezes 38-5 40-8
Photos of animals. 85-9 99-3
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 47-9 48-1 49-2 60-4 63-10
Atheism vs. Agnosticism 62-10
If you were to pick one religion, which would it be!? 7-9
The secrets of Medjugorje - a sign to atheists! 4-7
Giordano Bruno 7-3
A list of religious massacres 6-10 8-3
Jung personality and faith 8-10
Most annoying thing a believer has ever said to me. 16-10
Have you read the whole bible (poll) 12-10
Boycott Baptisms? 3-1
Pascal's Wager no. 563927 11-10
A Question 4 Britishes and Canadians. 6-7
Teddy Bear names 4-9
Christmas baking 3-5
Terry Pratchett / Discworld 3-1
Greetings from Winnipeg! 1-1
Official Atheist WAR ON CHRISTMAS Scheming Thread 3-3
How do religions die? 3-1
Oh, mommy! Look at the nice kitty...AHHH! 2-2
Celebrating "Winter Solstice" is just as stupid 2-7
Improving the typing speed 2-9
What are your New Year's Eve plans? 1-5
50 book challenge 2008 89-9
Was religion introduced to you as myth or truth? 1-9
Jesus Christ 19-6
Crystal healer opened near me. 13-6
Calculate Your God Delusion Index 6-5
Nicheren Buddhism 2-2 2-7 3-5
Norse Design - New research disproves Christian creationism 2-4
Domestic abuse -is it always so clear cut. 2-7
Would you give money to a Religious Charity/Event? 2-2
Poll: What Operating System do you use? 6-6 11-5
Favorite Gods or Goddesses 9-3
Nice one Richard! 1-4
Today is Good Friday 2008 6-9
Very important! The evidence that Holy Spirit exists !!!!! 3-4
An Atheist Easter? 1-2
Religion and Lesbiansim 1-4
This dog prays 3-4
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 2-6
request for help. 1-10
Controlling the Mob 1-6
Complaints to my site that're too much to answer. 1-10
Rzeppa vs Dawkins 1-6
smart person CAN believe 13-5 19-1
Post Your Art!...You artistic devil, You! 9-7
Miracle Of Allah In Saudi Arabia --- Sand Fountain 1-3 4-2
Why do I believe in the Creator ? 10-2
Your List of Books To Be Read Soon (5 or less) 9-10
Procrastination! 3-6 5-2
DVD: Pat Condell: Anthology 10-3
Why it is sensible to believe in God 4-9
Survey: What Do You Believe? Using Dawkins' Likelihood Scale 3-5
Living as a born again atheist at a theist university 1-6
Advice column on godless teen 4-2
10 questions every atheist must answer 10-10
Would you LIKE God to exist? 6-8
Your Understanding 8-1
Crazy Religious Woman 4-9
Atheist in Pagan ritual Shocker! 2-2
That Woo You Used To Do 6-6
Are People on this Forum... 1-4
Religios at the door! 2-5
Sad day in the history of Iceland, religious freedom killed 1-8
Dear Mr. Dawkins... 4-7
Almost was a Divine Miracle!!! 1-10
Argument for existence of god by a friend 2-2
What would be the ultimate retail job you'd most love doing? 1-5
They've Found Me - The Mormons 2-9
Is it right to judge based on religious beliefs? 1-6
What's the best purchase you've ever made and why ? 3-7
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part II) 32-6
Is there any nice way of saying... 2-7
How much do you edit your writing? 1-3
Your faith and/or religious views? 1-4
Polite request - could atheists please stop writing 'God'? 5-10
Music 1-6
Do Most Atheists Condone These Vicious Tactics 2-10 4-3 5-1 5-7 10-2
Religious text challenge: how many have you read? 2-3
Tomb Torture in Islam 1-2
David Icke, Lizards, Kant and science 1-10
Name your favorite Hindu God. 1-10
Admit Your Need For God! 1-4
Evolution Disproven 40-2
Just when you thought Ray Comfort could not get more stupid 1-6
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part II 4-2
Queen appreciation thread 1-8
The Problem With Atheists 24-9 25-2
wt are the questions you have to believe in the one creator? 4-2 4-6
Who lost their religion at a young age? 2-1
Does exercise really have any effect on weight? 4-1
What is your Alignment? 2-8
Exorcism annihilates atheism 13-9 14-1 14-7
Ever played dumb? 2-1
A plea to atheists 2-5
ambassador programme 1-3
Gender Roles 5-7
Mythologies today 1-7
Ten People at a Dinner Party 4-4
Quest for dragons 1-4
Proving a Creator exist 6-5
Young Writer Seeking Guidance/Support (Atheism Related) 1-5
Christian blogmeister won't follow instructions 1-7 4-3
God Hates Women 3-5
Does denial of religion guarantee objectivity? 3-4
Atheists, you are wrong. Religion is RATIONAL. 2-4
curious...couple of questions. 2-5
Atheist/Humanist/etc. vs Paganism 1-10 3-5 4-2
General Member Survey 5-3
Karadzic arrested after 11 years! 1-6
Proof of hell 6-2
Why don't you believe in God 5-5 7-3
Beatles Indoctrination? 4-6
Bahai is an example of good religion 22-3 25-2
Learning to type 3-2
Can I mix and customize religions for my taste? 1-10
Religious behavior in animals 13-3
Theological justification for genocide Part Two 3-4
Secularists, Get Breeding!! 6-3
Comming out among pagans 1-9
help me debunk 'magick' 1-4
Atheist Do Not Know Women 14-5 14-9 25-5 44-4
Have you ever seen the Aurora? 3-2
Human Value 4-3 6-3
Art teacher made student pray to Jesus for forgiveness 3-7
Jehovah witnesses visit.... 4-7
The Need for Church? 1-8
Heathenry (or Asatru) 1-8
Update: Getting WORSE: (potential) child abuse alert 16-9 21-2
What Is Secular Humanism in Layman's terms? 1-3
arrogance? 1-2
Just Upset the Fundies Again! 1-10
I got "Deluded By Dawkins - A christian response..." for Xma 5-10
what to do to be saved? 1-8
"My belief in god is not a religion, it's a relationship" 3-6
Coming out to Ex-Bible Study Group... 2-5
I have proof that God exists 4-5
An bhfuil siad aindiachaithe Gaeilgeori ar bith ann ? 2-2
atheism and meditation 4-10
If there is no God 15-2
The Sacrifical Truth 3-3
Catholics ordered to keep quiet over 'Virgin' 'visions' 1-8
Jesus: Lord, Lunatic or Liar?--Poll 1-7
Heroes 1-10
Mass Atheist Ordination on Darwin's 200th Birthday 2-1
Lesbians a mystery to city MD 3-5
Another Ray Comfort website. Aaarrrggghhh! 2-3
what do you do if someone offers to pray for you 3-5
Homotheism 1-3
What could convince you to be a Young Earth Creationist? 3-9
A question for all the Atheists... 3-9
What to say to Mormons in the Street? 4-10
Talk humanly about any religion 55-6 74-6
Being told,"I will pray for you" 4-4
Deborah 13, Servant of God 19-9
Cormac Murphy O'Connor: atheists not quite human 11-1
How do I deal with this? 1-5
Talk humanly about any religion (Part 2) 25-4 27-6 33-7 35-5
If it happens, what order will it occur? 1-4
Paganism returns to the Holy Land 2-2 3-2
Funniest indictment against atheists 2-1
Just ripped a couple of JW's to shreds on my doorstep 5-5
Proof of the existence of God (by my 4 yr old) 1-5
April Fool Insult to Atheists 3-5
Robert Crumb set to publish 'scandalous' Bible satire 1-4
Do you celebrate religious holidays for secular reasons? 4-5
Easter 2009 - Death defeated 4-4
Doug Kmiec on The Colbert Report 2-3 2-10
Why should we care about truth? 1-2
Hello from a Christian 38-4
Atheism: Life is fulfilling or hopeless? 1-5
Can sacred medicine bridge gap between religion and science? 4-1
Atheism and Truth,false 5-7
Was Jesus Real? (Part 2) 82-3
atheists evolved from chickens 3-3
Eternity in Hell is justified and... (click for rest) 2-9
Debunking Atheist Canards About Christianity - Part I 15-10
What weapons do we really have? 3-2
What are some things you look to for comfort? 3-3
Mormon Post Mortem Baptism of Obama's Deceased Mother!! 3-7
My reasons for disbelief 6-6 6-8
I surrender myself completely to Buddha & my present Teacher 2-4
Is it a cop out? 30-3
magic square...666 1-7
Who are the sons of God? 1-6
Why does anything exist at all? 1-3
From the darkness of religion and into the light of reason 1-2
Islam and the Understanding of the Quran 1-10
Atheist's Children 11-1
Anyone up for an experiment on belief vs. non-belief? 20-5
Islam - on the rise or falling? 1-8
Should we prosecute theists who threaten hell fire? 5-1
This happened tonight. 1-8
Design of atoms? 2-2
Who is right? 6-1 8-8 12-1
Astrology/New Age Medicine. Struggling to win debate!!! 1-10
One single question can destroy atheism 33-10 57-3 88-1
Choosing a mate? 3-8
If I stay in Kuwait I will go crazy 1-10 2-7 3-5
Hearing voices 2-3
Where Does Anti-theism Come From? 3-7 3-9
Got any Atheist Poetry? Care to Share? 1-3
What holidays do you celebrate and why? 3-6 4-7
It's your funeral 2-8
what is devil? 5-2 13-3 16-10 22-7 24-7 25-2 27-8
Ray Comfort: Michael Jackson's REAL cause of death 1-7
Silly superstisions you still do. 5-2
The Man who Challenged the Quran 4-8
A List of Parody Religions 3-5
Father Guilty in Prayer Death 1-6
Confirmation name??? 2-4
The big bang in Quran??????? 2-1
Theists Failed My Daring Challenge! 2-2
God and Jesus both still love you sinners 2-7
Pure Hatred for Religion 1-5
Your religious environment 1-2
Experiment: Are Atheists More Likely to be Autistic? 13-4
The Six Questions For Richard Dawkins: 12-6
Frustrated with family!!! 1-8
most intersting religion poll 2-7
Which of These 12 Facts About Jesus Do You Believe are True? 1-7
A Challenge Question for Atheism. 24-2 25-3 27-7 34-5 38-2
What is your desired outcome? 2-3
Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Tardis Awaits. 1-4
Inbreeding.. 1-6
Catholic League president: "Atheists out to get us" 3-1
Former Miss USA sues 1-4
Religious issues 1-4
Scientific Atheism Completely Disproven 11-1
Anyone have experience with Humanist Association of Toronto? 1-2
Being forced to go to church & mom is scaring me, help? 4-3
New holy scrolls herald salvation to all believers 3-5
there is no god,but ALLAH 12-4
The judgment of San Francisco and LA in prophecy 5-7 13-8 19-6 29-6 67-9 75-9
POLL. Which Is Fairer: Heaven-Hell Or Karma-Reincarnation? 3-3
Another Challenge Question for Atheism: 4-7 18-8 23-8 26-7 28-8 29-4 31-1 36-9 38-4 48-1
Happy New (Jewish) Year 2-4
Christian Here! 27-4
Subversive cartoonist R. Crumb zaps the Bible 1-3
How did you lose your faith? 4-10
The Next Greatest phpBB's Mod. of All Time ! 1-3
Need help with my muslim parents 3-4
Would You Hide Your Atheism To Keep Or Save Your Marriage? 3-2
What are your favourite supernatural creatures? 2-7
doesn't matter if you are an atheist 1-7
I just made myself laugh...What if you're wrong??? 1-5
Is dismantling & destroying another persons relig unethical? 4-4
Exodus 22:18 and the Women's Holocaust 1-3
Distance of the sun? 2-8
Christian Missionaries Challenging Foreign Gods 1-3
YOU worshipers of SATAN !!! 2-3
'Agnostic Atheist' is an etymological fallacy 4-6
Can I pray to the stars? 3-3
Christianity 2-1
Does Man Deserve Hell? 2-5
Proportion of ex-theists here 18-6
Saying Grace. Yay or nay? 12-8
Which Of The 10 Commandments Would You Change? 4-8 4-10
You WILL like what I like. 2-4
Some wierd Muslim guys new Allah 1-4
Devil Crashed My Computer 2-2 4-1
HELP! My atheism might be in danger! 1-3
To all Atheists... what religion would you convert to? 3-10
Why does god allow natural disasters? - Haiti 7-4
human life is not worth anything if there is no God 1-3
As an Atheist how do you get over fear of hell? 4-9
Can you? 15-10 19-1 26-4 26-5 32-10
Which country would you like to live in? 20-2
Does it bother you to support openly religious companies? 2-5
can you make a holy book up? 5-6 6-7
Nutty Christian group mad about pink Ouija boards 1-6
What do you all think about 1-2
An honest question 6-5
Windows, Linux, Atheism, Religion 2-7
Would you choose to live forever... 3-1