List of Postings of User neon

Realize God, The Law of NonSynchronistic Random Mutations 68-8 132-4 132-5 136-4 136-5 139-6 139-7 141-1 141-2 141-10 142-1 142-2 148-6 149-9 149-10 150-6 150-7 151-1 155-7 155-8 155-10 156-6 156-7 158-6 159-3 160-3 160-4 160-6 161-2 161-3 161-8 161-10 162-4 162-7 162-10 163-2 163-4 163-6 164-3 165-10 166-3 167-7 167-9 170-1 170-3 170-10 172-4 172-6 175-7 175-8 177-1 182-9
Creationism / ID - lets see your evidence 49-3 52-3 55-10
Biggest Creationist Lie? 5-2
The Blind Watch-Watchers or Smell the Cheese 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-8
Hi everybody 1-1
Is believing in the Bible childish? 1-6
A Real Virgin Birth for Christmas! 2-1 2-3 2-5
Who's the nuttiest religious person you have worked with? 2-9
Adolph Hitler preached the Laws of Natural Selection 4-10
TheChampion's Anti-Evolution Garbage Collection 43-3 43-4 49-5 50-1
Bush Admin. says Grand Canyon was created by Noah's flood 8-8
Faith and the fatal flaw of The God Delusion. 4-7
Im speechless... 1-6
Christianity : Evolution of a Death Religion 1-10
ID contradictons 1-2
Pat Robertson: God told me of 'mass killing' in 2007 2-2
The Tree that reached out and struck down the Giraffe 1-3
Creationists in Somerset. Leave those kids alone! 1-10
Extinction and intelligent design 1-4
Ban on human-animal embryos, after press from religious gups 1-4
did a monkey become a fun guy? 1-6
Alone 1-3
Your first inklings that something was wrong with religion 6-9
Kirk Cameron & Ray Comfort Full Banana Episode 4-10
Give blood against Jehovah's Witnesses' Dogma 10-1