List of Postings of User One

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 22-9
Best atheist videos 9-2
Definitions of Faith 44-3 45-8
Jesus Camp : The Movie 40-7
Atheist Design Contest! 2-8 2-9
Marriage 20-5 20-7 21-4
Do You Trust Anybody Who Is Religious?? 2-9
100 Reasons Why Being An Atheist Is Great!!! 20-10
George Carlin on Religion 5-6
What are you currently reading? 123-9 124-1 126-7 166-4
Satanism 13-7 14-3 14-6 15-2
Do you think 0.9999999~ infinite is exactly equal to 1 49-2 49-4 49-7 50-8 82-4 82-7
Photos of animals. 50-1 50-10 51-9 53-4 72-10
What evidence would make you believe in a God? 69-4 91-6
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 45-10 46-3
Monarchism 26-6 27-8
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Genuine Benefit? 122-1
Medical Marijuana 4-1 4-3
Help Science to help you, volunteer your spare CPU!! 35-9 36-1
A Non-Christian Calendar 16-3 17-1 18-7
Britain: A Christian Nation 4-9
Any banner designers out there? 8-1
An excellent argument for Gods existence! 11-10 17-5
The Blasphemy Challenge 38-2 38-4
Atheistic quotes 15-10
Reincarnation ? 11-3
The scientific miracle that is the Quran 24-6
Favourite comedian 5-2
The collapse of atheism: so bad I had to share it! 7-8
Is philosophy bullshit? 19-5
Ravi Zacharias 4-2 4-5
The 50 book challenge 37-5
How many atheists are there in the world? 9-9
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube 24-3 31-1
Books that you just can't get through 24-2 24-10
Any bright suggestions what we should call ourselves? 112-9 113-4
What happens when we die...? 27-3
Mediums and Psychics 22-6
I.Q. 2-8 3-1 3-5
What's the best "religious" joke ever? 22-9 24-7
No god, but an afterlife? 31-7 31-9 33-6
Atheist IQ's 10-10
Libertarians, Ron Paul is running again 18-6
RDF World Map ~ Add Yourself! 13-10
Richard Dawkins interviews the Bishop of Oxford. 3-4
Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, anyone else have them? 16-8 18-3
Favourite YouTube Videos 26-5 29-6 30-1 38-1 44-6 54-5
The Church of Google 2-10
Youtube account: richarddawkinsnet hsa been suspended 7-4
the chicken and the egg thing 5-5
Brutal discrimination against an atheist 3-8
Fear of Death 11-8
Zeitgeist Movie & Addendum 16-7 18-5
How much does Evolution have to do with atheism? poll 4-10
What web browser do you use? 4-6
Organ donation - presumed consent 6-6
Any Chess Players Here? 4-3
Have you read the whole bible (poll) 13-4
Are they any atheists who are anti-gay? 13-3
A comment about "The Root of All Evil?" 2-9
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 12-7 13-1 13-4
Anyone ever tried WRITING a book? 5-5
Adnan Oktar persuades Turkish court to block Wordpress sites 5-6
The Disclosure Project: Massive hoax or proof of UFO's 25-3 25-5
Your funny encounters, moments, with religious people. 4-7
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 10-3
The Picture Thread 35-6 35-8 42-6 42-8 44-6 45-4 58-3 58-10 59-4 88-8 88-10
Atheism as "just another belief". 4-5
Pat Condell 6-4
Stephen Fry 6-2
godisnowhere 3-6
Can anyone think of a purely unselfish act? 8-5
Bill Maher: 4-5
Free Atheist Videos (Including Debates) 1-6
Atheism and Homosexuality 13-1
What Atheists Believe In... 4-4
Atheism and its agenda compared by countries 3-9
Infinity 7-4
[POLL] MDMA (Ecstasy) Usage 24-3 24-9
If Dawkins converted.... 20-9
Birth order/childhood and atheism, is there a link? 3-5
What is the worst thing a theist has done to you? 6-5
The Vicarious Nature of Television 1-8 2-6
The Top 10 Atheist Songs 6-7
Mike Gravel Will Save Science...First you've got to get MAD! 2-4
Saving the environment: Urinating in your sink 8-1
Philosophy. Why bother? 10-4 10-6 11-5 11-7 13-3 14-4 14-7 15-2
Help overcoming solipsism 6-1 6-8
Why are people so touchy about religion? 9-7
French Atheist Regime After The French Revolution? 1-6
Questions about the ME delusion 2-10 3-3
Is Religion all bad? 7-1 9-7
Atheists are agnostics who have stopped waiting for evidence 10-9
What is the Capital City of..........?? 10-6
Not that i had much respect for Dane Cook in the first place 3-2 3-7
What are you? 4-4
Soccer violence - why? 5-1
I am experiencing God 40-7 60-1
Atheists Against Abortion 25-1
What did you have for dinner today? 11-6
Suicide in the animal kingdom 2-4
Racism or road deaths? Which is more serious? 5-9
What's Before Everything? 4-7
Immortality is around the corner- still need a God? 4-10 5-6
Dawkins on The Big Question 25th Nov 10am BBC1 5-5
The top 100 impossible questions for believers of god. 7-8 7-10 8-2 10-4 10-7 10-10 11-2 13-6 13-8
cure to the god delusion 24-1
Pascal's Wager no. 563927 11-6
Are You There, Mister Dawkins? It's Me, Teci :) 10-1
25 million records lost in UK 6-3
Atheists Believe! 6-3
Weakest Atheist Arguments 4-9 5-7
Arrogance 3-6
There is hope! 2-10
How do you currently live your passion/s in life ? 1-6 1-8
How many atheists go back to theism? 5-10
'Stone boy' thinks he's chosen by God. 2-2
This is kind of funny... 1-3
What has the greatest influence on a childs beliefs? 2-2 2-4
Questions to deep non-theists 2-6
Any Extropians here ? 2-1
Logical deductions from Fine-Tuning 2-2
Moderate use of logic. 1-3
Morning 1-1 1-4 1-6 2-1 2-2
The problem with Atheism 9-6 9-8 9-10 10-2
Edited 2-5
Why are we the only group.... 4-7
"When the President Talks to God" Bright Eyes 1-7
"Answers" magazine 1-10
The totally useless facts thread ... 3-5
Does the universe have a purpsoe? 1-8 1-10
I am new here. Introduce myself to the world. 1-2
The top 100 impossible questions for believers of god PART 2 1-2
Best Decade for Music (popular) 2-8
What is déjà vu? 4-3 6-2 6-10
Hip-Hop culture. Sigh. 8-1
A Question 4 Britishes and Canadians. 9-8
Do you take good care of your books? 5-1
Atheism killer 1-5 1-7
Idiotic bible verses 15-2
An Atheist's Love Life 2-7
How does everyone cope? 1-9 4-8
“We are at war with all Islam” Ayaan Hirsi Ali 1-2
Was there always something? 4-4 4-5 4-9 5-2 5-8 8-5
The Pope Blasts Atheism 18-9
Do we need Time at all ? 2-9
The Debate of the D's: D Dennett v D D'Souza 10-9
What are your "irreducible" truths? 6-7 7-9 10-7 10-9
What should atheists call Christmas? 7-2
Agency in its form(s). 1-8 2-1
A (very) few words on atheism? 2-8
Atheism/Secularism: Canada v.s. Britain v.s U.S. 5-9
Pissed! 4-1
Celebrities you remember from childhood? 2-4
Best book for a liberal Christian having doubts? 1-9
I Am Jesus (Read Inside) 3-5
New Atheist film? 1-3
US ranks 29th in science education worldwide. 1-7
R E S P E C T 2-3
Your Ideas to Change the World 1-5
Defining Faith from the Theist's Perspective 2-10
Rejection of Perfection 3-1 3-3 3-5 3-7 3-9 4-1 4-4 4-8
Bono 3-6
Dualism - refuted? 26-2
If Chuck Norris. . . 1-3
"Oh my god" 1-2
Fundamental Emotions 1-2
4,000 posts for Colwyn Abernathy !!!! 4-6
It's true, I'm afraid 3-6
How does the mind of a believer work? 2-3 3-4
Fear 4-9
Brainstorm: Hacking away at religion 3-9
We're all doomed 3-5
Were there any Homo erectus atheists? 2-2
Don't you envy believers 1-9
If heaven exists... 1-1 1-5 2-4
What would Dawkins say to God 1-9
Are abortion and euthanasia ethical? 1-9 2-1
Favorite religions 4-5 4-8
Atheist Theologian 1-9
Homosexuality and tastes 1-3 3-5 3-10 4-1 5-1
Official Atheist WAR ON CHRISTMAS Scheming Thread 5-8 6-9
Christianity's Weakest Points 2-7
Why should we have morals? 2-9
Muslim girl strangled to death by father 5-5
Religion in Ireland 2-5
atheist grace 2-2
What difference does it make if you believe in God or not? 7-7
Study says only 31% of scientists are atheists. 3-7
God and love? 2-4 2-6 2-8
When Atheists come to Power 2-6
Truth is God 4-9 5-8
Proof God does not exist. 2-8 3-1 6-1
delusional?? 11-1 12-10
Should we even label ourselves "atheists"? 1-8
How do you spell zitegist? 3-4
How you cope with realization,thatt not only you will die 1-2 1-4 2-6 3-7 4-5
Why blasphemy often isn't blasphemy 1-2 1-4
End of the world cult, Channel 4 1-3 1-4 1-10 3-6 6-7
Reason, Evidence, and The Book of Mormon 3-3
philosophical dilemma (not sure what to call it) 2-6
Is it the same god anyway? 1-5
Is there any evidence that Jesus was a real person? 1-4 1-10
Candle in the dark 1-5 2-1
Awesome religious trump... share yours 1-7
any person you converted? 1-6 1-10 2-3
Anti-atheist letter in Metro 2-8
What do you want done with your remains when you die? 3-10 6-4
Link to interesting new Humanist/Atheist sci-fi film here 1-2 1-6
Showing Atheism's Harmlessness 4-4
Will SETI end religion? 2-1
How not Why 3-10
World history with the Pope 1-2
Monster Spider Attacks the Space Shuttle! 1-2
Right? 1-1 1-3 1-6 1-9 2-2 3-5
How do religions die? 2-8
What if the monarch of England was an atheist? 1-4 2-7
where would be a good place to meet an atheist girlfriend? 1-6 1-9 3-10
why don't christians celebrate death? 2-1
Worst example as to the existence of god ever? 2-3
Life after Death debate comment thread 2-3
Birthdays 1-2 1-8
The Four Horsemen DVD by RDF now available 7-4
Do you get scared? 2-2
Make me a Muslim 1-2 1-10 4-4
999 (but now a PARTY!!!!) 2-4
nihilism 3-9 4-1 9-2 10-5
God let Jesus die so all suffering ok, new wisdom from 12yo 1-4
Best smackdown of "atheists are immoral" argument 1-9
Depressing lack of change 3-10
why does god allow satan? 5-6
take a look at my reasoning, what do you think? 1-6
A physician offers you a drug. Would you accept? 2-2
Most embarrassing action as a theist? 3-3
Filling up the empty space 1-8
What to do? 4-6
books you re-read more than once 4-10
A step closer to truth?! 1-2
Atheist Definitions of "GOOD" and "EVIL"? 2-4
Chances of gods existence 50:50 ??????? 2-4
Hoodies 4-1
God's Rock 1-9
conscious and sensing no thing 3-1
Gorillas in the midst 1-2
Inconsistent Beliefs? 1-2 1-9 2-2
The next stage in evolution? 1-2 1-7 1-10
Fictional religions vs. real ones? 1-4
A debate 1-2 1-4
Yeah, really? 1-2
The Bible is a book without error! ;-) 1-4
looking for basic definitions 1-5
How is This Trick Done? 2-10
I refuse to believe you're an atheist! 2-4
Are objectivity and truth the same thing? What follows? 1-7 2-4 3-3
Should logic be a mandatory curriculum item in schools? 1-6
Convert Me 2-2
Philosophically - why believe in god? 1-4 2-7
The breakfast cereal argument against God 3-9
Anti-theism 1-4
Cultural Christianity: Cop-out or OK ? 1-7 1-10
Can the universe be conscious? 1-10
Naturalist Experience 1-9
Is it ethical to kill animals? 1-8
Ricky Gervais and the Arch bishop of canterbury 2-6
The inherent contradiction of Heaven and Hell? 3-1
The 2008 US Presidential Election 9-2 10-8
"free thinker" the new euphemism for atheist? 3-5
The current status of rock music 3-3 4-3
How loving is it really? 4-5 4-7 4-9
First true experience of being wrong. 2-2
negative consequences of no religion in the world.... 1-7
Which philosopher has most influenced you? 2-8 6-4 7-4 8-5 9-1 12-7 16-3 16-8 18-4
Will humans ever be able to create life inside a computer 1-10 2-4
2%, don't you just hate it... 2-6
Tactfulness with Friends? 1-3
The satanic bible. 1-2 1-5
On Hell - my experience 7-7
Geneology 3-1
US vs UK 5-2 5-10 7-5
religious tolerance <3 1-9
LOLDawkins 4-6 4-7
Tony Blair becomes a Catholic 5-5
One for the road 1-5
How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you? 3-1
I will be hungover tomorrow... 2-8 3-1 4-5 4-7 4-9 5-2 5-8 5-10
"Holy Books" Inspired By God... 1-8
Martinus/Darwin/Intelligent design 1-3
Why can’t people write in plain, easy to understand English? 3-6
Putin the richest man in Europe. 1-6 1-8
Personal Philosophy 1-5
I'm going to be the next hot atheist author. That's right. 1-8
Atheism equals crazy? 1-6 2-1
Non-theists: what's your favorite theistic music? 1-8
Basically just here to annoy everyone 2-3
Why the Stigma 3-7
Why English atheists should oppose disestablishment of the C 1-7
How do I put this? 2-7
Churches come tumbling down 1-6
What are the base thoughts that make up Religion? 1-10 2-4
An Honest Wager 1-2 1-8 2-3 2-8
The Queen's Speech 1-7
"Atheism=Nihilism" 1-6 4-1
Me so stupid! 2-4
Babies burn in hell! 1-2
Can Weed help you lose religion? 2-10
How extreme does the "love of nature" get ? 5-7
Youth myth nr.1: Graffiti is art. 5-4
Show Ho' No Mo' 1-7
I am Legend is a disaster! 6-6
Feelgood books about Hell? 2-2
Whose religion is worse ? 1-3
Atheism and vegetarianism 2-1
Alternatives to religion? 1-3 1-10
here lies an atheist 1-2
Science: insight v knowledge 1-2 1-4
Brain -> Robot 1-7
Adam Carolla Vs. Religion 1-4
Where should I move? 3-8
Favourite beers: 2-9 3-2 5-9
[help]Lack of need to live/energy. 1-4
bat is a bird leviticus debate 1-2
Post your best argument against Christianity 2-2 2-6 3-4 8-4
Would you attend a course to learn about Atheism? 1-2 1-8
Atheist Politics 1-3
The Holy Fire: Any information? 1-2
How many Christians banned? 10-1
Atheism's Reputation and Communism 1-5 1-9
Atheist explanation for evil 1-9
Creationism and Intelligent Design 2-4
Places in England worth living? 1-2 1-5 1-9 3-5 3-8 4-3
Non-sense from Hitchens? 2-9
What if a cure ... 1-9 2-2
Does Chi exist or is it all bollocks 1-9
Nepal abolishes centuries-old monarchy 1-5
Insomnia 1-2 1-4
Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo 1-1 1-5
Improving the typing speed 1-8
Do you choose to be an atheist or theist? 1-4 1-9
i've felt the presence of the lord? 1-6
Buddha 8-4
NAtural Disasters 1-6
A theist argument I can't rebut 1-4
Change My Avatar..... done! 5-1
"What on Earth was he thinking of?" 1-9
whats it all about alfie? 1-2
World decline of religion 1-5
Religion Books for Children 2-2 5-6
Why does God need worship? 1-7
Best Country 2-10
Big Brother 2-7
Should be fun 1-3
Stupidest conspiracy theories? 7-2
If science provided a theory for god existence... 2-5
The Stupidest Thing You've Done to Yourself ??? 7-8 8-3 8-6 10-3 15-8 15-9 26-3
What was the best decade? 2-10
Poll : Should atheists try to find common ground? 4-4
Questions For Atheists To Answer. 13-10
O'Reilly on suicides in Sweden 3-8
Why are some people so hell-bent on attacking Buddhism? 13-10 27-3
Rationality: the ascent of man? 2-4 2-7
How could anyone ever believe in Life after Death? 5-10
CofE bishop - Islamic"no go" areas - now receives threats 10-6
What is the point of art? 2-2 2-5 2-8 2-9
"How to Pusuade an atheist to Become Christian" on Wikipedia 1-7 5-2
Does the Motivation Behind Morality Matter? 1-7
CBC Feature: "Where is God Today?" 1-6
Is it easier to debate for faith? 1-9
Poof that god exists 1-3
Religious Education in UK Schools 2-2
The God Delusion is REQUIRED reading in my philosophy class. 1-4
Gimme new atheist documentaries and videos 1-3
Prince Charles MUST be Stopped! 1-9
I know nothing about Heidegger... 1-3 1-8 1-10 2-2
Is zero even or odd or neither? 5-10
Just come across a great Votaire quote 1-4 1-10
Cheer me up. 1-3 3-4 3-6
"Truth conquers by itself" 1-3
Pray for Peace? 1-4
As per biblical instruction... 1-6
Bohemian Grove 1-1 1-3 1-7
The mystery of the lurkers 1-9
Are religious excuses recent? 1-4
Who knows more of the bible, atheists or christians? 2-8
Does competition breed excellence? 1-5
It wasn't me, it was my genes! 1-6
The ABC's of the Bible 2-3
Any good Philosophy Intros/ Tutorial? 1-3 1-2
File formats I don't like... 2-9
Atheist Idol Worship 2-9
Can America elect ANYONE reliably ...the voting machine mess 1-9
I am inspired by... 1-10 3-5
I got my first murder warning from a fundi!! 2-3
Coming 'out' on Facebook 2-1 4-9
Normlessness & Existentialism 1-2 1-8
Fictional Atheists 2-9
Post your favorite quote ... 1-2
No religion 1-6
Was religion introduced to you as myth or truth? 2-1
Do the musicians/actors you like tend to be atheists? 1-2
"If the local church burns down, I'll know who did it" 2-1
Would you marry an agnostic? 1-9
Masons: all the bad guys hate us -we must be OK ! 1-9 2-10 4-2 4-4 4-8 6-3 39-7
Is "agnosticism" a more tenable position? 1-6
US Presidential Candidates 1-5
Theories On America's Religiosity? 1-5
The Skeptic's Dictionary 1-2
My Favorite answer for Morality. 1-2 1-5 1-9
Who deserves to rot in hell? 2-9
The BBC, Islam and Political Correctness 4-1
A weird place to be. 1-7
List the Positive aspects of Atheism 1-10
Should we (atheists) realy respect religion? 1-7
The timing of Jesus 1-2
What sport do you practice ...? 2-9
Man this place is awesome 1-3
Strongest argument for atheism 1-7
God Rests 4-2
Bishop ... being a bishop 1-2
I am begining to suspect that I have a mild form of autism. 1-3
Vatican official sentenced for sexually assaulting boys 1-2
What Is God? 2-2
The wonders of Facebook. 1-5 2-3
A Logical Argument for Theism 1-5
Philosophy Degree? 1-7
Much Love to All You Wily Brits 1-5 1-10
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 1 155-3 156-9 173-8 201-5 201-7 204-8 205-3
The Pope on Harry Potter 3-9
Lie to Pollsters? 2-5
All human beings are fools! 3-5
Where do I start? 2-1
You evil atheists!! 5-9
Prayer 1-4
Crazy Christian Midget Meltdown! ENJOY! :) 1-2
Presidential Candidate Tool 1-1 1-5 1-9 2-7
What do people think of Tennessee? 3-1
Dutch film: Freedom of speech, or Hate speech? 30-10
What do you say to the Jehovah's Witnesses on the doorstep? 1-3
Are you on Facebook? 2-8 3-1
How Should the World Be? 2-8
Sitting through a funeral as an atheist 6-7
A confession... 4-2
Young Shits Club on RDF 26-3 26-7
BBC Sunday Programming 1-2
Nice parody from the Onion 1-2
History of the universe(s) 2-3
Questions about Philosphy Degrees and Careers 2-6
The Diet Delusion 2-3
Alan Davies? Atheist? 2-10
Marijuana vending machines 1-2
Agnostic/Modern European Monarchies? 1-6
Do you see Jesus? A new low... 1-5
Joke for football supporters 1-1
And the 5th horseman of Atheism is... 1-9 7-3
Atheism and violence, Dawkins and Nietzsche 1-7 14-6
are animals aware of other animals? 1-2
POLL: theories of truth 1-5 3-7 5-9 6-1
What scientific evidence would theists accept against god? 1-5 2-2 5-9
International Atheism 1-6 2-2 2-4
I do not like the term Atheist. 4-1
How to deal with conspiracy theorists? 4-8 4-10 5-2 10-8
Would you date an evolution denier? 4-5 5-3 5-5 5-10 6-4
E-mail from my mother. 11-1
proof of God 7-6
Respectful Phrasebook 8-9
The Invisible 9-3
if you could ask god one question... 3-6
a hard philosophical question for people 1-9 2-1 2-3 6-9 7-2 7-7
my new blog about atheism 1-2
The Philosophical Lexicon 1-2 5-10
What are you giving up for Lent this year? 3-4
Criticisms of Atheism 1-10
Who would be in your hell or heaven? 1-5
Are we wasting our time debating with most theists? 1-10
Are you who you say you are? 5-4
Marked with a Black Cross 1-9
Pictures of faith-heads likely to help promote Atheism 6-6
Poll: Obama/Clinton 8-2
Joseph Smith was a smart f***er 2-9
Did German-Speaking Philosophers Ever Have Any Good Ideas? 52-3
Solipsism: What does it mean? 3-1
The argument from soccer 5-7 6-5
"you are not smart enough to understand god" 2-9 3-5
Philosopher poll 1-5 3-4 3-6
Henry Rollins slams ID 1-1
I'm an atheist but... 1-3
Terrible Philosopher Teachers 2-3 2-6 3-4
Jesus says most people will go to hell. 10-1
90 Day Jane 5-3
Personal Experience As Proof Of A God 1-8
Can a Nazi still be a good philosopher? 2-7
Does Evil Exist? Wow...broad subject. 3-2
Does the Free Will Defense Succeed? 5-1
All life will die eventually - so what's the point? 3-10 4-7 4-10 5-4
What Kind Of Wildlife Is There In Your Backyard Or Nearby 9-4
Secularism for children 1-4
Do you regard yourself as an 'Anti-theist'? 2-4
Things that annoy me about some atheists 14-9
Why do we believe in God? £2m study prays for answer 3-8
Suggestions for a better name for God 4-6
What was Gods motivation in creating us? 5-7
Dreams refute the Scientific Method 2-2
Richard is Nearing His 100th Post! 19-10
How Do Christians Rationalize Their Religion? 2-2
Any Atheist adverts in UK to counter this... 2-5 3-4
psychology "conspiricy" 1-5
A suddenly akward realisation... 2-9
"the n word" 1-7
David Attenborough book signing queue 1-3
Who uses bottled water and why? 1-9
Will Jesus survive this Age of Reason 1-3 1-10
Facebook Abuse. 1-8 2-1 2-4
Jonestown - Suicide or Murder? 1-2
How Do You Become an Official Atheist? 1-10
Why we post 1-5
I will be on the Infidel Guy Show Tonite! 1-3 1-7
Calls for death penalty in Britain to be revisited 1-9
Ever questioned your atheism? 2-5
Iranian man explains God to his four year old son 1-7
Ricky Gervais: My Argument With God 4-3
Let's say that i 1-10 2-3
You and I are reasonable people 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-10 3-3
Why God Exists 13-8
What year were you born? 1-3 4-8 12-2 12-10 16-10 21-3 21-9 22-9
absolute reality 1-2
Podcasting and Blogs 2-3 2-8
Is life a play? 2-3
Christopher Hitchens appearing on Bill Maher Feb. 29 2-4
Advice on the Bible? 4-1
Faith Schools 1-5
"imagine" theres a song for our generation. 1-3
New me, old friends. 1-3
Hell, God & Punishment 1-2 1-4 1-6
New poll: 2/3 of British admit no religious adherence 1-5
"I used to be atheist" 7-1
Most ridiculous Astrology forecast ever? 1-8
The Social Network part of this site 2-8
some of you may know this, but anyway 1-7
Never mind the orange spots 1-4
An(other) Atheist Organization We Can Be Proud Of 1-6
Why am I me? 3-10
Does anyone have any information on African philosophers... 1-4
Saviors of God 1-2
My mother is a mess over my coming out 2-7
Earthquake UK 00:56 27Feb 5.2Rs Market Rasen 4-6
OK I couldn't resist... 1-7
Have you heard the good news? 3-1 3-8
God is disgusted all over again 1-3 1-6 2-8 3-1
Checklist 2-5
Engrish 1-3
Fundies are spying this site 6-6
Questions, by Bart Simpson (comedy) 2-3
Optical Illusions 9-2
Films and Novels promoting a supernaturalist agenda 3-9
Substitute of God - Science, 'not-knowing', Aliens? 2-8
Which religious thinkers/leaders do you respect? 4-10
First Nietzsche Book 1-6
Irish Atheists buy domain 4-10
Since 'becoming' an atheist, have you... 3-9
If God existed wouldn't it want us to ask if it was real? 1-10
Is Satan all that bad? 3-1
Name your top 5 favourite Snack Foods 4-3
Intellectual effort needed to be a (convinced) atheist 1-6
Are laws merely a result of reluctant selfishness for collec 1-3
A new and better topic 2-4
Collective Unconscious 1-2 1-4 2-9
Pseudo Science and just plain bad thinking from 1-3
What happens if you get to heaven... 1-8
Theodicy: Religion and the Problem of Evil 1-2 1-4
Islam taking over Europe 2-8
Would the World be better off Without Religion? 1-5
Faith Healers 1-2
Preserving sanity as an atheist 3-3
Satanic Atheists 2-3
Youtube Christians 1-1 2-1
Oh the unfairness 1-8
Hitchens's view on Buddhism. Incorrect or correct? 1-4
Atheist Childhood Anthology, vote. 1-2
Baby's Name 1-5
Faith Loss Causes Clinical Depression 5-4
My Life Is Not Pointless! 4-5
Hawking: Master of the Universe (UK TV, Ch 4) 1-8
Do you 'celebrate' religious festivals..? 1-10
Christlam 1-8
Woman jailed for teapot worship 4-2 4-5
Poll: What Operating System do you use? 2-2
Who Created God 1-9
Do you proudly acknowledge your atheism? 2-2
Blair to teach in the US on faith 2-7
how will our era be viewed in x-hundred years time? 2-3
Dawkins will be on Bill Maher? 3-7 3-9
The Death of the Internet 1-3
Atheism = Failure 7-4
Mega Churches 2-3
A funny song about religion 1-5
Can Someone Please Bring This Guy Down A Notch? 1-10
Concrete benefits to your life in adopting Buddhism 15-3 18-2 18-4 20-8 21-1 22-4 26-3 26-5 31-3 31-5 32-9
Finally religion can help in exams 1-4 1-6
Wackiest things you've heard from Christians 13-10
What are everyone's side activities? 2-1 5-3
Favorite Gods or Goddesses 4-10
Songs of Praise 2-1
Defending the Resurrection of Jesus - Veritas48 1-1 1-7
Eternity with no coffee break 2-7
The Amazing Atheist 1-8
What do you do for Pi day? 1-10 2-2
yesnogod - poll 1-6
More buzz from Jesus than drugs 1-2
What would genesus do...? 1-2 2-1 2-4
The Internet 6-3
Lyrics that move you... 4-8
Chumbawumba - Tubthumping 2-2
Favorite Youtube Atheist? 1-4 2-3 2-8 3-1
Favourite Art 1-9
The Atheist Apocalypse! 2-4
Christian Fundamentalists launch "MuhammedTube" 1-7
Is this for real! 1-5
new argument or ? 1-4
Disproving the existence of God is futile 5-6 7-2
The christian thing to do 1-8
How to react if someone has seen angels? 1-4
Joe Rogan on Evolution 1-3
Napalm Death's Barney Greenway on Richard Dawkins 2-1
i can haz bible? 1-3
Films of interest to atheists and agnostics 5-4
The holymoly war 1-3 1-6
Why go to church? 1-9
I need advice X_x 1-1 1-5
Hotel Bibles 1-2 1-4
1,000 posts for Bryn 1-1 1-8
This place is cool, and . . 1-6
Would You Rather Be Happy Or Right? 4-4
Who's converted more 'followers', religion or science? 2-1
Is sport a religion? 1-10
Atheistic terror 4-2
A Nova, and a God? 2-5
I'm dreaming of a white.. ..Easter? 1-3
Is There a Worrying Trend in the UK 3-2
This dog prays 3-3
Fed up of being told that I can't be moral if I have no God 3-7
What is your personality? 4-10 6-2
God bless you 1-10 2-2
Is Atheism only a bundle of sentiments? 1-9
FSM statue in Tennessee 1-6
Belief in evolution 1-2
Exorcism: A scientific explanation? 1-2
Should we listen to Yahweh or Satan? 1-4
Sciwoman hits 9,000 Posts! 2-9
Beware The Believers 4-9
Exercise/sports thread 2-5
Hitchens v. Hitchens 4-9
Elephant paints an AMAZING picture!!! Incredible!!! 2-4
What do you think of meditation? 1-10
Yahoo Answers: Religion & Spirituality 1-2
Mythbusters 3-6
Favorite Documentary? 2-5
Psychedelic experiences and Atheism : a poll 1-6
Have you read the WHOLE Bible/Qur'an? 2-1
Why would god prevent his own order? 1-10
need introduction to Nietzsche and understanding 1-7
Why isn't theism a mental illness????? 6-5
Richard Dawkins on Dr. Who (June 28, 2008) 12-4
Is Buddhism indeed the product of clear thinking? 1-5 41-10 43-3
Ahhh...British Summertime has offically arrived.... 4-1
Would you kill in the name of Atheism? 10-9
Does God need us? 4-9
When is the last time you saw wildlife? 8-7 9-6
If Richard Dawkins was struck by lightning? 4-1
The “Good Old Days” were shit 2-1
Post theism prayer 1-3
Philosophy is Not Dead (nor bullshit) 1-2
All ye metalheads! 4-1 7-4 8-10 9-6 11-2 12-3 13-1 13-7
How many atheists are there in the US? 2-3
Thank god i was raped, thank god i got cancer 5-10
New Atheism's critical flaws. 10-10
An Official Census on Bible-reading? 1-9
New English Bible: Worth Getting? 2-3
What does professor Dawkins think of Buddhists? 1-4
Help me out, guys! 1-8
Science, Religion, and Infinite Regression. 1-6
Zen and Conciousness 1-3 1-8 2-1
Good modern philosophers? 1-2
What would the world be like without science? 1-4 2-5 2-9
Assistance is needed 1-5
What to tell to a child? 1-7
The Bible as rolling paper (and other uses) 3-4
6 Judgemental people under one roof (reality show) 2-3
Religious/Antireligious Video Games 2-1
'Nietzsche' is a phase 3-5
Poll: Which is the worst British tabloid? 1-3
Evo, evo, evolution! ?? 1-10
Is it bad to be a Cynic? 1-3
Philosophy booklist 1-2
Why People Need Religion To Be Happy 2-7
What Is Your Former Religion (If Any) 5-4 6-10
Post Your Art!...You artistic devil, You! 3-1 3-5
meaning of dreams 3-3 9-4
What does this actually prove? 4-7
Letter from god to earth 1-2 1-4
Why do I believe in the Creator ? 10-7 10-9
Islam butchers strike again 1-3
Religions Of The World 1-1
should I read Mein Kampf? 2-1
Back to the fence. 2-7
What is the single greatest problem facing the world? 7-2 7-4
For new people - How to be a forum member tutorial 9-2 9-4
POLL: which would you get rid of in the world? 2-7
Pantheism: What are your thoughts? 2-4
Win a Prize. 1-2 1-4 1-7
Would their be more good in the world without religion? 1-5
Philosophy and Prose Style 1-4
Atheist Pride 2-3
Billo Reilly and indoctirnation of children 1-3
The God Delusion - The Movie 2-5
Let's stop calling ourselves 'atheists'. 5-5
Religion throwing Babies off Roof 1-5 4-7
Nausea 1-7
what's the biggest hope in the world? 1-3
Christians are taking over my music scene 3-2
the final weeks of the premiere league 1-4 2-4
DVD: Pat Condell: Anthology 2-3
My girlfriend of 7 years just broke it off. Reason: Atheist! 6-2
Morality - The Nonreligious approach. 5-4 5-6
Congratulations! You are now playing The Game! 4-1
Religious Forums 2-5
Jesus is coming in 2015 5-7
Bible has evidence of modern science! 1-7
Broadening my Horizons through Atheism - Freedom of Thought 1-2
Making of Mankind - Richard E Leake 1-1 1-3
Least favorite argument you hear all the time 19-3
Can anyone recommend a Singer book? 1-10
Nihilism and desire: Too smart for my own good? 11-3 11-5 11-9
Religion in Ricky Gervais' new film? 1-2
Has atheism affected your choice in music? 9-5
The evil atheist conspiracy 1-6
How vile is your keyboard? 3-8
Sam Sparro - Black and Gold 1-4
atheism - a misuse of language 2-4
Planning on replying to this e-mail from my mother... 2-9
Why Have the Monotheistic Religions Survived? 2-2
I'm drunk 3-7 6-6 6-10
Why do people care that your atheist 1-6
Free Will 65-10 97-1 104-9
Reasonable vs Rational vs True 1-3
Books on Christianity 1-1 1-5
So why won't Dawkins debate Dinesh? 4-4 5-3
Platonic Reality and Simulation 1-2 1-4
Please help! I'm an atheist guy who likes a Christian girl! 4-6
Jesus Camps very own Becky Fischer hits the UK!!! 4-9 5-3
Should the UK break up? 3-3
Philosophy and Science 2-6 2-9
Did Fox Media really go this far???? 3-6
Survey: What Do You Believe? Using Dawkins' Likelihood Scale 2-4 3-2 4-2 4-5
Muslims shrieking in London 3-6 10-3
going for buddhism to atheism 1-4
All my friends have been brainwashed. 2-3 2-5
The Skeptic's guide to the Universe podcast 1-3
God-as-hypothesis 1-4 1-8 1-10 2-3 2-5
The 17 foreskins of Christ??? 1-3
1,000 posts for Silent.Bomber!! 1-9
rationality 1-2
maybe the only true use for a bible 1-2
Like Sport? God Doesn't 6-3
Lightning storm generated by chilean volcano 1-6 1-9
Allah is Above what you think and imagine 3-1 4-3 6-2 6-4 6-6 6-9 7-2 8-2 10-7 20-7
I should probably read the Bible 1-4
I hate 'celebrity' chefs. 10-1
Over 140 overtly religious expenditures earmarked for 2008 1-2
Battleground God 1-4
The Demons begin to stir... "The Demon-Haunted World" 1-2
A Fundie Visits RDF 2-10 3-4
Human memory - Capacity 1-7
realityofheaven 1-4
Noah's Ark Zoo 1-9
Evolution vs Creation Trading Card Game! 2-6
New Youtube vid 1-5
Cult killed baby because he was a ‘demon’ 1-2
Glaswegians Invade Manchester (UEFA cup final) 1-6
Predicting the Future? 1-2
Channel 4 wins Muslim 'preachers of hate' case 2-5
The Perfect Verse of The Day 1-5
What makes the world beautiful? 4-2
How it feels to have a stroke. 1-6
Do you think I'm delusional? 3-7
Pantheism as "Sexed up Atheism" 1-3
BBC Reports Miracle 2-2
The Egoist's Dictionary 1-5
Philosophy of whatever 2-6
Atheism Explained: From Folly to Philosophy 1-2
Different kinds of faith 1-4
What are your views on relationships? 1-3
Top 10 Books that screwed up the world? 1-8
Atheist MP's? 1-7
Test your knowledge of philosophy. 3-10 4-2 4-6
Odd's wager 1-2
Which Dawkins Poster are you? 15-1
Advice column on godless teen 1-3
Darwin - the Atheist Bible? 1-2 1-4
10 questions every atheist must answer 2-9 8-2
Chelsea v Man Utd 9-2
Any US lawyers out here? got question! 1-4
Top 10 Secular Countries 2-4
If there is no soul what do you love? 5-1
What is, and is not, a Cult? 1-5 2-2
How like a Deity is Nature? 1-2
Apparently, these jokes are funny to British 1-2
RD is God..? Forum members worship top posters..? 3-2 4-8 5-3
Bribes to join a religion 1-5
How do fundamentalists come to terms with an atheist child? 2-10
Epicurus 1-10
Are People on this Forum... 2-4
Help debunking Jesus and the Christian 'change' 1-4
Constantine and Early Christianity 1-10
Charity gifts 1-2
space beer 1-4
For those that have read the school books on evolution... 1-3
What is your philosophy on life? 3-9 4-9
Rare uncontacted tribe photographed (???) 12-7 12-9
Has the theist's 'God' absconded? 1-8
Why Do So Many Adults Require Imaginary Friends? 1-10
Argument for existence of god by a friend 2-1
Student beaten to death for not learning Quran 1-7 2-1
Asexuality? 4-2 4-5 5-2
Does morality apply to animals? 1-5
Theory of "how we got here" answered? 1-2
Fate 2-7
Germaine Greer on the decline of christian ethics 1-3
Dirty Deist 3-2 4-1 12-3
If man never thought up god(s)..... 1-10 2-5
If Moses and Jesus never existed.... 2-7 3-1
Do you chew your toenails? Eat scabs? Dead Skin? 3-8
Writing a book, need advice. 1-9
Police threaten to arrest man for sign "Scientology is Cult" 1-2
RDF Forum stereotypes 9-3 19-2
Can A Creator Of The Universe Exist? 3-5
Intelligent Design Society of Kansas 1-3
Anybody catch George Will on Colber Report? 1-2
what do i know? 1-4 2-3
Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing 1-8 2-9
What did you think of Atheism before you were an Atheist? 2-8
Let's Bible 1-4 1-6 1-8
If the Bible actually had scientific prophecy 1-3
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part II) 1-6
Jesus Camp UK 1-3 1-5
MySpace Religion Forum - debaters needed! 1-7
New atheist with Demons in my past...REALY 1-2
What is Philosophy? 2-1
Which of the 4 horsemen do you most/least respect/value? 1-10
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 35-9 85-3
Body Building Atheists 1-4
Lucid Dreaming? 2-5 5-7
Romans? Best of the Bible? 1-2 1-4
If atheists are generally more intelligent than Theists... 1-2
Teh Atheists God 1-2
Religious people hate God. 1-2
What does God look like? 3-1
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part I 2-8
Is the death penalty ethical? Part 1 11-8 11-10
Should prostitution be legal? 9-6 9-9 10-1 10-3
Let's Hijack the @ Symbol 22-6
Was Jesus Real? (Part 2) 57-2