List of Postings of User Deicidal

Is it OK to tell children there's no Santa Claus? 5-4 5-6
Dawkins on South Park 33-9
Superman vs Spiderman 4-6
Bird Flu & You 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8 1-10 3-1
Project Steve 2-3
The Blasphemy Challenge 48-7 48-10 56-4 58-5
Marjoe Gortner...check this guy out! 3-2
Creationist tactical review 5-4
Future: Have humans stopped/slowed/changed evolution? 36-5
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube 24-7 25-3 36-3 37-7 40-8 43-2 43-5 43-7 44-2 44-10 46-4 49-8 73-2 75-8 82-10 92-4 96-2
What is the story behind your username? 33-6 35-2 35-4 35-6 36-1
If creationism is right, what other sciences must be wrong? 2-7
Where the heck are you? 5-3
Atheist Attacked in Toronto 3-5
"Expanding earth" Someone care to explain for me? 17-7 17-9
Favourite YouTube Videos 76-7 78-6 79-10 80-3 82-9 86-7 86-9
How old are you? 22-5
New version of Australian fake film 15-10
Greatest movie of all time 16-8
Apocalypse 2012 13-10
Atheist swearing 53-2
Favorite malignant design feature 3-10
Why the theory of evolution cannot work 34-6
For Calilasseia: how fish survived the flood 2-10
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 23-10 28-7 38-6 49-4 61-1 65-6 68-6 68-8 116-2
Robust list of creationist 'arguments' + responses 4-1 4-3 4-10
Conservapedia Article on Evolution 3-9
GI says he's harassed for atheism 4-7
Unintelligent design. 2-2
Should there be an official response to 'Expelled" 15-9
Dictionary of Creationist Newspeak 6-6 7-6 8-10
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 27-4 27-9 28-4 28-8
status of evolution in your country 3-5
Proof Creationism is wrong 1-2
Fun Creationism at 1-5
The evolution of the horse (and other domesticated animals) 1-7
Lamest Creationist Argument Award. 1-4 4-7
Don't you wish Intelligent Design was taught in school? 1-1 2-1
*sigh* Some strange stupid video. 1-4
Spike Psarris: Evidence for Creation 2-4
Jail for creationist row killer 5-9
Logic 101 - Argumentum ad Ignoratum 1-4
Apologists using thermodynamics, what's this all about??? 1-2
Is it Impossible to Prove Evolution to a Creationist? 1-1 1-10
Creationist posts 2-3
Youtube Creationists 4-2
Creationist museum trying to avoid extinction 3-8 3-10
Using the watchmaker argument against creationists 3-9
There Will Be Blood 3-2
Debating creationists 2-5
George Bush's Secretary of Education: "Yay For Creationism!" 1-9 3-1
The History of Creationist Ignorance 1-1 1-3
Dawkins Watch 2-9
Do Creationists Reject Science? 1-3 1-10
A funny fundie pic 2-4 3-1
Adam & Eve 5-5 5-9 6-1
Quote mining counter example. 1-5
How Is "Intelligent Design" Still An Issue In America? 2-5
What Kind Of Wildlife Is There In Your Backyard Or Nearby 9-2 9-8
Why no evolving? 1-10
Noah's Flood debunked on Xtian radio! 1-8
Canadian atheist Saying Hi! 1-3
Pics from creationists 3-6
Creationist Ken Ham - Flyer. Help! 2-5 13-9
Ricky Gervais: My Argument With God 3-5 4-4 7-6
Favourite poems 2-9
The "Academic Freedom Petition": IDiots at it again 1-9
Academy Awards: Online? 1-3
'Top reasons why Evolution is wrong' 1-4
[VIDEO] A Question of Origins 3-9
"I used to be atheist" 3-4
I can make you guys some cool animated avatars 3-3
After trying to disprove the Bible, I learned it was true! 1-1 2-5
Americans switching faiths, dropping out 6-3
Is religion the problem? Or are people the problem? 1-2
Creationist Discoveries 1-6
Have you heard the good news? 3-10
Is this how every ID, Evolution debate goes? DI thinks so! 1-1
Fundies are spying this site 1-3 1-9
Another Example of Papal Infallibility - Capybara 1-5 3-2
How many species are represented by the entire fossil record 1-1 1-4 1-8 2-1 2-6 2-8 4-7 5-3 11-8 12-1 14-2
Wither the Appendix? 1-7
Looking for the Virgin Mary in the sun 6-1
New Scientist takes on religion 1-2
Feb 29th: Marry Me 2-5 2-8
A Post On Uncommon Descent 1-3
The official Ilovelucy says nice things to everyone thread 7-5
Are you gay? 4-7
Faith Loss Causes Clinical Depression 1-2
Facing death without god 1-8
Darwin wrong? 1-7 4-3 4-6
Funny Pictures 41-6 43-8 50-1 50-2 50-4 55-1
Creationist case not viable after the big bang 1-1
A Creationist Car?! 1-3 1-8
Beware The Believers 3-2
Can someone please arrive on the scene and destroy this? 1-4
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion 24-7 72-6
Your Favourite Creationist? 2-7
Bad creation day 2-7
Public acceptance of evolution in 34 countries 1-3
Let's annoy Mathis a bit 2-5
dinosaurs and man 3-8 23-6
Why Natural Selection is a Hoax 8-7
This is why you never debate creationists ... 1-2 2-2
Family lives with corpse in hopes it'd come back to life 1-5 1-7
Good article by Shubin 1-2
Behe vs. Lampreys 1-2
Is Intelligent Design just as vague as Baraminology? 1-1
Ben Stein's "How to ruin American Enterprise" 2-6
Comparative intelligence 1-7
If Intelligent Design is a scientific theory... 1-9 2-1
The Flud (Part Deux) 1-2 1-4
Worst Atheist Arguments? 2-1
Ask a fundie!!! 2-6
ID Over Creationism (????) 1-2 1-5 2-1
Did Religion cause the "Dark Ages"? 29-5
Can you guess what it is yet? (Part 2) 45-3
Youtube user Aronra 2-2
Noah's Ark is a crock... 3-6 8-1 8-9
Intelligent map maker 2-3
Biologist Ken Miller on Colbert Report 1-1
the Golden Crocoduck 1-3
Conservapedia wants to see Lenski's research data 1-1 2-1 3-6 6-2 13-7
Calilasseia - Care to 'Have a Look' at This One? 2-3 2-10
AiG's scientific response to Lenski's paper on E. coli 1-5
Religious Tolerance? Take A Peek At This ... 3-10 5-8 6-2
What can't you stand about your own country? 16-6 16-8 21-7
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part II 3-9 4-4 4-8 7-8 8-2 8-4 8-6 9-6 11-10 12-1 14-2
NephilimFree's Challenge to Atheists and Evolutionists 1-8 14-1 27-8
Biblical glasses with lense correction vs Evolution glasses 1-2
"Creation Science" Vs. "Intelligent Design"? 1-4 4-4
[Poll] Nudity and the Law 7-10 8-5 8-8 9-5 9-7
Prof. Dawkins tour schedule 1-6
What are your favourite blogs ? 2-3
Tablet Ignites Debate on Messiah and Resurrection 8-1 8-3 8-5
Why the theory of evolution is mathematically impossible 5-5 5-7 8-1 8-8
Where atheists go after the die!!!!!!!!!!!!111one 1-1 2-2 2-7 2-9
Evidence AGAINST Noah's flood? 1-8 2-1 3-6
Dawkins & Dogma 3-5 4-4 7-6 7-7 9-4
Louisiana Passes Intelligent Design Law 1-7 4-1
PZ Myers, wafer biscuits, and intolerance ... 2-7 6-10 57-5 73-1
What Made You an Atheist? 13-6
The Creationist's Guide to Making Arguments 1-5 1-7 2-10 4-1
Religion in movies 1-2 1-4
the moose problem 2-5 2-7 5-2 7-2 9-10 10-3 10-7 16-7 17-4 19-10 20-5 23-5 23-8
Creationism finally disproved! 1-7
Who is Your Favorite God? 5-3 11-9 12-7
Atheist comedy 1-8 1-10 2-4 3-5 3-6 4-1
So... The Dark Knight (SPOILERS!) 3-3 3-6 3-10 5-10 6-4 7-7 14-3 15-5 16-10 17-3
YECs 'educate' kids at science museum. 5-7 6-10
what made me an atheist 1-5 3-3
All is caused 1-8
General Member Survey 21-1 21-2
Isn't it safe to assume God exists? 19-8
Atheists are boring according to 5-6 7-8 7-10 8-9
Dawkins' Ultimate Boeing Gambit torn to shreds 4-5 5-8
Are we just as devious sometimes? 1-3
Top 100 Atheist/Science YouTubers 3-1 4-1 4-6
Video - Eric Hovind speaking at a university.. 1-10 2-2
Hovind Video Dogs Dawkins 1-10 2-3
Understanding Intelligent Design - new book by Dembski 2-1 2-5
Pictures of thee, Thread Part III! 69-1 69-7 69-10 70-4 99-2
'Expelled' movie available for Amazon review 5-1 8-4
Does Richard Dawkins have any tattoos? 1-2
Birmingham City Council bans atheist websites. 5-4
93% of statistics are invented. 5-2 5-3 9-7
Rock Solid Proof 4-3
Photos of animals thread 2 2-4
Nature Photography 3-9 5-8
Help me smash this, please 1-2
Does anyone know.. 2-1
Veggie sharks 3-5
Measuring the "Colbert Bump" 1-2
Any writers here? 6-8 7-2
New letter from Darwin linking him to Hitler 1-1 1-5 1-6 1-8 1-10 3-9
Is there any evidence of the exodus at all? 2-10 3-2 3-5 3-8
Star wars or Star Trek or Stargate? 1-4 5-9
Why is "The Fall" rarely mentioned? 2-1 2-3 3-10 4-8 4-10 5-2 5-6 5-9
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin 16-3 16-5
The God Of Creationists Is A MORON ... 2-5
So Much for God and His 'Fine Tuning' for Life... 1-2 1-5
So you believe in dinosaurs, then? 3-4 6-2
Guess the film/movie and post another! 3-4 3-6 4-1 4-4 4-8 5-9 6-2
Put this in yer pipe and smoke it - damn atheists. 3-3
Jesus appears in a sink AGAIN 1-3
Putting the theists' money where their mouths are 1-1 1-5 2-2 3-1 3-6 3-8 4-1 5-1 5-10
Debating creationists - not a complete waste of time 2-6
Kirk Cameron stars in... 4-3 4-6
More idiocy from the morons at Uncommon Descent 1-2 1-10
Dinosaurs helped build the pyramids, school director says 1-10 2-2 2-4 3-6
A teacher on the front line as faith and science clash 1-10
The Creationist YouTube Hall of Shame. 1-10
My Social Anthro Paper 1-8 2-9
What's The Greatest Atheist Movie Ever Made? 7-3
How good are you to society? 3-6
Is Evolution Really What it Claims to Be? 11-8 12-7
It knew. It wanted change. 1-7
Jail for creationists? 1-2 2-3
Fellow Christians: if you're creationist, please read... 1-9 2-2 2-4
God The Ultimate Abortionist 1-5
NephilimFree 9-10
Doug loves PMs 1-3
US Presidential Election 2008 - VP Candidate Sarah Palin 91-7 92-10 93-2 97-5
Youtube Great video "Universe made easy" 2-1
Canadian election 13-1
Evolution Demolished: YouTube Series 1-5
Berlinski accuses Dawkins of lying 1-1 1-6 1-7 2-1
Latest from Thunderf00t 1-10
You can't handle the TRUTH!.. atheists.. so don't watch! 4-3
Evolutionists Flock To Darwin-Shaped Wall Stain 2-9
Jesus the Dino-Rider 1-4
Religious abuse by a music teacher 5-2
Soup, glorious soup! 4-10
Ken Miller youtube thread 1-2
I'm buying a *real* sword. Weapon fanatics enter here. 3-1
The Results of ID 1-5
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 4 33-2 35-2 64-7 82-5 83-3
Atheism vs Theism - Metaphors in Popular Culture 1-3
Eddie Izzard 1-8 2-2
What's the most awkward moment you've been in? 1-2
I'm bringing gifts... 1-2 1-8
2000 posts for lionheart1189 2-2
Looking for an atheist bumper sticker... 1-7
Debunking creationism in science class. 2-5 2-7 4-9
Anyone ever had a nervous breakdown? 4-6
Where should I emigrate to?? 5-3 5-7 6-1 6-3 6-6 6-7 6-9 10-1 10-4
Nearly tea-time..... 1-9
I think Jesus did exist 2-9
New Life being formed 1-2
How will a one-eyed cat help creationists? 2-2 2-8 3-1 3-4
My Priest 1-5
Dinosaur Egg 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-10 2-4 3-3 3-6 3-9 4-2
Whats the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? 1-2 1-6
The new Humph. 1-3
Why doesn't God Heal Amputees? 3-1
Endogenous Retro Viruses disproved 2-2 3-2
1000 posts for redwhine 2-6
Your proposal to save your country 13-6 14-10 15-3
Ex Homo Gives Lecture on the Gay Disease. 1-4 1-10
POST PARTY!!!! MCJ 5000 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1-3
US Presidential Election 2008-VP Candidate Sarah Palin, 2 34-7 45-10
VenomFangX vs Thunderf00t 6-5 8-3 10-3 13-2 13-8 14-2 15-2 15-4
JimC cracks 8K! 2-1
Football 2-2
Damn GIMP software. 1-2
THWOTH hits 5,000 posts! 1-3
Do millions of personal experiences count as evidence? 2-3
The other trouser leg of history 1-2
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain Part 3 76-3 77-7 81-3 81-7 86-5 88-4 88-8
Area of Texas/World population: Simple maths problem! Help! 3-1
George 'Sulu' Takei gets married! 3-5
Guess the movie game. 24-10 25-3 25-7 26-3 26-5 26-7 26-9 27-1 27-4 27-8 28-2 28-4 28-6 28-8 28-10 29-5 29-8 30-1 30-5 30-6 31-1 31-5 31-8 31-10 32-4 32-6 32-9 32-10 33-2 33-5 33-10 34-3 34-8 35-1 35-3 35-5 35-9 36-1 36-3 36-7 36-9 37-1 37-4 37-7 37-9 38-2 38-5 38-10 42-6 42-10 43-5 43-9 45-1 45-3 46-4 47-3 47-6 48-3 48-6 48-10 51-10
Your favourite science fiction character? 5-3 5-7
A Vegetarian Diet Shrinks the Brain 1-7
my backwards friend 1-3
Blue Butterfly 7,000, fundies 0! 1-4
Is creationism really a serious threat? 1-7 2-3
Do they have a case? Cougars Videotaped... 1-5
More nominees for the coveted Golden Crocoduck 2-2 2-3
If you had to fight someone famous, who would it be? 3-1
Alcohol 2-3
1000 posts for Occam's Laser! 1-3
dinosaurs, humans and cave drawings 4-9 5-1 5-4 5-6 6-1 6-3 7-9 11-4 11-6 12-10 13-2 13-4 13-8 13-10 14-2
Evolution? 1-4
Look Who's Irrational Now 1-6
Help ban dihydrogen oxide! 2-8
9,000 posts for Pappa! 5-4 5-6 6-8 6-10
GAH! Small black super fast thing in my house! 2-4 4-2 4-4
2000 wonderful posts from redwhine - hurrah! 1-4
Family Guy compilation 1-2
Roger Ebert on Creationism... not. 1-10 2-6
Best Cat Video Ever 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8
All Terrorists are Darwinists 1-8
The big 3000 for AshtonBlack! 2-4
The Big Fizzle, LHC Assessed By A Local YEC 1-8 2-3
Beer, wine or spirits? 2-10
Chess anyone? 1-7
US Presidential Debate Obama vs McCain 7-3
RIP Paul Newman 3-1
What is the opposite of a skeptic? 2-4
US Presidential Election 2008-VP Candidate Sarah Palin, 3 25-2 37-7 38-3 45-9 48-5 49-2 71-1 80-7 81-1 81-5 84-5 86-7 101-1
What year were you born in? (Chinese calendar) 4-2 4-4
I think I love Meekychuppet 5-4 18-4 18-7 19-6 25-4 26-5 27-3 27-9
Biblical Paradoxes 1-3 1-7
The Bible Explains Dinosaurs, Part 1 1-3
Evolution is nonsense. 9-3 11-4 14-9 21-4 21-7 21-8 22-1 22-3 22-7 23-1
Is it scientifically possible the animals on the ark... 1-4 2-6
God Prefers Atheists 2-6 2-9
Favourite Demotivational Posters 2-1 2-6
Music video for James Bond: Quantum of Solace 1-5
Proof that evolution is wrong 1-5
The Reinstate Meeky Chuppet Thread 2-10
I bought a new (used) bike! 1-2 1-5
Where are your ancestors from? 4-9
FigurinItOut 2K post party! 1-7 2-3
That guy...err..Even Adam posts a lot of posts! Huh? 5000! 1-1 1-3 1-8 7-9
The N00bcake of the Day 1-4 1-7
Cake Wrecks 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-7 1-8 1-9
Elephant gives birth to a man! With pic. 1-2
Is Atheism for intellectual elites? 2-5
6000 posts for Globe! 5-6
Both pdavids just hit 5000! 1-4 1-7
Is Cali this guy? 2-1 2-7
the four horsemen....who should lead us into battle 1-5 2-2
Radioisotope Dating - Google 1# result from creationist PoV! 2-1 2-3
You should be banned because.... thread 10-7
Who needs a good cry? 3-4
Katherine turns 31! 2-1 2-7 3-1 3-3 3-5 3-7 3-10
Defining "health" 1-2
The 3 word nonsensical story. 2-7 2-9 3-3 3-8 3-10 4-2
Just a bunch of hot air. 1-3 1-6 1-10 2-2 2-4 2-9
Is this a spoof of some kind? 1-3
Dane Cooks comedy about an Atheist 3-5
7,000 Posts, The Olympian Heights: Topsy Reaches Them! 3-2
1337th topic 1-9 2-2 2-4 2-7 2-9 3-1 3-3
Here's to the crazy ones - Atheist version (youtube-my clip) 1-2 1-3
How many people does Cali own. 1-3 1-7
yearbook yourself 1-2 1-4 1-7 2-4 2-6
The Truest Love Song Ever! 1-2
What villain would you be?! 3-1 4-3
Oldest Footprints on Earth Found 1-3 1-7 2-7 3-2
How do i expalin earth's Beginning and Evoloution to people 1-9
Rant: Jesus Ruined Rock And Roll, And Now He Wants My Movies 1-2 1-4
Is Richard rich? 1-6
Favourite Douglas Adams novel? 2-1 2-3
The stupidest guy on the planet! 1-2
'Zilla passes 17K 1-2 1-8 2-3 2-5 2-10 4-2 6-7
A deity-terminating 2K posts for Deicidal! 1-2 1-5 2-1 2-4 2-7 2-9 3-1 3-4
The coffee drinking thread 5-4 6-6 6-8
The book you are currently reading, what page are you on? 1-5
Suggestions for new forum after exodus. 6-4 7-4 11-10 12-2
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 5 25-7 25-10 27-2 29-7 29-10 30-2 39-8 41-9
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion II 21-10 23-6 33-1 77-10 78-7
NEW Forum guidelines (commentary) 45-2 46-2 46-9 47-1 47-8 49-9 51-8 52-3 52-5 53-4 54-2 56-4
Diversity Contradicts Creation 8-2 8-9
Favourite Professor Dawkins Youtube moment... 8-3
Ben Stein - Academic Freedom Petition 3-9 4-7 5-8 5-10
Archeology of Creationism 1-6
Does God Fart?> 1-2
Happy birthday earth... 1-4 1-6 4-10
The Evolution of Corn 1-5
Baptist preacher "birth control is murder". 2-3
Why are creationist books in the science section of my loc? 2-1 2-3
Expelled now available for instant viewing online at Netflix 1-5 1-8
If any evolutionists are up for an argument... 1-10
Creationist explanation of the "Big Rock" erratic in Alberta 1-5 1-8 2-4 2-9 5-6 9-2
US Presidential Election 2008-VP Candidate Sarah Palin, 4 5-10 7-6 8-5 24-3
Is it a bird...? 1-5
Genesises'... Genesis'esses'... THE TALKING SNAKE EXPLAINED. 1-4
How to avoid religious movies? 1-7
Dawkins Resurrection: God or ASBs? 1-3
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion III 57-5
Creationists shouldn't be allowed the fruits of biology 1-2
Anybody heard of Korea Association of Creation Research? 2-2
The Theory Of Evolution Completely Decimated In Under... 2-10
evolution of DNA 3-10
White atheist family WifeSwap with black fundie family (vid) 6-1
Fictional Atheists 4-9
Why isn't Germ Theory "only a theory"? 1-4
the ridiculousness of evolution 23-10 35-9
Overwhelmed by the Evidence: Evolutionist turned Creationist 1-1
Young VenomfangX supporter: Neither have you tasted my jesus 1-6
Legless lizards VS Snakes 3-1
Weikart Darwin to Hitler 3-4
Ray Comfort supporter video for your viewing pleasure... 1-2 1-4
3rd Creationist podcast listed in iTunes Science & Medicine 1-3
Infamous youtube creationist kills girl and himself 6-6 9-3 11-9
The Big Bang! 1-2
atheist obsession about Jesus existence is stupid 6-1
Why would even a proven resurrection be significant? 6-10
The Contradictions between the Creationist Movements 1-3
World of Warcraft anyone? 1-2
What Evolution is hiding from you (1) 2-4
Idahoans to extra-terrestrials: "Jesus Loves You" 1-6
The Top 5 Dumbest Things Creationists Say 2-5
Evidence of humans and dinosaurs living together. 11-6
Ida: Reveal the Missing Link in human evolution 8-7
God's human catalog; Extra cheap females 2-10
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube PT. II 9-2
Where did the Jews come from? 4-4
YEC Answers the Pressing Questions 3-4
Nothing? 4-6
How dare they! 1-9
Evolution Theory Science Or 3-10
An observation on the "Immoral Atheist" argument... 10-8
BBC article on creationist museum 1-10
How rich is Brazil? 2-6
Eric Hovind is a racist scumbag 1-4 3-10 6-10
imissbuddy tries to refute the Theory of Evolution 11-1
Creation 'science': Population Under Control 1-6
Top evolution articles are written by creationists 1-9
What is your favourite religion? 2-1
Thunderf00t vs Ray Comfort: Let's do this 5-4 7-7 18-5
Mistaken Debunkery 2-5 2-6
Eric Hovind, deluded Fludist 2-2
Holy Crap! my cousin believes Kent Hovind 6-8 10-1
How the Celts Saved Britain: bbc documentary 1-10
Index to Creationist Claims 3-7
400 Million-Year-Old penis found 1-3 says abiogenesis is discredited. 1-3 1-9
2 priests, 2 nuns, threesome & murder 1-2
What holidays do you celebrate and why? 3-10
The Astounding Atheist! (comic) 2-3 4-2 4-7
PZ gets a warning... 2-4 9-5
Can this be really a product of evolution?! 2-2
Free Will vs Omniscience 5-8 6-1 6-6 6-9 7-3 7-5 9-4 10-4
I'd call it karma, but... 1-9
"Successful Predictions by Creationist Scientists" 4-2
Books That Made Better Movies Than They Did Books 6-9
Thunderf00t! 1-9
Criticising Religion - Not the way forward 34-9
8 irrefutable reasons that god does exists. IRREFUTABLE! 6-2
Why does Harry Potter appeal to adults? 7-4
The mother of all debunks? 1-7
Your Faith Your Birth Location Your Family 1-4
No lack of IDiots 2-8
That sneaky Richard Dawkins 1-4
Slow growth in number of Americans citing no religion 1-3
Favourite Jack Chick Tract? 2-7
Experiment: Are Atheists More Likely to be Autistic? 3-7
Well, I'm convinced. 3-6 4-2
A nice little quote from someone at Rapture Ready.. 3-4 3-6
A Wikipedia game, if you'll humour me. 3-4 3-6
Good Memories 1-2
Who is your favorite theist? 1-9
funniest demotivational posters 2-2 3-1 3-4
Atheism? 2-8
AIG lamely trys to diss PZ - and fails 1-7
"The lord" plans to destroy Japan with Ken Ham DVD's 1-3
In which T.Estes gets testy with Prof. Dawkins 2-3
Human Existense. 1-5
This "Inglorious Bastards" or however they're spelling it... 2-1 2-8 3-2
"What do you want written on your tombstone?" 20-6
The Atheist Moral-O-Meter 3-6
Teen Suicide: Who is Responsible 2-4 7-1
Movie Reccomendations 5-6 6-7 7-2 7-5
It's AWFUL 1-10
Hottest Horror Heroines 1-5 1-7 5-3
NEVER ask a question on YahooAnswers. EVER. 2-5
Top 10 Sexiest Scientists 4-5
How inaccurate is the bible? 18-5
Old Earth for the layperson 2-5 6-1 13-10 14-9 15-5 18-3
A creationist says: love is a proof that evolution is wrong 2-3
Fossils out of Place 3-6
Latest example of pareidolia from the Pacific 23-8 23-10
When Ray Comfort's preaching tactics don't work 1-5
Abolish the word Creationism? 3-4
Top 10 Favorite Movies 1-4
Ardipithecus (Article: 'Did apes descend from us?') 2-7
Examime yourself 3-4
What are your favourite supernatural creatures? 5-6 7-3 8-1
Invention Of Lying- 100% Atheist movie. 1-8 2-3
Golden Crocoduck voting has begun! 2-9 5-7
The stupidity of people, it's truly amazing 1-8 2-3
Everyone says something nice about the person above them 26-6
Another Glorious Smackdown ... 2-3
Latest stupidity from Rapture Ready 1-9 3-3
Where the Wild Things Are 1-9 2-5
Circumcision... 2-3
Canadians? 1-8 6-5 11-2 12-1
So I was bored... 1-9
What do you see in my avatar? 3-10 4-7
Asshole things you do 1-5
I need your help - Choose my next avatar 1-6
Global Flood -Is There Concrete Evidence? 2-7
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve and evolution 2-2
The Creationist Olympics 6-1
Ethical Hunting; Shooting; Guns; Animal Husbandry; etc... 31-4
Mood of the day... 2-4
What to do on the internet? 1-2
Do invisible pink unicorns exist? 8-1 8-7
5000+ <---+ 3-3
Do any other atheists LOVE Christmas/this season? 1-10 2-2
There IS a God!!!! 1-4
Is Anyone Else Tired of The Twilight Craze? 3-7 6-3 18-6 18-10
10 uses for.. 17-6
2012- the movie 1-9 3-7 4-10
Religion Is Superior To Science 3-1
Who or what is your favourite comedic character? 10-10
Bad grammar? 11-2 19-7 20-2
‘War on Christmas’ News 20-9
Shakespeare 2-2
Would you rather be tall or long lived? 1-3 2-5 3-8
Kent Hovind's doctoral dissertation posted on Wikileaks 13-3
Were you ever a creationist? 1-3
I quit smoking! 1-3
Should 20-20 replace ODI's 1-4
Atheists, how many people have you raped and murdered? 7-3
Ethical hunting 2-1
Have you been debaptized since you are now an atheist ? 5-8
Jesus and Mo: Atheists on South Park 1-2
Catholics killed Dark Materials trilogy 3-6
I just discovered a new kind of book. 2-8
Second-grader suspended over violent drawing of Jesus 1-4 3-2
Calilasseia honored in Pharyngula creationism contest! 3-9
Are Atheists Allowed to Believe in Demi-Gods? 1-1 2-1
Carnivores Chat 8-3
Best Films of the Decade 14-6
greatest Greek 4-10
Back to Basics! How Do Creationists Explain Dinosaurs? 3-8
What movies have you watched recently? 12-10 13-2 16-7 18-7 18-10 21-2 21-10
Yep, i watched Expelled 4-9
The Book of Eli (Spoilers) 2-8
What kind of novel you loves? 1-6
Worst books you've had the intense displeasure of reading? II 6-8
Would You torture a baby to end world suffering? Part 1 38-6 39-5
Are you proud...? (poll) 3-4
Do animals commit suicide? 1-3
never mind god, does the g-spot exist 3-9
Bad movie history 1-9 4-9
What board games do you play? 2-4 2-6
My favourite religious people 2-1
Darwin the Race Warrior 17-8 32-6 37-3 37-6 41-1
The C word and the N word 1-2 1-8
Which country would you like to live in? 5-3
Have you ever been to church? 5-8
What do other nationalities think of us Brits? 15-9 16-6 18-10 20-2 20-6 20-9 21-9
'Cause Ray KNOWS... 2-1
POLL: Which Movie Should Win The Oscar's 2010 Best Picture? 1-7
Funniest editing of movies for TV 1-2 2-9
Everything & Anything: The Martial Arts 1-9
2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver 1-1 2-10 3-9 4-5 5-7 6-3 6-4
Movies You've Seen So Many Times You Could Recite Them 7-10
The Stupidest Thing You've Done to Yourself ??? (Pt 2) 9-1 9-3
Fan Fiction 1-4 1-6 1-8
Which 2010 Winter Olympic Athlete(s) Do You Admire? 4-1