List of Postings of User Cassio

Jesus Camp : The Movie 38-4 38-5 38-7 38-8 39-1 42-8 43-1 48-10 53-3 59-3
100 Reasons Why Being An Atheist Is Great!!! 20-4 20-9
What evidence would make you believe in a God? 71-9
Favourite Dawkins Book? 17-4
Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 60-1 60-5
Atheism can damage your sex life 7-6
Do you think Women have a higher tendency to be religious? 7-2 12-10
Houston Texas - Are there Atheist here? 2-10
Any bright suggestions what we should call ourselves? 124-5 124-9 125-1
Giordano Bruno 10-4
How old are you? 38-6
George Orwell's 1984 8-8 9-8 10-5
What to do with your corpse 8-4
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 22-10
The Picture Thread 58-8 66-10 67-1
Why men really do prefer blondes 12-7
Atheism as "just another belief". 42-10
Richard Dawkins vs. Ted Haggard 2-5 2-8 2-9 3-1
The Top 10 Atheist Songs 8-9
PBS/NOVA on intelligent design - Nov. 13 5-2
Why are people so touchy about religion? 9-10
earliest memories of disbelief? 2-6 3-1
Greetings from Houston, Texas USA 1-1
I think this may very well cause me to vomit 2-5
The Professor on German Television 1-9 2-10
Further proof of atheist hate in the U.S. bible belt. 1-2
Flying Spaghetti Monster hits the headlines 9-1
Texas School Board Now Run By Creationist 3-4 3-9
Turning point in US history? 1-2
Why do Americans insist on mispronouncing "nietsche' 1-7
Christian "moderates" 1-1 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 3-1 3-4 4-3 4-6 8-4
Most depressing song 3-9 3-10
WHAT!? 2-8
Megachurch leader in mega-scandal 3-3
Hitchens misquoting Aquinas? 1-1 2-3
Romney: Questioning Joseph Smith's disciples "un-American"! 1-1 1-3
The Blonde Delusion... 3-5
Would you get out of America? 4-3 6-3 9-10 10-3 13-7 14-4
Question for Christians about the Gospels 10-4
Coping with death 2-9
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 1-9 2-7 40-1 53-9 58-1 58-3 58-6 62-1
NY Times: Taking Science on Faith 1-1 2-2
New level of pretentiousness... 1-8
Do you take good care of your books? 1-10 2-5 3-2 3-9 3-10 12-5 17-2 17-4
Turkey to "Investigate" The God Delusion 2-5
Oral Roberts University Gets $70M Pledge 1-1 1-3
William Blake Turns 250 Years Old Today 1-1
An Atheist's Love Life 4-8
The Pope Blasts Atheism 1-1 1-9 1-10 9-4 18-10
Teddy Bear names 4-7
The Debate of the D's: D Dennett v D D'Souza 3-5
Homo Erectus: Most Embarrassing Classification in Science? 1-1
Science curriculum director resigns from TX Education Agency 2-1 2-2 2-4
Aldous Huxley and Brave New World 3-4
romney and mormonism 3-10 4-4 4-9 5-5
Bono 2-4
Sam Harris v. Rabbi David Wolpe 1-6 1-7 5-7 6-1
Hitchen on Mormons 3-3
"Atheism's Wrong Turn" by Damon Linker 1-1
sick catholic funeral 3-5 3-6
Some thoughts on Dawkins BBC interview 1-6
Reason, Evidence, and The Book of Mormon 1-4 1-5 1-6 3-6 3-7 3-9 12-4
Nosey Journalist 5-10
The Four Horsemen DVD by RDF now available 3-4 4-4 4-6 4-7 5-5 5-6 6-8 8-5 9-8
Best smackdown of "atheists are immoral" argument 3-3 3-4
Depressing lack of change 4-8
Churches come tumbling down 3-7
Richard Dawkins vs. Martin Luther 2-2
90 Shelves at Barnes & Noble 1-1
Soft Tissue Dinosaurs Shock Evolutionists! 3-6
What do people think of Tennessee? 3-3
And the 5th horseman of Atheism is... 4-2 6-4
Why are the US so religious? 2-9 2-10 3-1 4-6
'In God We Trust' Will Have Prominence on New Coin 2-4 2-5
Poll: Obama/Clinton 18-4
Joseph Smith was a smart f***er 11-1
"I didn't major in math. I majored in miracles..." 2-3
New Testament - when it was written 6-1
Danish Muhammad cartoons reprinted feb. 13th '08 in Denmark 9-7
How Is "Intelligent Design" Still An Issue In America? 1-9 1-10 2-10 3-9 3-10
How Does A 'God' Author A 'Holy Book'? 2-4
This site, objectives, questions 33-1
Atheism - is it 'bleak'? 3-2
Missionaries suggest I "pray" 2-4
Charles Barkley on The Situation Room: GOP full of “fake Chr 1-7
Discrepancies in Bible turn scholar into agnostic 2-3
Do you regard yourself as an 'Anti-theist'? 2-10
Things that annoy me about some atheists 2-1 6-9 6-10 14-1 19-3 24-3
Why do we believe in God? £2m study prays for answer 1-6 3-9
Small Town, Kentucky 1-6
Oh my God... It's so simple! 2-10
How did we come to atheism? 1-7
How will you spend friday night? 4-10
Real Virgin Birth in Kansas 1-1
Americans switching faiths, dropping out 5-2
Why Did Sir Isaac Newton And Others Believe In God? 19-10
My recent brush with religious tensions... Made me sad. 1-9 1-10
Being An Atheist 2-1 2-10
"21-year-old fathers seventh child" 4-10
Moses was tripping at Mount Sinai 2-5
Woman jailed for teapot worship 2-6 2-7 2-9 3-10
Your Religion is Not My Government 1-1
Hordes Flocking to 'Miracle Lamb' 1-3
Atheism = Failure 2-2 3-9
Wackiest things you've heard from Christians 3-4
NY Governor Spitzer Involved in a prostitution ring? 10-4
"Darwin was a Racist" Abusive Ad Hom 29-10
Why do rational people persist in irrational beliefs? 2-10
The always existing "GOD" is proved to be correct. 15-8
Obama's racist pastor 6-10 12-3 20-8
paul tillich's take on faith 1-6 2-2
Hotel Bibles 3-5
How dumb is blue collar America? 1-6
Christopher Hitchens - devout atheist! 1-5
RD & PZ at the Expelled movie 5-4 10-4
Texas Newbie Here (Family help needed) 1-2
since everyone has wasted their time on Obama's minister 2-2 2-4 3-4
Antipotheosis' depressive anxiety disorder rantings... 3-2 3-4
Barack Obama - Atheist or not? 5-6 12-3
Do you find people just dont get it? 5-9
FSM statue in Tennessee 1-10
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 7-9
"Darwin's Rottweiler Richard Dawkins is about to get a... 1-2 2-7
Hello, from Mississippi 2-3
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 7-7 7-10
A Universe Not Made For Us - Carl Sagan 1-2
"It's dangerous for children to know atheism exists!" 2-9 2-10 15-3
Dozens of children removed from polygamist ranch 4-1 4-2
Richard Dawkins appearing on Bill Maher April 11, 2008 1-3
I know my rights!!!!!! 2-10
The “Good Old Days” were shit 3-3 3-4
Shakespeare - Best of the plays to read? 6-1
Historical Sources on Jesus 9-2
What is the strangest/most unusual book or books that you ow 1-10
Where was GOD born? 3-4
Sad Day.... George Carlin is Dead 11-7
George Bush, Worst in US History? 12-3
Worst books you've had the intense displeasure of reading? 33-7 34-1 35-9
Defending Shakespeare... 4-1 6-4 6-5 7-1 7-2
Descent Into Ignorance 1-7
"The Bible's Buried Secrets" on PBS starting November 18 1-9
Christopher Hitchens Debates Rabbi Wolpe on God 2-1
Ted Haggard breaks his silence 4-9
Vatican 'forgives' John Lennon 4-7
What book opened your eyes? 5-6 8-2
Where do atheists find comfort? 11-9
"Legends of the Saints" (Catholic nonsense) 1-1
Obama's inauguration 33-1
What is Richard's evaluation of The Dead Sea Scrolls? 4-9
Still haven't read it ... oh the shame ... 3-4 3-5 3-6 4-6 5-4 5-9 6-3 6-7
Obama to create faith-based office 4-1 4-2 4-5 4-6 6-10
Vomit. 10-8
Texas Teacher Fired on Suspicion of Atheism 6-7 6-8
Eye Evolution 1-1
"A dedicated Darwinian would welcome genocide" 4-10 5-1
Why is latin america so religious??? 1-3
The Myth of the Council of Nicea and the Bible 4-8
Exodus - any historical basis whatsoever? 2-5 3-3 3-4 3-8 3-10
Should we class The Bible as fiction? 10-2
Texas School Board Creationism Brouhaha 4-5 5-6 6-2
The million gods project 51-8 52-4
Hello; professional Christian and closet atheist here 1-6
Vatican official calls atheist theories 'absurd' 2-9
Richard Dawkins in Oklahoma 5-9 6-5 7-8 8-5
"The Passion of the Christ" by Mr Mel Gibson 1-1 3-8 8-10
Is the T.V. addicting? 1-6
Boteach is now doing sex talk on Dr Phil... 1-2
Americans Favor Teaching "Both Sides" of Evolution 1-1 1-4 3-5
83 pages of Darwin fashion & accessories 1-1
Chuck Norris claims thousands of right wing cell groups exis 2-2 5-7 5-8
Poll: America Hates Limbaugh 8-6 9-8 10-6
Dissilusioned with Dawkins 1-10 2-1 2-2 3-6 3-7
Why do theists insist on a SINGLE god ? 3-2
Hello from Oklahoma! 1-5
Glenn Beck 912 project 2-3
The worst thing Ronald Reagan ever said or did Poll. 1-9 4-7
A.I.G. Planning Huge Bonuses After $170 Billion Bailout 1-1
Gospel Music... 1-9
Why has Christianity survived for so long? 3-6
Who could have imagined AIG? 1-9
Is there anything i can do for American atheists? 1-5
New Shakespeare Portrait? 1-1
Christopher Hitchens – 60th Birthday 3-4 3-10
Resurgence of Russian Orthodox Church 1-1
Socrates vs Jesus 3-6 5-10
Hitchens vs. an infanticide-defending religious nut 3-1 3-2
Texas up for sale 2-10 3-1
What did Jesus look like? 8-2
Living life to the fullest 2-10 3-7
Was Jesus Real? (Part 2) 21-6 22-10 23-10 27-5 81-10
Has the Internet Helped Advance Atheism? 1-1
Things From America You Like 9-6 9-7
Wendy Wright's interview with RD 8-7
It's just a theory - other theories ? 3-3
Atheists know more about the bible than christians 8-2
The Downfall of Theory of Evolution? 43-6
Richard Dawkins' The Greatest Show on Earth 7-1 7-7 7-8 12-5
Can someone explain to me RE: Discovery Institute 2-3 2-4
Can this be really a product of evolution?! 8-7
Criticising Religion - Not the way forward 52-1 52-5 52-6 56-7 56-10 57-5 73-9
Greatest Book ever written 3-6
Hovinds theme park - seized 1-10
Creationist Derail From "Holes" In Evolution... 2-2
Pure Hatred for Religion 11-8 12-7
How To Stay Christian in College 1-4
Who's dumber, Sarah Palin or G.W. Bush? 2-6
Former Baptist pastor indicted on murder charge 1-1
New Member: "The Ultimate Proof of Creation" 5-9
Favourite Jack Chick Tract? 2-9 3-1
11,000 Sorties And Climbing ... 3-6
Let's get rid of "probably doesn't exist" theory 24-9
Yale Press Bans Images of Muhammad in New Book 1-1 1-10 3-9
"If life has no purpose..... 5-10
The Six Questions For Richard Dawkins: 12-1 13-5
How do atheists grieve? 1-7
When Did Genesis Stop Being Accepted As Factual? 1-1 1-6
the role of peer pressure in religion 2-9
"What do you want written on your tombstone?" 5-8 5-9
Pope blames atheists for Global Warming 2-9
Entomology Open Day, Liverpool Museum 1-4
Ben Stein? Stein? Stein? 2-1
Most annoying creationists arguments 2-9
Glenn Beck: "I Was A Dirtbag & Liar But I'm Not Now!" 6-9 7-6
Genesis as an outline of how life evolved 5-9 11-6
Hi from Texas. Can I get some advice? 2-4
How does moderate religion foster fundamentalism? 1-10 2-1
You Believe in Mass Murder 14-10
Do you consider religion to be a form of brainwashing? 4-7
Why does Dawkins wear a tie? 10-5 10-6
Evolution film too hot a potato for USA 9-10 11-3
A Christian's Response to "The God Delusion" 3-3
Are these just myths? 3-10
Telemarketer Pwnage 1-7
Your favourite obviously false bible bits 3-3 6-2
Creationists to EDIT ORIGIN of SPECIES - THEN Distribute! 24-3 25-3 25-7
Huge Saxon Treasure Hoard Found 2-6
I can't believe it... 2-5
30 GOP Senators Vote To Defend Gang Rape 9-3 9-5 9-6 9-7 10-1 10-3
The 2 stooges have insane message to Dawkins 3-8 3-9
You'll Never Know 2-10 4-1 4-4 4-5 5-2 5-10
What are you currently reading? (Part IV) 25-4
The Hitch: Debating with theists 1-10 3-9
Is Religious Studies Useless? 3-6
Darwin Was Wrong Conference: November 13-14 - Costa Mesa, C 1-1 1-10 2-5 3-2 3-5
Who will admit that they like country, folk, etc. music? 3-5
Cheesiest Songs EVER 6-6 6-7
Non Fiction readers 4-3
CREATIONISTS-READ THIS [Creationist discussion derail] 9-10
Did Jesus Exist? - II 38-4 38-5 38-9
The most outlandish "defense" of the (biblical) flood 3-4
Worst album covers 5-2 5-3
How Do you feel about having Atheist Conventions? 2-10 3-10
Debate Hitchens, Harris, Dennett vs Boteach, D'Souza, Wright 1-7
Religion Is Superior To Science 8-7 10-2 10-7
Arseholes Anonymous - those shy gospel writers 3-1
greek latin 2-3
incontrovertableble fallacy of Darwinian evolution 2-5
Ray Comfort Aftermath 1-8
Apologetics 2-1 2-2 2-6 2-8
Christianity 4-8
An observation about the South (US) 1-2
12,000 and climbing ... 2-2
John Lennon vs. Bob Dylan 3-3 4-6 4-7 4-8 6-1 6-6 6-7 12-8 12-9 12-10 14-5 14-6
The most pivital moment for the rise of Atheism 1-7
"New Quantum Theory Topples Einstein's Spacetime" 2-5
The Myth that there is no debate in the Scientific Community 16-5
Origin of Life: Generating RNA Molecules in Water 2-1
Shakespeare 4-1
RD calls Ray Comfort an idiot (split thread) 6-7
How did you became Atheist? 15-3
So the mormons stopped by... 1-7
Help with Fine Tuning Argument 3-6
Alfred Korzybski -- Anybody Here Ever Read His Work? 2-1
Hilarious Christian Rap Video !!! 1-3
Cosmic Evolution Theory Has A Black Hole? 6-3 6-4 6-5
What would make an evolutionist believe in a creator? 8-2
Kent Hovind's doctoral dissertation posted on Wikileaks 12-4
Why Did Darwin Ignore Mendel? 1-1 1-10
A designed universe 15-8
Richard Dawkins to be featured on Elders with Andrew Denton 9-1 12-1
Did Jesus Exist? - III 17-5 35-3 52-8 52-9 83-5
Show me your demotivational posters! 2-5
Poll nearly 50% Americans think gay is a choice 3-6
*facepalm* or the Alex Jones thread... 3-1 3-2
Attack on Pope during Christmas Mass 9-8
Has The God Delusion sold 8.5 million copies? 1-1 1-6
Thoughts On Wal-Mart 4-5
Show us your bookshelves 13-1
Rush Limbaugh in Hospital 9-7 9-8 10-4 15-1 17-1
What the shit is this? 4-2
Relic Prooves the Ark was circular 2-8
Bart Ehrman on 1 Corinthians 11 1-7
evolutionists can believe in God too 7-8 7-9
How to Disprove Evolution Using Science 7-3 17-9
Convincing a creationist that the bible is not 100% accurate 2-3
Texas conservatives now control US science texts 3-3 3-5 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 4-8 5-3 6-2 6-3 7-3 9-2
Why do atheists read Bart Erhman? 2-9
Does Not Believing in the God of the Bible Compel Nihilism 2-9 15-4
Does atheism have an agenda? 2-3 2-4
The Dark Ages 21-10
The consequences of a global flood for aquatic life 2-1
How did life begin? 3-5
Darwin the Race Warrior 37-2 41-9
Have you ever been to church? 9-5 9-6
Sarah Palin's Tea-Party Speech 2-8 2-9 5-4
Glenn Beck’s American Revival Tour! Featuring David Barton!! 1-1
Keith Ward's reply to 'The God Delusion' 7-2
The Conservative Manifesto: "The Mount Vernon Statement" 1-8