List of Postings of User JenniferT

Does Richard Dawkins exist? 6-7
Another Milestone in my Life as an Atheist...... 13-8
Fear of Death 11-7
Organ donation - presumed consent 12-7
Richard Dawkins is not a toaster. 10-6
Positive Atheist Characters in TV and Movies 12-8 12-10
The Top 10 Atheist Songs 5-8 18-9
"Jesus shed his Beaujolais Noveau for mankind on the cross" 1-7
Jedi Knights census phenomenon 1-10
One Person One Vote. The basis for democracy. 2-5
Who would Dawkins vote for? 1-5
Secular remembrance services 1-2
Royal Mail..... 1-8 2-3
God made chimps in his image just for us! 1-7
Christmas vs. Holiday 1-4
Describe your political inclinations 2-4 4-1
What's the most happy song you know? 5-2
Child Preaching Competition - Baby Bible Bashers 1-4 2-4
Challenge to Atheists 7-9
Cultural Christianity: Cop-out or OK ? 3-10 4-10
Religion Books for Children 9-1
Annoying atheists: please, just shut up. 6-8
Libertarians: Take the CCTV challenge. 5-9
Superstition 3-6
test your logic on the existence of God 4-5
Attenborough - Life in Cold Blood 2-1
Why do people do this to dogs? 1-3
Do you care if your physician believes in god ? 1-2
Fundamentalist Atheists v Fundamentalist Theists 2-8
Portuguese municipality chose "atheist symbol" 1-2
Sitting through a funeral as an atheist 2-8
What have you learned from this forum? 4-2
Huckabees son tortured Dogs -familly values ? 2-3
UK Scout Association Bars atheists 3-6
Is a religious bangle acceptable in school? 1-10
Halal Meat in Subway 1-10
The Politics Delusion. 1-2
Using religious terms in day to day language 1-3
BBC Radio 4: Thought for the Day 17-3
Alan Davies? Atheist? 1-9
The System - Derren Brown Fri 9pm 1-4
Religious symbols in public life… 1-7
UK -- state funded christian dentists 1-5
Think twice! 1-4
90 Day Jane 6-10
Idiot's Guide to Prayer 1-5
Atheist Kicked Out of Class for Not Standing During Pledge 6-5
Strictly Come Dancing - UK 2008 20-4 25-10
Secular / Humanist / Atheist Christmas Cards 7-3
Anyone from Scotland? 3-9
I might not vote! 5-3
The book you are currently reading, what page are you on? 2-6 2-8 2-10
Woo 6-6
Jehovas Witnesses at my door 2-7
Freeman Dyson and God 1-3
How to avoid religious movies? 2-1
What gives? 1-8
The next Richard Dawkins 1-3 1-8
Why do mirrors flip the image left to right ... 8-6
Is it true that a bible won`t burn? 4-7
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion III 70-1
Religion in State Schools - UK 1-7
The Limits of Knowledge 2-3
Past Lives and Regression - Do the Math 1-2
You know you're an atheist when... 1-5 1-6
The Hitchhiker's Guide - What's the big deal? 1-6
new NHS guidelines; "Welcome back religion... 4-1
Atheist Bus Campaigns, Pt. 2 4-7 4-9 16-9
dog intelligence 4-7 5-8
The Exam -- An Atheist Fable 2-9
Any atheists 'seen God'? 1-4
There is a fundamental crisis with God. 2-2
Help me understand why this still affects me... 3-10
Sir David Attenborough 3-9 6-3
Weirdo survey of weirdos: they're weird 1-1
Toilet Paper Preacher 1-6
Poll claims creationism on rise in UK 1-1
Subliminally Atheistic Movies? 1-6
Another Ray Comfort website. Aaarrrggghhh! 1-2
Nurse suspended for offering to pray for patient 7-7
Another insane antievolutionist for your amusement 1-1
I can't unread it! 4-3
"RSPCA stealing food from Scottish Animals" 1-2
Still haven't read it ... oh the shame ... 4-9
'There definitely is a God' Bus adverts 2-8 4-2
what do you do if someone offers to pray for you 2-7
Does God Exist? 3-1 3-8 6-5
I could write better apologetics than Ray Comfort 1-1
Bishop Fuming At Chimney Arrest 3-9
Belfast museum faces legal battle over Darwin exhibition 1-6
Dad at 13 5-8
On what moral issues have you changed your mind? 1-6
You Killed TRAVIS! . . .YOU B*STARDS! 1-4
How certain? A game. 2-6
Politely Disagreeing with Dawkins 5-10 6-4 6-6 6-8
Better to believe in God 2-6
AN Wilson on Faith and Evidence 1-2
Weird Moral Dilemmas 1-2
Handing out the New Testament 1-3
Almost Died? Tried Suicide? Care to Share? 10-5 10-9
Father Knows Best: How Did Adam & Eve's Kids Have Kids? 3-1
Camp Quest on BBC 1-2
Charities in line with Non-religious values 1-2
Suggestions on things to write in hotel bibles please 2-10
Why God Exists 4-8
Your usernames 12-1
Dawkin's books has such lame titles 2-10
Compare The Meerkat - You Couldn't Make It Up!! 1-3
Douglas Adams fairy quote 1-1 1-3 1-7
Confirmation Bias vs. The Square Wheel 1-7
POLL: Do you binge drink? / Discussion 7-5
Voter Apathy in the UK 1-9 5-1
It's NICE to be an Atheist. Why? 4-8
Clever hoaxes 3-1
Examime yourself 8-6
Steven Pinker to speak at my tiny little college… 1-7
All arguments for God's existence are circular 1-6
Atheists and death 1-7 6-3
Top 3 books for and against evolution? 2-1
Not frequently enough asked question: POE? 1-1 1-3
Italian Burka ban 4-2
Restore to Default 2-3
Christian Fundamentalism vs Orwell's 1984 1-2
Death 4-2
LHC being sabotaged from the future 1-6
Facebook Quizes - God in Schools and Evolution/Creation 1-6
Lives, like money, are spent. What are you buying with yours 1-2
Rapture tomorrow? 6-7
Talk To God, Right Now! 1-10 4-4
RDF Good Egg Experiment Round 1 of 3 2-1
Is it possible for god to commit suicide? 2-2
Questionnaire 4-5
RDF Good Egg Experiment - Round 2 of 3 1-7
Yearn for simpler times? 2-4
Puppy kicked to death? 7-5 7-9 22-10 36-5
most boring topics in the universe 3-3
Proving God Right Here Right Now 3-7
Dot 1-3
What is the Purpose of Life? 1-2
What do you call... 1-2
answering theists on atheism 1-5
I Am 100% Certain There Is No God 3-1
Dinner with five people, living or dead? 1-10
The "God" Game 1-5
Breed! Breed! Breed! says Chief Rabbit 1-1 3-6
[1 in 20] UK kids think Hitler 'was German football coach' 2-7 4-5
Dead Atheists 1-2
Anne Widdecombe on female ordination 1-3
What would you do if you were Pope? 3-7 4-7
Is Anyone Else Tired of The Twilight Craze? 2-5
If God existed would atheist obey him? 2-10
Graphology Woo on the BBC where do I complain? 1-2
Would you hire me? 2-5
Is everyone equivalent? 1-6
Census and the Religion question 1-5
"Unsung heroes" survey hits snag... 1-1
Campaign against labelling children (& religious schools) 5-8
Just picked up a copy of Comforts Origin of Species 2-4
Now you can go to Mass at home... 1-5
Add a Wiki for Debate Points 1-2
MASS: We Pray, the video game! 1-3
Who are you? 2-1
The coming UK election 1-4
When we are gone... 1-4
Can I pray to the stars? 3-8
Apologetics 1-6
"praying" in headline when not in media article - others ? 1-3
'Our unborn baby looks like Michael Jackson!' 1-4
Bizarre article: 'Analysis: Darwin vs. Genesis...' 1-8
Atheist Letter Writing Campaign 1-8
Quarter life crisis 1-7
The most pivital moment for the rise of Atheism 2-5
Jeremy Hardy "Hates Dawkins" shocker 1-9 3-4
atheist Songs 1-4
Reclaim Consent? 1-2 4-1 5-1
Proportion of ex-theists here 1-9 2-8
If we had to........ 3-5
believing without evidence 1-6
Miracle Iron 5-7
Worst lyrics ever 3-8 5-1 7-8
Is there a religion that doesn't requires worshiping its God 2-1
Too fat to graduate or get on a plane? 32-8 41-6
Demon Appears in Wedding Photo - True? 6-10 7-9
Name of the cute experience phenomena 1-4
A GOOD use of religious iconography 3-1
How often has science been wrong? 3-2
Don't have to read RD's Delusion book 1-10
Denied job seekers, commits suicide 2-4
Would you allow a random murder for $1m? 1-9 6-2 6-10 12-4
Kindergarten religious haircut in court 2-3
A simple one-panel cartoon can say a lot about Christianity. 1-4
Cosmic Evolution Theory Has A Black Hole? 1-2
Oddly enough I need to defend Christianity. 2-4
Male feminists insult women? 1-5 8-3
Teaching politics in schools? 2-2
Party Politics is Not Democratic 1-2
The Radio Station Hypothetical 1-4 1-9 2-7 4-5
Bda Spellgin 1-2
You, as an evolutionist, can't explain the Big Bang? 1-3
Natural selection and the second law 1-3
Michelle Duggar gives birth to baby No. 19 4-8
Atheists, how many people have you raped and murdered? 2-1
Scientific method proves order cannot exist w/o intelligence 1-7
OK, Just Daft Nonsense I Know But.. 1-5
What is the coolest animal from an evolutionary perspective? 8-3
Auschwitz Sign Stolen 1-2
Teacher 'sacked' after prayer for pupil 3-1 3-8 6-8
What do you do when at a church wedding? 3-4
Numbers 1-2
Meaninglessness and Motivation 1-2
Good-bye ‘pope on a rope’ 2-6
Did you make it this year? 3-4
Interesting Debate 1-10
Dawkins is too aggressive/strident/impolite etc. 11-7 12-3 12-5
Tsunami: Where was God? 1-8
Day of The Triffids - New BBC version 1-5
Favorite stuff from the decade 1-7
converted but confused 1-5
Couple with 14 Children Refuse to Work 5-6
Christian Group Plans to Change the Names of the Days of the 2-2
The rapist and the christian 1-1
Are you a lunatic ?? 1-7
Breeders - A threat to our continued existence? 2-10
Is Minesweeper biased against god? 1-2
Timescale of evolution 1-1
Stephen Baldwin 2-2
"God" doesn't exist 2-3
New and young atheist (England) 1-6
Who really reads the Bible?Christians or Atheists? 2-1
Doubting Richard Dawkins 1-4
Atheists in Entertainment and the Media 1-7
What actually happens when a cataclysm is imminent? 1-4
UK: Election Chat 1-3 6-3
UK, the land of depravity? 1-3
RDF T-shirt Discrimination 1-3
How do you deal with life's blows? 2-7
Digital Piracy 2-8
Which is more dangerous SCIENCE or TENNIS? 2-2
‘Liberty’ goes to court over right to wear crucifix 2-1
Not being able to disprove God does not disprove he exists. 2-3
What happens to the intellectually disabled? 1-4
Why does god allow natural disasters? - Haiti 8-3
New BBC series: How Earth Made Us... 1-5
I made a scene today because I wasn't praying when asked. 1-8
Evidence? 3-10
Woman feeds daughter urine in attempt to keep her alive 1-6
Genesis 6:3 2-9
Life, a disappointment Part 1 4-3 10-2 19-3 19-5 23-3 23-10 24-6 30-1 32-4
A list of Christian businesses 1-3
Do you love this planet? 4-8
Which country would you like to live in? 13-1
Does it bother you to support openly religious companies? 2-6
would you have believed you were alone?? 3-4