List of Postings of User Silmaril

Terry Eagleton 2-4 3-7
Creationist Museum - Kentucky, USA 23-3
If you were to pick one religion, which would it be!? 8-2
What Evidence would make you believe in God? 19-4 22-1
Marjoe Gortner...check this guy out! 3-3 4-2
Purity balls: my hymen belongs to daddy! 8-3
Victor Stenger - God: The Failed Hypothesis 3-9 4-3
Wicca 5-2
Is there a difference between religion and spirituality 6-7 6-10
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 11-4
The Alpha Course 15-8 16-2 16-5 17-2 17-4 22-3 23-5
Treatment of Women in Saudi Arabia - Comments 21-4 22-9
If Dawkins converted.... 19-6
Achmed the Dead Terrorist 1-5
Getting out of the church - want to watch? 7-10
Atheism and Depression 2-7
Hi! Wish I'd found you earlier 1-1
New to Atheism looking for some clarity... 1-6
What's a good book to give to a fundie? 2-5 2-7 3-1 3-5
New scientist 1-2
BBC amends prayer story 1-2 2-4
First Post 1-5
I am experiencing God 8-1
Come and Say Your Prayers! 2-4
Atheists Against Abortion 2-8 3-6
Experiencing a fundamentalist site 1-3
wikiHow 1-9
Argument from Morality 1-3 1-5
Further proof of atheist hate in the U.S. bible belt. 1-10
Not Harmed By Poisons? 1-6
Christian "moderates" 2-6 3-5
Wrong to label children "Atheist kids?" 1-10
In need of advice 1-8
Withdrawal symptoms? 2-2
Possible proof of evolutionary/biological basis for morality 1-1 1-4
Genetic Soul-ties: How do we combat this kind of fundie!? 1-2
What did YOU do to break the chain of events? 2-2
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 11-5
OM on Fundamentalist website 5-10 17-4 17-7 39-1 40-1
A Question 4 Britishes and Canadians. 3-6
My own tiny confrontation 4-3
A Devil's Chaplain ~ Giveaway 10-5 15-3 15-10 19-9 20-7 20-9 21-1 21-5 21-7 22-2
Is death really the end? 7-6
What do I do.... 1-6 1-7 3-4
An Atheist's Love Life 4-2
Atheist Poet Accused of Witchcraft by Christians 1-5
The Pope Blasts Atheism 4-3 5-10 6-3
Formal debate challenge: is death really the end? 2-10
Best book for a liberal Christian having doubts? 2-2 2-6 2-9
How do religions die? 1-6 2-1
Chat with God 1-4
Atheist Burn Out 2-9
Searching, puzzled, depressed or needing guidance? 3-1
50 book challenge 2008 33-4
Why are some people so hell-bent on attacking Buddhism? 1-5
Tom Cruise is Scientology No.2 Boss 1-2
Pope tackles pedophelia.... with prayer! 1-5
Who deserves to rot in hell? 1-9
Is the idea of Heaven distasteful? 1-10
What could be more important ? 1-5
Rapture Ready - amazing! 2-9 3-4 30-6
E-mail from my mother. 11-10 12-6 12-7 13-1 13-6 14-1 14-2 14-5 14-8 15-3 15-7 15-9 15-10 16-3 16-5 17-1
90 Day Jane 2-3 4-4
A little rant, letting off some steam 1-8
Emotional response to theists? 2-6
Dystopia 1-7
Is M-Theory the new religion 1-3
Favorite Gods or Goddesses 2-5
A friend of mine is converting 1-3
John Gray in The Guardian on 'The Atheist Delusion' 3-2
The Great Tantra Challenge 1-8
MP3 player recommendations 1-1 1-2 1-5 1-10
Construct Your Own God 2-2 2-7
Agonized Muslim 4-7
US Presidential Election 2008 - Hillary Clinton 67-1 67-3 67-8
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion 23-2
Rape / Sexual Assault / Harassment in the news 15-5
Football Undercover (Documentary Iranian Women Football) 3-1
Effectiveness of various anti-depressants and side effects 1-1 1-3 1-7 2-6 2-7
Punch up with Catholics (nearly) 11-6 13-1 13-9 14-10
You have been left behind 4-8
Hindu violence towards Christians in India 4-2
The author who best expresses atheism 2-5
Anglican Church schism 1-1 6-7 9-5
Close encounter of an Islamic kind 1-1
Who lost their religion at a young age? 2-4
Frustrated with naive christian: 1-4
I feel I chickened out of discussion; advice? 1-1 2-1 2-4
Dystopia/Anti-Utopia 3-2
Sharia courts operating in Britain 35-3 37-9 38-1 60-8
Sheffield Universities? 1-8
Who is Your Favorite God? 6-4 7-5
Any folks in Japan? 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7 1-9 2-2
Shameless Namedropping - Who have you met ? 2-5
You know you spend too much time on the net . . . 2-3
Required Summer Reading for Class - Pro-Christian book? 3-9
Sometimes We Can Be Fundamentalist Atheists 1-3
Will the U.S. become less religious? 2-3 2-7
Funniest Atheist Comebacks 2-4
The Immaculate Conception 3-8
Therapy that Makes You Feel Horrible 5-7 6-7
What would be the coolest science breakthrough .. 4-8 7-8
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 3 25-8 26-1 26-7 45-6
DSM disorder 1-2
Evidence comes ---- eventually 1-3
No Jesus = new job or suicide 2-6
"No Graven Images!" 2-2 2-4
Jesus and Mo LMAO 1-1
Calling all you apostates out there! 2-8 3-6 4-1 4-3
Doubting Thomas - Is This Apostle In Hell? 1-2
Heavy Questions of God (experts only I) 7-2
Shaking your faith..... As easy as it sounds? 1-6
Religion to tackle mental illness 2-2
Atheism- Cons of Atheism? 2-1
Analysis: Saudis 'all or nothing' on Iran 1-3
C4 returns to Undercover Mosque - they are worse than ever 2-3
Beauty Contest for Nuns!!! 1-1 1-3
Democratic National Convention 1968.....reprise in 2008?? 1-7
Swedish government clamps down on religious schools 3-4
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain Part 2 14-3 23-8 34-9 35-7 36-9
UK Economic Crisis - Recession Here We Go 1-7
Pakistani lawmaker defends honor killings 3-3
The Capital G 3-6
US Presidential Election 2008 - VP Candidate Sarah Palin 7-4 7-6 7-7 7-9 12-2 58-8 60-1 60-8 71-6
If your country suddenly.... 3-7
Non US people and the US election 2008 1-3 3-3
The Brain that Changes Itself 1-1 1-6 1-8
My Priest 2-3 2-4
The misunderstanding of mental illness. 8-6 10-7 10-9 11-9 13-7 14-2 17-7 18-8 19-4 20-7 20-10 21-4 29-7 30-9 36-4 36-10 37-3 39-9
Lit. Class 1-7
Creationism SHOULD be taught in schools, top scientist says 4-9 5-1 12-9
Scottish independace. 2-6
Muslims need more babies to overtake UK 7-6
Monday, bloody Monday 1-5 1-8 5-1 5-4 6-2
I am no longer an atheist (now with 3rd video) 1-4
Princeton University (English dept.) 1-1 1-3 1-4
Palin may have a minister problem 3-1
Female vs male ratio 4-5 4-7
Carmelites explain atheism 3-8
American Unis (esp. Ivy League) 1-1 1-8
Attended a church service today, ugh... 2-9
Appeal against execution 3-8 9-10 18-1
Atheists are a bunch of insane dimwitted cowards? 4-3
Totally Awesome Depression. 2-2
El Baradei:Iran on way to atomic bomb capability 2-7
Talking Evidence:"no evidence for God"? 4-3 4-4 4-10 6-7 6-9 7-2 7-4 7-5 8-2
US Presidential Election 2008-VP Candidate Sarah Palin, 3 10-10 63-2
Atheism and The Inner World 1-4 2-4
Texas homeowner acquitted of killing teen intruder 3-3
excommunicated! 3-9
Silencing Christians Forum 2-1
Great quotes from Pullman 1-4
What happened to the "appeal against death sentence" thread? 1-1 1-3
Debate commentary: Faith barrier to Truth? 2-6 4-8 5-2
Muslim finds Muhammad in a rotten Mango 2-8
Saudi cleric favours one-eye veil 2-4
Angels? 2-10
Need some help deciding on University subject 1-4
Death And All That 2-7
US Aircraft attack Syria border 1-3
Isn't the Dalai Lama an asshole? 1-6
Catholic priest: Jesus was not god & Mary not a virgin 2-2 2-5
Vicar with potato stuck in his bottom 1-2
US Presidential Election 2008 - Post Mortems 16-6
13-year old suicide bomber, Iraq 1-1 1-3
Info needed - depression in the elderly 1-1 1-3 1-5
how do you clear your mind for study? so you feel fresh 1-8
MacCain "can't promise" he will support Palin for President 1-1
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 5 2-8 3-2 3-3
A polite invitation to debate... 6-1 6-3
WMD attack by 2013 1-5
I've just been outed and I'm a little nervous. 2-8
Terry Pratchett Knighted... 1-5
What is the history of your political views? 2-1
Is Richard Dawkins The Very Model Of An Atheist Supremacist? 1-4 1-10
Non- Muslim Hijabi and a rant 1-2
Is Buddhism good for us? 1-8 1-10 2-2 3-1
OMG I need that circular logic avatar 1-1 1-6
The Underpublicized Problems With Buddhism 15-4 16-1 16-7 20-9 21-3 21-9
Hiding Behind Avatars and Pseudonyms 8-3 10-1 11-10
atheist mod at Islamic forum 5-1 5-3 5-6 5-8
Atheists in Religious Households 1-4
Vatican says men and women commit different sins 1-1
Bristol Palin: Abstinence Is 'Not Realistic' 1-2 2-1
Subliminally Atheistic Books 1-5
Be honest now - can you take a 30-40% loss in income 5-6 6-9
Highest No. of followers for an EXACT religious view? 1-7
Atheists converting 3-6
Is the old world slowly turning muslim? 1-10 2-3 3-1
Do some 'atheists' annoy you too? 1-2
A levels 2-2
Summer Of Rage 1-2
One law for all - march for it 1-6 2-2
The Catholic church is insane! 2-10 12-8
Do people around you still ask you to pray? 5-6
Non-religious Buddhism 1-1 1-3 1-8 2-4 4-3 4-6 5-10 8-8 11-10 12-7 12-8 13-4 16-10
Editorial : Magical Assertionism 7-8
Marquis de Sade 5-4 6-6 11-3
Cormac Murphy O'Connor: atheists not quite human 1-10 2-9 6-7
Why are Christians upset when holiday associated w/ pagan? 2-10
Concept of 'hypercosmic God' wins Templeton Prize 1-2
Help - looking for a deity 1-3 2-6 4-1 4-4
Religious boards 1-6 3-4 4-1 4-3
The New Atheist Movement is destructive 3-10
Your Idiosyncrasies and stereotypical lifestyle 1-5
Do theists get embarrased with atheism being for the elites? 5-6 8-5
"You have dishonoured your family, please kill yourself" 2-1 2-6 3-8 3-9 4-3 4-9 5-4 6-8 8-9 10-7 11-4
Are atheist girls easy??? 8-2 11-2 11-10 12-2 15-5 16-2 21-2 33-10 40-4
Afghan law legalizing rape in marriage 1-4
Tactless Parents (again) 1-1 1-4
Fraying at the is your country doing... 3-10
About bin-either-dead-Laden-or-I'm-hiding-in-Iran 1-7 2-10
The Rapture Readies are jumping the fence... 4-1 4-3
Women and Religion 2-3 2-10 3-1 3-5 6-8
horrendous scale of sex abuse by priests to be revealed... 17-9
Women's E-parliament 2-2 2-4 4-3 4-5 6-3 6-6 8-9 9-4 9-9 10-3 10-6 10-10 11-4 11-10 14-4
Shock Horror - Religious Leader Says Something Sensible 1-8
Wouldn't it be nice if this book existed? 2-1 2-4
Your Cultural/Religious Background 4-4
How many people used to be Christians? 3-9
Iran in the news again 1-1 1-5 1-6 2-1
My Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Religion, and Me 1-3
Has anyone read the bible? 1-4
Quality Atheist Friendly TV Shows... 1-4
Science Religion Conflict Debate: Commentary/Poll Part I 11-6 11-10
Atheism and Depression (or lack thereof) 2-4
Amazing... Just for a laugh! 2-9
Women win parliamentary seats for first time in Kuwait 1-6
Thoughts of a dying atheist 3-2
Any Ex-priests / Ex-Ministers or Ex - Strong believers? 1-2
Prayer assult on Obama 1-6
Depressing day on PostSecret 1-2
Campaign against Pope's visit/his attack on equality bil 1-1