List of Postings of User GerhardW

People saying Bless You when a person sneezes 19-1
Do you think 0.9999999~ infinite is exactly equal to 1 61-1 61-7 79-3 82-9
Neandertals / Neanderthals 15-6
The evolution of sex / gender 12-3
Racial differences and Darwinism 17-5
Evolution of the whale 3-6
Who laid the first egg? An update 6-1
Consciousness in animals 2-3
A New Twist on the Aquatic Ape Theory 50-6
Asperger Syndrome 6-4
Salt water as fuel? 3-7
Instincts 5-1 5-3
The Placebo Effect 3-4
Tasmanian Devil in trouble 2-3
Towards new species of man 1-7
eSkeptic: Aping Language 2-5
When animals evolve on islands, size doesn't matter 1-4 1-6 1-10 2-2
Feathers = Modified Scales 1-8 2-5 3-2 3-6
Suicide in the animal kingdom 1-2
Reduce your moral standard(s) to it's simplest form possible 1-10
species 1-6
How Many Generations 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-6 3-5 3-9 4-3
The New American Century. 2-3
Why do females live longer than males? 1-5 1-8
Spontaneous conception 1-6
Why do some birds walk and others hop? 1-10 2-2
Dominant and recessive genes 1-7
Mules and Ligers - speciation in action? 1-2
The trouble with hybrids 1-4
Evolution of menstruation...? 15-3
Why? 1-6
"Transgenderedness": An Evolutionary Dead End? 2-3
Mechanism of speciation 1-3 2-3 2-4 3-1
Will humans ever be able to create life inside a computer 2-2
Mendelian inheritance in humans? 1-2
Magnet Man 1-4
How do these dead bodies remain intact? 1-7 1-8
Jesus Christ 1-10
Lie to Pollsters? 1-4 2-3 4-3 4-6
How Do You Explain Death to a Child? 1-3
evolution of death 4-1
Male eggs and female sperm 1-3
Split colour lobster 1-3
Avian origins: new analysis confirms ancient beginnings 1-2
Poll: Obama/Clinton 4-8 5-8
One Life To Save All Lives. 1-5
Velociraptor 1-10
The Evolution of the Human Race 1-5 1-7 1-8 2-6
Study shows Darwin was wrong about the origins of chickens 3-2 3-4 5-4
Attack on Evolution - what would you do? 1-9
Can I get fired for being an atheist? 3-7
Elephant paints an AMAZING picture!!! Incredible!!! 2-3
Is neodarwinism correct explanation of "mimicry"? 1-4 1-10 2-3
Anyone want to guess what animal this is? 1-4 1-7
"weak genes" 1-3
Father & Daughter show off their baby 3-5 7-4
Devolution 1-2
How do ants evolve? 1-2
"the invention of males" -- questions 1-2
Eusociality 2-2
Sex Ratio 1-5 1-6
Why do bees roll along? 1-4
1,500 anti-mosque protesters expected at Cologne demo 9-7
How could scientists bring about life after death? 1-2
Race does not = significant genetic difference? 1-2 11-9 12-7
How Evolution is not pure random chance, Pt. 2 54-1
Protests at Radioactive Waste Transports 3-5
Gun Ownership: Do You Own A Firearm? 15-10 20-7
Help! Religion in the workplace! 1-2 2-10
Mutation Math 1-2
evolution of venom ? 4-5
Harun Yahya:Win over Darwinism 2-7
Humanzee 2-2 3-7 4-6
Why most every species has a different life span? 1-4
Do all members of a species share one ancestor? 2-8
American beliefs 1-6 1-8
need help in a debate 1-9
Pink iguana rewrites family tree 1-3 1-7
Why people die? 2-10
Evolution Myths Busted 1-2
"The Problem with Primates" - oh dear 1-8
Evidence undermining neo-Darwinism and supporting Lamarckism 1-2
Useless body parts 1-6
The evolution of complex behaviour 1-2
Bone Deformities Linked to Inbreeding in Isle Royale Wolves 1-9
Eyes in the back of our heads 2-6
A question on polymorhism. 1-2
Homo Habilis - Intriguing Questions 1-4
Humanity as super-organism 1-2
Evolution of instincts 1-2
The discover of LUCA is a new victory to Evolution Theory? 1-5
Dancing Parrots 1-1 2-1
What survives breeds 2-5
Darwin Killed Off The Werewolf 1-6
Discussion with jehovah witnesses... Help me! 1-4
Examples of the oldest animal species still alive? 2-4 2-6
Why do species that constantly meet diverge? 1-8
Evolution's smoking gun(s). 1-4