List of Postings of User Heresiarch

Big Bang Theory 25-5
The Enemies of Reason 82-9
Kent Hovind 25-3
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 39-3
The Secret / Law of Attraction ? 36-7
The Historical Jesus - Did He Exist? 12-1
Handedness Poll for the Forums 4-4
Anthony Flew 8-8
The scientific miracle that is the Quran 23-4 23-9 59-8 60-3 61-1 63-9
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube 13-4
Peer review or censorship? 10-9
Why the theory of evolution cannot work 22-3 29-3
Post your favourite satirical cartoon. 8-2
What is the ultimate hurt you could do to a person? 2-4
First cause 7-6 68-3
The Virgin of Fatima 14-3
42 :-) 2-3
The Concept of Hell 19-6
The Pope starts a mass riot! 2-4
Theism is always a true belief. 3-1
I'm scared. 2-2
Christian school does not endorse Haloween. 2-7
Things creationists Hate. 10-5
This is driving me insane! Please Help 1-6
I am... 2-4 7-3 11-8 19-6 19-9 19-10
A few questions for atheists 1-10
Dictionary of Creationist Newspeak 1-8 3-10
The danger of theistic hysteria 4-8 7-9 8-6
"Jesus shed his Beaujolais Noveau for mankind on the cross" 1-9
Capitalizing 'God' is just ordinary English convention 2-7 3-4 3-9 3-10
Creatures Of The Unexplained 1-7
Backdoor Teaching In Secular Schools? 1-3
What are AiG and IIDB? 1-3
Faked stigmata, Worshipping a corpse (Padre Pio) 1-9
Frustrated after arguing with creationist 1-4
The List of Religions and Why Each One is False 5-10
I have declared Australia as ours 2-3
What's a good book to give to a fundie? 3-4
To Evolutionists 5-9
What thrills you to the core about science? 2-10 4-10
What did you have for dinner today? 6-8
Amusing encounter with a Roman Catholic demonstrator 1-9
An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything 3-6 4-1
A cyber-Orwellian nightmare! 1-3
Hymn Parodies 2-3
I propose a space for theist 2-7
Making up a Religion 1-3
matter and space expansion 2-5
Management Speak - Help Required 1-4 2-1
Flying Spaghetti Monster hits the headlines 9-2
Texas School Board Now Run By Creationist 1-9 3-2
Obnoxious paid advertising campaign on Yahoo mail 1-6 1-10
Most-Loved Albums 3-5
Exciting news for chimney fans! 1-3 2-2
Pretty smart Christian Dr. here. (Try to refute this) 17-5
Pascal's Wager no. 563927 4-6 9-2
Are You There, Mister Dawkins? It's Me, Teci :) 2-3 8-5 8-9 12-3 55-8 56-3
Creationism and Plate Tectonics 1-10
Modern Biology Shattered 1-1
Most depressing song 1-3
Kindle??? 3-8
Very Mild Superpowers 3-1 3-7
What's the most happy song you know? 1-7 3-10
If you thought ID was bad enough... 1-3
Public Apology by Canadian Catholic Clergy for Past Wrongs! 2-7
Oh my god! There's an axe in my head! 1-6
Errm..... Atmosphere Gone Bad Here! 2-2 2-8
Antidepressant found to extend lifespan in C. elegans 1-2
General Error 1-1
"fearofablanket" 2-2
Any Extropians here ? 1-4 1-7 1-9 2-6
Dogs and Cats are proof of Intelligent Design... 4-7
Four More Posts and Bella's There! 3-7
Evidence of another universe? 3-7
God and Dark Matter 3-8
Which to Believe? Genesis 1:1 or Genesis 1:2? 1-4
A mirage made in heaven 1-3
The 5th force? 3-2 3-8
Hours Of Fun For Big Kids :) 1-2
Muslims up in arms over Muhammad Teddy bear 4-5 4-7
OM on Fundamentalist website 4-4
Atheists have faith? 4-7 18-3
Initiating a atheist secret society; choose a name! 3-4
Turtles all the way down & Flying Spaghetti Monster 2-3
How does everyone cope? 3-2
Something out of nothing 3-1 3-4
10,000 posts for OBC 5-8
Regional Food 3-5 3-9
The Pope Blasts Atheism 5-9
More Americans believe in devil than Darwin - poll 1-6
The blind eye? 1-10 2-3 4-9 5-1
my favorite euphemism 1-5
Long term survival of a civilization 1-3
Eternal Life 1-9
Recommend to me a wallpaper 1-4 1-7
Image Scaling 1-5
Why? 3-5
1,000 posts for Mysturji 2-10
Pissed! 1-6 1-9
Evidence for the resurrection 1-7
mom is santa ? 1-6
'Christianophobia' Warning From MP...... 4-7
Higgs-Boson Particles at Cern 1-10
The "Big Bang" And The "God Of The Gaps" 6-7
atheists -Winning since 33 A.D. 1-5
Reactionary Atheism 1-9 5-3 6-2 8-4
LOL! Sherri Shepherd (The View) On Christianity! 1-7
The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational 1-3 1-8 2-4 2-8
What is the relationship between Time and Space? 1-3
The papacy is offering indulgences again! 3-1
If Chuck Norris. . . 1-2
"Oh my god" 1-7
Smilies for '08 1-5
Garrett Lisi, Exceptionally simple theory of everything 1-3
Special Relativity 3-1 3-3 3-6 4-2
utterly hilarious! 5-5
Soft Tissue Dinosaurs Shock Evolutionists! 3-8
Rapture Ready - amazing! 2-10
UK Scout Association Bars atheists 14-6
Arguments against gay marriage/adoption 53-4
Shroud of Turin 73-2
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 23-4 23-7
NephilimFree's Challenge to Atheists and Evolutionists 19-2
Atheist spirit be gone! 3-8
Cormac Murphy O'Connor: atheists not quite human 9-2
The mistress of "To what are you listening?" part 2 29-8
Sabbatarianism ends in Scotland 2-8
Could the tree? 19-7 28-2 32-2 32-6
Christian Party Does Euro Election Political Broadcast.. 4-7
The first principle of constructive creationism — Part II 54-9
Things you think might be true but cannot prove 2-7
Is it a cop out? 4-1
Petition for a 'None' box 1-7
UK catholics must offer gay adoption - Tribunal 1-3
Question re heaven 3-1
Does God Exist? 1-8
Language Characters and Glyphs: Religious Interpretations. 1-2
Nephilim Genesis 6.4 The evidence 20-5
Atheism correlated with peace 1-3
Do You See "Racism" in This? 1-5
Does space exist? 2-4
Theory of Everything - Unified Field Theory 2-7
moon bombing violates space law & cause conflict with UFO 1-5
Dawkins versus Gamma Ray Burst 2-9
Avagadro's number: 6.02 x 10^23 1-9
Why Does God Hide? 3-5
Quantum woo. 1-2
The Cult of Celebrity 1-3
NASA to fire a big exploding rocket at the moon 4-8
Swearing the oath in court 1-4
evil possession 1-2
One single question can destroy atheism 30-8 32-2 32-5 33-4 52-4
Portrait of Jesus 3-1
Evolution is not really random 1-10
The Age of the Earth 5-4
Creationism the Bibles Viewpoint 11-4 13-2 14-1 14-10 15-2 15-4 18-9 20-1 45-8
The Atheist Apocolypse! 1-10
Atheist=Dumb, Try Wittgenstein 1-8 1-10
Accurate Bible Prophecies, anyone? 1-4
The Downfall of Theory of Evolution? 17-8 20-3 32-4 33-3 33-5 56-6 56-9 58-6
Question on Information, Evolution, and Creationism 1-7 2-2 2-3
Was It God's Plan For Adam & Eve to Sin? 1-2
Rep Rap. An invention to change the world? 1-9
ESP, telepathy ect... 3-7 3-9
Hello 6-2
fluoride conspiracies? 1-6
Dangerous Argument against Atheism -- Dark Side LIght side 1-4
Church campaings with a twat symbol 1-4
‘Thought for the day’ may be about to crack 1-3
Stephen Fry 2-1
Supernatural can be scientific too... 1-3
Holy water ban to halt swine flu 2-2
Scientologist ad on the internet 1-2
Evolution According To A Muslim 2-8
Let's name this new belief system 3-4
New book reveals evidence for Intelligent Design 2-2 2-6
Free Market Fuckwits rejoice - Man sells kidney! 1-7 2-4
Author Pullman aghast at school paedophile checking 1-5 2-2 2-5
‘Topless nun’ sues on Facebook photo 1-6
Want to ask Harun Yahya a question? 1-6
Pope Hospitalized After Fall 3-10
Ooooohhh....creepy... 1-2
Amazing Christian Defends Stoning As Humane Practice! 1-2
The Genesis Enigma (merged) 2-10
Labour pains...just take the pain ladies and toughen up! 1-3
Moon Landing Woo 13-8 15-9 16-8
Muslim Bacon butties ban brouhaha at British Care Home 3-8
2 priests, 2 nuns, threesome & murder 1-3
Do you appreciate the work done by the mods at RDF? 1-9
‘Deface the bible’ art show 4-3
Does Richard Dawkins believe in free will? 2-5
God versus the Multiverse 4-2 7-8
One single question can destroy atheism Pt II 5-1
'Levitation' 3-8
Why I believe in god and why big bang and evolution is false 11-6 11-8 21-3
Quote from "The End of Faith" 1-8
Father Knows Best: How Did Adam & Eve's Kids Have Kids? 4-10 9-4
Special islamic ‘hoodies’ for female police 5-6
How is the “Fine Tuning” argument not evidence for Intellig 4-10
PZ gets a warning... 2-1
Can this be really a product of evolution?! 1-9
Silly superstisions you still do. 1-8 7-10 8-8
freedom of thought 1-9
The Man who Challenged the Quran 5-2 5-4 6-5
Quakers to OK gay marriage in defiance of Government 1-5
Now there are 'A' levels in stupidity 1-5 1-9
Morality, Atheism 5-6
Starwars 1-7
I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts 1-4 1-7
A List of Parody Religions 1-5
Jesus Sighting 1-3
Easy Being Atheist than Theist 1-8 5-3
Facebook causes suicide says catholic archbishop 3-5
2009 Edge Master Class 1-1
Any Marketing People Here? 1-6 1-8
'Noahs Ark' any latest info????? 3-1 4-7
"A Bulletproof, Airtight Case For Intelligent Design" 41-3 42-2 42-7 43-8 43-9 67-3
Atheists required to join important group 5-9
So there's no God 2-5
I'm stalking you. 1-8
Psychic Mediums 1-8
Let's get real, OK....... 2-5
Great Britain - Greater 3-10
8 irrefutable reasons that god does exists. IRREFUTABLE! 10-7
Women glue man's penis to his stomach. 3-5
Anti-theist Music 6-3
Western Totalitarianism 2-2
Pictures of thee, Thread Part VI! 29-9
Don't shoot me! 2-2
Kenyan offers 40 goats & 20 cows to marry Chelsea Clinton 1-2
Atheist Game Idea 1-6 1-9
What Causes 'Black Holes'? [woo split] 4-1
Is God mad? 2-4
Giving up Smoking, any ex smokers out there. 1-4
Interrelation Theory 1-3
The Chinese are trying to take over America 1-5
No lack of IDiots 2-1
Islam and Alcohol 8-3
O' Denizens of the Internet, I Beseech Thee... 1-2
Dogs Are as Smart as Two-Year-Old Humans 1-6
There's a dragon in my room. 1-8 2-3
Favourite Jack Chick Tract? 1-9
Does this statement make any sense to anyone here? 2-9
Pirate Party in the UK officially founded 1-5
Join us in the Dark side 1-5
American far-right loons savage ‘Evil and Orwellian’ NHS 2-2
Anti Vax facebook group 1-2 1-4
Dawkins vs US science 3-1
Descendant of Jeebu$ is selling his holy Mercedes 1-4
Kitzmiller v. Dover 1-2 1-4
Landover Baptist Church Forum (an all time low?) 2-10
Roman Catholic Brainwashing 7-7
Why Atheists Are Blind...... 7-9 10-2 13-8 16-3 25-9 28-9 29-3 33-6
Well, I'm convinced. 5-8
"What the Bleep Do We Know" 1-8 4-6 5-5
Eating meat even in moderate amounts can cause cancer? 1-4
US Founding Fathers, Gods and Demons. 2-7 3-4
We Are What We Eat? 1-4
Les Paul Dies at 94 1-7
How about we let pupils decide if they want evolution? 2-1
11,000 Sorties And Climbing ... 2-6 2-9
I found Jesus 1-9
Religion the source of good? 1-8
Pentazole anion (N5-) 1-4
Japan's Happiness Party 1-4
'Virgin' Mary seen in parking lot 1-7 2-4 3-2
Can I eat my own plums? 2-2
God vs Religion 2-5
Finnish CEO turns down Alice Cooper gig for Christian values 1-3 1-9
Derail thread from 'nagging doubts' 5-2 6-2 6-6 7-4 31-10 33-9
Why don't atheists believe in a god? 97-4
Peanut Gallery: DNA/Information "Design" Debate 12-1 21-9 22-2 25-4 26-9 27-1 28-3 38-7
Evidence to support the existence of God? 96-10
A Challenge Question for Atheism. 9-3 37-8
Strange theory about the soul 3-7
"What do you want written on your tombstone?" 4-10 8-8
ten signs you are an unquestioning Christian 18-4
Most annoying creationists arguments 4-4
Mysticism 6-1
Your Top 5 Science and Technology for the future 5-6
Pope says families should create 'spiritual terrain' 1-5
Abortion and atheism. 5-1
Catholic church issues prayer for faithful to say before sex 3-4
The supernatural origin of the Bible? 2-2
Evidence to support the existence of God? (derail) 93-3 97-1
Atheist maze 13-7
evolution of cats 3-5
Abiogenises and Improbability 4-8
Weapons hypothesis for human bipedalism. 42-2
Idiotic Claims Against Evolution From Creationist Website 3-1
The judgment of San Francisco and LA in prophecy 9-5 23-9 33-2 36-8 49-5 71-6
The Battle for Sunday 1-9 2-2
Evidence 6-10 8-8
Latest example of pareidolia from the Pacific 53-9
137 and the The God Particle 3-3
Intelligent design 2-9 46-1
MEDIC!! 1-4
Criticisms of Darwin on Catholic radio program 1-3
It isn't just me, is it? 2-9
Was George Washington the First President? No, says Oklahoma 4-10
POLL. Which Is Fairer: Heaven-Hell Or Karma-Reincarnation? 4-4 5-2 5-5
Another Challenge Question for Atheism: 2-3 20-4 24-10 30-4
Nobody really believes in religion anymore... 2-7 7-1
Fmri can Identify what people are thinking 1-2
Should I remove "Atheist" from my Facebook / the Internet? 1-9
Vikings were warned to avoid Scotland 1-2
Evolution points to a creator 3-6 4-2
Happy New (Jewish) Year 1-3
What's the attraction of the UK? 2-2
"Atheism has no future" local church says 2-8
Excited about Atheist's Guide to Christmas 1-2
What do Atheists shout in orgasm? 2-4
Evidence to support the existence of God? — II 13-4 14-3 14-5
Are god(s) considered subjective truths? 1-9
The Good-Nite Thread 1-10
Punch up at Italian anti-Burka protest 1-3 2-3
A challenge question for Saeedalyousef 1-2
Gallstones in New York 1-8
what the west needs to know 6-5 6-9 8-2 9-1 10-4
Christian Here! 15-6 29-4 40-3 56-5 68-2
Am I a fundamentalist? 1-10 2-9
An atheist in a pickle. I'm looking for advice. 1-7
Physics laws show that the original cell is a myth 6-6
Youtube: "Crocoduck" 1-3
A Challenge To Atheism Using Logic 3-8
Availability of biomorphs and related programs? 1-2
FSM 2-2 2-4
Remote Control Cyborg Insects Now A Reality 1-3
A father calls his atheist son a satanist 2-4 2-8 5-7
What is the differenct between a religion and a cult? 1-8 2-2
EVIDENCE FOR GOD - Debunking Dawkins 1-4
"Miracles" caught on tape 1-3
Which version of the christian bible to read? 1-6
women can't keep a secret for longer than 47 hours 1-6
Why Did Jesus Drive Out The Money Changers? 1-8
Call for death over virginity-faking gadget 1-4
Sex abuse rife in other religions, says Vatican 3-6
Atheism isn’t a class thing 2-10
Who is the most badass atheist? 2-5
whale evolution -wells 1-4
Indian Manuscript about the division of the moon ! 1-7
Was The Timing of Jesus' Apocalyptic Prophecies Dead Wrong? 1-5
The mathematical hurdles to evolution 7-7
Would You Torture a Baby To...? 1-8
Hallelujah 1-8 1-10 2-4 2-5
How did you lose your faith? 3-7
How Can Churches Collect Higher Tithes & Increase Income? 2-3 3-4
23 people killed when church collapses 1-4
Jesus is here 1-6
Evidence to support the existence of God? (derail) — II 3-10
RE: The Mathematical Hurdles of Evolution 1-2
A case for "god". 5-5
Bishpp arrested in Nova Scotia!!! 1-3
AIG: Dinosaur Blessings live nativity and Christmas light 1-10
Wingnuts Newsmax calls for military coup 1-3
Why Did Jesus Curse The Fig Tree? 2-8
The Religion of ATHEISM? 1-9 5-3
Date God 1-7
Swine Flu Label Offensive? 2-4
How do they call God loving and believe in hell? 4-8 5-1
US hypocrisy on free speech 3-8
Everyone has beliefs - atheism is one of them 42-4
God is not the Creator, claims academic 1-6
Invitation to discuss the rule about "trolling" 39-10
98,000 Years of Folded Arms 2-3
Islamic Toilet Etiquette (split thread to "child brides") 5-10 20-4
Intelligent design and star dust 1-5 2-5
The hell hole 4-8
Quran's Mathmatical Scheme 1-2 4-7
Peer Review Weighting 1-2
Rehabilitation - has it failed? 1-6
Atheists.. why don't you just believe... 2-7
Darwin the Pope & Papal Infallibility 2-1
Radionuclide Decay Denialism Derail From "Alien Life" 13-10 17-2
What's your funeral song going to be? 2-5
Bill Donohue and the Catholic League offended by Simpsons 2-6 2-9
What do you see in my avatar? 1-3
Found this on Facebook 1-3
Issac Newton 1-10
NOW: Queen fury at Griffin over Churchill 2-10 3-4
Evolution & The Roman Catholic Church current Official Posit 1-4
Pensioner homophobe shaken down by rozzers 4-6 25-10 26-7
Bishop tells christians to wear crucifix everywhere 7-10
Why has the site gone all white, fractured and strange? 2-10
Hello 1-5
Richard Dawkins Tribute Art 12-5
My ordination upset the fundies 2-2
Debunking "physical proof" of God 1-5
One of the worst excuses I have ever heard... 2-3
London Islam4UK demo and counterdemo 1-6
I am a Deist 8-3 13-6
Can someone explain this stuff 2-1
You want brain meltdown... ? 1-2
Atheistic theories for life after death 2-8 3-6
i have a question 13-3
My conclusions on the nature of the universe thus far 1-4 1-7
Puppy kicked to death? 5-3 9-10 16-6 18-3 20-6
Proving God Right Here Right Now 8-5 11-6
‘Burn in hell’ contest 1-4
Evolution is a mathematical impossibility. 19-9
LOL's: 101 Scientific Facts & Foreknowledge 1-3
The Creationist Olympics 1-6 2-9 3-8
OMG!!! The Danger of Celebrating Halloween! 1-3
Reflective Telescopes, A Full Image? 1-2
How did they do it? 1-5 1-7
IE 8 and the Jumping Reply Window 2-4
Images in your mind when thinking of God 4-1
Proving God using reason. 31-9 32-9 38-9 39-5 39-10 55-5 58-4 58-7 59-9
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist at times? 42-7 43-1
"Evolution is Scientifically Impossible" 1-8
Peanut Butter, The Atheist's Nightmare! 4-9
again islam is the worst 2-6 3-9
Image of jebus appears on pickup 2-7
ID - Split off from CREATIONISTS-READ THIS 1-5
Invisible or visible?! 1-6
Christopher Hitchens and Sir Stephen Fry vs. The Catholics 12-4 17-4 30-5
US launches twin tower warship 1-5
We're Stirring the Cosmic Soup: A Quick Retort to Atheism 5-3 5-9 6-4
What would you do if you were Pope? 3-10 5-6 6-3
Help? Writing counter essay for upcoming creationist blitz. 1-7
10 uses for.. 10-8
NASA and ESA sign Mars Agreement! 1-3
Jokes that make you feel smart when you get them. 22-3
British-backwardness killed the last chance for peace. 4-4
40 different authors over 1500 years.... 1-3
Regardless of the arguments..! 7-2
If God existed would atheist obey him? 14-2 14-5
Jesus walking on water explained 10-4 11-3
Scientology vs Catholics abortion terror 1-3
Genisis is so weird to be believed 12-1
Forthcoming Hasan Trial: Who Would Comprise Fair Jury Panel? 2-5
Relying on sacrificial goats to ‘ward off’ terror 2-1
rational explanations for "virgin birth" 2-2 2-6
Atheism and quantam physics 2-9
Less People or More Food - it's a GM thing 1-10 3-7 4-1
How is uniting Atheists like "herding cats"? 1-10
Leicester Skeptic has news paper column! 1-2 1-4
I Love You Guys 2-5
Science Is Murder? 3-1 13-5
Your Lucky 1-5
Atheism Logos 2-1 2-4
Irony 1-5 2-6
The Temptation of Jesus 3-8
The most outlandish "defense" of the (biblical) flood 3-7
Is this too 'Militant?' 1-10
Time-line = 49 Generations 2-9
Real Definition of Atheism 1-2 1-7 2-10
Vatican at it again. 6-3
Iphone Applications 1-2
Script Addon for Firefox? 1-4 1-10
Dawkins responsible for Muslim rejection of evolution 1-5
'Scandal' of a gay funeral 2-6
is it just me or is FlashForward rubbish ? 1-4
"Job sharing" billboard offends Catholics 1-7
Is this statement good? 1-2
Michelle Bachmann for Pres 2-9
Uproar over rabbi book 1-3
Creation know what I mean 1-5
"If U want to stay an Atheist don't watch this video" 1-9 2-1 3-3 9-8
Criticism of Malta 2-1
Jesus survived crucifixion & migrated to Kashmir 1-10
Internet & Atheism 1-4
The problem of evil 1-3 3-2
Atheism is literally a delusion 3-5 3-10 6-4 16-2 18-4 18-6
Atheism Offers What? Nothing. 3-3
Looking for advice on making it as a pro tennis player. 1-2
Are The 10 Commandments Revolutionary? 2-1
Supporter of child raping prays for children 1-8 2-9
A little apprehensive... 2-6
Arkansas Police Taser 10yo Girl 3-6
Oh, the pain... 2-3
William Lane Craig - III 80-2
Torque without Back EMF - Steorn Orbo Technology 2-9
With no proof, there is a 50/50 chance god exsists 49-7
Fermat's Last Theorem 1-3 1-4
Islam4UK march through Wootton Bassett? 4-2
Schrodinger's Cat 28-9
Is The European Union The 10-Horned Beast of Bible Prophecy? 1-6 3-7 3-10
4 year old boy, at church, killed by stray bullet... 6-1
A critique of Russell's teapot 6-2
Does Islam contradict evolution? 3-7
How do we see photons 4-7
Has anyone tried debunking this claim 2-3
Clarifying 'trolling' in the Users' Agreement 1-7 1-10
Crystals - increasing information? 2-2 2-5
How excited are you about Apple Tablet? 21-10
Don’t ask; don’t tell 6-7
Blog: Atheists to attack Mother Teresa via USPS stamps 6-6
MIRRORS 2-4 2-8
Should I have the right to choose my own time and way to die 7-1 7-3 7-7 8-10
Fundies say the Damndest things 5-5 5-8 6-4
Non-transitonal Canard 3-3 3-9 7-6
Evolution isn't true because computers need programmers! 3-9 7-1
Why does God Not Exist? 7-9 8-9
Atheists don't exist 5-1 6-3 7-4 8-7 8-10 10-3 11-3 11-6 25-10
Fingerprinting in use to check proper church attendance 2-7
Darwin the Race Warrior 9-2 9-9 19-2 20-8 23-4 27-1 32-4 41-7
OOBE? 1-4
Should Richard Dawkins be arrested for incitement to religio 2-1 2-10
Pope savages New Labour 3-2 4-4 6-3
Counterintuitive Ideas: Help Needed 1-4 1-9
Nazis face church premises ban during the election 1-8
If Evolution is right where are the inter species? 5-6
Ricky Gervais - irresponsible parents should be sterilised 2-6
Geert Wilders, anti-islam/charges 3 11-6
England a ‘cesspit of Islamists’ - Nobel laureate 2-9 7-9
Wilders back in the UK 1-4 1-6 1-8
US rabbi says homosexuality causes earthquakes, 9/11 etc 1-3
What if? 2-4 3-1 3-3 14-2 14-6 17-5
Has Evolution Ever Been Observed? 4-5 11-3 11-6 11-8
Clarifying trolling - "rainbow" split discussioon 4-2 4-6 5-1 5-3 5-7 5-9 6-1
I am god. 3-3
Placebo effect = God/Supernatural? 1-7
The Conspiratorial Decline of the West 1-2
Atheism is a belief 8-5 9-9
Atheists Are Diseased – Protect Your Child From Atheism 2-8
Where is GOD ? 1-7 1-9
Atheists Converted to Religion? 1-3
Is God Is A Macro God? 1-3
Why Evolution Precedes Creation 25-9 36-7
3 MPs & 1 peer to be prosecuted 1-2 1-7
The Bible? 1-3 2-8 5-10 7-9 12-2 12-7
Calling all "evolutionists" 1-3
To All Americans - MESSAGE FROM THE QUEEN 2-6
Newswipe: the week in bullshit 2-1
Confusion . . . 1-6 3-2 6-9 7-1
Mafia Game #1 - Game Thread 39-2
Anti-Christian hostility is getting increasingly deadly 4-2
C4 "The Bible: a history" - Ann Widdecombe 3-8 4-2 6-7 6-8
Did religion increase IQ or was it a result of a higher IQ? 1-8
Hilarious! 3-2
A Prophecy Fulfilled? 1-8
GOD EXISTS! 13-2 23-5 34-5 35-1 36-2
If evolution and natural selection are not true… 1-4
Dawkins's Theory for Homosexuality 3-8
CA Professor Preaching Gay Health Lies at College 2-2
Dogs are From Mars, Cats are From Venus 3-1
Looking for a specific funny image/text about christianity. 1-4
Snow Storm Paradox 1-6
GOD EXISTS! Part 2 32-6 38-1 38-6 42-4 42-8 46-1 46-3 47-3 47-10 48-4 48-9
What is actually wrong with Christian Beliefs? 50-5
Continued discussion on the age of the earth and God 11-2 11-9 19-8 20-5 24-1 30-1 33-10 34-1
Evidence for the existence of God [1] 8-9 9-3 9-4
ID Proponents, what's your Hypothesis? 2-3
Why do Christians get upset if you don't want their prayers? 1-8
Falklands 2? 8-9 10-1
A 6000 Light Year Radius (or diameter) Sphere 4-4 4-6
The theory of evolution is not scientific. 5-6 5-10
GOD EXISTS! Part 3 6-9 16-2 17-6 22-9
Whats this smudge on Biden's forehead.. hmm 2-8
Condoms should carry health warning say catholics 3-8
More catholic threats to US catholic politicians 1-7
atheists as annoying as believers used to be 8-5 8-8
Heaven and Hell fail? 1-8 2-5 2-9 5-1
If Christianity goes, the whole of our culture goes 1-7
Really good question..might be the end of all this debate ha 5-6 6-3 6-7 6-10 7-2 8-4 8-8
Reviewing the personal attack / insult criteria (part 1) 24-9
Do the Atheists drink milk of the cattle, eat eggs of hen? 3-5 14-5 15-6 15-8 16-9 17-10 18-2 18-4 18-8
Common Logical Fallacies Made By Muslims 1-5
Is A Religion Prestigious Because Of Its Antiquity? 1-5 1-8 1-10
POLL: Should Biden Display His Ash Wednesday Mark In Public? 1-10
Muslim soldiers arrested for planning to poison food supply. 1-4 2-2 2-5
Beer drinking, fag smoking Jesus 1-5
Is it true that the Cultural Revolution was atheistic??... 1-5
"The world would be a better place without religion" 1-6 1-8
Do atheists like the colour blue? 1-9
What is Biblical literalism? 2-10
Infinity - does it prove God must exist? 1-8 2-5
Is religion best for humanity 1-10 2-8
UK Army Fights Plans to Build Mosque 1-7
the last sound before the big bang? 2-6 2-9