List of Postings of User Champ

Creationist Museum - Kentucky, USA 21-5
Give blood against Jehovah's Witnesses' Dogma 28-5
If You Open Your Mind Too Much Your Brain Will Fall Out 2-5
The Disclosure Project: Massive hoax or proof of UFO's 23-9
Any good theist forums? 7-2
Your funny encounters, moments, with religious people. 6-4
The Placebo Effect 1-3
Well - The God Delusion in RE class! 5-1
In praise of pigs. 3-2
Be a winner not a sinner 1-1 1-4
A fundie gave me a book... 2-2 2-4 3-9
A Clutch of news 1-1
A good quote needed 1-1 1-4 1-5 1-7
Frustrated after arguing with creationist 4-2
Is Religion all bad? 5-5
Since it disappeared... Why isn't there a "Book of Adam"? 1-5 1-9
New Low in Creationist Thought 4-8
The four truths of evolution. 3-4
NO GOD shirt 2-7
How would you respond to this? 2-1 4-7
The risks of accepting homeopathy 2-4 2-10
What's the most happy song you know? 6-4
Another Church Scandal 1-2
Mr. Potato Head religion 1-8
Youtube creationists 1-3
Abstinence - 99.9999% effective 1-2
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 3-7 3-9
Muslims up in arms over Muhammad Teddy bear 6-2
Anti-religious signatures on Dawkins?.....Think Different 2-3
Idiotic bible verses 7-1
Atheism & Ceremony 1-7 2-1 2-3
my favorite euphemism 2-10
A (very) few words on atheism? 2-9 3-2
Brain washing kids 1-5
A piggy question... 2-6
Letter from Hell (more GodTube goodness) 9-3
Jerry Springer the Opera - Trial News 1-10
God's greatest Miracle 2-3 3-2 4-6
Atheism vs. My Sister. 1-2 1-5
"Oh my god" 3-1
Homosexuality and tastes 2-6
Ricky Gervais and the Arch bishop of canterbury 2-1 2-2
Assistance with a few churchies at work. 1-2 1-4
Nutty fundies post on my blog. 1-4
God hates kangaroos 1-4
The Great Unfrocked 1-1
US vs UK 7-8 8-1
Tony Blair becomes a Catholic 6-2
Same old, same old: The Times, Man and God 1-2
Gay Christian 6-4
Wow, Dara O'Briain is an atheist. 3-9
Your belief isolating u from family/friends 1-8
If Christ Doesn't Exist, Then Dawkins is a Hologram! 3-6
Do you give to charity? (this is a rant) 2-10
Help needed in next 90 minutes! 1-8
The atheist's real nightmare (not a banana) 5-4 5-6
Cheer me up. 4-5
Being LGBT, coming out, and Kubler-Ross 1-6
Coming 'out' on Facebook 6-3
How do magicians/illusionists fly? 1-6
Weird places for priests! 1-2 1-10
Thought for the weekend 2-3
Annual Religiously Caused Deaths 3-4
Reasons to fake death but for £180 fine? 1-7
Student goes too far... or did he? 4-1
How Should the World Be? 2-2 2-4
Saudis to lift ban on women motorists 1-4
Call 911 She's Got A Brain! 2-6
Sitting through a funeral as an atheist 1-7 2-1 2-4
Gay couples as committed as straight couples 1-3 1-5
David Cameron says its OK to pretend to have faith... 1-2
BBC Sunday Programming 1-6
Jokes in the bible 1-7
Terrorists- Defenders or radical muslims? 1-2
Taking the Witness Stand 3-1
BBC Radio 4: Thought for the Day 6-2 7-5 7-8 18-1
The System - Derren Brown Fri 9pm 5-2 5-4 5-5
Why Xtianity is so effective 2-2
Virtue Perfume 1-4
No of Catholic nuns and priests declines by 10% in a year 1-9
Individuals who have never heard of Jesus & the Biblical God 1-5 1-7
Jesus Loves the Little Zygotes 1-4
Arguments against gay marriage/adoption 7-7 7-10 10-2
Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) 2-7
Praying while on the job.. 1-7 2-7
The Gays are Coming to Your Town!!!! 2-5 3-5
Rowan Williams on Sharia Law in England 10-6
A Christian "comes out" 5-1
I'm an atheist but... 4-10
Personal Experience As Proof Of A God 2-3
Michael Moore says Religion out of bounds 1-7
How Does A 'God' Author A 'Holy Book'? 1-3
Is UK law Christian anyway? 2-2
Speaking out at work - an e-mail story 1-2
Fundamentalism isn't born of religion 1-4 1-6
Islam banking in the UK 2-5
Calls for death penalty in Britain to be revisited 2-1
Spare tickets - Any Questions tonight 7/3/08 1-1
Anyone think this is an ok book to learn about psychology? 1-4
Metaphors, Analogies 1-9
Cold Reading 1-1 1-9 2-2 2-10 3-8
the "science" section at the bookstore 2-9
What do you do for Pi day? 2-9
A window into the guilt industry. 1-9
Syllogism 4 Origin of Theism 1-3
I've been invited to a church! 1-3
Non REligious Insurance? 1-2
College. 1-3
Seeing Expelled without supporting it 1-7
Musicians Dilemma 2-9
Exposing yet more woo and idiocy 1-4
The God Delusion 1-7 2-1
Woman pressured into donating to church wins suit 1-2
Facebook Joke - Help me beat it! 3-10
Dawkins on Today programme Today! 1-6 2-9
A Fundie Visits RDF 1-7
Waving the flag for atheism on BBC Radio 1-2
So you don't find beauty in nature? 1-10
Laws on same-sex marriage 3-1
Fundies Say The Darndest Things/Xtian chat room quotes 6-10 7-4 8-6
Fags under counter 2-10
New Guy Alert! (And a short message/story/request) 4-4
Noah's Ark & children 1-10
The Case for "God" on WikiHow - LOL 1-6
Humanism to be added to GCSE religious studies 2-5
Avebury stone circle 3-4
Homosexuality 34-9
your FAVORITE atheists!!! 2-7