List of Postings of User entheogensmurf

Noah's Ark 27-7
Why/when/how did you become an atheist? 18-6 22-6
God Delusion Flyer Promotion 2-1
What are you currently reading? 82-2
Photos of animals. 51-6
Medical Marijuana 4-7 5-1
Eugenics 5-10
Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 72-2 76-5
Anthony Flew 14-1 14-10
Out Of Body / Near Death Experience 14-3 14-8 18-8
Sam Harris supportive of torture and the paranormal? 10-6 11-1 11-3 11-6
The neurology of speaking in tongues 10-5
HELP - My 12 year old is a believer!! Any Suggestions? 11-9
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube 31-2 45-9 55-2 55-4 62-7 68-2 71-1
-The Death Penalty- (Part 2) 2-5 3-9 5-4
Race/Intelligence 28-1 28-8
Marijuana 20-4 21-3 21-6 22-1 22-4 24-3 41-9 48-3 49-1 50-7 51-3 55-9 59-2 60-3 64-7 64-9 67-6 68-1 69-3 73-4 79-1
PETA, the joke 6-6
I'm not worthy of the bible in 32 ways. 8-8
Pullman: His Dark Materials / The Golden Compass 19-9
Asperger Syndrome 8-2
Brutal discrimination against an atheist 4-9
Will you worship God if he exists? 8-3
Apocalypse 2012 15-7
Population control 27-4
The Picture Comment Thread 85-3
Atheism as "just another belief". 13-10
DISCRIMINATION! I was asked to not wear my OUT T-SHIRT! 8-6
Pat Condell 18-3
Atheists, Your Strongest Pro-Theism Arguments... 2-7
Vegetarianism 27-4 28-2 34-10 37-2 51-10
The Ancestor's Tale 6-7
which Dawkins books available on audiobook? 1-6
[POLL] MDMA (Ecstasy) Usage 18-2 18-4 19-2 19-5 20-5 20-6 20-8 21-4 25-10
House - Atheist TV series? 13-9
Vegetarianism as nonproductive 'glitch'? 4-6
Christmas Cards 8-10
Dinesh D'Souza & Christopher Hitchens Debate 13-4 13-10
Dr Zakir Naik 6-3
Richard saying grace? 2-7
USA - In God We Trust - Paper Money 1-1
In which I am compared to Einstein 1-7
Teaching science in schools is unfair to religion 1-3
Hello from Portland, Oregon USA --- May Lilith Smile Upon Yo 1-1
Atheists Against Abortion 49-2
NO GOD shirt 1-6
Why do Americans insist on mispronouncing "nietsche' 3-10
Pretty smart Christian Dr. here. (Try to refute this) 3-6
Meet-up at Powell's Books in Portland, OR: Fri, Nov 23, 2007 1-4
child sexual abuse in the god delusion 6-8
Arrogance 3-7
New Futurama Movie!!!! 'Benders Big Score' 1-6
Suicidal people phased out by evolution? 2-2
A Devil's Chaplain ~ Giveaway 3-10
Immortality and our current brain capacity 1-1
A church of england priest a victim of hate crime..... 1-5
Aldous Huxley and Brave New World 4-10
American Atheists 34th National Conference March 21–23 2008 3-3
Idiots in the workplace, can you tolerate them? 1-8
Portland, Oregon: Douglas Adams Blvd? 2-1
Is peer-review on Religion necessary? 1-7
Way of the Master - Are you a "GOOD" person? Try the ultimat 1-1
Don't you envy believers 2-6
Functional neuroimaging of belief, disbelief & uncertainty 2-4
Positive Thought as Benefit of Religion 4-1 6-4
Little Girl Flames O'Reilly and His Response 1-1 1-8
LSD - a cure-all or a dangerous substance? 3-10 8-4 9-1 18-10 20-2
Nosey Journalist 3-7
'Straight' meaning heterosexual 1-5
Depressing lack of change 3-8 5-10
Does your work involve reason/science/religion? 1-2
Freethinker/Atheist version of CHICK Publication comics 1-1 1-6
What is wrong with Golden Compass movie? Why did it bomb? 1-8 2-10
Buy this book. 1-2 1-5
More Physical Meeting Places for Non-Theists: A Good Idea? 1-6
Love 1-1
Two or one--as power grows. 2-1
Incredible creatures that defy evolution: rebuttals? 3-5
Atheism and vegetarianism 4-10
What are your New Year's Eve plans? 1-3
The Stupidest Thing You've Done to Yourself ??? 47-4
Drugs - an alternative opinion 8-3
Do you find it awkward talking to Christian friends? 2-5
carl sagan 1-5
Would you marry an agnostic? 3-2
is tipping necessary? insulting? expected? 16-2
Vox Day - The Irrational Atheist 7-4
Brave New World - My View 1-2
Marijuana vending machines 1-9
Honk if you hate Scientology video 1-3
What scientific evidence would theists accept against god? 1-6
Is debating a fundie worth the time and effort? 1-10
Criticisms of Atheism 24-7
RD vs Mad Bunting - Guardian Debate 2-2
Do you regard yourself as an 'Anti-theist'? 3-2
sad truths.. a rebuttal backed by evidence.. 1-6
Paradox - Intolerance of intolerance. 3-7
Baruch de Spinoza 9-8
Earth History, and a Muslim Friend... 1-9
Atheist's take on animal experimentation 6-5
My Life Is Not Pointless! 4-1 4-6
Praying to the subconscious 2-2
Do you proudly acknowledge your atheism? 5-8
Why am i an Atheist? 3-1
Best Anti-Atheism books? 1-7
Is The Selfish Gene responsible for The God Delusion 1-3 - Help Medical Marijuana Research! 1-1
Epiphany in respect to the god delusion 1-1
Joe Rogan on Evolution 1-2 2-2
Religion 'linked to happy life' 5-2
I feel a bit sad 2-3
How many chimps is a junkie with AIDS worth? 2-4
Atheistic terror 3-9
Being good - Dawkins' ideas 1-2
The Portable Atheist audiobook 1-2
Do you find people just dont get it? 4-9
Interesting essay on how to disagree 1-7
Psychedelic experiences and Atheism : a poll 1-3 1-7
Debates you would love to see 3-7
An Open Letter to Richard Dawkins 5-9
Favorite Quotes 1-7
Does religion bring about any good? 1-5 1-9
Why isn't theism a mental illness????? 1-8 3-10 4-4 5-4 6-6
Where to buy a fossil? 1-2
Unwanted intolerance 2-5 3-1
How can we crush ignorance? 1-8
Drug Experimentation... 9-1 9-6
Hey Atheists 3-9
atheist cartoons 4-7
Anglican Church Grammar School bans gay partners at formal 1-3
Intelligent Design? 1-2
Are we trying to make our point the wrong way? 1-2
Spuiten en slikken - Dutch Rec Drug Use 1-1
New Atheism's critical flaws. 14-2 22-6 48-8
TGD... arrogant? 2-9
Nicholas Lash on The God Delusion 2-10
"The Trouble with Atheism" - Muslim criticism of atheism 3-7 5-1 5-6 7-1
Is Racism the real "Root of all Evil"? 1-4
Bill Maher Takes Back Nazi Joke 2-7
Any thoughts on why suicide is so stigmatized? 2-9
Horror Stories or Funny Stories About Being An Atheist 1-3
Supernatural 1-8
Theological justification for genocide Part One 1-4
Nazi link to Vegetarianism! 1-4 2-3
who is the best pro-religion debater? 1-4
Hate the atheist 4-10
Reason to Believe 1-8
My Conversion From YEC to Atheism. 2-2
Can you help someone overcome religious indoctrination? 1-2
Dealing with moderate theists - very moderate 2-3
The ban on blood donations from homosexuals 2-1 3-3
Psychedelics and reality by Michael Persinger 1-3
I am seriously sick to my stomach right now.. 3-8
Moderate or Hard Core... 1-9
Does lack of religion make you feel alone at times? 2-2
Did you jump any "moral" fence thanks to atheism? 1-6
Muslim asks - "What's wrong with Islam?" 1-3
Richard mentions Mensa study. 1-3 1-7
Its it possible to be right without looking like an asshole? 2-1
Today I lost my ' unexpected reaction to my atheism ' cherry 1-5
Man asks court to change his name to 'In God We Trust' 2-1
The curious case of the ayouist. 1-7
Transexualism and logic 2-7
Fanatic? 2-1
My Mother Has Left The Watchtower!!! 2-4
Too much sciencefiction amongst Atheists? 1-9
Peter Singer vs Dinesh D'Souza 2-4
Telling people what to think 2-1
Islamic court says Muslim convert can return to Buddhism 2-6
Test your Scientific Literacy 1-9
5 scientific reason that a Zombie Apocolypse could happen! 1-4
Planning on replying to this e-mail from my mother... 2-3
Are prisons really "Atheist free zones"? 1-5
Thought Experiment. Would you give blood to a fundamentalist 1-10 3-5 5-3
Kirk leader aims to act as membership slumps 1-2
So why won't Dawkins debate Dinesh? 7-9 8-2
Humankind has survived because of theism 16-1
Implications of determinism. 1-8
All my friends have been brainwashed. 1-5
How do you treat fundies? 1-8
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? (Part 3) 3-1
Dawkins is '19th-century'--what is that supposed to mean? 7-2
atheist support in personal crisis' 1-10
New here 3-2
Does Dawkins have to adapt to get America on his side? 1-6 2-2
I Was Flabbergasted by a 60 Year Old Man... 3-3
Hindu Swastika Symbol upsets Auckland neighbours 1-10
Pantheism as "Sexed up Atheism" 2-2 2-8
Defeating religious people in argument 1-4
Ive started reading The God Delusion and I have a question. 1-3
The single most aggravating anti-atheist argument 1-2
Answering the Question: 'What Do You Believe In?' 1-2
Darwin - the Atheist Bible? 3-3
Atheists about int. and stupidity(prev:Dumb Questions) 3-5
Do you ever envy theists? 2-5
Do atheists believe in Love? or is God and Love now dead? 1-6
Indiana Jones 4 1-10
What did you feel when you "became atheist"? 1-3
Psychological standing of homosexuality 1-6
Beyond Atheism 1-6
Is it my moral responsibility to inform others about atheism 2-2
Questions for Richard Dawkin Supporters - By baaadbobby 1-1 1-3
Expansion of flat Universe or...Gravitational Pull from spin 1-4
Helping a friend 1-3
"Atheism is irrational" 1-2
Anyone here have synaesthesia? 1-6
Planting the Atheist Seed... 4-2
Is 'The Selfish Gene' a bad title? 3-5
Cherie Blair attacks Richard Dawkins 5-9
If Atheists Ran The World... 2-2
Is Atheism an evolutionary misfire? 1-4
Going to pot? 3-5 5-1
If everyone were god, hell would not exist 1-2
Criticism of Richard Dawkins 1-5
Why, I do not belong to any group. 3-3
Infinite Regression? 6-9 9-2
Religion Does Not Poison Everything!!! 6-2
I hope there's more meat then this in "the God Delusion" 1-9
Do you argue with yourself? 4-2
New & looking for a book on basic Logic / Critical Thinking 1-5 1-8
Do Most Atheists Condone These Vicious Tactics 7-10
Art: Does too much knowledge destroy beauty? 2-3
Who are the best scientists? 2-7
Court to Decide 'Under God' and 'In God We Trust' 11-7 22-7
Is it Possible...... 2-9
Full length Penn & Teller Bullsh!t on some guys website 2-1
What was once done that has benefited society but 1-1 1-6
BREAKING NEWS: Christopher Hitches Becomes a Christian 1-2
Admit Your Need For God! 1-7 2-6 3-2
1 in 5 atheists believe in God, US study finds 10-3
PHD at Oxford is taking a survey about atheists! Take it now 2-8
It's hopeless, the mind control is too strong. 1-7 2-4
Acceptable to disrespect 3-7
Does evolution proclaim the existence of a god? 2-4
NephilimFree's Challenge to Atheists and Evolutionists 1-7
Another exemption from rules for muslims based on 'beliefs'. 1-6
In my book Fred Phelps is 100% christian 1-8 2-9 3-3 4-1
Portable Atheist 1-4
Why is Richard Dawkins angry? Question from Dr Greg Clarke 1-1
A plea to atheists 1-8
Muslim gang attacks gay catwalk model 1-9
Recycling Is Bullshit 1-6
Al Jazeera discuss "Islamophobia" in the U.S. 1-8
Magic Mushrooms have Long Lasting Positive Effects 4-10 6-2 7-2 8-5
Colson: There are no atheists 3-3
Atheists score! 2-1
Why is it the ultimate test for a parent... 1-9
Jack Rawlinson Hits 1k!!! 1-7
Top 10 Atheist Strawmen 1-10
Pride and Atheism 1-5
Should parents be allowed to deprive their children of meat? 3-9 5-3 7-1 8-7 8-10
Atheism Offers Nothing! 14-3
Dawkins & Dogma 1-5
Trading Spouses TV show / Militancy 1-9
List of scientists who believe in GOD? 1-8
Mind expanding Drugs, Sense Deprivation, Lucid Dreaming etc 1-6 2-2 2-6
Idiot trapped in purple void attacks atheism... 1-10
What if god smoked cannabis? 1-10
Rastafarian wins appeal against conviction in marijuana case 1-5 2-1
How long will the human race exist? 5-6
Atheism fail 1-2
Is my fervent anti-religion passion justifed? 2-5
Why again is intelligent design not science? 1-4
Atheists, you are wrong. Religion is RATIONAL. 6-7
Do you think Incest is wrong? 11-7
If this life is the only one we have why commit suicide? 2-6
Dawkins: Asset or Liabilty? 3-6
Richard Dawkins made me a Christian! 1-3
[video blog]Do we need to be religious to be happy? 1-7
"morals of atheism? Atheists have none (read disc)" 2-6
Do I have 'faith' in science? 1-10
Another noob hits the boards! 1-4
Are we beginning life on Mars? 1-7
How to Persuade an Atheist to Become Christian 2-5 4-7 7-8
Atheists are boring according to 3-6
Starship troopers 3 1-4
Debate between PZ Meyers and Fr. Tom Loya 1-4
"Richard Dawkins enrudens every religious person he meets" 1-2 2-8
A JW told me we only use 1% of our brains!...? 2-4
Maybe We Aren't Evolved Enough to Get Past Religion 2-5 2-7
Ben Stein compares Obama to Hitler 1-8
New atheist trying to cope 4-6
Taliban slays Women for Prostitution 3-6
Gay Christians 1-5
Trolley ethical thought experiment poll 1-2
The Death of Religion 1-5
The Christian's Guide to ... 1-1
A unifying theory (?): God is the universe 4-4
I finally met my match in a debate 3-2
Anti-theism 45-6 52-4 64-1
'Expelled' movie available for Amazon review 1-4
"Faith-Heads"? 1-8
Atheism is a threat to society 6-10
Post count discrepancy 5-2
US Congress on De-crim Marijuana 5-8
Thoughts on [people] boycotting the olympics? 5-10
Correlation between Atheism and Depression? 6-7
Lee Strobel's "The Case For A Creator" 1-7
"Atheism Has No Morals" 2-4
Muslim apolagetics debunk themselfs and admit Dawkins is... 1-4
A challenge to Richard and all atheists. 5-5
Firebombings Target UCSC Researchers - PETA involved ? 2-3 3-1 3-6
Schizophrenia and Evolution 1-3
What would be the coolest science breakthrough .. 1-7
What is the basis for a love of 'reason' over 'faith'? 1-2
Is the death penalty ethical? Part 1 6-8
Evidence comes ---- eventually 22-8
Does jesus want me to hate my children? 2-2
No Religion: Would the World Be Better? 2-10
The Extended Atheist: The Long Reach of Richard Dawkins 3-8
Do theists expect Atheists to fear hell? 3-6
Non-chemical highs 1-9 2-5 2-8 3-3 3-9
So you're on your death bed... 4-9
Is atheism a form of spiritual autism? 69-9
Would you like there to be a God? 2-7
24hr city-wide curfew? In America? 3-5
Would God Question His Own Existance? 2-1
Can we appeal to religious people at all? 2-4
Movie recommendations 1-6
Atheism- Cons of Atheism? 1-6 3-5
Legalizing drugs key to all kinds of good stuff 4-2 4-5
Berlin Muslim magazine labelling gays as diseased 2-1
I have lost all respect for Peter Singer 3-1
Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, or someone else? 3-1
Rape in Islamic states 6-2 6-3
Kirk Cameron stars in... 3-4
Too young? Preteen girls get leg, bikini waxes 1-10 2-2 2-10
why don't atheists kill themselves? 4-8 5-7
How to battle annoying music in public transport 2-10
Einstein's God 1-2 2-2
What are you drinking tonight? 4-4
Fed up with some atheists (bitch session) 1-6
A challenge to the new atheists by an atheist 16-5
Everybody is a believer when the PAIN hit the door. 10-7
The God Delusion - setting myself free 1-6
Holy smoke! Priest goes potty 1-3
Atheist Do Not Know Women 10-9
In Praise of Bullfighting 7-10
Weird way to logically reach bible truth 2-2
The end of Atheism? What next? 4-9 7-6
YouTube - Adding comments has been disabled for this video. 1-3
The Bigotry of the Non Believer- Einstein 4-1 14-9
Shaving 5-5
The end of Atheism according to SidewalkCynic 3-1 3-3
"0% suffering" (heaven), "100% suffering" (hell) 1-3
Microwave baby killer gets life 4-1
Genuine Arguments against Homosexuality? 2-9
Anyone ever had a nervous breakdown? 4-7
Radio Documentary online on Christian/Muslim debate 1-7
Do you advocate 'Guerrilla Atheism'? 1-10
Priest Caught Peddling Cocaine 1-7 2-1 2-3
Losing my enthusiasm for fighting the good fight 2-5
VenomFangX vs Thunderf00t 8-8 9-2
"Religiophobia" 1-7
What's wrong with the religious?! 1-5
Science vs. God (Short story) 1-1 1-3
Eleven dead in Congo football riot after use of 'witchcraft' 1-3
Is science based on faith? 3-2
What exactly is an elitist? 2-10
dinosaurs, humans and cave drawings 3-3
Is Evolutionary Theory Dangerous? 6-9 7-1
Time Travel - Where do you land? 1-1
Crtitical Thinking Pamphlets 1-5 1-8
Illegal drugs and ethical dilemmas 1-2
Atheism Is A Dead End 2-5
Small doubts blocking me to be 100% atheist 3-1
Lawrence Krauss dropping by OMSI (10/14/2008) 1-1
Youtube creo-crushers ExtantDodo suspended again 3-6
Would you convert for the sake of love? 4-7
Christian Forgiveness in lastest NZ Murder-Moral response ? 4-3 4-7
Atheism is a religion?If so we should be allowed tax breaks? 1-4
What would Dawkins say about IVF and PGD? 4-1
Volunteer for sterilisation, and recieve $1,000! Good idea? 2-3 3-10
organised atheism 2-4
Religious belief can help relieve pain, say researchers 1-8
Are you convinced by historical evidence for a human Jesus 41-5
The God Delusion; a scientific perspective 4-4
Why science can't explain it all 3-8
PETA vs. Jews - who is right and who is wrong? 4-6 7-6
Patient roused from coma by a magnetic field 1-6
Psychedelic drugs and the nervous system 1-4
Test Your Atheism 4-4
God as a scientific hypothesis 3-7
I think I found a new flea. 1-2
Why the hell do people wear makeup? 5-2
Death Penalty and Euthanasia - why the pain? 3-3 6-6
How do atheists judge morality? 1-2 8-8
Greetings from a deist (of sorts) 7-2
Religulous vs. Fireproof 1-8
Are the Drug Lords this Powerful now? 1-2
"Unconsolable" or "there's no point of anything without god" 4-1
Why do songs get 'stuck' in your head? 3-4
Answering Atheism 1-9
Creationists declare war on the brain 3-7
Strategies to stop smoking? 5-1
Acid attack on Afghan Schoolgirls 3-1 8-2
World of Warcraft! 2-3 2-7 3-2
Gun Ownership: Do You Own A Firearm? 1-9
Religion is the greatest problem of our times? (Poll) 4-2
How eating red meat can spur cancer progression 1-5
Sam Harris: The Moderate 1-9
Obama has more threats than other presidents-elect 1-2
Girlfriend Not Having Sex Due To Religion 1-9 3-3
Bicycle survey 5-1
left 4 dead is giving me nightmares 1-2
Dad links son's suicide to 'The God Delusion' 18-3
Al-Qaeda welcomes Michael Jacksons conversion to Islam 4-1
Atheistic answers for leary's questions ? 4-10 5-3
Plant settles for $365K with Muslims over prayer breaks 1-8
A post for Richard 6-2
MDMA and brain damage 1-9 2-3
Maybe Christopher Hitchens isn't great 4-7
Mark Lowry disses atheism 1-5
atheists and canabis 3-9
Hollow Earth 2-1
Why Atheism is Illogical 5-7
Why is The God Delusion such a lowbrow work of Philosophy? 1-2
The Two Faces of Richard Dawkins 7-1
Chemist proves dinosaurs walked with man. 1-7
Annoying People in Book Shops 1-9
Atheist Holiday Display at Washington State Capitol 8-2
A friend's baptism - to go or to not go? 4-2 5-1
Atheism is Compatible With Deism 7-1
The Qur'an - Random reading fun 1-1
Do you give Theism enough thought? 1-8
Jack Chick says sexual abuse is fine, god will forgive you 4-8
How does one deal with the certainty of death... 5-6
How is the world recession affecting you 1-4
KopBusters 1-3
Teacher axed for telling class, "There's no Santa" 9-3
Richard isnt so bright! 18-4
Elisabeth Hasselbeck Disproves Evolution in <8 Minutes 2-3
Does The God Delusion incite hatred? 1-5
Bush's Final F.U. 2-8
Money from sales on where does it go? 1-5
Spiritual Atheist hi! 1-5
If you could completely eradicate religion, would you? 2-7
Honor Killing - Muslim Girl Murdered 2-1
YouTube Fundies Think The Darndest Things! 1-5
Kenneth Miller - Roman Catholic + Evolution ? 1-6
The Truth about Dawkins 12-6
im going to try and leave the forum :( 3-4
how much do you understand the theory of evolution 1-3
Reference to Sun Exploding 1-2
Iraq - Women leader beheaded 2-5
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? 2-8
Should I get a tattoo? 2-3
disturbing medical news 1-9
Book for a friend? [opinions needed] 1-3
Poll – Are you an Out/Closet Atheist? 1-10
MEPs demand hooker-free hotels 3-3
Book Suggestions for Kids 1-3
The atheist neurosis and how to fix it 17-5
Einstein on God 4-4
Atheists Sue to Get Prayer, God Out of Obama's Swearing-In 3-10
"free thought" symbol 2-7
John Travolta's son died today 2-3 3-8 7-5 9-6
Ex-muslim and Bacon 4-5
Warning reading those books will make you an idiot 1-9
Voltaire Quote & Sammy the Sexy Harris 1-1
Are we justified on acting upon subjective knowledge? 1-9
Church Offers Prayers For Jobless 1-6
How Logical Are You? 10-9
Atheists should not be considered citizens... 2-4
Converting FROM atheism? 1-9
Computer programs becoming sentient 4-9
Windows 7 Beta 1-3
Thomas Campbell should educate Richard Dawkins 10-6
Don't believe your brain 1-7
Geert Wilders on "anti-Islam" charge 66-5 70-1 77-3
Sweden to allow gay marriage in May 1-10
Lying For Islam 1-2
Hypothetically Revisiting Pascal's Wager 6-8
With God, Life is Inevitable 7-2
Prayer is a Problem 4-1
newbie seeks scientific proof that people are NOT "born bad" 2-4
Atheistic World View - A SS of a comment made in re Ath worl 1-1
Video game has Islamic propaganda! 1-4
Watchmaker Analogy 2-5
10 Benefits Of Religion ***Cough Cough **** 3-2
What god would you worship 4-6 8-1
Evolution Points Us Away from Atheism 3-10
Atheist Ad Banned 4-3
Iraqi woman had 80 women raped to recruit suicide bombers 1-8 2-2
Ten Reasons Why Beer is Better than Religion 1-6 2-5
Misconceptions about Atheists? 1-9
Maybe we do need religion? 1-6 2-7
It's easier NOT to believe in Jesus, God etc 2-5
Danish police reject headscarves 2-4
Prague Urged to End Castration of Sex Offenders 2-4
Richard Dawkins Vs Ali Sina 2-5
If God doesn't exist, who wrote the bible? 4-2
Rabbi David Wolpe's question: Popularity of God Hypothesis 1-6
I'm Officially An Old Fart. 2-4
TGD and YHWH 1-4
"Understanding Evolution Doesn't Affect My Life" 1-2
God caused the Victorian bushfires?? 6-7
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith - Contact? 1-1 1-5
More Evidence for or against god? 1-2 1-5 1-9 2-3
The exclusivity of Christianity 1-10
Teens could be charged for taking things a little too far 1-9 2-5
I quite like religious people. 2-7 3-6
Allah Has Weird Ways Indeed..... 1-3
Imam Sex Abuse Trial Stirs Tensions in Bosnia 1-2
Insulting my wife..... 6-1 & AFA Propaganda to air in Michigan 1-8
Will you be missed when you pass away? 2-5 5-6 6-8
Which Dogs Would Survive? 2-2
Should I Attend? 2-5
I am FINALLY reading TGD 5-2
Octuplets: She's in the news again... 3-5
"Bananaman" Comfort challenges RD with $10,000 1-9 3-3
Are you sure about my teacher's response to my question? 1-9
I have a question for my fellow free thinkers 2-1
If you don't believe in something, how can you be offended 1-1
Anger at religious types 3-1 4-3
Why does Richard keep calling God a "him"? 3-3
Why do you hate the concept of God? 10-8
Palin Sues Federal Government for Protecting Whales 2-8
What are your thoughts on TheAmazingAtheist? 2-6
Is it easier to brainwash a theist or an atheist 2-2
Do you like PETA? Why or why not? 4-1 6-5 9-1
Richard Dawkins: Darwin disproved God? 2-9
Catholics excommunicates those who assist child 4-8
Do people around you still ask you to pray? 2-9
Pink Dolphin! 2-4
Cleric probed over child bride 1-2
British couple die at assisted suicide clinic 1-1
Hello from Japan 1-9
Is Christianity a Religion of Peace or Violence? 2-3
Should Ann Leslie be sectioned? 1-9
Talk humanly about any religion 12-9
The selfless gene: Rethinking Dawkins's doctrine 1-1 1-2
Crumbling Morals in society 3-9
Did a psychedelic experience change your belief? 3-8 4-9 6-4
Dissilusioned with Dawkins 7-7
Vatican angered by US stem cells decision 1-10
Immigrants didn't cause your problems 1-1
This is fucking outrageous!! 4-6
Can God create a rock so heavy that he can't lift it? 3-8 4-3 4-5
International registrar for atheist 3-2
Hate Speech, Hate Crime, or Really funny Joke 1-10
I feel freed 2-4
College Professor Seeking a New Start 1-9
Labeling children of their parents' religion 3-9
Phoning God. Dutch style... 1-2
Why are Christians upset when holiday associated w/ pagan? 1-5
My daughter and Darwin 5-4
Would a Time Machine rid us of religion? 1-6
Peter Singer's new book 1-8
Does Dawkins debate serious theologians? 1-4
All homosexuals should be stoned to death 3-5
ex religious and medicating with marijuana 1-8
lailum from Hong Kong responds to the story of Kurt Wise 1-1
Obama online Q&A 2-4 2-7
Needing Help concerning Atlas of Creation Harun Yahya 1-2
Debating Religion (in a class) 1-8
Knowing (the movie): Christian propaganda. 1-9 2-10 3-7 4-7
The "miracle" of the Holy Light 2-3
Are atheist girls easy??? 1-7 2-3
A 'true' Christian 1-5
I'm offended by Richard's views on 9/11 2-8
Hullo- A teenage Atheist 1-3
Where'd the Quran come from? 1-10
Cafferty - "War on drugs is insane" 1-9 2-2 3-4
Veiled Woman Removed From Bus in Denmark 2-3 3-9 5-8
Sam Harris 1-5
My first real fight with a Christian Minister 2-9
Eternity in Heaven and Hell - Meaningless 1-1 1-4
What's your fav. X-men character and Marvel Character(s)? 2-6
Is there a place for me as an atheist? 1-9
NY Times on Peter Singer 1-9
Lozzer the Journalist ... 2-4
Yes, millions of Gods 2-4
Respond to this Spinoza statement. 4-2
Essential Atheist Material for noobs 3-6
Katherine's Ten Years of Atheism Party Thread!!! 3-4
Advice on responses to religious questioning 1-7
Mental Sanity 4-9
Can sacred medicine bridge gap between religion and science? 4-2 4-9 5-4
Muslim scratches naked women from billboard 2-2
Decriminilizing drugs in Portugal lowered drug use 1-7 1-9
Akinator, the Web Genius 1-1
Atheism and purpose 5-3
Religious Leaders Push To Legalize Marijuana 1-4
Is your aim to raise your child to be an atheist? 3-5
My Drug Addiction 5-5
Shouldn't it be Immoral for Christians to Have Children? 1-2
Religious Moderates - Half Red n Half Blue Pill Poppers 1-1
Abortion doctor Killed while entering church. 2-10
Religious Neighbor Confronts Us 1-8 2-2
What is Faith? 2-7
Muslim waitress wins £3000 for ‘looking like a prostitute’ 6-10
Abortion — part III 31-8 31-10
I'm an atheist but....somehow you think that means new age? 4-5
Would you ever sacrifice your life for a stranger in need? 1-9
Insurer fined for discriminating against atheists 1-6
Hello! 1-2
William Lane Craig 1-3
Facebook polling pulled after ‘Kill Obama’ poll 1-3
Religion as addiction - Alpha, Omega (Fiction) 1-2
Health there a more noble cause? 2-1
Sam Harris's atheism 3-3
Craig: Atheists Must Shoulder Burden Of Proof! 2-7
NON-atheist psychologists. Are they helpful for an atheist? 4-8
How can you be a happy atheist? 9-7
Prop 8 Attorneys Can't Answer Judge's Questions 2-6
Louisiana Judge: No Marriage License for Interracial Couples 2-7
Layman says "All humans are selfish" 1-2
Is There An Intrinsic Conflict Between Science & Religion? 25-4
My kid scared about evil spirits 4-1 4-5
Crimes of Mercy and atheism 2-10
True Atheology 5-10 6-3
Proving God Right Here Right Now 5-8 8-9 12-2
Wife tried to kill husband over Muslim principles 2-6
British government drug advisor fired 3-3 5-5 10-10 11-10 16-1
Help with difficult arguments with believers. 3-2
Johann Hari: Ayn Rand Another L. Ron Hubbard 2-1
Atheistic art? The lack of inspiration from religion? 2-6
Belief vs Disbelief 1-9
Atheist's with a Chronic and/or Terminal Illness 1-3 1-7
Felt god? What nonsense!! 3-10
Where faith has it's merits... 2-5
'Pro life' atheism 1-2
Anyone Else Watch Religious Programs to Amuse Themselves? 1-9
Is sexual addiction woo? 1-5
Best Christian/Atheist Book in Support of/or Against 1-1
If God existed would atheist obey him? 1-5
Have any of you experienced hallucinations? 4-10 6-1
Humans "Hardwired" for religion 3-7
The person of Jesus a good example? 4-6
Spiritual Atheist Intro 1-8
Still-Gay-Ex-Gay Ted Haggard Was Never Anti-Gay 1-6
Improve the Bible 1-3
Atheism is literally a delusion 20-8 21-10
Romance creates religous feelings? I think not! 2-4 2-7
Why do people find religion comforting? 7-9
William Lane Craig - II 12-3