List of Postings of User coolbreeze

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 20-5 26-3 27-3
french philosopher in hiding after criticizing islam 2-9 3-2
Darwin Fish 12-9
Monarchism 40-1
Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 64-5
Insidious Communism on the Boards! 33-3
Atheists Arrogant? 13-6
The collapse of atheism: so bad I had to share it! 6-1
Who laid the first egg? An update 3-3
Atheism: The default belief? 7-4 7-7
How Evolution is not pure random chance 61-1
When did you first start to think your religion was faulty? 8-2
US christian cons would rather encourage death than sex. 2-5 2-8
Young Stalin 1-8
Would an atheist return a wallet with $100? Why or Why not? 15-5 15-8
Coincidences/synchronicities 7-9
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 6-8 8-9
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 46-10 47-3 47-9
Etiquette question about saying grace. 9-8
How to bring up Children 2-9
Post your favourite satirical cartoon. 8-7
New Christopher Hitchens book 2-6
Can anyone think of a purely unselfish act? 7-3 7-8
Conservapedia Article on Evolution 3-8
How to undermine the faith 1-5
Meaningful moments in a parent's life 1-4
Dealing with street evangelists 3-1
Does Atheism dishonour the dead..? 5-5
Putin and Iran. 3-1
Why god allows pain and suffering. 5-1
Rendition - Myths and Facts 8-3 8-10 9-2
Atheism sects? 3-3
Why have children? 2-1
Interesting Question 1-2
hatchet job on dawkins starts 1-2
Atheist dictionary 2-2
The Putin system. 1-2 1-4 1-7 1-9 1-10 2-7 2-8 3-4 3-10 4-5 4-9 5-4 5-6 6-3 7-1 8-4 12-8 17-3 17-4
I am... 8-3
Richard Dawkins- Genius!!!! 1-7
What is your take on this argument? 1-3
Atheism defined positively or negatively? 1-2
Should Creationist be allowed to post in E&NS? 2-5
Faked stigmata, Worshipping a corpse (Padre Pio) 4-6 4-9
Derren Brown "converts" atheists to theism... 3-10
How do you answer the fine-tuning argument? 1-2 2-1
Why are Americans so different? 4-3 4-8 6-7
Have you been physically/verbally assaulted by a theist? 1-5
The List of Religions and Why Each One is False 13-7
Another anti-gay gay busted 1-3
They are praying for my eternal soul! 1-5
Coming out... at work! 1-2
Is Religion all bad? 3-1
Theists reading The God Delusion? 5-3
Invisible/Missing posts, and other forum glitches 1-4
Religion in School - HELP!! 1-2 1-8
BBC amends prayer story 2-2
Soccer violence - why? 1-3 1-7 2-3 2-7 4-8
I am experiencing God 1-3
Come and Say Your Prayers! 2-1
Where do you tell children their dead parents are gone ? 2-9
Dilemma 1-2
Songs of Praise 1-6
Better with religion?!? 1-4
25 million records lost in UK 2-4
McClellan points finger at Bush, Rove 1-10
President Putin rattles nuclear sabre at Nato 2-2 2-8 3-1 3-7
Equality versus Liberty . 3-6
New Humanist Bad Faith Awards: Name your enemies of reason 1-6
Weakest Atheist Arguments 2-7
How do you react to (offensive) faithheads at work? 2-1
Religion, incompatible with evolution? 1-2
Email from The Prime Minister's Office 1-6 3-7
Uppity Buddhists 1-1 1-4
Creationists attachment to their forskins :D 2-6
Pakistan suspended from Commonwealth 1-2 1-8
Wore the wrong pants.. 1-7
Riots break out in Paris suburb (again) 1-2
Next UK elections: Who would you vote for? 2-3 3-3
How much of a book geek are you? 1-10 2-9 4-5
Hip-Hop culture. Sigh. 1-3
A Question 4 Britishes and Canadians. 2-9 4-7 5-1 5-4
My own tiny confrontation 3-10
Do you take good care of your books? 1-2
Do atheists speak differently? 1-2
What do I do.... 1-2 1-4 1-10
The Pope Blasts Atheism 3-7 18-8
BBC Radio 2 secularism debate. 1-6
How will Chavez try and steal the referendum. 1-3
An end to Belgium ? 1-3
'Christianophobia' Warning From MP...... 2-4 2-6 3-1
Suggestions 1-5
Bono 2-1
Risk? 3-10 5-6 5-10 6-2 6-4 6-6 6-8
Fear 2-6
We're all doomed 1-6
Church Shootings 1-9
Silly Bush 1-8 2-8
Richard Dawkins; "I'm A Cultural Christian" 1-7
Atheism defeated 1-3 1-4
An Open Letter to Richard Dawkins 1-8 10-2 10-4
Russia is showing off.. 1-7 2-3 2-4 2-8 2-9 5-1 5-3 5-5 5-8
It's all Atheists fault 2-2
"Tick None" Campaign 1-4
When Atheists come to Power 1-4
LSD - a cure-all or a dangerous substance? 1-6 1-7
The New E.U Treaty 8-3 8-7 10-3 11-7 30-5 30-7 30-10
Acceptability of lying to stop religion? 2-1
God Delusion - anyone still trusts the arguments? 2-3 6-7 7-4 7-7
Jail for creationist row killer 1-6
Why the flying spaghetti monster is not a good argument. 1-4 1-8
where would be a good place to meet an atheist girlfriend? 1-3
The Central Absurdity Of Inerrancy 5-6
Christian knowledge culturally necessary? 4-3 4-4 4-8
Creationists plan British theme park 2-1
Best smackdown of "atheists are immoral" argument 1-2
El, Le, Al, La, and Language Evolution 1-2 2-2
Why some religious fight so hard against evolution... 1-2
Why is allying with Ayaan Hirsi Ali? 2-4
Atheist Definitions of "GOOD" and "EVIL"? 1-9
Hoodies 1-4
The reason why Islam can NOT be reformed 4-2 4-5 5-3
LibDems leadership / Clegg and God 1-10 3-4 4-5 4-10 5-9 6-2 6-6 7-6
I refuse to believe you're an atheist! 1-3
Hey Atheist 1-6
Creationist posts 1-3
Cultural Christianity: Cop-out or OK ? 2-1 2-9
The appeal of the underdog 1-4
At 5pm, QE2 becomes oldest British Monarch 2-7
Three Wise Men just legend, says Anglican leader 3-9 4-3
Replacements for the moralists 1-3
National Service - Good or bad? 1-4
Bishops and The Daily Mail criticising atheism 4-6
Dostoevsky, what do I read next!? 1-5
To what extent is Christianity 'part of our culture'? 1-2
Atheism equals crazy? 1-2
Why English atheists should oppose disestablishment of the C 1-5 1-10
The Queen's Speech 1-5
Going to Church with Wife? 1-9
Youth myth nr.1: Graffiti is art. 4-10
Creationism (I.D.) Concern Outside America? 1-3 2-4
The Dawkins Delusion 3-3
Tiger attack victim. 6-1
Dutch film: Freedom of speech, or Hate speech? 31-2 38-3 38-6
Vox Day - The Irrational Atheist 7-2
Iain M. Banks 1-6 2-3 3-6
What is a 'moderate'? 1-3
What should I do with all these free Scientology books? 1-5 1-9
Why a biologist? 1-2
The Evolved Eye Argument 1-5
Theist proves his belief is wrong 1-4
What's in your La-La Box? 5-9
We all start in ignorance 1-4
Viz Profanisaurus 1-6
Cat Problems 1-3 1-7
Cold war thread edit : Japan accuses Russia of incursion 2-7 2-9
Husbands with multiple wives to get extra benefits 2-10
Why atheism is wrong. 1-2
the effect of atheists on society 9-4
Dawkins Watch 1-4
If you could live in any other country 1-3
Rowan Williams on Sharia Law in England 16-3
OSCE to boycott Russian election 1-2
Join the National Secular Party! 2-5
A Fun Google Bomb 1-5
Why Dawkins failed to convince me 1-4 2-7
Christianity and the UK census 2-2
So I'm going to Italy... 3-4 3-10
Mosquito device 1-8 2-1 2-7
Danish Muhammad cartoons reprinted feb. 13th '08 in Denmark 1-9 2-1 2-7 7-7 10-1
Xbox game 'Dark Sector' banned in Australia, allowed in USA 1-2
Kosovo - Another cancerous Islamic victory 19-2 19-6 19-8
Islam banking in the UK 2-3
The EU Treaty (aka The EU Constitution) - Yes or No? 3-9 4-3 4-9 4-10 6-8 7-4 7-6
If Scotland gets Independence, will England change it's Flag 1-4 1-8 8-4 14-5 15-1 15-6 15-8 16-2
I am proud to be an atheist (An ex-Muslim speaks out) 3-2 3-6
Crime fiction! 1-3
Why am i an Atheist? 1-4
"Hate Crime Legislation Worries Religious Broadcasters" 4-7
A UK Pledge of Allegiance 3-9 4-1 4-9 5-6
There was an Englishman Scotsman and Welshman 1-3 4-7 5-5
Dawkins not thinking clearly 4-10
Atheists exclude evidence as part of their faith 1-2
How Mumbo-jumbo Conquered the World, by Francis Wheen 1-8
The English Empire 4-4
55% of Brits believe in the resurection 1-10
Rowan Williams at it again 1-5 3-3 3-10
Atheism and Political Orientation 2-2
Daily Telegraph Opinion Piece 1-5
Atheism Sucks! 1-2
Sydney, Australia: World Youth Day 2008 Popery Festival 40-9
What Eye Colour Most Attracts You? 1-7
Communist Candidate gets 18+% in Russian Pres. Election 1-5 1-8
Video games! 15-8
Vatican at no 1 – the benefits of Religion! 4-9
What is the UK anti-gun lobby up to now? 1-4 6-9 9-1 9-5 9-9
FSM statue in Tennessee 1-5
Total annihilation of religion, or not? 5-1
What is the collective noun for creationists? 1-8
Rape / Sexual Assault / Harassment in the news 15-2 15-6
Max Moseley - in a bit of bother? 1-10 2-10
Blairs faith foundation 3-1 3-10 4-1 4-3 6-10
Favorite Quotes 3-4
"many people think Sir Bob Geldof actually wrote the Bible" 1-3 1-5 2-2 2-6
Richard's nationality 1-9
Modern transportation & ability to mate in far off lands 1-2 1-4
Christians and the Old Testament... 1-3
Islamic danger in the U.K. and the BNP 2-1
The Inadvertant Linguistic-Offence Thread 1-2
I know my rights!!!!!! 1-3 1-9
Islamic Statements about Evolution. What do you say? 1-3 1-5
another biased mod abuses her power 1-7
Should Squirrel be on the menu? 4-5
Open Letter to Richard Dawkins from a Forum Member. 2-6
End of Local Education Authorities 2-6
Mysticism of Selfish gene. 4-2 4-6 5-2
atheist opinions regaurding Zionism and Israel. 7-5
Are You Sick Of Hearing The Phrase, "Darwinians"? 1-9
Sam Harris' nuclear first strike argument. 2-6
What would you do in this situation? 1-10 3-7 4-3
Geological Society Policy Statement 1-9 2-7
Why is such a poor quality Opiate as Religion so addictive? 1-5
Brigitte Bardot Arrested For Thought Crime 3-2
Help 1-6 2-3
let Russia join NATO 1-8 1-10 3-3 3-5 4-2 4-4 4-5 4-7 4-10
Is it bad to be a Cynic? 1-4
atheist/agnostic logic... let's settle this... 1-3
Please add "Ignore" feature. 5-7 6-2 6-4
6 Reasons Not to be an atheist 5-8
Hi! Christian jumping into the lions den. 5-10
Stressed out 1-5
Bill Maher Takes Back Nazi Joke 5-9
New Athorism's critical flaws... 1-2
Report: Religion is "the new social evil" 1-5
Another New Member 1-2
Why do I believe in the Creator ? 2-8 5-8
Russia 'shot down Georgia drone' 1-3 1-5 1-7
"Satan the Father of Atheism" - story by Muslim 2-4
What's Killing Europe 1-8 2-3
Isn't biology independent of Darwinism? 3-8 4-2
Stop The Troops Buying PORN! 3-7
Faith leaders and child sex-abuse cases 1-2 2-1
Is the term "Bead Rattler" offensive? 1-3
Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy 1-5
Veil in passport photos 1-5 3-1 5-7 5-9
My girlfriend of 7 years just broke it off. Reason: Atheist! 2-4
Georgian minister: War with Russia 'very close' 2-3 2-5 2-9
Languages and evolution 6-6
Why Is Cosmological Creationism So Respectable? 1-10
This smearing of Israel's critics must stop 1-10 2-3
'Respect atheists', says Cardinal 1-5 6-10 16-10 19-1
Freedom of Information 1-4
Death of the unfit 1-10
Discussion With A Theist 1-9
Humankind has survived because of theism 8-8 17-7 55-7
Sin 1-4 1-7 2-2 2-8 2-10 3-3 3-9
Jesus Camps very own Becky Fischer hits the UK!!! 2-3
Should the UK break up? 1-4
Hi - I'm Christian 2-4
Why don't they make a reality TV show about atheists? 1-9
Intellectual Masturbation 1-2
The Emperor is Naked 1-2
Allah is Above what you think and imagine 5-4
Is helping strangers altruistically a genetic misfiring? 1-5
There is no possibility of evidence - edit 1-4
Metre 1-5
The Selfish Gene 1-2
Goddamn!, Good God!, Jesus Christ!, Oh God! 3-9
Another polygamist sect investigated in Texas 1-4 1-9
Please remove post count. 3-4
Pope speaks of duty to convert others to the faith 2-10
Anti-immigrant violence in South Africa 1-7 1-10 2-1 2-4
Dispatches: In God's Name 3-5 7-6 19-3
Turkish barber to be executed for blasphemy 2-1
Flying RC Penis Disrupts Garry Kasparov Speech 3-10 5-4
Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology 'cult' 1-2 1-4 2-4
Should I write a book about the forum & stuff? 4-5
Did Adam And Eve Have Assholes?? 1-10
My son was given a bible at school... 1-5 2-2
Is God bound by logic? 1-2 1-10
Christian dietary restrictions? 1-3
Evidentialism 1-9
Life on Mars? The IDiot Take. 1-2
God and authenticity 1-2
Venezuelans protested against censoring the media 4-6
Are People on this Forum... 1-5
Atheism hijacking science 10-1
The secret behind silkworm's hardy stomachs 1-2
Love Atheism, Hate Fascism? 1-8
Complacency Vs. Apathy 1-3
Urban Legends –Post your favourites here! 1-3
Argument for existence of god by a friend 2-9
The drunkest you've ever been 1-5
God and suicide. 4-4
Is Atheism Easy? 2-2 3-2
Christians 'told not to preach' 5-1
The evolution of arm swinging. 1-4
How would jesus vote? 1-3
What would be the ultimate retail job you'd most love doing? 6-5
RDF Forum stereotypes 8-2 9-8 9-10 10-2
Atheists must believe babies come from nothing. 1-5
No more of that 'innocent until proved guilty' nonsense. 1-10
Hindu faith school 1-8
Kewl protest at Icelandic national church assembly 1-3
So now God is poisoning us with tomatoes! 1-3
This forum. 1-4
The effects of technological development on our Evolution 1-3
Can parasites influence the language we speak? 1-5
Conservapedia wants to see Lenski's research data 11-2 13-9
Christopher Reeve regaining some functions, a miracle? 1-4
To what extent are you willing to argue? 2-5
Let's watch some cartoons! 1-8
Your favorite figures of speech from other countries 4-2 7-3
Prayers at assembly in UK state junior school 1-3
Acceptable to disrespect 1-10
Does evolution proclaim the existence of a god? 1-2
Ahmedinejad's wife (wooow she's a hottie) 1-4
To utilitarian atheists 1-2
Anglican Church schism 2-5
The Problem With Atheists 23-2
Favorite Uppity Grammatical Pet Peeve? 1-8 2-2
Faith schools 'victims' of government witch-hunt? 1-7
Is America due to fall from the top slot? 2-2
Russia reasserting itself. 1-5
Atheism and Veganism – Interlocking Causes 1-3
The TV Series Red Dwarf.... 3-4
School Choice 1-6
Consciousness raising terms 1-6
Faith Schools are bad for children 2-3
Dehumanisation, FOX News Style. 3-2
You are proof god exist! 2-1
Colson: There are no atheists 2-1
Prayer Refusal Pupils 'Disciplined' 1-2
Violence against homosexuals in Eastern Europe 1-8
Glamour lesbians attack Pope 1-3
What Made You an Atheist? 10-3
Does denial of religion guarantee objectivity? 10-5
Accents 2-6
Uk Residents - is this story legit 1-4
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin 26-3 28-5 31-5
Stalin in 2nd place in "Greatest Russian leader" poll 1-2 2-4 2-9 3-3 3-4 3-8 3-9 4-2 6-3
Why is climate change denial so pervasive? 2-1
Scary Baby-eating Pope 1-5
Isn't it safe to assume God exists? 3-3
Evolution Myth Exposed... 1-4
European "Soft Power" means a failing System.... 4-6 4-10
Cardinal addresses Lambeth Conference 1-5
the 90's 5-3
Not everyone likes science that much 10-8
Muslim Women Sue McDonald's 5-10
93% of statistics are invented. 4-7
UK - Gas prices up 35% with immediate effect 2-9
Public Apology to Robert Byers. 1-3
Milliband for PM 1-9 3-6 3-8 3-10
Natural born Theists 2-9 3-1
BBC World Service = Fox News? 2-9 3-8 4-3
Fierce fighting in breakaway Georgia republic 2-7 3-2 4-7 4-10 5-2 7-5 8-6 8-9
Smoking Cigarettes 5-10 6-2