List of Postings of User flux

Photos of animals. 80-10 81-1
Definition of Atheism? 12-1
Favourite YouTube Videos 39-9 40-1 41-9 41-10
Large Hadron Collider 9-7 9-9 10-5
The Picture Thread 86-4
Francis Collins: The Language of God 1-8
Lawmaker goes after wealthy megachurch preachers 2-5
Carl Sagan: Pale Blue Dot chapters 1 & 2 1-8
NRL to design lunar telescope to see into the dark ages 1-3
Cassini through Enceladus' plumes. 1-2
Flawed Big Bang Theory 2-5
The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia 1-2
Who is the least religious US presidential candidate? 1-3
NIBIRU - (Planet X) 1-10 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-7 2-9 3-4 3-6
If you get at all giddy over robotics, you should watch this 1-3 2-5 2-8 3-1
When galaxies collide. 1-7 1-9 2-1
Proof in the power of Steve Jobs 1-3
Any College Basketball fans? (EDIT-KANSAS NATIONAL CHAMPS!!! 5-8
Boston Dynamics Big Dog 1-3
the cosmic calendar 1-4 1-6
Nuclear War 3-4 3-7
RD & PZ at the Expelled movie 3-3
Quantum Theory Woo 1-9
Naked-eye Gamma Ray Burst 1-5
Possible Oceans under Titan - Questions 1-2
On Defining Atheism .. again 10-3
We have a new hero 2-5
D' Souza's book "What's So Great About Christianity" 1-10
A Russian 'Waco' 1-9
US Presidential Election 2008 - Hillary Clinton 17-3
Two New Star Systems Are First Of Their Kind Ever Found 1-3
The Science Behind Mediums and such. 1-4
Asteroid Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah 3-6 4-1 4-3
The anthropic principle 1-3
Scientists discover 10 new planets outside solar system 1-3 1-5 1-7
Which is your element? - Astrology 7-3
Black hole found in enigmatic Omega Centauri 1-3
A Universe Not Made For Us - Carl Sagan 1-4
How can we crush ignorance? 2-8
Silver bullet for theism and deism? 2-4
Cults vs Religions 2-9
Fuel prices 1-8
One world government 4-2
Religion in school. What was it like in your area? 1-4
The End of Cosmology [Video] 1-3 1-5
Phobos via HiRISE/MRO 1-1 1-4
New rocky planet found in constellation Leo 1-3
Christians & Life on Other Planets 1-3
Mother murders her posessed 6 years old daugther 1-1
Hubble's 18th anniversary 1-1
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 2 35-7 37-4 37-5 37-7 38-1 38-3 38-7 54-1
The global warming religion Pt. 1 87-10 88-9 89-4 89-6 89-8 90-10 91-1 91-3 92-6 93-4 95-5 95-6 95-9 96-2