List of Postings of User Heathen Child

Religious Music 4-6
Hypnosis - What do you think? 12-4
Do you fear death? 13-2
Hello from South East England 1-1 1-4
Greetings from Birmingham, Alabama 1-7
Why Do People Have Children..? 4-10 5-5 5-8 6-6 13-4
Anti-religious signatures on Dawkins?.....Think Different 2-6
'Christianophobia' Warning From MP...... 5-9 6-8
Religion Books for Children 9-6
How could anyone ever believe in Life after Death? 3-10 4-7 5-2
What are currently your biggest regrets in life so far ? 8-1
Taking a moral stand - chickens 3-7
National Healthcare 1-6 2-2 3-8
Jesus Died for your chins. 1-6
Anyone go to church today? 1-9 2-1
Using religious terms in day to day language 2-3
Amusing church experiences 1-5
How would you feel if a relative 'converted'.. 1-4
Driving - to drive or not to drive? 4-8 5-1
Where religion really doesn't belong... 1-4
How to remain friends with the recently converted? 1-9
Atheists who pray 3-10
How Do You Become an Official Atheist? 1-1 1-6
Most ridiculous Astrology forecast ever? 3-10
been faithless in a positive way? 1-8
Do you proudly acknowledge your atheism? 3-3
Cold Reading 1-7 2-3 2-6 2-7
Fallacious argument - "Beautiful sunset, therefore god exist 1-9
Songs of Praise 1-10
Did you ever really believe? 2-6
The “Good Old Days” were shit 8-4
Is Religion Dying? 2-2
Any thoughts on why suicide is so stigmatized? 4-8 4-10 6-7
The Jesus-fish on business cards 2-1
Magnetic therapy for pain relief - does it work?? 1-1 2-3 3-7 4-3 4-4 4-5
Ghost stories 6-6 7-4
Dispatches: In God's Name 19-10
Atheist in Pagan ritual Shocker! 1-9 2-9 3-2
The Bishop of Rochester tells it like it is, again 4-8
Religios at the door! 4-6
Funny thing for atheists 2-10
Fundy car stickers 1-6
Are you a donor? 11-6 12-3
Fate 2-1
Is Atheism Easy? 5-2 7-7
What? 4-4
"Feeling" God 4-9
Christian Radio Advert 1-2
Anyone here have synaesthesia? 2-8 2-10 3-1
Are you addicted to "thinking"? 5-2 5-8
Just when you think you have seen the dumbest thing EVAR 3-3
is atheism depressing? 4-9
recovering from a fundamental christian upbringing 1-10
Anyone for a game of... 1-8
Jeremy Vine - Religious agenda? 4-1
Are atheists less likely to have children? 6-7 7-10
Ideal teacher 3-10
My own little rant... 1-8
I've realised there's something I'd miss if religion went.. 3-6
The Problem With Atheists 21-10 27-9 28-3 28-6 29-1 30-4 33-4
How low can talent contests go - BBC's choir shoot out 1-4 1-7
church service is funny, and offensive! 1-5
Christianity and Entertainment 1-8 2-2
Bonekickers 1-5 1-7
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin 36-4 42-8 45-3
Is there a male equivalent of broodiness? 3-10
General Member Survey 10-1
Poll: Cars, fuel, and Global Warming 3-5
Therapy that Makes You Feel Horrible 3-2 3-5
Make me a Christian: Dawkins backlash? 6-3
what's your favorite religious pet hate 4-9
Extremely Devout Parents 1-7
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin 12-10 17-3
Examination of Astrology 5-4 8-8
Why do book shops play such awful music? 3-5
Songs that criticise religion 6-7
The misunderstanding of mental illness. 4-5 5-8 6-8 7-5 8-5 11-5 12-4 13-3 14-9 15-1 15-3 15-5 18-3 46-5
British Creationists 1-10
atheists Our Father 1-9
Lest We Forget 1-8
So what happens when we die? 2-8
Spaghetti Monster has a rival! 1-1
Jobs - money or enjoyment? 2-2
Ever had a really lucky escape? 3-8
What is the point of the Songs of Praise?? 2-8
Anyone expecting Xmas gifts from Theists? 2-1
"God makes my heartbeat" said my 4 year old 3-2
Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe 2-1
Leaving the Church of England... 3-5
What you cannot do in heaven 6-1
Helping shed the Christian view... 2-1
Plane crash in NY - God gets credit for saving all. 6-8
What's Jesus to You? 3-6
Sir David Attenborough 5-1
"RSPCA stealing food from Scottish Animals" 3-5
It's that time of year again! Small businesses beware! 1-3
Misconceptions about Atheists? 1-10
Help defend Darwin on BBC 2-6
Gays-why the hatred? 5-5
Trouble in Amish Paradise 3-1
Christianity: A History (Channel 4) 3-9 7-1
Are there contexts in which religion can be helpful? 1-6
Irritating Hymns 2-3 6-10
Lent! 1-8
BBC bias against atheists 1-4
Do you like PETA? Why or why not? 10-4
The Catholic church is insane! 9-8 9-10 10-8
Deal or No deal, perfect example of human superstition? 1-3 1-9
Recession causing people to turn to God? 1-1
I am in need of something 1-7
LIFE Exhibition - Here we go again ... 1-5 2-1
If there is no afterlife... 5-10
Pope: Condoms Not the Answer to AIDS Battle 2-2
Refreshing discussion with Christians 1-1
Gene Hunt or Dirty Harry? 2-5
Formula 1 1-7 2-3
The Disapearing Name Trick 2-10 4-4
Did Darwin Kill God? 8-7
Do you love your family? 4-9
5 Minutes of RD popped up on the BBC this morning 2-2
Please correct Bill Maher & others on Vaccination 1-8
depression 2-3
Alternatives to the 'Flying Spaghetti Monster' 3-1
Puppy kicked to death? 11-4 22-2
I made a scene today because I wasn't praying when asked. 6-8
The misunderstanding of mental illness II 13-4 13-5 17-7 20-10
The Life of Brian 1-3
How BBC News works 1-7
I sometimes wish I WAS religious 1-8
Have you ever been to church? 7-8
C4 "The Bible: a history" - Ann Widdecombe 8-9
Not enough god on BBC pt94 2-3
Snow Storm Paradox 2-3
Physical vs. verbal abuse 1-7