List of Postings of User Jab

Marriage 22-10
Do you think 0.9999999~ infinite is exactly equal to 1 38-2 43-6 45-3 54-2 54-9 55-1 57-1
Monarchism 32-8 33-4
Mornington Crescent anyone? 62-1
Help Science to help you, volunteer your spare CPU!! 24-10
A Non-Christian Calendar 17-3
An excellent argument for Gods existence! 11-7
Anthony Flew 10-7
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube 11-7
What is the story behind your username? 21-2
Mother Teresa 7-8
Marijuana 27-9
Dawkins on vegetarianism 12-10
Atheist swearing 9-8
Would an atheist return a wallet with $100? Why or Why not? 17-1
How the Out Campaign t-shirts could be improved 2-9
Adnan Oktar persuades Turkish court to block Wordpress sites 3-3
Your funny encounters, moments, with religious people. 4-3 6-1
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 8-7
The Anti-Americans 33-9
Religious Education in English Schools 2-2
Consciousness-raising posters 4-2 4-10
Intellectually offensive homework. UPDATE 3-9
Some questions and theories on The Selfish Gene 1-1
From 'agnostic' to atheist. 1-1 1-3
Lets Start A Secular Political Movement 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-9 1-10 2-3 2-6 2-10 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-5 4-7
Islamic dentist found guilty of professional misconduct 1-9
Atheism and Homosexuality 11-7 11-8 11-10 12-2 12-10
Why do you hate God? 37-4
Two reasons 7-4
Dawkins/Lennox Debate 4-5 4-8
The Danger of Cognitive Dissonance 1-6 2-4
7000 lashes for homosexuality 3-2 3-8
OT vs NT 2-4
How can fundies claim they're morally superior? 1-2
God taking credit for the work of man and science again 1-4
Why is nature beautiful? 1-3
Muslim Medical Students get picky.... 10-10 11-5 15-7
Professor Dawkins is mistaken regarding Spanish "lisp" 3-10 4-7
Imaginary Friends 2-3
"Atheism An Irrational World view" 2-2
Within a mormon household 1-4
What a fucking waste of money! 1-2
Richard Dawkins Dismantled and Discredited 3-6
Islam is Peace 1-5
The non-existant counter argument...... 1-4
See how absurd and irrational atheism really is. 7-2
Dinesh D'Souza & Christopher Hitchens Debate 6-7 7-4
God Hates Halloween 2-8
Ah, so you're superstitious! 1-1 1-9 2-2
Diversity is proof of God 9-1
Bored? Up for a Challenge? Crop Circles 13-4 13-6
Intro thread 1-5
7 1-9
Swearing an Oath in Court. 4-9
Why Won't God Heal Amputees website "suspended" 1-6 2-7
Landover Baptist is OBSCENE AND TASTELESS 4-8
Relationship between an Atheist and Christian 1-5
Question for a Christian 2-10
Cure for cancer = Alchemy? 1-2 2-8 2-10
God's Geography - the website 2-3
Out Campaign about to spread like wildfire-Use the logo free 1-4
Hate literature found in British Mosques 1-10 2-2 2-6 2-9 3-4 4-5 4-10 5-3 5-8
The 'Blasphemy' collection. 1-5
Saving the environment: Urinating in your sink 4-4
People who allow their blind-faith to be tested. 1-5
Massive Black Hole Smashes Record 1-2
Richard dawkins is removed on youtube by 1-2
Humans are a rubbish design 1-1 1-3 1-6 2-5 3-4
Dinesh D'Souza crows at RDF 3-3
Creationist debate, DNA. 1-10
Derren Brown "converts" atheists to theism... 3-9
Why, Waterstones? Why? 1-2
They are praying for my eternal soul! 1-1 2-1 2-5 3-6
Dawkins Comic 2-9
Darwin's Rottweiler and the Public Understanding of S 1-6
Another circumcision story... 1-7
Liberation of women - Hitchens 7-5 8-6 8-8
The Atheist you hate the most. 5-8 7-10
Flying Spaghetti Monster hits the headlines 2-7
The Reverend John Polkinghorne, Liar for Christ 4-4
Where do you tell children their dead parents are gone ? 2-1
Letter to MP Please read! 1-3
Dawkins on The Big Question 25th Nov 10am BBC1 5-8 9-9
Richard Dawkins is the Reader's Digest Author of the Year 1-10
Child Preaching Competition - Baby Bible Bashers 8-4
Arrogance 3-2
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 1-6 37-3
The origin of constructivism - help! 1-1
Just How Insane Is Mormonism? 2-2
The Daily Mail and Intelligent Design 1-5 2-4 3-10
Religious belief becoming a joke? 1-4 3-1 3-5
OM on Fundamentalist website 8-10
Idiotic bible verses 15-3 15-8 15-10
The Debate of the D's: D Dennett v D D'Souza 4-7 7-9
Dawkins on Radio 2... Facts Needed Please! 2-3
Einstein on Cheese EatinG Atheists 3-2
atheists -Winning since 33 A.D. 2-1 2-2 2-6 2-8 3-1 3-4 3-6
American Atheists 34th National Conference March 21–23 2008 2-1
romney and mormonism 1-3 1-7
The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational 1-9
I fail to see the misogyny 1-3
Sam Harris v. Rabbi David Wolpe 1-10
Atheists' sign sparks controversy 1-9
religions are not equivelant positions 1-1 1-6 1-8
New Argument Against Atheism 4-2
Reason, Evidence, and The Book of Mormon 1-9 2-9 6-4 6-10 7-8 7-10
Candle in the dark 1-7
forming an atheist society 1-7 2-5
Dinesh D'Sousa: Misquoting THIS SITE 1-6 2-5
Anti-atheist letter in Metro 1-10
where would be a good place to meet an atheist girlfriend? 3-1
Rapid Human Evolution —Eat It, Creationists 1-4
RDFRS Volunteers 1-2 1-4
Stars in the virgin's mantle. Evidence of divine origins? 4-1 4-8 5-4 5-8
Iran approves death penalty for pornographers 1-5
Creationists plan British theme park 1-6 1-10
Depressing lack of change 1-2
North Somerset Council stop funding for bussing in children 1-4
Does your work involve reason/science/religion? 9-9
Atheist Burn Out 2-8
Schrödinger's cat 19-5
Small thought on TGD 1-4
Dignity and choice, and how right-wingers DON'T GET IT!!! 3-8 3-10 4-2 4-4 5-10
Going to Church with Wife? 3-1
The negative impact of ethnicity 1-4 4-1 4-3
Atheism and vegetarianism 20-2 21-5 22-7 23-1 24-4 24-7 26-1
The Taste of The Cookie - invitation to Richard Dawkins 20-6 27-4
Discussion on "Truden's God" 13-2
Dawkins Sneers 3-6
So in Britain...who do the atheists support? 3-2
2007 Rapture 1-10
John Snow challenges the God believers in the US election 1-2
You Must Agree That Jesus Was A Good Bloke 6-1 14-6 15-4
Talking to Theists 13-2
"How to Pusuade an atheist to Become Christian" on Wikipedia 8-3
Gimme new atheist documentaries and videos 2-8
The atheist's real nightmare (not a banana) 5-8
Godless Billboard Greets Motorists 3-4
The atheist's daughter 5-9 6-6 6-8 7-2
Is the idea of Heaven distasteful? 5-4 5-6 5-9 6-1
The BBC, Islam and Political Correctness 2-2
Atheism Holy Book 3-6
Life: A Gene-Centric View 1-5
Please order more Scarlet A pins! they are sold out! 1-8
The wonders of Facebook. 2-2
A Logical Argument for Theism 4-5 4-8
Is this 'agnostic' book really religious propaganda? 2-7 2-8
I Have An Interview With the Creation Museum 3-3
Children must be forced to believe in Jesus! 4-2
Vox Day - The Irrational Atheist 2-3 2-9 3-1 3-6 4-4
Richard Dawkins mentioned in TV ad 4-7
Student goes too far... or did he? 4-5
God - In all his omnipotence 1-2
Faith, Reason & Hope 1-6
Relgion in decline - its official 2-1
UK Scout Association Bars atheists 9-8 10-7
Definition of 'Atheist' 1-3
Favorite Problem with Christianity? 1-9 4-10 9-5
This has troubled me for a while... 1-7 2-10
Pope warns against science 1-6
Angry christian lady. 2-1
An Atheist Cannot Be An Artist 9-1
Mock funeral for Richard Dawkins 1-7
Why Xtianity is so effective 2-5
the effect of atheists on society 22-2
What are you giving up for Lent this year? 1-8
What are the first things you notice? 3-9
The argument from soccer 5-6
A Christian "comes out" 4-10
90 Day Jane 3-1
The End of the World Tour 2-4
Speaking out at work - an e-mail story 1-6
Atheist Kicked Out of Class for Not Standing During Pledge 6-7
Free Will 56-8
Fundies Say The Darndest Things/Xtian chat room quotes 7-3
What opinions have you that the vast majority here has not? 102-8
What do you get all irrational about? 13-8 13-10 14-2 15-1
Associateship of King's College London 1-1 1-3 1-5
Subjective or objective? Let's find out. 3-3
A New Danish Atheist Beer 3-4
A Vicar in hospital 2-10
Smoking Cigarettes 31-10
Calling Atheists in South Africa 1-2
Dawkins London 19th December (not in calendar??) 1-3
Dane Cooks comedy about an Atheist 4-2
Favourite Professor Dawkins Youtube moment... 5-10
Gays and Atheism 2-4
Creationists Say The Darnedest Things! 4-4 4-10 5-2
The Incredible Human Journey 1-4
That's it !! - Atheists need a hell 1-6