List of Postings of User TimA

Definitions of Faith 36-3 42-2
Bibles in Hotels 8-5
Why/when/how did you become an atheist? 12-4 27-6
Satanism 6-2
Petition against faith schools in UK 9-7
Is atheism a religion? 13-10 18-8 22-3
"Yo, God! GOD DETECTOR" one today! 1-6
The Blasphemy Challenge 28-6
Atheistic quotes 20-9
Anthony Flew 7-7
Your first inklings that something was wrong with religion 5-5
Pullman: His Dark Materials / The Golden Compass 14-3
Fear of Death 25-4
Scenario: Religion as a Mental Illness 5-5
Life after death 5-4
Any good theist forums? 5-6
Sweden: Cartoons offend muslims yet again 20-3
Religious Education in English Schools 2-1
The rationality of theism debate comment thread 13-4
Atheism as "just another belief". 21-5
Community Cohesion 1-9
Pat Condell 23-2
Hindu groups oppose canal project 3-3
New 1-1 1-5
Towards an understanding of the God concept 1-3 1-9 3-4
Why can't theists accept "I don't know"? 1-6
The concept of Satan does not make sense 1-3
The biggest crime of Christianity? 1-9 2-1
Study: Sexuality Can Be Changed By Faith 15-8 16-6
A non-preaching argument for the existence of God 4-8
Sheikh Hamza Yusuf? 1-3
Spiritual but not Religious 2-8
THE BIBLE IS WRONG campaign 2-7
Sophisticated and fundamentalist Christianity 1-3
Help with daughter's RE homework 1-2
Positive articles in Washington Post today 1-10
What is your IQ and how important is Religion to you? 1-5 1-7 4-2 4-4
Ernie Chambers suing god. 2-4
Teen cussed out by Mother for saying he is atheist 9-7
How does religion explain Menopause? 1-3
Talking of morals 1-3
My email to my local MP regarding 'Faith Schools'. 1-4
Respecting Islam. 6-1
Reply from my MP.. 1-3
One Man Went to Mow... 1-5
The God Conclusion 1-5
British Humanist Association 1-1 1-3
Is life a test? 1-6
Islamic bank accounts!? 1-2
Still many gaps in science for God 1-8
Treatment of Women in Saudi Arabia - Comments 5-2
Need a question answered 1-3
The Firmament - "proof of God" 3-2
...and you're welcome to her. 3-8
Giving made easy! 1-2
Religion can't be that bad.. 3-5
Condoms have the HIV virus in them 2-2 2-8
confesion 1-8
atheist forums.. 1-8
What do you find more ridiculous? 1-2
Violation of separation of church and state? 1-5
Why Dosen't the Gospel Praise Intelgence? 1-3
I'll take you ON, all of you ignorant science people!!! 68-3
Why do you hate God? 2-4 30-5
Download the bible for your mobile phones. 1-3
UK NEWS Fewer than 1 in 6 infants are now christened/baptise 1-7
Religion and lying. 1-4
The Bible - Infallible, inerrant, perfect? 7-1
Muslim Medical Students get picky.... 4-1
Do you feel insulted... 2-6
Happy Birthday, love jesus... 1-2
Religion and censorship 1-4
On Religion & Atheism... 2-8
Send God an E-Mail ! 2-6
House - Atheist TV series? 9-5
Open question for theists: 15-4
Question for a Christian 1-5
Do you date the religious? 4-3
Why are people so touchy about religion? 1-3
Greg 1-8
Disproof of god - mystery is solved! 1-4
Church schools will lose freedom to select pupils...!!!! 1-4
The List of Religions and Why Each One is False 10-7
On Understanding The Agnostic 3-10 4-3 4-9 5-1
Letter From Jim Knight re Faith Schools 1-1
Reason and Religion 1-7
BBC amends prayer story 1-9
I am experiencing God 52-9
If God Doesn't Exist, Everything is Permittable 2-2
Christmas vs. Holiday 2-10
Science versus Religion - the ULTIMATE smackdown 3-1 3-5
cure to the god delusion 16-1
Are You There, Mister Dawkins? It's Me, Teci :) 7-8 11-3
Christian Groups Using Technology to Expand Bible's Reach 2-2
Public Apology by Canadian Catholic Clergy for Past Wrongs! 1-2 1-4
The jesus test 1-2
A Miracle of Jesus As Historical Evidence 11-9 12-1 12-4 21-6
Questions to deep non-theists 1-2
Blair: Christianity "hugely important" while in office. 3-4 3-9
The 5th force? 4-7
Raelianism 2-1
The Greatest Threat 5-5
A Question 4 Britishes and Canadians. 6-10
Atheists have faith? 4-3 18-2 22-2
How does everyone cope? 5-8
Islamaphobia - a rational response to irrationality 8-5
“We are at war with all Islam” Ayaan Hirsi Ali 4-9
Haven't you ever wanted to JUST BELIEVE? 1-5
Two inconsistencies I've noticed. 6-5 7-1
Religion is good - the Dalai Lama 2-5
New Age Theistic Solipsists. 1-6
Dennetts question 1-5
More harm done by religion than good. 3-4
Sam Harris v. Rabbi David Wolpe 4-4
Favorite religions 2-2
Atheism defeated 4-10
delusional?? 10-1
Reason, Evidence, and The Book of Mormon 18-10
The New E.U Treaty 22-1 26-1
Life after Death debate comment thread 1-3 1-6 25-4
what is your actual opinion on fundamentalist theists? 3-2
This whole Christmas fiasco 1-6
An observation of contradiction. 1-3
How Islam Deals with Atheist 1-2
If everything fulfills a funtion, then should we to? 12-1
Prof. of Mathematics (Ex-Atheist) on Accepting Islam 1/3 8-1
Hey Atheist 4-3
The inherent contradiction of Heaven and Hell? 1-10
Video for Angry Christians 1-2
On Hell - my experience 16-10
Bishops and The Daily Mail criticising atheism 4-5 4-10
Tony Blair becomes a Catholic 2-3
"Holy Books" Inspired By God... 1-3
God and tragedy 1-5 1-7
Why are US Muslims more moderate? 1-3
Priests brawl at Jesus' birthplace 5-3
Veils in schools. 1-8
CofE bishop - Islamic"no go" areas - now receives threats 10-4
Pope makes Hitler a saint !! 1-2
Now you’re playing with the Big Boys 1-8
The atheist's real nightmare (not a banana) 1-2
If... 4-3
Having Debate with Believer on MSN.... 2-7
Swami swindles believers for $250,000 1-5
Why Do They Come Here? 72-9 73-2 73-3
Thought for the weekend 1-6 1-9
Christian Forum Fun 2-2 8-5
Classic Relious Stupidity 1-1
Rapture Ready - amazing! 12-10 19-3
Dutch film: Freedom of speech, or Hate speech? 5-6
Fundamentalist Atheists v Fundamentalist Theists 8-8
What miracle would prove to you that I was the Messiah 1-9
Who blasphemes against islam shall be killed 2-10
What book would you put in every hotel room? 3-1
List of contributions faith has provided. 2-1
Calculate Your God Delusion Index 1-4
50/50 1-2
UK religious "offense and hurt" laws 2-1
E-mail from my mother. 2-5
New shocker - Muslim girl/raped/prostitution.. 1-5
if you could ask god one question... 1-2
the effect of atheists on society 10-6
Maryam Namazie - Losing My Religion 1-6
Muslims Demand Wikipedia to Remove Pictures of Muhammad 8-2
Lourdes, myth or...what? 1-8
25% of the North Pole ice gone in one year. 1-6
Atheism "Faith of the Fatherless"? 1-2
Three killed in riots over Mohammed's caricature: police 1-4
Why You Don't Die When The Sun Goes Down! - So funny! 1-2
The most dangerous drug.. 1-7
Do you have a favourite hymn? 5-2
The argument from soccer 2-5
A Christian "comes out" 1-5
Pat's back 1-3
He's Got the Whole World in His... 2-1
Personal Experience As Proof Of A God 1-2
God sends a message... 2-1
This site, objectives, questions 2-8
Nature or Nurture? 1-2
Hate Crime Teen Victim Taken Off Life Support 1-2
Are Agnostic's scared? 1-3
Why are you an theist/atheist? 2-1
Things that annoy me about some atheists 7-6
Religious bigotry is bad... unless you have no religion 1-7
If heaven's so great, why spend so much time improving life? 2-1
How did we come to atheism? 1-4
Ricky Gervais: My Argument With God 1-2
Why God Exists 21-1
The Golden Compass Wins an Oscar 2-4
Why does god/s require worship? 1-9
Turkey to re-write the Ahadith 1-7 1-9
God is disgusted all over again 2-9
A prophet unappreciated in her adopted Europe 1-9
I love this forum. 1-4
Gospel Truth? 1-2
Is Satan all that bad? 1-3
[POLL] Are you an atheist who does not believe in God? 1-7
William Lane Craig 19-4
Syllogism 4 Origin of Theism 2-4
New Definition of God 1-2
55% of Brits believe in the resurection 2-3
Atheism and Personal Identity 1-7
Thus spake the Church! 2-5 3-2
Religion 'linked to happy life' 3-6
Ex-Oz Prime Minister's statement... 1-10
The God Fossil 1-4
Asteroid Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah 1-5
Questions 42-5 42-10
BBC to make six-part Bible series 2-7
Should leaders bring their faith into politics? BBC 1-2
Thank god i was raped, thank god i got cancer 5-3
All we have to do is ask for forgiveness! 1-4
smart person CAN believe 30-1 34-1 34-7
Hello 4-8
Without Googling, how many of you have heard of Hadith? 1-8
New Member, First Post! 3-9
German priest suspended during child abuse probe 1-2
Hate the atheist 3-2
Dealing with moderate theists - very moderate 3-4 5-4
Atheists are Nihilists! 2-2
Prayer as comfort 16-9
Top 3 Atheist Reasons... 8-7
Has atheism affected your choice in music? 2-10
The 17 foreskins of Christ??? 3-7
A Fundie Visits RDF 4-4
Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens 1-7
Help Please - Nutter on another Forum 1-1 1-3 1-9 2-6
Atheism/religion debate in the middle of a Tornado 1-3
BIG GOD 1-10
Atheism: Belief / Disbelief? 1-2
Crucified frog offends 3-10
Bullshit UK Govt response to Scientology petition 1-2
Faith=hope 1-2
UN Denies Free Speech 1-1
Atheist on the cross 1-7
UK: world's biggest weapons exporter last year 1-5
Atheism becoming a fact of life? 1-5 1-6
The religous meaning of life 1-2
Most people call it religion, i call it madness 1-2
Death and Children 1-4
Obama accused by evangelical of distorting bible 1-7
Analogies for Atheism 2-3
We Bring Truth...but what more? 3-8
The Problem With Atheists 15-3 15-5 20-9 33-2
Talking to a believer 1-7
Faith Schools are bad for children 1-8
Sharia courts operating in Britain 28-2
How Many atheists consider themselves humanists (the poll). 1-3
G8 Banquet 1-2
We few, we happy few 2-4
FSM Showed Himself on the 4th of July! 1-2
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part I 8-3
Wheaton pastor dismissed after disorderly conduct 1-7
Atheism - It ain't go no soul! 1-9
Worried that Atheists don't work together 4-8
Money is everywhere said god 1-6
Dear God, may I have sex? 3-1
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin 4-3
US Presidential Election 2008 - VP Candidate Sarah Palin 51-8
Check out this crazy old religious nut. 2-7
Family asking me to go to AiG's Creation Museum on Sunday 1-3
PMs Ramadam Message 4-1
Christian Scientists 1-4
Was Jesus GAY??? 1-7
Atheists - you are so intolerant 1-9
Saudi cleric favours one-eye veil 1-2
Lords Rejects 42-Day Detention 2-1
Test Your Atheism 13-5 13-7
UK primary education 1-4
Atheist Bus Campaign 21-2
Reason and Religion 94-7
Atheist Parents 1-7
Does your spouse/partner ever get fed up with your atheism? 5-10
Is Hugh Laurie an Atheist? 1-5
doublethink 1-5
Thank God or Thank the Dog? 1-10
100 examples of religious terror: 1-4 1-8
What about secular intolerance? 1-7
8yr old, kills father and friend 4-6 4-8
witches - I Samuel 28: 3-25 3-9
1001 Examples of Non Religous Terror 1-2
UN passes measure for anti-blasphemy laws 7-1 12-8
I Certainly Laughed 1-3
Atheism, Rationalism and Meaninglessness 8-10
Do you hide your beliefs about religion and if you do, ..... 4-3
Is atheism a religion? (Part II) 1-6
Jesus / Horus Mythology 1-2
Global Anti-Sharia petition 1-6
Climate Change Discussing the Science, Policy & Implications 71-9
Poll – Are you an Out/Closet Atheist? 1-8
Question??? 1-4
Atheist Or Anti-theist? 1-6
Profound benefits of islam 3-4
Prophet Muhammad 1-6
The depth of humanity's idiocy knows no limits. 1-3
The world is flat. 1-10
Coming out.. 1-2
Islamic flat earth 1-3
Is the pope more evil than Hitler? 1-8
Bible Debunking Help Please 1-1 2-1
The God Drug 1-7
Atheists are Boring as Fuck! 1-5
Are the Borg similar to our religions? 1-4
I am a militant atheist! 1-3
A priest who says the virgin birth is nonsense !! 1-8
Pat's most important contribution yet. 1-6
Religious boards 1-3
How often do you discuss God's existence/non-existence? 1-7
The OZ ‘burkini’ + women-only swimming for Italian muslims 3-2
Afganistan: Jeebus vs Muhammad 1-2
Republican party of Great Britain 12-4
Dealing with loss. 2-2
How did your MP vote on the war with Iraq? 1-8
Taliban poisoning schoolgirls? 2-3
[Store] On The Origin of Species, read by Richard Dawkins 1-4
For UK: These guys? or BNP? 1-2
Anyone up for an experiment on belief vs. non-belief? 3-8
Prayer at a city council meeting? 2-9
You can't really have atheism without theism. 1-8
54pc of Voters want Britain to scrap all nuclear weapons 1-2
It's your funeral 1-8
what is devil? 21-2
Prayer 2-6
Do you feel Momentum..? 1-2
The spirituality of atheists 1-3
Latest example of pareidolia from the Pacific 19-9
Mohammad drawings yet again 2-9
Boycott Sainsbury's ? 1-6
What have you said to JWs at the door? 3-4